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The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:07 pm
by Sasrei
Ok so I was reading things in the forums, and I noticed a really rather long.. post about how people are afraid of CCing in pugs, well mostly they are afraid of the PUGS they will get in cata. Alot of people are just going to do heroics with guildies or friends.. umm. Good times.
I really enjoy doing dungeons with guildies but the good prospect of 1 hour dungeons... oh yah good times ^.^

Im not really afraid of CCing.. (I think I have frost trap somewhere.. or was it freezing trap.. crud I keep getting them mixed up! :lol:)
I am actually looking forward to it, not having to faceroll will be more interesting.. considering they took out volley its not like I can AOE, and dont say we still have MS, cause I prolly wont use it much come cata if we have alot of CCing going on.. not like it hits multiple targets anyways, or the ones you want..

But how do you guys feel. Are you afraid of the CCing to come, the promise of scary pugs where CCing becomes priority and you stare at the mage who cant find polymorph and enjoys pulling, the happy shammy with chain lightning, the lock who reads dps metres and not threat metres...

I am prepared! (puts FD, MD, Detterence, Disengage all in functional OH CRAP row)
CATACLYSM! The world is destroyed, new creatures pop up but deathwing has nothing on the proespect of the noob pugs!

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:11 pm
by Vephriel
I'll definitely be rusty at first, but I'm looking forward to having that job again. I prided myself on excellent CC in Burning Crusade. I had worked and practiced to perfect my skill, and I remember the complicated pulls we'd manage and how satisfying it was to chain trap with no problems, kite mobs, slow them down...knowing your group depended on you to keep them in check until the rest were downed.

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:15 pm
by Kalliope
I'm a little gunshy on multishot myself after last night. Accidentally pulled one of the special bosses with MS because the boss's hit box was so friggin' huge.

I've been safely running with friends for ages now, so Cataclysm won't change that. I think by the time I'll be in a position of HAVING to pug instances where we don't control the majority, people will have (re)learned how to CC in instances.

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:41 pm
by Raydex-of-the-dawn
FEIGN DEATH is my BFF. And trapping should be fun! <3

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:45 pm
by erwil
Oh how much have I MISSED the good old cc from the bc heroics. ;^; I will be playing my priest at first, but I honestly can't wait to get back to business with trapping once I have the chance to run heroics on my hunter.
And with guildies of course. I've got absolutely no interest in pugging as things stand. Beta seems to already be corrupted by pugs who cannot be arsed to put the effort in heroics. If the tank doesn't have 150k hp, they /quit. ._. Oh well, no boost for you!

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:14 pm
by Worba
I'm okay with CC'ing, but I don't usually end up doing it currently because the 5 man heroics are so easy that most groups don't need it (and tend to break my CC a few nanoseconds after I apply it) - however on the few occasions the group has asked for it, it's easy enough to do.

I definitely plan on doing dungeons in cata. Probably on my own via the LFD as typically, the toons I instance with are either 1) not guilded, or else 2) no one else is up for it when I have the time, etc etc...

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:36 pm
by Loethlin
My main is a Mage. I also have a hunter, druid, lock and shaman that I play frequently enough. They all have a form of CC. In all other MMOs I always have a form of CC.
That said, I'm always ready to sheep you.
In AO, that was my job every single Beast raid.

I'm ready, baby, bring out the CC!

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:41 am
by Trinia
As someone who got back into WoW due to watching her father hardcore raid in BC? Oh god yes, I want to CC. If I tell people (while on my tank) freeze the square, sheep the moon, I want people to do it. Pugs at the moment don't seem to want to listen and it's all, "GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGo!!1111!" Which irks me to no end. As for Hunter trapping, I look forward to chain trapping again. You know, pull the mob just a little bit with Distracting so it attacks you to run into your placed-in-advance freezing trap as you lay down another right next to you. I always feel good when I can chain trap in instances right now after I accidentally pulled something off the tank, as it seems like a lost skill in Wrath. :[

Unfortunately though, as a tank, I'm slightly afraid of my repair bill come Cataclysm. It's a good thing I'm such a lore nerd. I'll be leveling through quests nearly exclusively, and probably play alts for a bit when guildies aren't on to run 5-mans. Once people figure out AOE = Bad, and CC = Good, (I miss you BigBrother! Tell me who broke my sheep!) I'll be fine with tanking again.

After edit: How'd it get submitted before I was done? XDDDD

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:37 am
by Gimlion
I am excited for the challenge. As someone who didn't hit cap until Wrath, I will have to learn to CC decently, as I haven't done it since Sunken Temple (RIP my favorite dungeon). But oh my Goodness heroics now-a-days are easy... Even in tough pulls the solution is always more AoE...
That or burn the bugger to hell and back... I can't think of a single boss in Wrath currently as far as heroics go, that I can't just burn to the ground other than the watery guy in VH...

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:19 am
by Saturo
Been playing warlocks, hunters and mages since vanilla, so yes, I like CC. PUGs are going to be hell though, because I have absolutely no confidence whatsoever in the skills of the people I get randomed with. The majority don't focus on a target or anything like that, they pick a mob that's been aggroed (Usually by tabbing. Nothing wrong with tabbing, but it breaks CC. Quickly.) and then spam their AoE. Ain't gonna' be much fun.

THen again, I haven't seen much of the "needed" CC, so far, the majority of content looks like it will be easy to outgear.

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:29 am
by MaximumOverdrive
I was always great at CCing stuff in TBC, but yeah, I'm gunna be a lil rusty with it...

But it'll be a nice turn of things I think. Not just with frost trap, but can also put a pet on a target, wyvern sting if you got it, if it's a beast, I guess fear it (probably go badly tho lol)

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:34 pm
by Naiaara
I'm looking forward to having to CC more. Since I have classes that can all CC, I think it will help me learn my character even better for those toons that I don't CC regularly on (read: I don't CC except on my lock and hunter). I think that people might put up big stinks about having to actually work when you play again, but honestly I'm glad that stuff is going to get a bit more complicated. I like a few easy fights here and there, but I'm a nerd. I like my challenges. CC is one of those challenges.

Oh and maybe it might actually remove the "huntard" stigma for those players who actually know how to play.

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:55 pm
by Ebonrook
Oh I'm more than confident in CCing things... I'm just not confident, at all, with your average pugger to not hit it right off the bat since people are still adhering to the zerg mentality.

Am I up to the challenge, though? You betcha.

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:24 pm
by Feath3r
I've tanked with my Warlock because of CC.
I've annoyed the crap out of those blasted Shaman that seem to hate me with my Hunter because of CC in PvP.
I've CC'd Heroic HoR because it makes it cake if you do.
I've two manned Blood Furance with my Priest via a crapload of MC.
I've three manned all of the Wrath dungeons up to Gundrak with two friends through a LOT of CC from all of us working together.

I. Am. Prepared.


(Though I agree, pugs are going to suuuuck. Here's to hoping the DF is nice enough to put us in groups with at least one person who can CC the right groups. You know, like not putting someone with Humanoid or Beast CC into a dungeon with all Dragonkin or elementals :D )

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:54 pm
by Rikaku
I'm so ready for CC to return. Finally, no more AoE spam.

(Thank you *so* much Blizzard for removing our best AoE in the end of an expansion full of AoE pulls >=|)

My only regret?
That trap launcher wasn't such a clunky mechanic.

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:23 pm
by Lazuly
Having CC back is one of the things I'm looking forward to the most in Cata, actually!

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:31 pm
by Kryte
I welcome the return of CC as a regular dungeon mechanic. I'm not particularly afraid of the PUG situation, either. I've been playing with PUGs since Vanilla, while I get the occasional group that's all wipe and no reward, 90% of the groups I get are perfectly capable of finishing the dungeon, if a little clumsily. And, heck, I welcome the wipes. It might, hopefully, teach the playerbase a little more patience...

Re: The promise of CC in dungeons

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:12 pm
by Lazuly
I think it may be rough for the first few weeks after Cata, just because so many people got used to AOE steamrolling everything in Northrend that reflexes and thinking skills may be a bit rusty. =P