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Mount speed increases

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:00 am
by MaximumOverdrive
The new patch has also add that the slower mounts now move faster :D 150% flyers now at 280% if you have the training, same with the land mounts. Cool!

Also noticed my netherdrake constantly soars now and never flaps his wings while flying...hmm...

As well, when I change my talents over while mounted, I get dismounted, then after the change, I get auto remounted. Neat.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:42 pm
by Suicune
Yeh, I noticed on the PTR that my TLPD's wings rarely- if ever flapped after the 310 flying was applied to him. I am ridiculously happy that this blanket upgrade applied to the ground mounts as well! I LOVE the Dawnsaber- now I can ride him at the speed of an Epic mount, and am very happy. Now my slow Speccy can get some love again, this was one change that I give Blizz HUGE kudos to- SO many people wanted this to happen, and now we have it! /dance

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:35 pm
by Jangalian
Hm.....something stange seems to be happening with this. I was running alongside a DK friend of mine, him on his epic ground and me on a ground mount that WAS 60% and now is 100%, and I was going about 120%. '~' I'm not complaining, and just felt like I was riding a jet engine!

Also, my horde alt has a plain old blue hawkstrider that now runs 100% instead of 60%. I check the tooltip in case I was just half alseep or something. I wonder if this new conversion means that when you learn any new riding, the all the old mounts get faster too.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:45 pm
by Sarayana
Jangalian wrote:Hm.....something stange seems to be happening with this. I was running alongside a DK friend of mine, him on his epic ground and me on a ground mount that WAS 60% and now is 100%, and I was going about 120%. '~' I'm not complaining, and just felt like I was riding a jet engine!

Also, my horde alt has a plain old blue hawkstrider that now runs 100% instead of 60%. I check the tooltip in case I was just half alseep or something. I wonder if this new conversion means that when you learn any new riding, the all the old mounts get faster too.
It does. Your mounts all scale to the highest riding skill you have (highest possible is 100% ground + talents and 310% flying). If you were running 120%, odds are you specced into a speed boost. Pathfinding? On a pale horse? I'm just throwing names out there since I don't know what your alt is :lol:

It's a nifty change and it lets us use our slow mounts again which makes me happy. :D

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:53 pm
by Jangalian
What is this pathf-...................................................................................................................................................................................................oh.


Well, what about the hunter alt that is only 57 and have faster mounts? I don't have that skill, obviously.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 1:57 pm
by Altheaus
Also of note is, if you didn't have a 310% mount before this patch dropped then you can only get to 310% with cold hard gold.. not even the achievement flying mounts are 310% now

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:12 pm
by cowmuflage
Heh Altheaus good thing i have the violet proto drake then?

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:13 pm
by Teigan
I for one am super happy about this. I loved my Dire Worg and Emerald Raptor, but, except for helping lowbies, never got to use them. Now I can!
The only drawback I can see is that I can't keep pace with lowbies anymore. But, that's what follow is for, I guess :)
I do kinda wish I still had my pre-faction change "slow" horsies though...

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:20 pm
by Jangalian
Teigs, I didn't think of that. =x I wish there was a checkbox to use to be able to use original mount speeds.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 7:13 pm
by Kaswryn
SOOOOOO happy about this :D

I LOVE my level 20 black worg (it's one of my 3 favorite wolves....and the only one of those 3 that's obtainable =( ) and I've always thought Akzel would ride a black wolf before any other. I COULD have gotten the PVP one, but 1) I hate hunter PVP 2) I like the level 20 that I already have better =P

I'm also happy about getting to ride horses on my main again XD I HATE armored horses.

Now if only we could get them to bring back the old level 60 mounts as a rep grind reward of some sort >.> /dream

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:28 pm
by Cerah
My warlock, Emielee, is absolutely loving riding her old Felsteed again. I always liked that one better than the dreadsteed, which is way too spikey, IMO, and Cerah's enjoying riding her Violet Raptor, the one that matches Beauty perfectly.

Does this work for flying mounts too? Will our unarmoured wyverns fly at top speed?

Sucks that we'll have to pay for 310% flying though. I was kind of hoping I'd save a little gold by going for an achieve mount or something.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:37 pm
by cowmuflage
yup all mounts upgrade. well i know my epic flappys are now 310 so i'd asume the same goes for slow flappys but you know what they say about asumming.....

EDIT: Yes all your flappys go too %310

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:26 pm
by GormanGhaste
Now I need a new random mount addon!

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:27 pm
by Vephriel
GupPet has been updated and works wonderfully. ;)

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:44 pm
by Kalliope
GoGoMount also works.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:10 pm
by cowmuflage
Vephriel is the collect me part if it working for you? i can't seem to find mine in game lol

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:20 pm
by SpacemaNxSPIFF
Update on blue post, the Violet-Proto will still give 310% flying and the training for free.
so don't waste money on training if your close to getting it!

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:05 am
by Kalliope
Yay!!! Good news! And thanks for passing that on.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:32 am
by Sorcha Ravenlock
Happy about this when I'm on my own, means my old mounts get to come out of the stables again. And the normal horses look a lot better with my new mage then an armored one. :D

Sad when I'm with my hubbie's or daughter's lowbies though, I prefer to ride in front to take the agro of them, and now I keep losing them as they lag behind. I wish there was a toggle for riding speed :( Ah well, I'm sure I'll get used to it.

Re: Mount speed increases

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:39 pm
by Antares
Violet Raptor is as close as we can get to the Red Raptor.

The green one is great for Unholy DKs, too. :) And Warlocks (fel colour).