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Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 1:16 am
by Wain
This is a test version of the Petopia home page:

Please let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions or issues please post them here :)

Families are now colour-coded depending on their spec, and the exotic tag was made prettier. For ease of use (or if you have trouble distinguishing any of the colours), you can click on the buttons on the top to hide the specs you don't care about, and also hide exotics if you're not BM.

The changes were prompted by the fact that default pet specs will once again matter in BfA, so we need to make it clear which family is which spec. I didn't want to divide them up into separate lists again - I'd rather keep them in one alphabetical list, and adding spec icons to each family image made the page WAY too busy.

The appearance probably still needs a few tweaks but I'm pretty happy with how it's working. Please let me know what you think. Any suggestions are welcome :)

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 2:14 am
by Valnaaros
Very, very nice, Wain! Gave it a look and tried it out for a bit. I didn't find any problems with it and it was easy to understand and use :)

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 2:25 am
by Rawr
Mouse over on the Updraft skill says Rylak. Other than that looks great, like how I can see by spec, good job Wain :D :mrgreen:

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 2:52 am
by Vephriel
Really love this format and the sorting buttons, the colours are nice to see and differentiate and a glance, and I especially like the Exotic icons now, obvious but not in the way. :) Great job!

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Fri May 25, 2018 3:36 am
by Rawr
Suggestion, put the spec ability(s) above or bellow the button so people know what spec gives you what or have a mouse over for it. :D :mrgreen:

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 9:54 am
by Wain
Thanks folks! That's good feedback and I'm glad you generally like it. I'll work on issues. It seems to be showing formatting issues on phone browsers, at least on iPhone, which I'll work on first. I think I'll also remove colouring from the family names (so just leave the borders coloured) to reduce the carnival effect a little ;)

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 12:47 pm
by Wain
Rawr wrote:Mouse over on the Updraft skill says Rylak. Other than that looks great, like how I can see by spec, good job Wain :D :mrgreen:
I can't see where you mean about mousing over the updraft skill. Where do you see that?

The idea of having the spec details on mouse-over of the spec buttons is great, though. I'll definitely add that. Should I give a lot of details, do you think? Or just generally what each spec is about?

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 12:47 pm
by Wain
I've made some updates that should show better formatting on phones - at least on iPhone, anyway, I can't test on Android, but I'd appreciate it if someone could :)

I've also changed the family names to be much darker and less saturated, so they're less distracting when you're scanning through the names alphabetically.

I've also changed the icon borders to have a subtle gradient effect. It makes the borders less flat, but I'm still undecided if I like it.

What do you think? :)

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 1:21 pm
by Talihawk
still think the borders are a little too desaturated, almost makes it difficult to discern the colors between them.

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 2:08 pm
by Rawr
Wain wrote:
Rawr wrote:Mouse over on the Updraft skill says Rylak. Other than that looks great, like how I can see by spec, good job Wain :D :mrgreen:
I can't see where you mean about mousing over the updraft skill. Where do you see that?
Image :mrgreen:

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 2:39 pm
by Wain
Rawr wrote:
Wain wrote:
Rawr wrote:Mouse over on the Updraft skill says Rylak. Other than that looks great, like how I can see by spec, good job Wain :D :mrgreen:
I can't see where you mean about mousing over the updraft skill. Where do you see that?
Image :mrgreen:
Oh, I see!, thanks. I was confused since it's not about the test page, but it's handy to know that needs fixing too :)

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 2:41 pm
by Wain
Talihawk wrote:still think the borders are a little too desaturated, almost makes it difficult to discern the colors between them.
Maybe I changed them too much then. :/. Were they good enough before my latest changes? I really don't want to make them more colourful than they were a day ago

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 3:12 pm
by Ana
It looks really good to me :D only thing which confuses me is when i click on a pet family lets say ferocity, then it culls those out instead of showing only ferocity. If I want only ferocity pets i have to click the other four families. Also the exotic only one is broken.. no pets is showed


Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 4:41 pm
by Vephriel
Tårnfalk wrote:It looks really good to me :D only thing which confuses me is when i click on a pet family lets say ferocity, then it culls those out instead of showing only ferocity. If I want only ferocity pets i have to click the other four families.
Think of them like switches - they're all turned 'on' to start with, so if you just want ferocity, turn off the other families so that ferocity's left on by itself. :)

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:17 pm
by Ana
Heh yeah I got it now :) the exotic switch don't work though ;)

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:17 pm
by ilixirshy
Vephriel wrote:
Tårnfalk wrote:It looks really good to me :D only thing which confuses me is when i click on a pet family lets say ferocity, then it culls those out instead of showing only ferocity. If I want only ferocity pets i have to click the other four families.
Think of them like switches - they're all turned 'on' to start with, so if you just want ferocity, turn off the other families so that ferocity's left on by itself. :)

switches- thats exactly how i saw them in my head the first time around now for whatever reason ive got a hand game of ddr instead :shock:

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:24 pm
by ilixirshy
also the exotic button does work, u just need to pick a spec first. in ur picture u have all three specs off so the exotics arent showing

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:31 pm
by Teigan
I admit I didn't know what the switches were. My impression was they were to explain what the colored borders on the family icons were and I thought it was a little awkward, cause it was still alphabetical and the color groups were all out of order and I didn't know clicking them did anything and sorted the families so that the borders actually made sense...I dunno...I obviously misunderstood things. But I'm kinda dense sometimes, so I'm probably the only one that didn't get it. But it's an excellent idea.

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 5:35 pm
by ilixirshy
u dont randomly click on things? =p

Re: Petopia home page TEST

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 6:30 pm
by Xota
If I hadn't read this thread, my first guess on the buttons were that they were just a color key. If they had a white check-mark in the middle of the circle, or if the title was something like "select pet families by spec" it might be more apparent. I expect I would have eventually figured it out when I happened to mouseover them and they glowed.

If there were checkmarks or something like them, then "Exotic" could be a 3 way switch: "all", "no exotics", and "exotic only".