What was the meanest trick you've played?

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What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Vespias »

We all have friends that we can get away with about anything and I had developed such a friendship with a druid named Drixie. She was so proud when she finally got her carrot on a stick that she fairly screamed it to me when I logged on. Then the "evil slim-jim imp" took over. I said how cool it was and inquired if she had also gotten the "wax". She asked what wax and I explained that it was a random drop and when applied it added an extra 2% speed to the carrot. For the next two days she would spam trade looking for a grp to help her get her carrot wax. When someone finally told her what carrot wax was a euphamism for I thought she would have killed me. She yelled at me for days but finally admitted that it was the funniest prank anybody had ever played on her. :mrgreen:


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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Ryno »

Oh god, that's evil.

I can't think of anything memorable that I did that could be called a prank. I suppose it would kinda count (even if it was accidental) that my druid entered a BG while in Moonglade. Now that doesn't sound so bad, but wait, it get's better. I leave the BG ya know, so I'm sitting there "What was I doing?" When some little nelf comes up and start whacking me. The guards, of course, promptly killed him, as they were in their 20's (me being in my 50's).

It's funny, because I then entered another BG, and afterwards ANOTHER nelf starts betting me again. And then they also learn you don't attack flagged people in Moonglade.


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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Skyshot »

Sounds like your attackers got a memorable lesson from "Moonglade's School of Hard Knocks",Ryno. :D

Anyway, not sure if it counts as a prank but I had some lowby following me around pestering me for gold (and I quote: "u look rich can i hav gold plzplz i only nead 150 to get an epic wep off the ah plz!!") for well around 15 minutes. Instead of bite his head off and tell him to get lost, I said "sure" and opened trade. I slapped every last copper I had into the window (2360ish gold worth) and waited. He hit trade but I didn't. And I waited.. and waited.. and waited.. just to see how long he would stand there waiting on the trade. I sat that way for a little over half an hour before he gave up and latched onto some other poor player near by. xD

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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Karathyriel »

We were running a 5 man heroic, all guys from one guild.
The mage told me so proud that he finally figured out who to not draw any aggro.
Since we were all guildmates and we all did some fun stuff together, I whispered to all the others that they should play along and, in case of any wipes, I'll cough up the gold for repairs. They all agreed, eager to see what I had in mind.
Since I know that this guy only played a mage and a warlock, I was pretty sure he was ignorant to all other classes abilities. So I took him in focus instead of the maintank but used misdirection as I always did.
Now you can imagine. He cast one fireball: AGGRO! After a few attempts, the tank started complaining, told him to watch omen more closely and all. Hilarious!
Then he started to wait for the tank to get some aggro and did nothing for about 15 seconds. First, it worked, because I waited for his fireball, a few mobs later, even that didn't work anymore. He drew aggro just by standing there (getting all my aggro via misdirection of course and the tank going slow on building up aggro)
He was close to suicide or delete the mage when we told him. Man, he was so mad, but in the end, he laughed at it as well.
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Azunara »

This is somewhat a trick on me. So, here I was during the Lunar festival. I was oh, say, 20 then. (I'm 80 now.) Now, in the middle of the little platform with the Lunar festival vendor, was a dead human. Now, I was all, "Oh noes! I must play my part as a druid and rez him!" So, I sat there, rezzing him, when BAM.

All the guards became aggressive and started pummeling me. I had about six level 70 elites all whacking on me. Needless to say, I went down fast. After telling my guildies, one remarks, "No good deed goes unpunished." So now when I see dead little human, I don't even bother.
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Saturo »

On my priest, I take careful measure to ALWAYS duel people I meet on boats.


Mind Control! I killed a lvl 64 Nelf Rogue three times, first by running him off the boat, the other times by fatigue. He was pretty pissed at the end...

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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Ungoro »

I was in a failed totc hc group and we all ran in the instance to ress and everyone started to leave. I was still in the instance with a mage or a priest dps, so i threw up misdirection and shot the Black Knight and he went for me, i Feigned and he slightly changed direction to my left and took the cloth wearer out in a hit or two. I was in a bad mood because for some reason no one was able to complete a totc hc for like, 3 days and i hadn't got a single piece of loot from the two bosses we did kill and then we couldn't even finish the actualy heroic. I don't want to sound up myself, but i was on usual performance always in the top 2 dps doing 2.5-2.7k (Pre 3.3) and evyone was dragging me down because they couldn't play and they were all making poor because of armor repairs. Revenge was in the air...

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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by VelkynKarma »

This wasn't really a trick so much as karmic retribution, but there was one time I was doing the 'kill the transformed lost souls' quest for the argent dailies on my paladin, who was freshly level 80 so he wasn't especially well-geared. This Alliance paladin swoops down next to me, engages an entire row of transformed heroes (that's what? 7-8 mobs?) and runs them over to me, then bubbles and drops all the aggro on me.

I think he was expecting me to die. Instead, I calmly popped all my major abilities and aoe moves, threw myself an occasional heal, and bubbled halfway through. Killed everything, and then /grinned at him and flew away.

Ten minutes later, while flying back from the court of bones, I saw him dead in the same field.

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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Kikanu »

On my warrior, I was flying over a lake, and saw an afk hordie flying over land, REALLY high up. I flew up, got a flying start, then did the Dazing shout (whatever it's called, I don't use it anymore), and since dazing = dismounting, the hordie fell to their death, and I fell into the water beside them.

I sat on their head til they released. Was funny as mess.
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Vephriel »

Heh, I'd say that my most evil trick was back in the day before pets had their level boosted to 5 below your own.

My main realm is a PvP server, but you couldn't attack the opposite faction in their own zones unless they were flagged. On some days when I was feeling particularly bored and mischievous, I would run my character down to one of the Alliance starting areas.

Let's take Elwynn Forest, for example. I'd run into Northshire, go to some secluded corner in the back, and feign death to get rid of the guards. I would specifically come here with no pet. Then I would proceed to tame one of the low level wolves in the area. It's level would stay the same after taming. I'd use Eyes of the Beast and hit the / key to make it walk around.....just like any of the other quest objective wolves. ;)

I'd wait for some Alliance newbie to come around and kill wolves for that starting quest. I'd make my wolf walk over towards their general area so they'd be sure to kill him. The thing is....once they attacked my pet, they would become flagged. After that I'd jump out of the bushes and one-shot them. xD

Now some people would know that I was up to mischief. If they're an experienced player they obviously see that the Wolf is tagged as <Vephriel's Pet>. However, newbies don't usually notice this, and even some veterans who are starting an alt are so robotic in their questing that they just tab-attack everything in sight, not really paying attention.

Anyways, that would always give me quite a laugh... :twisted:
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Ungoro »

Vephriel wrote: I'd wait for some Alliance newbie to come around and kill wolves for that starting quest. I'd make my wolf walk over towards their general area so they'd be sure to kill him. The thing is....once they attacked my pet, they would become flagged. After that I'd jump out of the bushes and one-shot them. xD:

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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by GethlarNomudac »

Ungoro wrote:
Vephriel wrote: I'd wait for some Alliance newbie to come around and kill wolves for that starting quest. I'd make my wolf walk over towards their general area so they'd be sure to kill him. The thing is....once they attacked my pet, they would become flagged. After that I'd jump out of the bushes and one-shot them. xD:
Thats not a win!!!!! :evil: ...

THATS AN EPIC WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :headbang: 8-)
u lost tha game :D
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Bulletdance »

I've never really tricked anyone :ugeek: But I have been severely tempted. Whenever someone asks where I got my spectral tiger mount I tell them to be nice."In a pack of wow cards, you can get lots of different loot items in them" and answer any follow up questions. Most of the time people say thanks or get really excited, but I get a lot of griefers who go ooohh you got it on ebay or oooh your a nerd. So I am tempted sometimes to just pick a really annoying dungeon and say it drops from there with some crazy time limitation or something, but I'd never actually do it lol Still...tempting.
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Ketchaeatcha »

Now dis was on anuta character and a guild ago, but I told everyone dat I would give 100 gold to de first guy who answered de following riddle
"Now in a far off land there were two brothers with most strange names, for due to the custom of their fathers homeland they each had a slash at the start of their name. Now these two brothers were often confused as thier names were also quite similar one was called /quit and the other /gquit.

Now on the day in question both brothers were sitting on a log fishing when a storm came upon them. the brother with the shorter name looked to his longer named brother and remarked that they should go home, however the longer named brother was made of sterner stuff and refused.

So if one brother went home... which one remained on the log?"

As soon as someone left de guild I knew dat dey had de correct answer
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by VelkynKarma »

Ketchaeatcha wrote:
As soon as someone left de guild I knew dat dey had de correct answer
That is epic. :D



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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Vespias »

OMG Veph, I used to do the same thing in Elwyn. *Wipes a tear away as the nostalgia takes hold* How I both loved and hated the day they changed tamed pet levels.


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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Adam-Savage »

Well in game trick I pulled a few times was when I first got loq I used eyes of the beast and sense I named him very close to his actual name and would put him in spawn locations. Then Id sit back and wait to see how many hunters I could trick. I even totally tricked this orc hunter. She got rid of her trash pet and tried to tame my pet! It got old pretty quick though and I eventually stopped.
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Ryno »

It just occured to me as I was reading this:

So I'm on my shaman, healing a 10 man for Ulduar.

We fight XT Deconstructor. And, the main tank goes down, so does the off tank. We're going to DIE.

So there're two night elves shadow melded by the door so they don't die.


They didn't live.



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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Adam-Savage »

That's to funny. I bet them night elfs where pretty pissed.
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Re: What was the meanest trick you've played?

Unread post by Ryno »

AdamSavage wrote:That's to funny. I bet them night elfs where pretty pissed.
Yeah, people were laughing over it mostly, heh. The human rogue was, he was fine since he could move. :lol:


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