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I just had the most insane day of my entire life

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 12:07 am
by Flyra

I'm sorry if this comes across as bragging but I'm in so much shock I just wanted to post the story of my day to Petopia because it's interesting and could probably be made into a thrilling action adventure movie. This stuff just doesn't happen, especially not to me. I am so drained from the adrenaline so sorry if this is all jumbled up.

So my day started off questing in Darktide roost, I had got the quest from my garrison where you help Rexxar save rylaks etc. I'd finished off and I was just snooping around Sorcethar's Rise when I see a message in LFG chat: "Luk'hok up". I am on the realm Draenor EU. It is the highest population Horde realm, as well as one of the highest populated EU realms. Nothing rare stays alive more than a minute. Even though my heart is racing I message the player (a warlock) who tells me it's still up and no one is there. So ensues the most panic-filled flight of my life. Not only that, In my panic I picked a flight path miles away from where he is so I have to fly back and thank god it's still there! It's still there and the warlock had waited for me. I am absolutely ecstatic and I get the mount. I never thought I would get any of the Draenor mounts to be honest, people just one-shot (kinda) them the second they are up without so much as a whisper in any chat. I live on a realm of silent rare-killing assassins. When was something killed? No one knows. When will it spawn? No one knows.


So now I'm wondering if Nakk will be up. I don't know much about him so I do a quick google and fly over his spawn points. Of course, he isn't there. Two mounts in a row is asking too much. So I tabbed out to look at timers etc, thinking I'll come back and look for him a few times another day or maybe server hop? I felt bad for being so greedy. Anyway so I tab back into WoW to server hop and boom - NPC scan is going off. I look down and Nakk is right under me. I go mental and spam guild chat to see if anyone needs it and a group heads over. Unfortunately a rogue starts pulling it down and they missed it just by a minute. I felt bad (even though of course I tagged it) so I decided that will probably be the end of my luck for now. It did also ding my Mount Parade achievement that I'd been struggling with for about a month.



By this time I've told my friend and he's astounded. He decides that I should be called Luckbringer. So as a joke I give him some of my 'luck' and the blue drake drops for him at the Nexus :lol:. I'm a very superstitous person so I decide to push it (and he encourages me) and I go to look look for Silthide and Pathrunner. None of them are there. I decide that that will be probably be it. So I hop over on my warrior and go back to questing in Draenor.

The rest of the evening goes by and because I'm a night owl I stay up. I'd just dinged my warrior to level 98 and I head back to my Garrison to complete missions etc. Of course, I'm still buzzing from the mounts I got and this little thought pops into my head. Pathrunner might be up. So once again I go and check the spawn points, thinking I'll have more of a chance because Mazrigos is a low pop server. I fly around the spawn points and I'm looking down at the wildlife and I see this little brown talbuk. NPC scan hasn't gone off. I'm sure you know by now where this is going. Of course it was Pathrunner.


I'm chuckling to myself by now thinking how insane this is. I'd gone from having none of the rare spawn mounts to three in one day?! Maybe todays the day I'm thinking. I could get all of them! So I'm googling what the pig is called and where it is. My warrior is Alliance so I have to fly to Gorgrond first then fly over by myself. So I fly to Gorgrond and it suddenly hits me. I forgot about Poundfist. I say forget but I probably repressed the memory of him.

*cue sad violin music*

Poundfist actually caused me to quit a year ago. It sounds dumb I know. I had camped him straight for almost/over a day in 3 huge raid groups after the server ticked over. There must have been hundreds of people, switching back and forth on diffirent realms. It's clear he's a highly desired mount. I made a lot of friends during that camp and they had all taken short naps and come back so I decided to go for a 10 minute nap myself. Of course he spawns and of course I miss him in that 10 minutes. My quitting wasn't so much of a rage quit as a sudden realization of what I was doing with my life. I am never camping for anything again.

Anyway, I quickly check over the spawn points and... there's Poundfist! Just frickin sat there!!! Like it's nothing!!! I quickly try looking for group and hundreds of people are joining and he just... phases out! No one knows how to get me back onto my realm. I assume its a level thing, if you're lower level you move to the higher player's realm. So I leave and hop back on my realm and he just ... fades away! I'm whispering people asking why he's despawned and no one knows, they're telling me that I am on their realm. By now everyone thinks I'm a blatant troll and is refusing to listen to me. Except one incredible person who keeps faith and tells me he shouldn't have done that. (Bad Poundfist)

So we're now grouping up and leaving over and over, flying over all the spawn points frantically and finally, finally, FINALLY, he fades back into existence again. I decide to go by my level theory. I can't kill Poundfist myself - he hits like a truck. So I have to get a level 100 whos on Mazrigos. There's about 10 in SW. I whisper ever single one of them to no reply apart from a Warlock who doesn't even know where he is. (Poundfist I mean, not the warlock) By this time I'm literally throwing up in my mouth directing him to me in Gorgrond. I tell the cross realm player the minute we hit him I'll invite them over. It's insane. Poundfist is the most heavily camped Draenor spawn. He's sitting there and we're the only ones who want him! So we hit him, I invite them and we all the get the mount. So screw everyone who thought I was a troll. I made 2 people very happy.


After all that, I befriend the Warlock and we're joking about low pop realms. I tell him about Gorgrok the pig so we decide to fly over and check. I don't even know the spawn points yet so he tells me theres one ahead and he's clicking on the map to direct me. A skull pops up. It's not Gorgrok. The warlock is talking to me this whole time and he says "it should be about.... here". A skull pops up. It's Gorgrok and of course we get the mount. The cross realm person (who already has the rest) is astounded and we're literally laughing our heads off at how random this is.


So next we go to look for Silthide. And guess what?

It's actually not there. We fly over a few times and it's still not there. I guess my luck finally ran out. :lol: Anyway, we part ways and I tell my warlock friend about the Nagrand rares and give him whatever luck I have left and of course - he gets both of them. :lol:

The End.

Re: I just had the most insane day of my entire life

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:54 am
by Kalliope
I love when things fall into place like that! Congrats! :D

Re: I just had the most insane day of my entire life

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:36 am
by Evandelle
Wow! Congratulations!! :D