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Any Word on the "Dissapearing Dash!" Pet Bug as Yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:18 pm
by Warfish
Still having my Ferocity Pets lose their Dash regularly, requiring retraining to get it back (to lose it next time their dismissed or stabled).

Has there been any word, from Blizz or the Test Server, as to a correction for this?

I would truly be dissapointed to start Cata with a few of my favorite friends stabled due to plodding slow feet...

Re: Any Word on the "Dissapearing Dash!" Pet Bug as Yet?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:30 pm
by swordoath
As a workaround, you can teach your Core Hound and Devilsaur the Charge ability. Note that Charge disappears on Spirit Beasts and Dash is the one they need; this is apparently the same issue. Non-Exotice Ferocity pets seem to be fine.

As for a response, I have not heard anything since I got the first reply to my ticket back at 4.01's drop. They told me they were working on it and it would be fixed "shortly." What exactly "shortly" means is anyone's guess.