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Pet Defensive/Passive Macro Help!!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:43 pm
by Skeeter
Ok now that ive hit 80, i need to clean up my keybinds and macros so i can raid/pvp more effienctly and im in desperate want of a macro that allows me to change between Passive and Defensive depending on what stance it is currently in.

for instance

Pet is Defensive.
>Hit Button
Pet is now Passive
>Hit the same button
Pet is back to Defensive

and so on
I've googled but its hard annoying to sift through all the unrelated questions and useless links )=

Re: Pet Defensive/Passive Macro Help!!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:21 pm
by Kurasu
What you want here is a /castsequence macro. I used to have one set up, but no longer need it and deleted it on Kura when Cata came out. :( ... -command_1

See if that helps explain how to do it. It's a fairly simple thing, IIRC. Just... I don't know if the explanation would be simple. :)

Re: Pet Defensive/Passive Macro Help!!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:34 pm
by Skeeter
that castsequence would work awesomely after reading, but what would the Pet Passive/Pet Defensive macro does

i tried /castsequence petpassive, petdefensive

didnt work, tried petstance3,petstance2 (didnt work, like i figured)

Re: Pet Defensive/Passive Macro Help!!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:56 pm
by Kurasu
Oh, damn. :/ That's a good point. It's not a 'cast'. I didn't think about that.

/petpassive and /petdefensive are the commands for making them go that way, but I'm not sure how to add that into a sequence. :( I'll look around a bit and see what I can find.

Re: Pet Defensive/Passive Macro Help!!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:19 pm
by Wassa
I use this for a hunter's mark macro.

Code: Select all

/petattack [mod:shift]
/petdefensive [mod:shift]
/petfollow [mod:alt, @pettarget, exists]
/petpassive [mod:alt]
/stopmacro [mod]
/cast Hunter's Mark
It puts my pet on defensive and attacks if I push shift, pet follow and passive if I push alt (and only follows if he is attacking something).

For a more simple defensive/passive macro, I just wrote this up quickly. I've not tested it but it should put on defensive if no target and passive if your pet has a target. I can't think of a way to just do a one button push between defensive and passive without using modifiers or pet targets/combat.

Code: Select all

/petpassive [@pettarget, exists]
/petdefensive [@pettarget, noexists]

Re: Pet Defensive/Passive Macro Help!!

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 4:49 am
by Bellena
Has anyone figured this out yet? Can it be done?
I've beet trying everything I can think of.
I just want a toggle between passive and defensive for a key binding.
Since /castsequence won't work, is there a way using /script?