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Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:53 am
by Slapperfish
...Because the females sure do look a lot less fish-like, and look more like the Na'vi from Avatar now... I honestly don't remember them having that face! o_o


Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:08 am
by Loethlin

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:11 am
by Vephriel
Hee, I remember seeing the Naga revamps. I really like the new females actually. Lol, I can see the resemblance there, but I still prefer them to the original. :)

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:18 am
by Senna-Umbreon
I like the new Naga. And the old Naga. .. Basically I kinda love the darn things. Yay for serpent people! And they AREN'T fish. They are serpents. Snakes. Not fish. They aren't supposed to look like fish, because they are not. And.. There is nothing wrong with them looking like Na'vi. Na'vi are awesome, and so is the movie Avatar.

Sorry if this comes across as a little mean, but I'm just insanely grumpy right now. Failing at drawing and then failing at anything you try in your Pokemon game? Yeah.. NOT FUN. (Hell, I can't even beat my own Pokemon in a free battle. .. I CAN'T EVEN BEAT MYSELF I AM SUCKING SO MUCH TONIGHT ARGGHHHHHH)

(Also.. On the subject of Avatar. Did anyone else think "Trolls!" when they saw the Na'vi? I mean, tall, blue people that use bows and arrows and stuff? So Trolls! Draenei a bit too with the tail aspect... And their culture is very Tauren-like. .. Not to mention the fact that they like near a place that is full of floating mountains. .. Nagrand~! Basically.. WoW references all around! Which is awesome~)

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:21 am
by Vephriel
The old female Naga didn't appeal to me due to how different they looked from the males. I mean, the females had such human faces where as the males were full out serpent heads. These ones go a bit better.

I've always LOVED the male Naga though. I was obsessed with them when I first started WoW. Always something I've wanted as a playable race too.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:26 am
by Senna-Umbreon
Oh heck yes. Male Naga, both old and new, are amazing! Bah, I adore them <3 <3 <3

... Maybe that has something to do with why I love the Serpent pets so much, as they do share a base model with the male Naga. They even have the same amazing detail on the head! Another reason why I love the Serpents. Gotta love the pretty detail their faces have. But I think it's mostly cause of how they look so much like Naga. .. That and I just plain adore snakes. Reptiles rule! <3 (Seriously. I ADORE reptiles. It's funny, cause once when me and a friend went to the zoo near my place.. She wouldn't even go near the Komodo Dragon exhibit, but me? I stared at the darn gorgeous things for at least 10 minutes. Komodo Dragons are just simply beautiful <3)

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:28 am
by Vephriel
Mm hmm, always loved that teal colour of Serpent due to the exact same one Nagas have. :D And, I'm sure everyone already knows, but yeah I'm a huge reptile lover as well. ^^ I really like WoW's depiction of Naga (the males at least). They're just wonderful.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:40 am
by pop
I like they updated the scales.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:07 am
by Azunara
I honestly thought Night Elves at seeing the Na'vi...Then again, I'm a proud Alliance, so I'm biased.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:51 am
by Lisaara
Male nagas are nummy to look at. x3

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:15 am
by Feath3r
I'm... not seeing it.

I mean the noses are the same size but they aren't structured the same, they're different colors and one is a snake person and the other looks mammal-like. The eyes are the same color... but they don't look the same.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:06 pm
by Cerah
If Blizz is paying more attention to the Naga, could this possibly mean they're considering them as a playable race in a future expansion? I think Metzen mentioned once he would like to see them playable, as well as goblins, and we have goblins now, so ...

Here's hoping ;) I always liked Naga. Never understood why they were considered an "evil" race -- they're just mer-blood elves, when you think about it.

And yeah, Na'vi were quite a bit like a weird three-way hybrid of Troll, Tauren and Night Elf, (and kind of like Protoss, with their hair USBs) but cool all the same.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:20 pm
by Kryte
The Na'vi struck me as being closest to Draenei. BLUE PEOPLE. IN SPACE. Plus, the Draenei, including females, have tentacles, which remind me of the Na'vi's little USB braids.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:40 pm
by Lisaara
Cerah wrote:If Blizz is paying more attention to the Naga, could this possibly mean they're considering them as a playable race in a future expansion? I think Metzen mentioned once he would like to see them playable, as well as goblins, and we have goblins now, so ...

Here's hoping ;) I always liked Naga. Never understood why they were considered an "evil" race -- they're just mer-blood elves, when you think about it.

And yeah, Na'vi were quite a bit like a weird three-way hybrid of Troll, Tauren and Night Elf, (and kind of like Protoss, with their hair USBs) but cool all the same.
That'd be hard because....well unlike the blood elves, the naga hate EVERYONE so they cant be alliance or horde.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:52 pm
by Magnakilro
That....and it may be difficult to create leg/foot armor models that suits the naga's unique uhmm...."skin condition"

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:56 pm
by Saturo
Magnakilro wrote:That....and it may be difficult to create leg/foot armor models that suits the naga's unique uhmm...."skin condition"
Also, they don't have feet.

I've always thought of the na'vi more as night elf / draenei mixes than anything else. Oh, and not Nagrand. Zangarmarsh. Bioluminescence, jungle-ish, and sporebats.

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:21 pm
by Cerah
Taluwen wrote:That'd be hard because....well unlike the blood elves, the naga hate EVERYONE so they cant be alliance or horde.
I wouldn't say everyone. When Kael'thas and his blood elves were treated like absolute crap by the Alliance in WCIII:TFT, the only person who came to his aid was Lady Vashj and her Naga, and for accepting her help, Kael was branded a traitor by the Alliance. I never really understood why, besides a reaction like "ah! Fish people! Kill them!" from racist, jerk ass humans. Before then, from my understanding, Naga had pretty much nothing to do with the land dwelling races since before the first Sundering.

Both Lady Vashj and Kael'thas do not deserve their status as villains at all, in my opinion (and would make a nice couple), but that's another topic.

Anyway, I see Naga as just as misunderstood as any other Horde race, and they literally are cousins of the Blood Elves -- both are decendents of the Highborne Night Elves. (who in turn, might be decendents of Dark Trolls). Blood Elves (mostly Kael's loyal followers) are, in fact, pretty much the only race the WoWWiki lists as Naga getting along with:

"Naga are dangerous and avaricious, and most races are unaware of their existence. Naga play well with blood elves, trolls, and other dark, independent powers, but only the rarest naga joins the Alliance or Horde."

I think this statement may be more information for RP-ers than to be taken as actual lore, but it's at least something to go off of.

"The naga traveling with Illidan have a more educated view of Kalimdor’s races than the naga who remain at the bottom of the sea or in one of the eastern outposts. These travelers hold the blood elves in high regard, as they are also evolved children of the Highborne, and they too fought with Illidan. The time spent together in battle made the two races respect and admire each other’s skills. They are united against all others, as they are currently the two most unpopular races on the continent."

Supported by Burning Crusade content, and since little has been said about the Naga since then, we can assume this is still valid.

WoWWiki's article on the Naga

I think a faction of Naga joining the Horde at one point would be suiting, considering the lore info we do have about them, and of course we may learn more in Cataclysm in Vashj'ir, Lady Vashj's home. Besides, it fits the current Horde membership literary pattern established in Warcraft III:

1. Orcs form the core of the Horde
2. Orcs help the Darkspear Trolls, Trolls join.
3. Orcs and Trolls help the Tauren, Tauren join

and continued in WoW:

4. Forsaken need help. Alliance is obviously <i>not</i> an option, so Forsaken join. (also to balance out Night Elves joining the Alliance, and making so members of each playable faction in WCIII are playable in WoW)
5. Blood Elves are friends of the Forsaken via Sylvannas. Blood Elves join.
6. Goblins help Thrall out of a jam. Thrall helps displaced Goblins. Goblins re-join (at least some were Horde members back in WCII)

Hypothetical 7. Naga need help, turn to their only possible friends on land, the Blood Elves. Naga join.
Magnakilro wrote:That....and it may be difficult to create leg/foot armor models that suits the naga's unique uhmm...."skin condition"
This might be a bit more difficult than say, showing boots on a Draenei, Tauren, or Troll, but I'm sure it's doable, or it will be closer to doable after what Blizzard has learned making Cataclysm. Naga were a playable race for a few missions in WCIII: TFT, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only person happy to see them make a return in a non-villain role.

It might be just me though. I'm a sucker for finding the "good" in fictional factions that are usually considered "evil". I'm obviously a Hordie, I'm a Zerg player in Starcraft, and I love the Decepticons and Star Wars' Imperials.

My only question is, if the Horde does get Naga in the future, what would the Alliance get? Murlocs?

Maybe. :P

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:24 pm
by Magnakilro
Cerah wrote:My only question is, if the Horde does get Naga in the future, what would the Alliance get? Murlocs?

Maybe. :P

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:48 pm
by Azunara
Alright. The issue? We won't very likely ever see four legged or no legged models, simply because they'd have issues on mounts. Sure, don't give them a mount. That works. But you've just screwed them over achievement mounts, mount runs, and all sorts of lovely things.

As much as I'd love dryads,or naga, I doubt it will happen. D:

Re: Since when did the Naga get a facelift?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:57 pm
by Feath3r
Azunara wrote:Alright. The issue? We won't very likely ever see four legged or no legged models, simply because they'd have issues on mounts. Sure, don't give them a mount. That works. But you've just screwed them over achievement mounts, mount runs, and all sorts of lovely things.

As much as I'd love dryads,or naga, I doubt it will happen. D:
If they're willing to do it for the Worgen, why not any other race? Next expansion could have the Alliance get a mount race and the Horde get the Naga and they don't get mounts which will even out the Worgen not getting a mount.

(Also, paladins get 3 exclusive mounts, which gives them an advantage over other classes in terms of mount achievements)