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Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:33 pm
by Wain
We haven’t had any kind of promo in ages, so how about a little giveaway for Blizzard’s new charity fundraiser pet: Dottie the baby alpaca?
63923C21-BA5E-46E7-A6A7-8B194A1650B5.jpeg (344.92 KiB) Viewed 31798 times
To enter, just reply with your answer to the following question:

If alpacas became tameable as hunter pets, which colour would you tame (see a full list here), and what would you name it?

To qualify you must have been registered on the Petopia forum before I posted this. It’s not a promo to attract views, it’s just a little fun for people who have stuck with the site :)

I haven’t set a specific deadline but I’ll check back in a few days :)

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:12 pm
by GormanGhaste
Aww, ty for doing this Wain!

This isn't an entry because I bought mine earlier today, but I would tame a brown one and name her Galta.

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:55 pm
by Ana
Black one for Keidran named Bran, after Brans castle in Transylvania
Brown one for Abricot named Taffy
Red one for Kahlua named Slivovitz

This is awesome! Thank you :headbang: :headbang: :hug:

If I win I will let the code or however u do this go to my husband as he collects minipets.... if thats not okay just disregard this post :D

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 3:59 pm
by Dewclaw
I can't decide between white, red, and black, but the name would be Woolie.

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 9:20 pm
by Castile
Hmm I'd tame the off white w/ harness and name her Honeycomb after this little treasure: ... ssed-away/

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 9:29 pm
by Aleu
Hmmm, I dunno which one I'd tame. Probably either red or black. I've always been fond of the name Mitzi for a Alpaca. Just sounds so cute.

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2019 11:23 pm
by WerebearGuy
Bit of a longshot here, but when I was younger, there was a little old couple that lived on the riverfront next to a shopping district of sorts here (as in various big brand stores like Toys R' Us and Wal*mart), and they had a few farm animals. When I was a wee lad, and my dad took me to get a new toy or game, I'd always peek out the window and see their small farm. They didn't have much in the way of big animals, and at most I would usually see a chicken or two. However, they had one particularly odd animal on their farm. Little boy me didn't know what the hell an alpaca was, so I said "that dog looks weird" to my dad. As we were driving, he didn't exactly have a chance to look and correct me. Another day, he came home and told me that the "weird dog" was an alpaca. Since this was before the internet was a common thing, I went to my local library and asked the librarian "what's an alpaca?", and they directed me to some books for animals. Being a kid, I'd obviously forget stuff sometimes, and I eventually forgot what an alpaca was. When we drove by again, I asked my dad "What was that weird dog called again?", and my dad didn't know what I was talking about at first. 20~ years later, that little farm is gone now, as are all the animals. I'm sure that old couple moved on or something, but the "weird dog" and other farm animals are long gone.

To this day, I still have trouble differentiating llamas from alpacas, but they will always be "weird dogs" to me. So, since the old couple had a big old brown alpaca, I'd tame a brown one and call it "Dog".

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 2:14 am
by Bowno
Hmm.. I'd likely go with the brown one. If brown wasn't tameable, then my next choice would be the yellow one. Those two colors look best to me.
As for name.. Oh gosh. Well, if I were able to get the brown one, I'd go for Sharron. For yellow, I'd name it Flaffy ;P

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:55 am
by Wain
Thanks everyone! It was great to read your ideas and your reasons behind them :)

As for winners: everyone gets a pet!

Could you please PM me with your region? I have a feeling you can only gift pets to players in the same region as the shop from which they were bought (unless there's a change I'm unaware of). Also, if you'd like me to gift Dottie directly to your account please send me your email address battle net tag. But otherwise I can just buy a code from your regional shop and PM it back to you here.

I originally said that your tag was an option, but unfortunately it's not really practical. It turns out Blizzard won't let me gift a pet to someone who isn't a friend, but if I add them as a friend it still won't let me send the pet unless we've been friends for three days :P

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 2:39 am
by Bowno
:o Wain = Oprah?
You get a pet, you get a pet, YOU GET A PET!

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:20 am
by Castile
Thanks so much wain - that's so generous of you <3

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:04 am
by WerebearGuy
Wain is being Santa several weeks early!

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 5:18 am
by Ana
Wow thank u!!

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:16 am
by Dewclaw
Wow thank you Santa Wain. <3 :)

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 5:17 am
by Wain
Thanks folks :) I'm glad you all love your Dotties, and thanks for all being part of the community here. :)

I think I just need to hear from GormanGhaste now. If I missed anyone else or your codes aren't working please let me know.

Re: Dottie: Alpaca Pet Giveaway!

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 9:27 am
by GormanGhaste
Oops, I'll pm you--this is very sweet, Wain!