Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Isabeau »

It was really hard for me to tame Deth. I tried twice before and both of us ended up dead *cry*

Third try my husband helped me on his shadow priest. I started the pull- send pet in kept up frost traps and snake traps & concussive shot. I was far far off in front of him and my DH ran up behind him as far off as possible.

The shadow priest can use his mind flay to slow the spider down and take aggro while I am rezzing my pet. He can also fade if the spider gets too close then the spider ran back to me and hit the slowing trap.

So if u don't know a druid a shadow priest can help too!
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by lilaughingwolf »

We tamed her last night. It took two hunters (myself and a RL friend) and my husband on him druid.

The two hunters took positions on far sides and took turns kiteing her back and forth, the druid rooted anytime her got too close and we had frost trap (the slow down one not the freeze into an ice cube one...I say that cause I get confused on the names from time to time) when iron will goes away start tameing, druid roots befor she gets to you so she doesnt kill herself (for those who use deturance) or kill you (for those who dont). We all died one time each only due to (husband got too close to her and she DS him out of fustration) the other hunter cause an allie showed up (he actually only came to help) and she got too close..DS and me because I laged out and she got a nasty thing she should be able to keep it (maybe at like 25-50% health hit when tamed)

Oh, had to add, she was the only one with a pet out (brought her spider for the web slow down) I was petless to save worked beautifuly.
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Pharodox »

i was able to tame it by first..going behind the pillar..targeting off a stun...then back away and keep fireing stun till i was on the other side of the pillar...where the quest givers are located...if you look at that area its kinda bowl shaped...keep stunning till you have him in the bowl right below the quest givers...then run around him in a wide circle..stunning and useing fox..object is to keep him slowed down..he turns real time hes targeted you to attack you stun him and have moved so he has to turn again....nail with any shot that hits..when he starts to move freely stun him again..keep running in circles around him.(he turns slow)..somethimes the quest givers will attack him..just keep shooting and running, stunning and takes a while till his little icon under his name disappears..but when it does just stop...stun and tame...took me 35 mins this my purple spidy
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Lazurianis »

Average Item Level 367 (Three to four weeks after Cata Release), I was in Molten Front and Track Beast had tracked the infamous Deth'tilac, I had called in my Healer & Shammy Friend to come help me. My goal was to simply kite him, I did not take any chances with the "Revive Pet Deth Strike Method" so I went around in Beast Mastery with my Haste Gear on (Was waiting for Karkin) and started kiting.

(I wanted to go into Marksman but I didnt want to risk not taking him back again) so I had a few hunters come in and help me [Thank you if you are reading this :)] And it went smoothly. About a 5 Minute Kiting process. Finally I began taming him, he set in on me casting Deth Strike. 3. 2. 1. And DEAD! but then I realized something, he died as my pet. Not as Deth'tilac! I was happy but here is my stragety.

From Pull to Tame I kited him around the Sulfuron Spire, I will throw down Frost Traps and Concussive Shots, my main objective is to keep Serpent Sting and Concussive Shot up at all times, I would occasionly run at him if I was cornered and throw detterence and disengage away from him and continue kiting. Your main abilities in this fight are (From Most Important to Least): Concussive, Frost Trap, Serpent Sting, Aspect of the Fox, Serpent Shot, Disengage, Detterence, Rapid Fire, and Revive Pet (If using Sacrifice Pet Method). Do not draw your attention away from Deth'tilac, even the slightest distraction might cost you your death. This is not a fast or easy tame to pull off so do so with caution. Good luck and have fun!

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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Zuilu »

Lazurianis wrote:(Three to four weeks after Cata Release), I was in Molten Front

*Scratches head*
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Bonetracker »

Last night at 10:00 est, I was finishing up in MF and decided to see if Deth was there. He I thought I would try solo. I dismissed my pet and engaged. I kited him around to the front where the NPCs and quest givers started to attack him and after 30 minutes, he was tamed. The best part was that he is tamable even when taking damage from the NPC's, no need to draw him away when he hits 15% or so. Use your ground frost and snake traps to slow him down, never stop moving or DPSing or he will pounce and one shot you. Now I have a cool new pet and a sore pointer finger.
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Harvoc »

I've helped like a dozen hunters tame Deth'tilac since I started questing in the Molten Front a couple months ago (I had catastrophic computer problems when 4.2 dropped that lasted for 6 weeks). It's much easier with two hunters because we have two pets between us to sacrifice. Whenever a pet died, the master would Feign Death and revive the pet. Towards the end, I'd tell the other hunter to dismiss their pet so that when Deth'tilac is tameable, they don't need to revive and dismiss. I also had one time where the hunter kited him out into the open on accident and we got tons of people DPSing him down. When Deth'tilac was at the right health, I told everyone to stop DPS (I don't know if this was necessary but I did it just in case) and the hunter tamed.
Last edited by Harvoc on Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Harvoc »


What do you mean by stun? Hunter's don't have any stun besides the Wasp and Bat family abilities and Intimidation if you're BM, all of which are on a long cooldown. I'm pretty sure you mean a slow or a snare, which is mainly Concussive Shot for us.
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by Lehana »

I can confirm that druid roots work real well. Makes it quite easy. But I'll tell you my full strategy.

How I tamed Deth'tilac.

Step 1: Find him and freak out. Spend a couple of minutes freaking out just staring at him.
Step 2: Calm down and tame a sacrificial spider. Look at a wiki for hints. Rearrange a toolbar just to tame him. Put wrong freezing trap on toolbar. Don't realize you have put the wrong trap on toolbar.
Step 3: Send spider at Deth, have spider die. Slow Deth with concussive shot. Use the wrong trap, the one he's immune to. Die.
Step 4: Repeat step 3 a bunch of times.
Step 5: Give up and eat.
Step 6: Come back 15 minutes later, and see that no one has tamed him. Notice that a druid guildy is on. Ask them to help.
Step 7: Druid roots, pet dies, you rez. 7-8 pet deaths later, Deth becomes tamable. Tame Deth! Yay!
Step 8: Put toolbar back how it was before and realize you had the ice block trap, not the slowing trap on your toolbar. Ooops, that's why he was immune to your traps.
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Re: Deth'tilac- Post your strategies on taming him :D

Unread post by ummeiko »

I helped another hunter by saccing my own deth a few times and then doing the kiting for him for awhile (I don't think he fully understood the abilities and died to Deth strike a few times). When Deth was finally tameable I waited for him to get to a good max taming range, shot an ice trap between Deth and him, and then feigned. Worked pretty well. Not as fast as if my druid was able to do the dailies and just chain root, but an extra ice trap, conc shot, and just slowing Deth with auto shots seemed to work really well.

As for me, I didn't have any explicit help, but a few people passerbys during the course of my kite from being too close (either trying to help or not knowing what was going on), so it didn't take as long as it could have, but it was definitely long enough for my jittery hands.


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