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Pets with auras/effects in SL Beta have had their effects removed. Is this just because of character copy issues?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:02 pm
by Cootie
Hey all,
First time I've been in a WoW beta and I decided to log in and check it out. I visited the stable and pulled out some of my pets, such as the oil-stained wolf and the burning pig and discovered they no longer have the effects/buffs that cause the effects. Is this a result of beta character copy or have they gotten rid of the cosmetic pets once and for all? Maybe someone who has been in a beta before can share insight with me.


Re: Pets with auras/effects in SL Beta have had their effects removed. Is this just because of character copy issues?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:41 pm
by Dialga
Yes, this is a known effect of copying characters. Happens on the PTR as well. Your pets will be fine when live drops.

Re: Pets with auras/effects in SL Beta have had their effects removed. Is this just because of character copy issues?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 3:00 pm
by Cootie
I really appreciate the response, thank you. I'll leave my post up incase other curious people come along. :)

Re: Pets with auras/effects in SL Beta have had their effects removed. Is this just because of character copy issues?

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:03 am
by Agravaine
I appreciate it too! Just got into beta myself Thursday night and it was one of the first things I checked. Was pretty bummed till I came here and searched it up.

It's a weird random copy bug, though -- I've been able to bring my hunter into most betas with pet effects intact. I have one of those Ghostpaw Runners from Ashenvale that I managed to tame in ghost wolf form, but if he dies he'll lose ghost form forever. I've been testing it whenever I get into beta and was able to test it for MoP, WoD, and BfA. Loses ghost form when he dies and gets revived every time so far; I've kept him safe in the stables all this time hoping it'll get grandfathered in eventually.

Re: Pets with auras/effects in SL Beta have had their effects removed. Is this just because of character copy issues?

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 3:24 am
by Vephriel
I have a sha-corrupted crocolisk from MoP, and oddly enough he preserved that effect through my beta character copy. I suppose it's a bit random.

Re: Pets with auras/effects in SL Beta have had their effects removed. Is this just because of character copy issues?

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2020 7:46 pm
by TwoJoints
A little worried about this one. My hunter on PTR that I copied before this new update also lost all their auras. They were there before but are gone now.