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LF Advice (Flayer Youngling)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:06 am
by Rhyela
I'm just now getting into pet battling and stuff, so I'm a bit uneducated right now. I just downloaded the breed addon recommended on warcraftpets, and spent hours trying to get an okay Flayer Youngling. I read that S/S is/was the best, but that was when it had Reflect. Now that it has Deflect instead, is S/S still the best? I have one S/S and one P/S, and I'm torn on which to use. I like the idea of the P/S having a little more oomph, but I also like the idea of the S/S getting the first strike with kick/etc. I also have a stone that I'm waiting to use on the "better" one to increase it to rare status. My P/S one is gray and my S/S one is green, so I'm having a hard time comparing the two against other level 18s, when the green one is already better by virtue of its quality. :|

Any advice for a noob like me? :oops:

Re: LF Advice (Flayer Youngling)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:39 am
by peanutbuttercup
The "best" breed is usually something you have to decide for yourself, depending on what you're doing with the pet (i.e. PVP vs PVE). The reason S/S is popular for the Flayer is because both Blitz and Kick benefit from going first.

That said, I went the opposite route and run a P/P as I have a specific job for it to do on a carry team and the P/P does the trick. I had a P/S before but it wasn't fast enough nor powerful enough for what I needed it to do.

Re: LF Advice (Flayer Youngling)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:19 am
by Rhyela
I'm just wanting to fight regular non-PvP trainers with it, and maybe eventually do PvP. I also just picked up a sporeling sprout (H/P) and am thinking about trying it out, too.

Thanks for the input! :D