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In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:04 pm
by Rhyela
I am having trouble deciding if I should keep my current favorite pet or get a new one. Basically what I'm killing myself trying to do is get a pet that is: 1) useful in most/all situations; 2) unique or unusual; 3) a pet that I can feel "attached" to.

Up until now I have been using a bonestripper carrion bird from Hellfire Peninsula. I love him to death! To me, he's beautiful, powerful, and an unusual pet (at least on my server anyway). The only issue is that his skill, Demoralizing Screech, lowers melee attack power. That's great for melee-heavy groups or mobs, but what about casters? It does nothing whatseover besides the initial damage. So, I decided to stable Rhytil ("jade eye") and search for another pet that could work in PvP/PvE against casters/melee.

Last night I picked up both a spore bat and a wasp from Zangarmarsh because I liked their armor-reducing abilities. The wasp is ferocity so he does more damage, but the armor reduction doesn't stack with faerie fire. The spore bat's armor reduction is smaller but hits everyone in range, but he's cunning so he doesn't do quite as good of damage, and isn't as good in PvP.

I decided to stick with the wasp because I tend to like ferocity pets the best. But, something still just doesn't seem right. I can't get into this pet. I like to get pets that seem like they could be tameable in real life - wolves, cats, boars, bears, etc. (not that anyone is walking around with a pet bear IRL, but you know what I mean ;) ) I just don't see someone saving the world with a giant bug by their side. Don't get me wrong, I love bugs IRL, I've often thought I should have gone into entemology. But as a pet? For a night elf? It just doesn't fit.

TL:DR is, I miss my bird a LOT. He is one of my favorite pets so far but it's just poo that his ability is situational. Do you guys think I should just stick with him anyway since he's my favorite? His skill is still useful, just not in every situation. Or, should I suck it up and adventure about with a huge insect named after grapes (Telaari, the first food he ate, lol)?

I'm just not sure what to do! On one hand, I love my bird, but on the other hand, I don't want people griping at me about my pet choice. :(

I appreciate any comments/input. :)

Re: In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:06 pm
by Saturo

Re: In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:09 pm
by Rhyela
Saturo wrote:I've always liked this little bug. ... white.html
I do agree that it's pretty, but it's still a bug. :) I should have also added that I like pet abilities with short cooldowns. But I guess Serenity Dust has about the same cooldown as Kill Command (give or take)...still. It's a bug. lol :lol:

Re: In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:10 pm
by VelkynKarma
Well if you really like the carrion bird, you should stick with him, regardless of what people say. You're the hunter and it's your game. Remember, games are about having fun; if you're not having fun because you're being forced to stick with a pet bug you don't like, then why bother playing?

That said, if you raid a lot, there are other pet options you can consider that might be more appealing than a wasp. Wolves, devilsaurs, spirit beasts, raptors, and tallstriders all have very useful abilities in raiding as far as I can tell, due to AP/damage buffs or, in the case of the tallstrider, dustcloud (which makes all enemies in range miss their next attack).

If this is just for soloing and 5-mans, use whatever pet you feel like, carrion bird included. You can even take tenacity pets through dungeons as long as you are properly specced and know your spec well; there is no 'must have' pet for 5-mans.


Re: In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:12 pm
by Rethei
If you still enjoy the Wasp i recommend you try taming one of the sholozar basin wasps :]. The Sapphire wasp doesn't shrink and retains it's huge size xD!

Since you like ferocity pets alot here are some other choices!

Raptors (outland model)

carrion birds

Wolves and Cats are hands down the top pure dps pets to tame for non Bm hunters, most others have situational special abilities. I however say you stick with what you enjoy the most :]

Happy Hunting!

Re: In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:42 pm
by Gigglemonsta
Play with what pet you like :)

I personally use spirit beasts in raids, not because they are the best, but I like them more :) Just because im doing 50 dps less because of it, doesn't really worry me or my guild :)

Re: In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:45 pm
by Rhyela
Thanks everyone!

At this point I am only doing casual PvP, 5-mans, and questing/soloing. I'm not quite to the point where I can raid. :oops:

I am BM so I can get any pet out there, beastly devilsaurs included, but they just don't tickle my fancy. I'll stick with my beloved bird for now and see what happens once I reach level 80. Maybe by then Cataclysm will be out and I won't have to worry about raiding (lvl 80 dungeons, that is). Or maybe there will even be new, exciting pets for me to try!

I appreciate the comments, you guys are the best!!! <3

Edited for clarification :)

Re: In a Pickle of Petly Sorts :P

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:23 pm
by Epicfail
Well, lets see.

Chimaera is my favorite unusual awesome pet. Its the most beautiful avian out there in my opinion, but it doesn't do much for the whole mimicing a RL pet... unless you mean something from the Isle of Dr. Morrough. :) It has closest "feel" to a dragon pet imo. Works well with melee and casters and is cunning for great pvp skillz.

On the other hand, a RL pet that might suit you and fit the whole NE thing is the eagle pet. Majestic, faithful and great in PvP with the snatch ability. All of the new "eagle" looking pets have a "feel" like the carrions. Snatch is pretty useful against anyone as, without their main weapon, most people are SOL for a few seconds. It disables what most melee can do at all (screws up rotations) for a few seconds. Give one a tame and see how you like it.

Let us know how it goes. We always love to hear how well different masters and pets bond to one another.