Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

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Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Rosebud »

Can't believe I am writing about this but it has bothered me ever since it happened. I was on my level 80 horde character and someone whispered me and asked me if I had been hacked. I said no and they said well then what's up with your gear? I know it's not near what other 80's have so I said to him that I don't do dungeons. He said why not and I said well because no one wants you if you don't have the gear. I said but it's ok...I just play for fun anyways and he said well no one really plays for fun anymore. Then I said well I at least have all the spirit beasts and King Mosh so I am happy. And I truly do just enjoy getting on and playing for fun. My husband came home from work and I was still a bit down and told him that I had almost quit playing and told him what happened. I know I shouldn't let something so petty bother me but thought I would ask what you all think. Am I wasting my time playing? I've been playing over 4 years now and it's been great therapy for me. I had lost my daughter in a dometic homicide/suicide and my son got me interested in it. Anyways sorry for rambling. Everyone have a great day. I am going back to rest a bit...
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Anansi »

It's your copy of the game, your subscription fee and therefore your right to play the game in whatever fashion you enjoy the most (provided it is within the TOS and you aren't griefing, cheating or otherwise being a pain, which I rather doubt you are :) ).

People the randomly examine your gear to make snide comments are essentially bullies trying to make themselves feel better and more important and can be safely ignored.

That said, the new Dungeon Finder tool is great fun and a nice opportunity to see content, get gear and without the hassle of enduring gear checks or other such things. Rarely does anybody do an inspection on pugs in randoms. I would encourage you to run a few and see what you think.
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Sarayana »

Aw hun', WoW is full of jerks like that.. think they'll have a better time if you have a worse time. Anansi is right, he's a bully.

I'm glad to hear that WoW helped you through some tough times. When I started playing WoW, it helped me through some really bad stuff, just being there as a fantastical, wondrous world I could escape into. This guy is essentially trying to take this away from you so he can what? Inflate his ego? Don't let him. Put him on ignore and forget about his pointless jabbing.

If you have fun when you play, and you're enjoying your time, then it's worth every penny to you. Don't ever let anyone else dictate to you how to play!

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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Saturo »

Aye, you do what you want.

And if they ever say "well u r nub", just tell them "Saturo supports me!" That'll shut 'em up... Maybe... If they're stupid...

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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Vephriel »

Anansi wrote: People the randomly examine your gear to make snide comments are essentially bullies trying to make themselves feel better and more important and can be safely ignored.
^ Pretty much exactly what I was going to say. :)

No one else has the right to tell you how to play your character. Everyone has different ways of enjoying World of Warcraft, and whatever way you choose to is up to you so long as you're having fun. :D

Some people live to be the best of the best, and thrive on the intense raiding regimes or strict PvP play. Others like levelling throughout the world and just start new characters all of the time so that they don't even have 80's. Some people collect minipets, or mounts, and some people just enjoy casually questing and hanging out with their friends online.

I certainly don't push myself to hit end game. Not that I don't want to see it, but I know I don't really have the time or motivation to dedicate to hardcore raiding. And I'm okay with that. I grab some purple gear when I can, but I'm so slow that usually by the time I accumulate a nice set there's a new expansion and it's all obsolete by then anyways. :lol: Instead I enjoy taming special pets, going around exploring, and just doing what some people would call 'useless' but I call 'fun'.

Don't let others get you down, you know that you have fun in the game, and that's what's important. :)
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Saturo »

Vephriel wrote:
Anansi wrote: People the randomly examine your gear to make snide comments are essentially bullies trying to make themselves feel better and more important and can be safely ignored.
^ Pretty much exactly what I was going to say. :)

No one else has the right to tell you how to play your character. Everyone has different ways of enjoying World of Warcraft, and whatever way you choose to is up to you so long as you're having fun. :D

Some people live to be the best of the best, and thrive on the intense raiding regimes or strict PvP play. Others like levelling throughout the world and just start new characters all of the time so that they don't even have 80's. Some people collect minipets, or mounts, and some people just enjoy casually questing and hanging out with their friends online.

I certainly don't push myself to hit end game. Not that I don't want to see it, but I know I don't really have the time or motivation to dedicate to hardcore raiding. And I'm okay with that. I grab some purple gear when I can, but I'm so slow that usually by the time I accumulate a nice set there's a new expansion and it's all obsolete by then anyways. :lol: Instead I enjoy taming special pets, going around exploring, and just doing what some people would call 'useless' but I call 'fun'.

Don't let others get you down, you know that you have fun in the game, and that's what's important. :)

I agree with all this, it fits in on me too.

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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Dulanie »

There are children like this all throughout the game now. And it makes me wish sometimes that on pvp servers you could attack members of the same faction. I have had people do this to me too, and I just /ignore them. Don't let them get to you. Treat them like the mud on the bottom of your shoe cause that is all they are worth.
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Rarako »

Don't listen to hecklers, they tend to play the game to to get gear to show how "l337" they are as compared to the other chest puffers, and not for what it's intended to be a game . If the only way that you can feel good about playing is showing off how high a gear score you have compared to the guy next to you then you need to reconsider why your playing, imo. I can't tell you how many times I've seen "Looking for more for 10 man Nax, don't bother asking if your GS is less than 3,800!" being plastered in trade chat instead of asking if that person knows the fights. Play how you like because you like it, if anyone has a problem with it tell them to leave you alone and go back to spamming trade chat on a lowbie alt, kicking puppies, or what ever it is that they do to get their jollies.

Personally I think the fact that you have such highly regarded and sought after pets is a great accomplishment in and of it's self. Anyone can be carried through a dungeon and get gear (believe me I run into them all the time), not everyone has the patients of a saint to try camping a rare spawn, much less the four you were able to accomplish taming. Just think, how many people in those sessions did you see going after Loque or Arcturis? How well geared do you think some of them were? Yet you, missy, were the one who was able to pull off those tames, not them. I, for instance, have been playing WoW since the tail end of vanilla, I have never had a level capt character in all that time (love my guildies both old and new but hate the drama), but I have been able to explore most of the world and do many things (getting exalted with quite a few factions and hunting rare items and pets of example) without help, at or below level. That is what I enjoy, doing challenging things at the time because they are a challenge. Yet for some reason I am the one every asks for advice on hunters... By the end of the week I should finally have my first 80 (roommates are near about having kittens over that), but for right I'm more than content to sit here on this rock in the Hinterlands and scout for an old worg that has been eluding me for far to long now...

Don't let others get you down. You are you, no one else, advice is nice but at the end of the day what you chose to do or not do is your dissension, not theirs. Do what brings you joy, if you log off with a smile, no mater what anyone else says, your doing it right. Take care. :hug:


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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Bulletdance »

It makes me so angry when I hear stories like these. I used to never do dungeons either and I got comments like that all the time. Its a game and you play it however you like its your 15 dollars a month and its a completely customizable game you can do whatever you want its why they made so many different things like farming, rep grinds, and crafting. So don't let them bother you just put them on your ignore list and do what you like. Besides if he's not playing for fun he's just wasting his time, no one gets paid to play wow. :hug:
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by VelkynKarma »

I agree with what everyone else said. I can relate, because I've seen this sort of thing before. I don't really like running dungeons all the time; when I do it's mostly on a whim, and gear almost never drops for my chars. Most of my stuff is crafted. But y'know what? I'm okay with that. Because I have fun doing dailies, exploring, getting pretty and cool pets, and making tons of alts to just have fun with the game.

Never forget that it is a GAME, and thus, created for FUN and ENTERTAINMENT. I am sometimes surprised by the people who take raiding so hardcore seriously, like a second job. If it's fun for them, then that's great--raid, and enjoy yourself. But I see so many people complaining, whining, and blaming others because they can't down such-and-such a boss, or they've been trying to get X piece of gear for Y months. They don't sound like they're having fun in the gear race. Honestly, if I ever got to THAT point in the game I'd stop, because then it's a second job and you're not having FUN.

So just do what you enjoy! If you like running around Sholazar looking for rare and exquisite beasties, do it. If you like doing dalies, do that. If you like running dungeons, do that. But don't let anybody tell you what you have to do with YOUR copy of the game. :)



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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Ryno »

Saturo wrote:Aye, you do what you want.

just tell them "Saturo supports me!"
Pretty much.


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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Rosebud »

You all will never know how much you have helped me! I feel confident that I am doing what is right and best for me in World of Warcraft. I am playing for me and not having to compete with anyone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a moment to write back. I feel so much better and will play World of Warcraft till the end...God willing. :)

Hugs to you all my friends...and thank you again!
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Sarayana »

Rosebud wrote:You all will never know how much you have helped me! I feel confident that I am doing what is right and best for me in World of Warcraft. I am playing for me and not having to compete with anyone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a moment to write back. I feel so much better and will play World of Warcraft till the end...God willing. :)

Hugs to you all my friends...and thank you again!
I am so very glad to hear this. *hugs*

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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by VelkynKarma »

:D Happy to help! Now have fun and relax. Good hunting :)



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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Rarako »

Glad to hear that your feeling better Rosebud. ^_^
When I got home from work the first thing I did was check to see you had posted anything, read your post, and hopped right on my hunter after that. I think you're my good luck charm, the minute I signed on there he was. I think your taming luck rubbed off on me. ;p


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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Rosebud »

Well that's great news Giantstalker! :) Glad you got it! My husband says I have so much patience when it comes to hunting the rares. Most times though when it finally appears in front of me I flub everything up that I was taught. Half the time I'm such a fumble fingers that if anyone else were around at that moment I would lose the tame for sure. I still haven't figured out Arcturis' spawn time. I know for a fact I sat there for 15 hours straight. I can't wait for the expansion and to see if we get more rares to hunt down. Also hoping for more stable slots. I swear I am addicted. I LOVE THIS GAME so much more today than yesterday because now thanks to all of you I don't care what people think about my gear. I die alot sure but it's a blast. Because it's only a game! :) Hugs everyone! Have a wonderful weekend!
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Athulryes »

Sometimes I do what most people in my server do which is far from what might be considered 'productive' in WoW and thats just go sit in Goldshire and RP, or just sit there, yes, sit there...By myself most of the time, wondering why I was even on in the first place. Sometimes thats satisfying enough though, if you ask me : )
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Zangor »

unfortunately the new badge system makes it super easy for people to get T9 gear and seeing someone without that usually means they either are a fresh 80 or dont run many dungeons and a third alternative is that they where hacked

its sad but true and it makes it all the easier to find total noobs that cant play their class yet have the T9 gear cuz they get carried through randoms

i was actually hacked once and my hunter did not lose his gear (whoever hacked me was using him to farm leather) and my DK was cleaned out but i got all my stuff back on my birthday and i bought an authenticator.
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Kayb »

I only play for fun, gear is nice to have, but living without it is easy :) Play for fun, thats actually the point of games anyway
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Re: Someone asked "Was I Hacked?"

Unread post by Kalliope »

This is kind of why I posted a guide for getting some of the easy gear. It's a way of shielding people from unwanted criticism. >_< Cause really, regular instances aren't the place for tearing into other players. If you're doing endgame raids and people are showing up unprepared, fine, you can say something to them, because they SHOULD be showing up and knowing what they're doing. But vault? Heroics? Leave well enough alone.

There's definitely no excuse for going up to people in Dalaran. -_-

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