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Special Pets section for one-time tames

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 1:16 pm
by oddlord
Hello everyone!

I thought it would be super useful to have a section within the Special Pets for those pets that can only be tamed once and possibly miss out on them forever.
I'm referring to pets that can only be tamed during non repeatable quests, such as Shadow of Dambala or the new Copper Aquilon.

It gives me a sense of anxiety to know that every quest I'm doing I'm possibly missing out forever on some unique look.
It would be amazing to have a list or guide that I can keep by my side while questing to check if the quests I´m doing have any of these pets.

What do you guys think?

Cheers! :D

Re: Special Pets section for one-time tames

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:46 pm
by Shade
Here here.

I missed out on the purple spectral snake sadly on my hunter as I didnt know it was tameable till after the quest. Ah well.