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Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:36 am
by Moonlost
I got into a bit of a chat with Wain yesterday, when I went into Karazhan to check up on the tamability of the demonhounds there. He mentioned that it was nice knowing someone in the beta, or something to that effect. And it kinda struck me as to how we're all just kinda disjointed at the moment. So, I'm thinking of starting up a post dedicated to making a beta network between willing Beta testers. If we get enough people willing to help, not only can we easily see what everyone is doing in regards to pet hunting, but we can also start organising, say, raids to check on pets we couldn't normally access,

In another, now long dead, thread I suggested chat channels as a way of communicating rather than, say, a guild. I don't know if people are still keen on that idea, so I've edited in a poll to see what you think.

I'll be updating the following list as more people put forward their information. I'll only be including people who post here or contact me directly about it so people who wish to remain private can do so.

To Join Our Beta Chat Channel:
/join PetopianChat


(Mania) Firelight, 76 Hunter
(Mania) Manialla, 81 Hunter
(Moonlost) Haar, 85 Death Knight [Willing and able to tank]
(Moonlost) Seventeèn, 85 Hunter
(onenation777) Lauryssa, 85 Hunter
(Rikaku) Rikaku, 82 Hunter
(Rikaku) Hiiro, 85 Hunter
(Theaden) Theaden, 85 Hunter
(Wain) Frej, 85 Hunter
(Wain) Niaw, 85 Shaman

(Aleu) Lunaniaa, 85 Hunter
(Mania) Mainia, 80 Hunter
(Mania) Manai, 80 Hunter
(Mania) Teosinte, 82 Hunter
(Moonlost) Nezai, 85 Hunter
(Moonlost) Sunlost, 85 Druid [Can Tank well and Heal poorly]
(TygerDarkstorm) Vyktori, 81 Hunter [Will swallow your soul! D: ]
(ummeiko) Alumy, 85 Priest [Holy]
(ummeiko) Zheyrryhn, 85 Hunter [Not heroic ready atm]
(Vephriel) Veph, 85 Hunter
(Wain) Beorhtlaf, 85 Hunter
(Xemikutai) xemikutai, 81 Hunter


(Aweena) Aweena, 85 Hunter
(KingChar) Zofian, 85 Hunter
(The Insect Man) Littelbrudde, 35(ish) hunter
(The Insect Man) Testagore, 85 hunter

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:46 am
by Vephriel
Lost Isles US, Horde, Veph [85 Hunter]

That's my one character pretty much. :) I of course have some lowbie goblins and undead that I've been playing with occasionally, but for the most part whenever I'm in beta I'll be on Veph.

I'm also joined into PetopianChat channel, though I've never seen anyone else in it. :lol:

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:48 am
by Aleu
Lost Isles US, Horde, Lunaniaa, 85 Hunter.

Only real character I use, but I'm not on all that often.

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 1:56 am
by Moonlost
Added :)

Veph, I suspect nobody's on because only a few people know it exists. :lol:
I'll bring it up again if peeps think it's a good idea... Hmm. Maybe I should poll it?

EDIT: Poll added. Was tempted to put in a "Banana!" option, but I think everyone would just vote for that. ;P

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:12 am
by ummeiko
Oh hey, I've got a few. Horde side, lost isles (i can delete some lowbies and make a premade alliance if people want though)

Zheyrryhn, orc hunter - 85 but not heroic ready (was an 80 premade back in the day)

for actual heroic or raid running, I have a troll priest (holy) named Alumy

Would actually appreciate it, even for something as simple as just someone to make a raid with one of their alts, as the other people in my live guild that got beta keys... don't play beta anymore. :(

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:20 am
by TygerDarkstorm
I'm rarely on the beta, but I have a hunter copied over on it.
Vyktori [81] Undead Huntress
Best thing about my hunter on the beta is that her hair/face got bugged on the beta so she's bald and has the black, soulless eyes, but her jaw is still intact. She creeps me out whenever I click on her on the character screen. :lol:
Here's a screenie so you can better see what I mean. =P:

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:21 am
by Vephriel
Oh! My undead hunter got the same glitch. :lol: She's bald but she looks rather eerie with the black eye sockets and pale skin.

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:48 am
by TygerDarkstorm
Yeah, it's kinda creepy looking. XD
I actually sort of wish they would make an option like this for us to use in game, it makes the undead look pretty eerie. :lol:

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:54 am
by Moonlost
O.o Man that it super creepy. I love it :lol:
I always try to make my undead characters look creepy as hell, but that just takes the cake.

Post updated once more.
I'm thinking I might roll up a premade horde druid for tanking/healing duties there, just in case it's needed.

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:02 am
by Kalliope
Should ask Blizz to make that glitch a viable character option. :D

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:05 am
by Vephriel
Perhaps not quite as creepy as 'The Crow' face markings, but my Spiders is still really eerie with the blank expression and black eyes.


Oh, another thing I noticed. It seems there is no longer a black colour option for Undead hair. o_O I'm assuming it's a glitch....I mean, it's black. They have to keep black hair for the Forsaken. Spiders had black hair, so possibly that's the reason behind the weird baldness now.

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:43 am
by Wain
Bah, you're all Horde :P Useless! All of you! (well, except Moonlost) :D

On Lost Isles Alliance I have a hunter, Frej , and a shammy, Niaw. I also have a Horde hunter called Beorhtlaf.

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:55 am
by TygerDarkstorm
I have a worgen on the beta, but she's only level 13. >_>

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 3:59 am
by Redith
I would be in the beta...yha...cept for Blizz dangled it in my face then like the soup nazi went "No fun for you"

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:38 am
by The Insect Man
Have put yes, but I'm on the EU beta server, so probably not much use.

level 85 hunter - Testagore

Level 35(ish) hunter - Littelbrudde

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:01 am
by Azunara
I had Alliance on LI, but for giggles I switched her to a blood elf. And I thought the channel was up, so I'm in it too! XD I rarely play Beta these days though...I'm more excited about leveling my lock, and I can't do Hyjal further (Because it got nicely bugged up when they changed quest patterns, so those half way through it were stuck.) and Vashj'ir I'd like to put off, so I have some surprises, I guess?

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:12 am
by KingCharr
Horde Mekkatorque EU Zofian 85 hunter.

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:29 pm
by Moonlost
Updated once more. Put in the chat channel details, as those who posted said they'd use it. :)
Insect Man, I'm assuming your characters are horde. Please correct me if I'm wrong. XP

Now, I've been wondering about a certain raid boss and if he's become tamable or not: Chromagus. I doubt he has, but at the same time I can't help but wonder. After all, we got the AQ bugs. Would there be any chance some Hordies over on Lost Isles would be willing to come along? ;)
And when's a good time for you if you are willing and able?

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:08 am
by Vephriel
Sure Moonlost, if I'm available I'll definitely come along.

Re: Petopia Beta-Tester Collective!

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:15 am
by Aweena
Aweena mekkatourqe

and a few others but cant remember right now been busy lvling some of my last alts on live so they will be ready in dec ill update when i remember names

also can join real id on beta pm me for my mail if you cant find it else where