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Pet health issues

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:19 am
by Twistedklown
I noticed it during the alpha, and I reported it as a bug. But apparently they haven't fixed it. It cannot be intended.

The issue is that tamable pets introduced in Legion and from Legion areas have about 1/3 the health as pets that were already tamable from before Legion.

Legion Pets at level 100
DPS 67k health
Tank 107k health

Pre-Legion pets at level 100
DPS 203k health
Tank 325k health

It seems the health for the Legion pets has actually gone down since alpha. I remember the Legion tank pet having 123k or so health at level 100.

Just thought I'd throw this up here. Can't be intended, right? Anyway, reported it as a bug again.

Edit: Added a picture of the comparison of the differences. The health is a little higher than I posted above because the picture is from after getting the artifact weapon, and what I typed above was from before the artifact. Still shows the same differences.

CHOMPS is Friender which was introduced in Legion. Scamp is a Gilnean Hound from Cataclysm.

Re: Pet health issues

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 5:09 am
by Tonnes
You're pretty much spot on with this post but some new tames have the correct health pool

Re: Pet health issues

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 5:57 am
by Wain
I suspect it's the ones that have level scaling. That sheep doesn't, from memory.

Re: Pet health issues

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 7:30 am
by Tonnes
I think you're right on that, there was a blue thunderlizard I had before the servers got wiped that had a low health pool as well but I haven't gone out to get it again yet xD

I'm still salty they removed the tameability of the bloodhoof pack kodo in Mulgore to go pet hunting again x.x

Re: Pet health issues

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 11:00 pm
by Twistedklown
I went to test this with the mechanicals in the cave in LM or was it Wetlands; I always forget since I primarily play Horde. Got all the way there, and my brain finally woke up and slapped me. Forgot I lost the tame ability of mechanicals when I switched races again. Derp! Will try again once the servers stop lagging out.

Re: Pet health issues

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 7:34 pm
by Lycanthrope
From what I've seen I believe it's a bug in the system. My draenei hunter is currently 100 but the eagle I tamed in Stormheim is 110 in my Stable.

Re: Pet health issues

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 12:46 am
by Rikaku
Looks like this bug might finally be resolved. My Legion pets have had their HP adjusted a lot, they're now equal with my pre-Legion pets. Hati seems to have had HP adjusted too, because now he has the same HP as my active non-Legion pet.