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Unread post by Kira »

Here we go again.


Right, I'm leaving this site again. Not like it's that big a deal because, you know...no one gives a crap expect for my RP friends. Whatever.

I do have a few things to say before I go though.

This is no longer the site I fell in love with back when I was leveling Asliasa. I found this site before Cata boomed, about..halfway through Wrath I think. It was a great site where you could come and ask questions about where a mob was or what level if you couldn't find it/were a little too lazy. You could ask for help naming your pets and get great answers (still can, don't get me wrong!) and if you decided on something other than what you were told it was fine.

Now you get chewed out for naming your pet AFTER the mob if it's a rare. I've seen plenty of Skoll's, Gondria's and recently a few Skarr's, a Karkin and one or two of the named spiders.

Newsflash people.....IT'S NOT YOUR PET!

Don't get upset with someone for naming THEIR pet after the mob THEY tamed. I have a Sambas named Sambas because I could not think of a better name for him. Will I ever change it? Maybe. But only when I want to and now when someone Else tells me I should. My money, my name.

Also on the topic of rares, I have something else to add.

I will quest..with Whatever Pet I Want To, thank you very much.

I am polite and I know that I get annoyed if I'm looking for a rare and someone sets off my npc scan with their pet. So I've been holding back on using the new new rares until...probably this week. Then Vixik will be question with Asliasa. Right now I use Torkoal, my Terrorpene, and yes I use him in Hyjal. He's a giant lava turtle, you can see him pretty easily if you wanna camp for him.

Off the topic of pets I've noticed something else in this forum. There's a Lot of hostility going around. Like...butt tons. It makes my skin crawl when I think about it.

It's horrible when you put your own opinion out there and you get insulted and beat down because it's not the same as another person's. Freedom of speech? Not on Petopia apparently. If you have a different opinion of something it doesn't give you the right to call them an idiot for it. That's just being close minded and prejudice.

As for the Insulting slang thing...come on people. We are all Different, so we use our words Differently. You can't change something a person has been doing for Years over the course of a short time. Unless you hypnotize them but, really, when will that ever happen?

It's Hard to be honest on this site, to be yourself on this site, and it was Never like that before. I don't come here because I feel that if I make a comment on a topic outside the FoTC rp I'll get bashed for it.

It has to stop people..it really does. This site isn't the one that I discovered and had joy in looking at before.

I have made some great friends on this site and I will keep in touch with them. You guys know who you are and lots of love to all of you!

As a final note, two things.

One....It's a freaking Emberspit Scorpion, NOT DANTE! It's another random mob!

Oh...and....this is for Saturo...
For Sat
For Sat
WoWScrnShot_070711_030117 (2).jpg (81.15 KiB) Viewed 2921 times

Tiny Edit: I'm expecting to be banned for this, or at the very least yelled at. Go ahead, I don't care. It'll just prove my point.


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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I do agree with most of what you said. just sayin.
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Chimera »

Um, i dont know where the Chitter originally came from but i think it was Kalliope who started that when Chatter vanished (i think), and it was also Kalliope who started the Dante thing. Im wondering though why you must hate on a little in-game fandom. Like, yes its an Emberspit Scorpion, but to us its an Emberspit Scorpion named Dante. Its up to you if you see it in a special way or just as a random trash mob. Other then that, gl to you and while i dont know you myself, im sure others who do will be a little sad but also understanding that you arent happy with the direction the sites gone since Cata came out.

Edit: The pic you put up kinda is a spiteful thing too, taking a picture of a specific dead mob to show off like a trophy to the person who started the fandom behind it (pretty sure it was Kalli not Sat still) and isnt really helping your statement (is that the right word? im kinda bad with english) as to why your leaving. Its just as bad as some of the posters here and least, to me, can be seen as a type of griefing which im sure you are fed up with reading on the forums and are probably leaving partially because of the griefing. Just saying, its how im viewing this post as another petopian poster.

Edit-edit: Sorry, i thought the picture was to be spiteful, i have been told what happened to Saturo and the reasons behind it (i didnt know she was even banned to begin with).
Last edited by Chimera on Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by cowmuflage »

It's manly the fact that some people get told off for dissing it. Thats what i've seen.
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Moore »

I don't even understand what is going on, though I don't really pay much attention to the 'dante' stuff, I'm not REALLY sure what it is. I'm like 'oh that's cute' then move on to the next thread o.o, the forums are very opinionated sometimes yes but everyone is entitled to theirs and I don't really care at the end of the day unless it's something truly offensive.

I don't really know a whole lot of people on this site but I remember your signature 'cause it reminds me of that time on avatar the last airbender when sokka got stuck in that hole in the ground and the little fuzzy thing was messing with him :P

GL in all that you do in-game and out though o.o


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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Lotusii »

I agree with several of the things you've said and I wish you good luck with whatever you do and wherever you go. I may not know you personally, but I wish you well all the same.
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Rottingham »

Well i do agree with most, as I too have strayed away from the forums. Most of the time it's personal stuff, like my dog is sick or I have toom much to do with summer classes, but mainly it's because of the lack of interaction.

I mean if I posted something for a laugh or to ask a question, i'm sure I'd get a response back, but in the older times of petopia you'd get pages of different oppinions and none if it was really spiteful.

The one thing I don;t agree with is Dante. I mean there was P.Dawg for the longest time, and I thought it was halarious. And now Dante, i don't really know much about him but i'm assuming it's another P.dawg. Even though it is an Emberspit scorpion, why can they not call it Dante? I mean, you said something about naming pets that you've tamed, whynot name things that you have not tamed? It's all just for fun.

As for Chitter, I have no idea what that's about but oh well...

Best of luck to whatever you do, adn I hope you benefit from it


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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Nubhorns »

I'm disagreeing with everyone and acting like I'm going to be persecuted for it, am I cool yet?

Edit: Good luck with your future endeavors, of course. ;)
Last edited by Nubhorns on Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Kalliope »

The pic of Chitter dead is an attempt to hurt me, not Saturo. Saturo hated me, and apparently, Kira is a supporter of that group/mentality. I'm sorry to see that, since Kira seemed like a sweet person when we talked on the PTR.

Fortunately, both Chitter and Dante are bigger than the words of a few people. They are loved by many people here. Neither can be kept down by being killed. The same goes for the true spirit of these forums: it will always live on, no matter how strong the negative vibes get here. It all comes down to what reality you choose to partake in. You don't have to believe in Dante or P.Dawg, but you do need to respect the rights of those who do. The same goes for any other highly debated issue here, be it using the pets you want when and where you want or killing tamable rares. Don't tell others how to play. Live and let live.

Open-minded tolerance is the core of this forum. Anything else is a deviation from the norm. If you can't handle that, then perhaps this isn't your kind of forum.

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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Vephriel »

Mm hmm, the forums definitely changed, and I suppose that's only to be expected with rapid growth. I'm certainly not as active as I used to be, but I also stepped down as a mod since I no longer felt like this was the same place I'd once accepted the position for in order to help out. There's still plenty of good people here, and now I just keep to threads that interest me for the most part, but the tone's altered for sure. That's just the way things are I suppose, especially in a large WoW community that grows by the day. Ah well, que sera sera and all that.
Rottingham wrote:And now Dante, i don't really know much about him but i'm assuming it's another P.dawg. Even though it is an Emberspit scorpion, why can they not call it Dante? I mean, you said something about naming pets that you've tamed, whynot name things that you have not tamed? It's all just for fun.
Mm hmm, I'm not really understanding the point of bringing up something so light-hearted either. x) Some people have fun seeing a bit of personality in a wayward mob, no harm in that. Not like you have to follow suit if you don't feel the same way. Going out of your way to post a dead mob picture is just...really? :lol: If you don't care about it why go through the trouble to do that? I just don't understand. Mobs are killed all the time in game, it's not going to make a difference in the long run who kills them and where and why. That sort of petty spite attempt says more about you than it does for anyone else. *shrug*
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by SpiritBinder »


Before posting please read the posting guide lines, number 1 & 2 are most relevant to your post.

1 Debate is welcome, but please treat everyone here with respect. That means: Disagree with the post, don't attack the poster.
2 No 'naming & shaming': If you want to criticize the behavior of others, in-game and out, make sure that they cannot be identified. (Public figures are an exception, of course.)

As for my personal view on the matter, if you have a problem with anyone else on this forum, please take it to PM's. I, nor anyone else here really wants to read this kind of post, it's unintellectual and uninformative. Ty.


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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Senna-Umbreon »

Honestly, I'm gonna have to agree with Kalli on this one. As much as I love ya, Kira... I just kind of think this a little.. Overboard. Don't get me wrong.. I agree with some of your points, but outright attacking perfectly good people over something that contradicts something you've already said.. Is honestly stupid. I must admit, things aren't exactly what they used to be here, and I'm not fond of it either, but I've been remedying that by lurking, really. I stick to the few places where I feel safe, and it works. (Though that list of places is shrinking now that I've been practically attacked even in my own freaking art thread..)

I just don't see how this sort of thing is going to help any. All it's going to do is stir up even MORE trouble. And, to tell the truth.. I'm sad to see a friend of mine stoop this low like this. Though, I've had thoughts of having outbursts like this myself, but I've always managed to remind myself that it'd just make things worse.

But.. I'm still your friend, Kira, and I'm sad to see you go. I really hope we can still keep in touch in the future. (Not that we exactly did here anyway, but the point still stands <3)
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Nubhorns »

Vephriel wrote:If you don't care about it why go through the trouble to do that?
I think I was more amused by its inclusion in a farewell post. Why go to the trouble of posting it to stir up a reaction when you're leaving*?

That said, I really am sorry you have to leave** on such a sour note, Kira. I do wish you the best despite my - ahem - crude farewell earlier.


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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Azunara »

*salutes Kira.*

Yeah, not surprised. Am surprised your high-tailing it this early, though I guess that means I should take care of some stuff. I suppose I could give the stereotypical good-bye, but both you and I know this isn't a good bye so much as a moving on. *high-fives.* Either way, I do admit, while Dante can be cute, it is still a scorpid. That's it. Chitter, again, a mob. If I see him, damn right I'll kill him, why not? In the end, pixels is pixels.

*sighs.* I remember when I was kind of fanatical too, about pets. Damn, guess I changed a lot with the forums. Either way, Kira, long story short, see you around. :D
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Royi »

Vephriel wrote:There's still plenty of good people here, and now I just keep to threads that interest me for the most part, but the tone's altered for sure. That's just the way things are I suppose, especially in a large WoW community that grows by the day. Ah well, que sera sera and all that.
^^ Well said. For a while I wasn't as active on the threads as I used to be (I rarely create a topic anymore for instance) ~ but maybe a week ago or so I thought I might as well try and be helpful in some areas for other people or to try and give good advice instead of just posting another random Couch picture or typing a /ties Azu to rocket

Even though I pass over 98% of the OMG I TAMED ____ or the I HATE THIS... theres always a ... with a vague title trying to entice people to view it these days it seems.

Anyways, as Veph said communities grow by the day and things change, its in constant flux just like time. You can either leave or step up and try and change things for the positive. I have found the Foes option is great if there are a few people that tend to annoy you as well. Simply put them on your foes list and their posts aren't displayed and no one besides you will ever know it.

Azunara wrote:*sighs.* I remember when I was kind of fanatical too, about pets. Damn, guess I changed a lot with the forums.
I think most of us were at one point. I remember making a thread about every rare that I tamed when I first felt that OMG-NPCSCAN-SPIRIT-BEAST-RUSH with Arcturis and I was incredibly happy about it. I even made a couple unecessary threads about taming Arcturis. Sometimes I forget that I was once a Petopia Forum Noob like many of the newer people even though its been... oh One year anniversary for me here tomorrow actually. We "as I dont know ... "veterans" just need to remember sometimes that perhaps for a lot of these new people, they're just super excited about new rare pets, like we used to be in the past.
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Moonlost »

I've been giving this some thought and, as much as I'd really like to give my views on the changing of the mood on these forums and on some of the issues, I can't. I have not been active within the hunter and more general discussion topics for a great deal of time now, I cannot form my own opinion on that. I know of Chitter, Dante and other little in-jokes, but I see no need to really comment on them. Nor can I latch onto the opinions of my friends in good conscience and use their biases as my own to make an argument.

What I can say, however, is that Kira has every right to express her distaste with the forums, just as you lot have the right to disagree with her views. In fact, more people should we willing to voice their concerns without fear of being shot down or insulted for them. How else is positive change supposed to happen? Yes, perhaps the tone of Kira's message may have come off as harsh, but that does not invalidate it. Ignore the words, look at the meaning behind them.
We have a cry here from someone saying that a place she loves has changed in a way she doesn't like. A last hurrah in an attempt to see if change can be sparked from it. How can you not at least sympathise a little with that?

Kira, you know I wish you the best. <3

Spiritbinder wrote:Kira,

Before posting please read the posting guide lines, number 1 & 2 are most relevant to your post.

1 Debate is welcome, but please treat everyone here with respect. That means: Disagree with the post, don't attack the poster.
2 No 'naming & shaming': If you want to criticize the behavior of others, in-game and out, make sure that they cannot be identified. (Public figures are an exception, of course.)

As for my personal view on the matter, if you have a problem with anyone else on this forum, please take it to PM's. I, nor anyone else here really wants to read this kind of post, it's unintellectual and uninformative. Ty.
I have read and re-read Kira's post a few times now. Not once does she ever move to call out and attack anyone in person. The only part of her post which could bee seen as a personal attack is the picture of Chitter. And even then, that's only if you choose to interpret it that way. I saw it as a visual metaphor as to Kira's feelings on how Petopia has changed. Chitter is seen by many as a personification for the community here; an in-joke that was transformed into an actual mob. And Sat was a friend who was perma-banned for her views (also sadly harshy put) on said sillyness involving this mob.
Perhaps I'm deliberately choosing to misinterpret the message. But the point still stands; nobody was called out. Nobody was directly insulted.


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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Maybe the "change" in Petopia is a good thing.

Before, it was a very private, closed club, with all of its "inside" jokes and whatnot.

Maybe now it can become an open community that welcomes new members into its fold without the rituals and secret handshakes of the past.

I have NO idea what a Chitter or a Dante or a PDawg is. And just to give you an idea of how a newcomer sees things: at NO point since I joined has anyone ever made an effort when mentioning any of these things to make it clear to any newbs exactly what they were referring to.

There has been FAR too much private drama on Petopia, and far too much of it making new members feel excluded from "the club".

Change is good.

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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Royi »

Sukurachi wrote:I have NO idea what a Chitter or a Dante or a PDawg is.
PDawg was a thing about Petopian Guildmembers on Nesingwary, something about a random adventure or perhaps it was camping Humar, I dont know exactly but it was something with wild or tame praire dogs keeping them company while they were up to shenanigans, and it sort of spiralled out of control to use as a fun reference for a few members.

There was a rare spider named Chatter who was missing after the shattering. Kalli and a few others (forgot whom exactly) spotted a similar spider by himself in a different location in southern Redridge Mountains. They jokingly started calling him "Chitter" and somehow the Lurker or Wain helped put that pet into the game.

Dante is similar where for some reason one of the scorpions in Molten Front was nicknamed Dante in a similar fashion as how Chitter was born.
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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by Kalliope »

Royi wrote:
Sukurachi wrote:I have NO idea what a Chitter or a Dante or a PDawg is.
PDawg was a thing about Petopian Guildmembers on Nesingwary, something about a random adventure or perhaps it was camping Humar, I dont know exactly but it was something with wild or tame praire dogs keeping them company while they were up to shenanigans, and it sort of spiralled out of control to use as a fun reference for a few members.

There was a rare spider named Chatter who was missing after the shattering. Kalli and a few others (forgot whom exactly) spotted a similar spider by himself in a different location in southern Redridge Mountains. They jokingly started calling him "Chitter" and somehow the Lurker or Wain helped put that pet into the game.

Dante is similar where for some reason one of the scorpions in Molten Front was nicknamed Dante in a similar fashion as how Chitter was born.
P.Dawg, Chitter, and Dante are all open community in-jokes; they've all had threads (or multiple threads) dedicated to them. Of course, if you missed the threads, they wouldn't seem that way. ;) List of links for reference: P.Dawg, Chitter (contains numerous reference links within), and Dante. Shared joy of the community, not exclusive in-jokes. (Though clearly, if you weren't there, the attachments weren't as likely to form.)

I think on principle, you're right, Moonlost, but the spiteful way in which said opinions were expressed is not intended to be informative, but rather drama-inciting. It's a sad thing, really.

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Re: Leaving...Again.

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

After reading through the original post, I can't help but wonder if we're talking about two different forums. Perhaps my drama-impairment could be at fault. Maybe it's that I rarely read anything from the RP, Fan Art, or Taming sub-forums; are they cesspits of hostility?

If I see a topic title that I know will not interest me, I don't read it. If I read a post that has a negative attitude, I don't assume the whole forum community is going downhill, nor do I obsess over it, and let it overshadow the 95% of posts that are positive. I guess I'm just not good at this sort of thing.

You should transfer over to my version of the forums, Kira, they seem to be drama-free.
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