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Good time to come back?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:17 pm
by Redith
Some of you may remember me, I used to play all the time. The last time I was big into wow was when the announced the WoD expansion including a character boost. Awesome since I am crap at leveling. SO I boosted my guy...and a few others...and played and played for many hours each day on the time lost isle....then I burned out about the time WoD actually came out, so I played like..4 hours on that expansion before work or something ate my time.
Now the new legion game is coming out and looks kind of fun, but I am afraid I may have missed to much change wise to enjoy playing, and I would hate to not be able to play a class I used to do so well on, especially with the supposed new huge changes to classes that is coming in Legion. Is now a good time to get back in and mess around in the WoD universe with my 90s, or should I wait until the expansion and use the 100 boost and start from there?

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:21 pm
by Rawr
If you buy Legion you get a "free" lvl 100 boost and a lvl 3 Garrison. You could just use the boost and mess around till Leg comes out, or you could wait for the prepatch where they have a temp boosts so you can try classes out before using your boost. Also some of the new class changes should be active by then. Hope this helps, prepatch/expac beginning is a great time to start up again. :mrgreen:

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:21 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Uh, there is a huge content lull and nothing is happening in terms of progression really in the game. If you're okay with returning while we're in the slump waiting for the next xpac, then yes, resub! However, I personally feel like you're better off waiting until Legion (or at least the Legion pre-patch) launches as they are doing another pretty drastic overhaul on classes and our abilities. Plus, you know, fresh content to get less bored of.

I preordered Legion and used my 100 boost. I personally don't recommend that either unless you do it with a class you're *very* familiar with and have no real desire to do anything with your garrison. I feel as if the garrison on my priest is gimped compared to my hunter, it picks all the buildings for you so if you want to change anything you have to spend gold/garrison resources. Oh, and the Iron Docks quest to get you into Tanaan sucks unless you're a class that can stealth or solo very well as the mobs there like to gang bang you and they hit pretty hard. And that's even starting off in ilvl649 gear vs a fresh 100!

This said as someone who only played the very beginning of WoD then took like a year-ish break from the game (namely because my net couldn't handle it) and just recently came back. Yes I still find things to do to have fun, and the only reason I can't break back into raiding is my personal schedule and not much to do with the game. I've namely been leveling a lot of alts since I can't raid, and to get into raiding you need to have the legendary ring and whatnot so I don't much see the point in doing a lot of the end game content because the xpac will be out in August and make a lot of that gear pointless anyway.

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:34 pm
by Redith
see that's kind of what I was thinking of doing, playing around on my already 90s in the WoD areas but not wasting too much effort and not using my 100 until the new xpac. As for garrisons...I have no damn clue what those are, only that they were introduced during WoD so I will probably want to do that whole questline thing beforehand

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:43 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Yeah if you're not looking to hit up any major end game, then now is a good time to come back and get readjusted to the game before Legion hits. The WoD zones have pretty good questing and the storylines are pretty good, especially if you're Alliance side.

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 5:16 pm
by zedxrgal
HAH! Great to see you again Redith!! :hug:

I agree with Tyger in that now may just be a good time to start running around and re familiarizing yourself with a class you enjoyed. I know you've always loved your hunters so maybe go with that???
Where I may differ from Tyger in boosting is that I boosted several of my characters simply because I really really didn't want to level them. One girl was a warlock I played only to level 60 the she got boosted to 100. Like you I am a slow leveler and found it really easy to pick up an unknown class and play it effectively. I also boosted my 90 DK that I'd not played in probably a year or more and was able to adapt to her class changes quickly. Depending on your play style though may be good to shy away from boosting at least till Legion or you've relearned the class.

Also don't be afraid to call out for some help. If you're still in the Petopia guilds on Nesingwary we're more than happy to aid a returning friend. I'm also willing to send you my battletag if you need help also. :)

Great to see you around though.

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 9:57 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
To be fair, I boosted a priest; I've never played a priest past maybe level 30 before. :P I had to learn a class I've no experience with. If I had boosted, say my DK tank, I probably would have adjusted a lot better.

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 6:19 pm
by zedxrgal
Yeah I had some base knowledge with my little priest girl and my DK but neither had been touched since just after WoD launched if not earlier. The DK I for sure hadn't touched in at least a year. The fear of not quickly learning to play a class from boosting is why my warrior and shaman remain low levels still. :| Especially the warrior. I am not sure I could be effective playing either and FOR ME don't want to be that girl who runs raids on a fresh level 100 they've no clue how to play. That's not fun for me, just frustrating. Though for some this path works out very well and they adapt quickly.
Sorry if my first post was worded funny.
I use sites like icy veins and noxxic A LOT though when boosting from like level 60 (or lower) when it's a class I didn't really know. :lol:

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 4:07 am
by TygerDarkstorm
I just did a bunch of research and everything in reading says please don't use noxxic for serious gameplay. A lot of people have said that the info in their guides is incorrect and that you're better off using icy veins or the goddess on mmo-c.

I went holy in my priest and I'm getting better with her as I pay her more. I just definitely not every boost a character I've never played before again. :lol:

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 3:35 pm
by zedxrgal
Maybe the toons I did based on Noxxic (there's only a few) I'll change over to the icy veins builds. Sadly I didn't research that much before using Noxxic. :oops: :lol:

Re: Good time to come back?

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 4:17 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Nothing wrong with that! I used to use Noxxic too because the format is so user friendly. But when I started reading around, I was finding that Noxxic isn't very good.