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Managing Multiple Pets

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:05 am
by Thor
I've been playing a Hunter on a private server (old computer wouldn't run the game client), but will be jumping into Wow Vanilla now that I'm getting a new computer. Something I've struggled with is leveling pets. That's mostly been my indecision on what pet I want. I was constantly taming lower leveled pets that I like the look of, and then spending an endless amount of time leveling them up (such a painful process). I'd change my mind again and do it all over.

For WoW Vanilla I do not want to repeat my mistakes. I plan to get myself a pet that levels with me instead of constantly changing my mind. If I pick up a new pet, then it will be close enough to my level that I'm not grinding endlessly to level it up.

My question is this - how do you manage multiple pets?

By this I mean, the typical approach is a leveling pet, a PVP pet, and a raiding pet. At what point do you pick up your PVP pet or your raiding pet? I know that depends on what pet you plan to use for those jobs, but odds are it's not at 60. If you're snagging a pet at 30 for your PVP pet, are you leveling it beside your normal pet to not have a level disparity? Or are you picking up that level 30 pet at 60 and grinding levels? What's the general approach?

I wasted so much time on the private server from poor pet management and I don't want to repeat that mistake.

I should note that I'm not asking for the best pets for each job. I've read enough and tested enough that I've figured out what I like. I won't be min/maxing my Hunter and very likely not raiding either. Just looking to have fun and not waste my time.

Re: Managing Multiple Pets

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:32 am
by Rawr
Pick out 2 pets you want and level them with you, as you level tame/train the abilities they will need (notepad and can help). At max level finish learning all the skills your pets need then go tame a 3rd if you want to. :mrgreen:

Re: Managing Multiple Pets

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:13 am
by Thor
Fair enough. Thanks for the response.