Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" Magic Luck Thread

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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Navilin »

I've been reading these posts all while camping Jadefang last night, so I'm going to post one myself as a desperate attempt to get it to spawn again.

I've already lost Jadefang twice to tougher Hordies; very disappointing. A few of them have been nice and left me alone, but last night I decided to take a quick nap and of course, that's when it spawns. Not three seconds later does a goblin come out of NOWHERE and kills it for the tiny pet.. I had been waiting for HOURS and she just came in and stole my precious gem.. such a sad day :(

So here's hoping I'll be lucky and not have to wait long for dear Jadefang again, and maybe I'll be fortunate enough to be alone this time..

Oh please oh please lucky thread!! *rubrubrub*

*EDIT* Got him!! I was bored sitting shadowmelded into the cave side so I summoned my Moonkin Hatchling, got a fire going, and the two of us started dancing the day away. Jadefang literally spawned on top of us!! All of it happened in less than a minute, I kid you not. I guess the theory that Jadefang likes dancing around campfires is no myth! :D

Jadefang popped about 2:10pm server time on Blackrock. Now, I'm really not sure about the spawn timer; I encountered him last night at 8:45pm, logged on this morning at 8:30am and no sign of him again until just now. So I don't know if the server restarts messed up his timer or if he pops after that, but now at least others on Blackrock will have a solid spawn time for today.

Thank you thread!! I will surely be coming back for Karoma! ;)
Last edited by Navilin on Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Airwyn »

Tamed Ghostcrawler last night at approx. 5:50 pm Server time!
I only needed 10 achievement points till I had 5k and I decided to go to the abandoned reef to finish the explore Vashj'ir. As soon as I got there a yellow dot appeared on my map, heart attack insued as I moused over it and it was a mere herb... Oh my dissapointment :P After a couple more hours of swimming EVERYWHERE and several more mini-heartattacks from the silly herbs, I began to get more comfortable with the fact that they were herbs and not ghostcrawler, so I would see the dot and swim to it without mousing over it. Well one time I went to swim down to an herb (still no npcscan and I didn't use a /target macro), I found that it was not an herb at all, but Ghostcrawler! I quickly hit tame beast and after losing a little over half of my health, he was mine :) I went to show him to my friend (the one who helps me name pets) and he told me that I needed to stop taming new ones because I still have 3 that require names haha!

Best of luck to everyone on their hunts!


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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by frrranklinn »

Please lucky thread...

I've been camping for Arcturis but still nothing!! 24 hours+

Please help me!
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Araela »

Alright posting.


I have been looking for you all day. Literally, I have only left to do an occasional Tol Barad battle. I would really like it if you would show up because then I could leave Burning Steppes.

Thank you!

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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by BaldingBarry »


Been looking for you for quite some time now, would you please spawn and let me tame you, I promise a good home and some good friends. Chromatica may be scaley and purple but she loves hugs!
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Neko »

Dear Terrorpene,
Im sorry i didn't save you from that rogue. Please come back to me. ill polish your shell. Sing you all your favorite songs.

Luv you lots,

Edit: 3 hours after this post was made I caught Marcus (Terrorpene). Thanks Lucky Thread.
Now Send me some Northrend Spirit beasties luck pls. *rubs thread*
Last edited by Neko on Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by pengupuff »

This worked for Madexx, so I'll go ahead and post here in the hopes that Karoma will pop up for me.


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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Celi »

Dear Blue Madexx,

I've clearly lost the plot. I am now dancing around a camp fire at one of your spawn spots. Could you please put me out of my misery and spawn. Then we can dance togeather, a purple haired elf and a blue scorpian.



Ps: If you do spawn, I'll do something I've never done before. I'll change the hunter's hair from purple to blue. How does that sound?
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Juxia »

Dear King Krush,

I'm not sure why I'm still trying to find you after all this waiting you're making me do. There's just something about that scaly green face that melts my heart!!!


Well, the sweet talking worked!!! Tabbed back to WoW halfway through writing this post and who was there in front of me? :D Messed up the tame in my panic but on attempt number three the tame completed and he's mine!!!

He's gorgeous, definitely worth it!!!
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Kurasu »

This is a bit unusual, but...

Olm, Olm. My lovely, ghostly owl. You are a beloved sighting for me in the world of Felwood, and I miss your lovely white face. Or I suppose lovely ghostly face, now. It would warm my heart to see you there again. So please, Olm, show yourself to this tired rare-hunter who got on the PTR for one reason and one reason only: to pray that you'd be returning to us!

With love, Kurasu. <3
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Chèza »

Loque dear im tried and running out of time..come home little kitty
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by chukkonoriss »

Well this thread is amazing. I haven't come on here to share my story, but here goes. I posted on Dec 29th. I was constantly searching for karoma and sambas but to no avail. New years Eve comes and I decide to take a break from hunting. Went out, got drunk and came home to pass out. Had a dream that I had tamed sambas. It was weird because I usually camped up by the mountains for him because reports from several people on my server saying they got him there. But my dream had me taming him in the southern most part of his spawn points. So I woke up early the next morning, still having a bad hangover, and I fly to where my dream had led me. Sure enough, NPC scanner starts screaming at me. Went down and sambas was mine. Circled for a few minutes for karoma, but no luck, so went back to bed. Woke up later that day, and checked agian, still no karoma. So I did my dailies and flew around the spawn points one more time, and NPC scanner goes crazy. Karoma was alive and well. Dropped down and tamed the beauty. I wanted terrorpene, and had been camping him on and off, so I went up to hyjal. He was nowhere to be found, so I decided to camp. Waited for about two hours, and got bored. Decided to run a random bg while I was waiting. We lost horribly, and so my camp continued. Flew around his spawn points and saw that there were 3 alliance, 2 paly and 1 warrior fishing. So I settled down away from them seeing as I was still tagged. As I land I see a moving island and NPC scanner goes wild. I start taming, and keeping my eyes on the yellow dots that were of the opposite faction on my map. About a 1/4 into the tame, one of them starts coming my way. I'm sweating at this point, because they could come and kill me or the turtle. But, the warrior was nice, dropped down, and cheered me on. Then they all 3 manned me after my tame. I was so happy I didn't even care. Lol! A few days go by and none of my other rares were spawning. But then, about a week after, my luck changed again. I was searching for gondria, skoll, and GC. I decided to check on GC after being unsuccessful a few times, he was waiting for me. I then proceeded up to northrend, and found gondria. I was so excited, and laid a freezing trap. As I'm about to hit the tame button, I see hearts coming out of him. Turns out, it was being tamed by an alliance hunter! So I let him tame and cheered him on. Then went up to the mountains to check up on skoll. No luck so I figured I would camp. After an hour, I decided to fly around, and sure enough, he was waiting for me in another spot. So after I tame him, I head to try my luck with jadefang. Camped for 7 1/2 hrs, and a horde shaman joins me. 30 min later, jadefang spawns, and I forgot to dismiss my pet. As I am doing so, the guy opens up on jadefang. I am so pissed at this moment as I see my 8 hr camp go to waste. Disappointed, I head back to northrend to find gondria waiting for me again. So I tame him this time without the trap, lol. I head back to jadefang and log off for the night. Logged on the next day and started camping again. After an hr, jadefang spawns again. As I'm about to finish the tame someone pulls aggro. It was a horde DK, and I watch jadefang die again. I had him tagged this time, but was so pissed off. They guy asks me if I was going to enjoy my new minipet, and I told him off leaving him a message that I wasn't going to loot the body, which I didn't, and left. I went back the next day and camped for another 3 hrs when he finally spawned again. Clean tame this time. So now, my stable is complete! I went back today to jadefangs spawn point and saw the same DK waiting there. He was like "you here for another long camp?" I told him yes. Then asked him how long he had been there, and he told me 2 hrs. With him not knowing I had made the tame already, I proceeded to take my shiny pet out. He starts running around, I'm guessing his NPC went off. Haha! I laugh at him and walk out. Revenge is sweet. Lol!

Good luck to anyone going after these guys!
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Täboo »

*RUBRUBRUB* I'm on the hunt for multiples. I'd be so happy for just one of them, though. ♥ Gondria, Ghostcrawler, Karoma, Sambas, Terrorpene! ♥ One of you should find your way to be, kthxloveyoubai! ♥♥
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Arisia »

well, hello there, thread... normally these things don't really work for me, but right now I'm willing to try anything...

Terrorpene? I know you're lurking somewhere out in that hissing nasty lava that is driving me crazy. Take pity on this poor belf huntress who just wants a nice turtle with a warm shell to curl up with on those nasty chilly nights when she is out leveling her fishing...

If you appear and let me take you home I promise you loads and loads of yummy food, adventure that other turtles only dream about, and lots and lots of turtle wax for your burny nice shell!

Please dear Terrorpene, show yourself-- let the power of this thread lure you from the lava and come home!

Thank you...

Arisia, who is darn tire of hovering over this #$%(@ lava...
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Tangeryne »

*peeks head in*

I'm really, really getting tired of Sholazar Basin. And I actually really enjoy Sholazar. So please, King Krush, please spawn for me already. I'll love you forever!
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Dubhsidhe »

Dear Loque,

Please spawn in the gorilla area. For, you see, I am a poor hunter. Spending my saving on fast flying hurts my soul. <3 Dubh

(Note: Thanks Novi for talking to a newb hunter and giving tips XD)
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Echo »

Dear Jadefang,

Please show up your such an adorable spider, I want to give you a good home..:)

Thank you! :)

1 TLPD-Oct 16th 2011 (63 days of camping)
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Slickrock »

Dear green Madexx.. it's past 24 hours after the last time I saw your red brother in Uldum, so I have no idea when you might reappear. Please show up soon.. wife is getting frustrated with my camping of you.. it's time. Please show up tonight...
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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Chimera »

I'll rub the thread for good luck on Blue Madexx. I own all the spirit beasts, the rares i wanted badly from the Old World and Cata (outlands and northrend have blah pets with the exception of spirit beasts for me.)

i'll also hug it super tight for Time-Lost Protodrake, been checking back every half hour to patrol his spawns for 8 hours each day for about 6 days now and ive only seen Vyragosa once. No Skoll or Dirkee. 'Least the camp isnt a loss for time, ive been working on WoW artwork so im content to keep camping if need be :]

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Re: Obligatory "Where are you, rare pets?" thread.

Unread post by Tokmund »

Hello everyone,
My personal rare nemesis has to be King Krush.

I only saw him once when I was Lvl 77 and he was dead anyway, but since then I'm looking for him. He is the last of the Northrend rares I really want badly. I got Gondria and had to release her since I only had 5 slots, I tamed Skoll when I was awake at Half past 5 in the morning and found Arcturis the same way. I even tamed Loque by pure accident while I was farming ore.

But the King always eludes me.

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