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What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:49 pm
by vvhooya
I only tamed the dogs and monkeys...the dogs can switch color from black to red...

what about you?

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:53 pm
by Loffter
Nothing yet, I've been at work all day. 8 more minutes!

going for Ashtale and a Beetle, for sure. Probly a parrot.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:56 pm
by Kyria
So far? For keeps, I've tamed Gezzarak the Huntress, a black fox from Redridge, and a Lost Ravager (maybe keeps, not sure yet). Temporarily, I've tamed a blue helboar, a red fox and a red warpstalker. The red warpie is gorgeous. I'm on my way to start carefully picking through Ahn'Qiraj bosses for Princess Huhuran and one of the brain bugs.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:58 pm
by Voodoou
Chromaggus! but I cant think of a good name :( I also got the blue mage hunter to replace my old one :) named Nicodemus. I plan to snag a mummy vulture but thats probably it for me.

now named Nehebukau which is a two headed snake god from egyptian mythology

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:11 am
by Jadvya
I've tamed a red felboar, red and green warp stalkers, blue/white parrot, gray demon dog, and Sapphire Hive Queen. It's been a good day.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:46 am
by Bundia
Chromaggus, Ashtail and Gezzarak so far.

My plans are to get the DMs pets on my low lvl hunter soon. And I'll probably have her tame the Undead Hawk. I really can't justify another Bird of Prey atm on this toon. I'm likely going to have to get rid of Terror Spinner and probably Gezzarak and retame on my other hunter anyhow. I am a little disappointed with Gezzarak. Her walking animation seems laggy on my end. She'll go from a normal pace to a speed walk to catch up to me. And it's odd looking at least to me. It's a pity because I think she is so beautiful.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:29 am
by Falcon
Since my stupid modem decided to die on me for a few hours this afternoon, I got off to a late start. *sigh* I've only been able to get most of Toph's planned tames done. She managed to get all the demon dogs save for Rokad the Ravager (that damn bat spawned instead...), and she still needs to get Chromaggus, Gosh-Haldir, and a black mastiff.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:31 am
by Astratia
Ashtail, Chormmagus, a Mage Slayer and.. well going after the rare Sithlid in Tanaris :3

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:57 am
by Slickrock
Undead eagle
Gold beetle
demon corehound
Zora (woot!)
Lone Hunter

(and tamed the brain-bug from Ungoro, but dumped him due to the bug).

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:15 am
by Raydex-of-the-dawn
The Infestor <3 First on my server!
Grunter! I had just tamed Gezzy...:D
Blue Silithid Wasp
Blue Silithid Beetle

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:42 am
by Agravaine
Spotted Blooddsurge's post about the servers being live around 10 to 6pm ET, had my pretties tamed by 6:45 -- Red Fox from WPL, The Lone Hunter and a Monstrous Macaw from the pirates of er... the salt flats bay ;)

The way to the last one took me past Zalashji's old cave, but I couldn't find the cave and he was missing. I hear he's part of new quests.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:13 am
by malikith
Chromaggus, a white fox, orange beetle, Lord Kri (orange slithid boss) are the ones Ive picked.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:53 am
by Hesantia
I have tamed the red and green parrots from DM, the dark red one from 1k needles, the blue and white jormungars, and the blue runed demon dog (will tame the red one for comparison soon aswell) but most of them are just so I could compare which one I like the most ;)

And the ones I had tamed that changed colours where Shango and Rak'shiri, but since I have too many cats already, I only kept Shango; that tiger skin is just amazing! :shock:

(and since I've done some abandoning when deciding, I think it's stupid that you don't even have an emote when you abandon.. I mean, you wave just for putting them in the portable stable... and nothing when letting them go?)

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:00 am
by Layiaissa
Just a golden eagle and Nix in Loch Modan. Been too busy looking around, I guess. :/

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:05 am
by Lehana
I have tamed: a seagull (Steven), Chromaggus (Nidhogg), one of the new blue crabs (Rocky), Gezzarak the Huntress (Maleficent), a red parrot (ChickMagnet), and an orange fox (Tod). I thiiiink that's all so far.

Spent most of the day looking for a purple parrot. Never did find it. So sad. First I can't find Aotona, and now the parrots in Dead Mines don't show up. I might have went insane and ranted angrily in guild chat saying things like "ALL PARROTS WILL DIE UNTIL I FIND THE PURPLE ONE. COME OUT OR ELSE!" It didn't work. Nor did killing all the monkeys in hopes that it would please the parrot gods enough to make the purple one show itself. And naming one parrot ChickMagnet din't work, no pretty purple parrot chicks came out to play with him.

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:29 am
by Shade
Here is my stable so far. :) The Lion and blue ghost wolf of course I don't have yet, thus their names are in red. I have a few pets that I am not sure about keeping yet, there are some 81+ skins that I might trade them out for yet.


Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:49 am
by SylviaDragon
hmm, tamed the brainbug in un'goro first, (missed the rares) then took a long walk and got a seagul. Jade spirt next, green runed hound, black fox and angered bird spirit over in blades edge. i think thats all of them. still got the kara hounds and my dragon puppy to tame though along with a few others. ^.^ just a shame the daggertail lizards are too high for me.
Guess you could also count the scorpid that turned into an ant. its been a good day =D

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:49 am
by Nenuarë
Ashtail, Slaverjaw and a felboar from Shadowmoon Valley (black boar with green pikes) :headbang:

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:58 am
by Darsurion
Gezzerak then logged in on top of Slaverjaw

Chromaggus next...or Ashtail

Re: What pets have you tamed so far?

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:57 am
by pengupuff
-Verek (rare demon dog in BRD)
-Daggertail lizard
-Diseased hawk
And I'm giving a green spiny raptor a test run. :O

Also, with the possible exception of the new raptor, my stable is complete until cata. :D :D
Here's a link to my stable: ... t#10818963