Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Morven »

I'd like to try one of these again.

Name: Mindala @ Nesingwary

Level: 85

Exotics: No, I run MM most of the time.

Restrictions: Nothing dead or diseased or rotting, please.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Sorry for the wait Morven.

White Bat

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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Long time lurker, first time post:

Name: Bruzyq @ Bleeding Hollow
Level: 55
Exotics: Not yet unfortunately
Restrictions: No spiders (that's my current pet), no Turtles, no Raptors

I look forward to contributing!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Asher1611, welcome to Petopia and our Pet Challenge! :D

Red Gorilla

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Since we haven't really gotten many reports in, I'm going to give a roll to my baby hunter. I'm off the next two days and this should be a good intro back into WoW. :)

White Serpent

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Akyo »

I was given White condor this round.

Ive had many vultures before but never this model, so i trotted off to the dwarf zone to see if the rare one Lord Condar was up.
That he was.
After tameing i stared at him some. Unable to find a name for it right away but soon found to love those great wings who seem better animated than the eagles with their wingtips brakeing, and that he was absolutley huge with pet treat and BW.
I did bring the fellow with me to bgs and farming.
He does his job as a dps very well and his ability is great.
However i dident get anny feel for a personality from him so hes still not named.
My feelings towards him is..ok i guess. He does the job and wings are done very nicely but i cant find a personality for him.
For now i will keep him but i wont hesitate to let it go for something else later on.


While this feature of the Grimtotem Spirit Guide wasn't exactly intended... - it will still be possible in future for everyone who wishes to tame this NPC to do so
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

All righty, so my pet challenge was for Image. Tsara happened to already have this snake in her stables, and his name is Datura. All of Tsara's pets are named after various poisonous plants and this guy is named after this plant.

This is easily one of my favorite serpent models in the game, I love how beautiful the white, teal, and purple mesh together. This is a snake that looks good in all sorts of different lightings as well. The model is aging a bit and will probably need some TLC from Blizz down the line as the black areas on the snake look a little pixellated. Despite that, there is actually some pretty great detailing in the scale work on these guys. One of my other favorite things about serpents is their faces; they have some of the most intelligent, devious faces out of any WoW pet and I love that about them.

Sounds and Animations:
By your side serpents are nice and quiet, and when they go into combat they make hissing noises suited to a snake. Nothing too loud and obnoxious in my opinion. Mostly as they sit there idle they just sway from side to side and stick their tongue out, and occasionally they will look from right to left. Seems like whenever you want them to do their idle animation, they won't comply. :lol: Their run animation is a very smooth looking slither across the ground and their swim animation is one of my favorites and is shared by worms; they flatten themselves out in the water. All in all pretty solid for a relatively old creature.

Snake combat is well, pretty simple. They basically just lunge forward and bite at their target (unfortunately I was unable to get a shot of Datura baring his fangs). As they go into combat, if you have the ability on auto-cast, they will pause in their dash to the target and fire off their spit ability which reduces the armor of the target.

Serpents' special ability is Corrosive Spit, which reduces armor by 4% and stacks up to 5 times. They share this special with raptors. In most cases the raptor will probably yield slightly higher DPS, but I've read that for like certain situations for MM and SV a cunning pet yields higher DPS than a ferocity. Either way, unless you're super hardcore min/maxing, a serpent will give you great DPS if you prefer them to raptors. Chances are you won't use either a serpent or a raptor often if you have a warrior in your raid that doesn't mind sundering, or druids that don't mind using Faerie Fire, chances are rogues won't use their version of sunder, or if you happen to have a raid full of casters. This debuff will benefit any physical DPS however.

Overall Datura is easily one of my favorite pets and definitely my favorite serpent model and I have no plans for him to go anywhere on Tsara. :)

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by starkittens »

got back playing, need new pets to try out.

Name: Starkittens
Level: 85
Exotics: Sure, but I normally run in Surv, not BM.
Restrictions: No monkeys or Spiders.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Finduilas »

Finduilas' pet this time was the grey bear. I took him, and not the ghost worm, because I don't have the worm unlocked on Findu. At first I was not very happy about such a "normal" pet but I went out to find him in Hillsbrad Foothills. I found a bear a little away from the others and tamed him. First thing I noticed were his red eyes which lead to his name: Lucivar.

The grey bear looks like any ordinary bear at first, but after taking a closer look I began to admire him. His red eyes and ears give him a demonic look and with his snarl he almost looks mischievous. In the beautiful sunlight in Hillsbrad I realized his fur was not a dull grey but almost a shiney silver-grey. He was shining very nice in the sun and I was sitting with him by my side for a while to admire his fur.
I always think it's kind of sad that bears always are in this hunched position with their front legs and upright with their hind legs. He could be really tall when standing properly. Lucivar is not the biggest pet in game, but I liked his size next to my bloodelf, he matches her very well.

Animations and sounds:
Lucivar's swimming animation is a dog-like paddle in the water. He seemed to like swimming in the great lake in Silverpine forest and chasing the turtles there. He looks really cute when swimming.
His idle animation is to look from one side to the other like looking out for danger. While doing this he looks really dangerous like "come and try to harm my mistress!"
Bears have a special abilitly called "rest". It used to restore pet happiness (it still says that on the petopia page) but it doesn't do anything now except that the bear takes a little nap. It's as useless as the dance of foxes. It looks cute though.
Lucivar's sounds are really nice and bear-like. Lots of deep growling and roaring while fighting. Very fitting and nice.
His fighting animations are basically the same like the ones of bear-druids. He rears up on his hind paws to cast his demoralizing roar and swaps the target with his paws. Nice to watch but nothing special.

Lucivar is a tenacity pet and I specced him towards surviving and tanking including the taunt and taking less critical damage. Along with his demoralizing raoar which reduces the physical damage the target deals by 10% he took almost no damage. I did all my Tol Barad dailies with him and we soloed Problim like a boss.
I didn't try out Lucivar in a dungeon or pvp, because I don't think this is his place to be. But he did tank very well and was my private tank for a whole week.

This bear is a nice companion. If you do a lot of things solo he might be your choice of pet. His roar helps him keep aggro of several mobs (along with thunderstomp). I rarely see this bear skin tamed, so he is almost like a rare pet. If I didn't already have two tanking pets with Finduilas I would for sure keep him. He really grew on me.

Next challenge please:

Name: Nerdanel
Level: 85
Exotics: yes
Restrictions: nothing that requires a raid to get
Lucivar1.jpg (108.42 KiB) Viewed 3837 times
Lucivar2.jpg (97 KiB) Viewed 3837 times
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current signature thanks to Ashaine

Findu on Battle.net

Findu's stables

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Black Warpstalker


Red Beetle

Yellow Wind Serpent

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by asher1611 »

I was given Red Gorilla. The problem being that I'm currently in the Blasted Lands and the Red Gorrilas are most reliably found in Feralas nearly all the way across the world.


But I was up for flying out and seeing new sights. In fact, I had not been to Kalimdor since first arriving to Orgrimmar months ago. But this time me and my trusted companion Chilly the Penguin were off for some southern exposure...


Except, as always, we missed the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet. Just barely missed it. But eventually we did make it.

Chilly was a little concerned about what the heat of the Jungle might do to her. After all, Penguins aren't like how they portray them in the movies. They can handle warm weather, but you don't see them in the tropics. But while we were on the boat I explained to her that this was just a vacation, and soon we'll be back to the sweltering heat of the Blasted Lands. Chilly was not comforted, but soon she would not have a choice. After a quick flight we landed in Feralas, went west, and quickly found a Red Gorilla just off the side of the road:

(I didn't realize this forum does not allow embedding videos, so for full effect, read the caption and watch what is linked below:

I found a nearby bush and took a moment to take in the Gorilla. The thing is massive and obviously a big eater. It tended to pace back and forth slightly askew, and had an unusual tendency to scratch its butt. A lot. A whole lot. As in nearly every time it would stop moving it would stop to scratch, sometimes multiple times. And even though I had to duck in the bush once when it got close, soon the stench from the scratching wafted just a little too close. So...this is to be my companion? There's only one name that popped in my mind...or in my nose.

He smells much worse up close.


From a nice view in town of a waterfall and the river, I gave Stanky one last look at his scenic homeland before I wisked him away across the world. He didn't seem particularly upset. No, he seemed content to stand and watch, scratch contently, or occasionally stop to beat his chest proudly. Stanky certainly looked imposing beside me, but I had my doubts about whether he would be focused or oafish on the battlefield.

Chilly was just worried about turning into a snack.


Bruzyq and Stanky in the Blasted Lands

Watch Bruzyq and Stanky in action: http://youtu.be/8kzGzQHO1Qw including killing some Ogres and discovering a mysterious chest that baffles both me and Chilly. I'm not sure if Stanky is all there yet.

But what surprised me when I went questing with Stanky was his tenacity. Okay, he is of that family, but having leveled with a Spider for most of the time, I was struck by just how effective Stanky was not only at holding agro, but also at quickly dispatching foes. His slap ability was brutal, and his thunderstomp was both effective and mesmerizing. Although creatures had little time to live facing him, the moments they did were rough for them. I could tell that Stanky was loyal to me, as if for some reason I had saved him from some great plight back in Feralas. Why had he been relegated to being alongside the road? Had he been kicked out of his home? Was he looking for adventure?


Chilly, as always, brought up the rear.

The truth was in his face both in and out of combat. Stanky was happy to be by my side -- and once he was away from his habitat I saw a lot less scratching and a lot more chest beating. It's as if I gave him confidence.


We met some mysterious cave elves in Blasted Lands. I don't know why such sophisticated creatures would choose that as their haunt, but they wanted blood and lots of blood.

Bruzyq and Stanky do a Dungeon

However, before I could help them too much I got a call to go to Black Rock Depths -- yet when I arrived, mercifully perhaps, we were already in the Lycium (the room with the respawning dwarves) with one group member dead and the tank and healer totally clueless.


This is where Stanky truly shined. He acted as a tank where the other tank would not, gathering enemies and slowly bringing the group out from running in circles and quickly towards the safety of the other side of the hall. Of course, in the picture above, the tank and healer have no idea what is going on and Stanky is charging quickly to my rescue. What can I say, I was in a tough spot in melee. But Stanky got me out in no time.


And he helped me lead the dungeon in damage done as well, which was nice because I was not expecting that from him at all. My spider attacks precisely. My raptor attacks viciously. But Stanky? He'll slap the crap out of anyone who comes by, and man does he pack a punch.


Bruzyq and Stanky Final Thoughts

So what can I say about Stanky the Red Gorilla? He really surprised me. At first I thought he would be a slow oafing best who would rather scratch his butt than fight for me. But I was mistaken -- we found each other at the right time. Stanky was ready to see the world, and I am happy to oblige. He performed well in dungeons, and he walks around with a particular swagger with a sloped back and unbalanced gait. I like him. I think I'm going to keep him around and see what he can do.

But if he wants to see the world, I say, "why stop at one?"

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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All the info is in the post above, albeit a little hidden. But I will give a more resembling the established format next time around.

Name: Bruzyq @ Bleeding Hollow
Level: 56
Exotics: Not Yet
Restrictions: Only beasts/skins that can be tamed in outland up to level 70.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Your report was just fine Asher! I loved reading it. :D

Grey and Orange Felboar

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by starkittens »

I'm choosing to do Greezak, my purple/black warpy! me and her have been together since I got her, back when I was lv 72! *scrounges around for taming pics, but fails to find them* me and ShadowFire (grezzak) are best of friends. She's sly, witty, and down right sneaky.

Can you see her? I told you she's sneaky!

She doesn't like being in water much....

Her and sara's king Krush

I love her idle, she hisses to one side, then another.

Her special is a slow, which when used, it gives off a blink (blinks)

When fighting, she bunches up her body, the lashes out and bites.

overall, I love my Shadow fire. She is always in my call roster, and always willing to help me out (with the occasional prank)

Name: Starkittens
Level: 85
Exotics: Sure, but I normally run in Surv, not BM.
Restrictions: No monkeys or Spiders.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Lupis »

I forget what my last roll was, but I'm bored, so I guess I'll ask for a new one.

Name: Rassaa
Level: 85
Exotics: Sure
Restrictions: None

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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Black Worg

Pink Tallstrider

Blue Demon Dog

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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Name: Talaridan
Level: 85
Exotics: Sure
Restrictions: None!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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Welcome Talaridan to the Pet Challenge. As a small side note, you are only allowed to have one image in your sig here. :)

Diseased Grey Bear

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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My report this time was for Image.

Rose took a break in her Deepholm questing to go to Tirisfal Glades and pick one of these little guys up. Named him Bozo as demon dogs in general seem to have very goofy, silly personalities to me. This particular demon dog color is one I have looked at before for other hunters because I think the blue and purple are very pretty and mesh well together, however, there are some major key flaws in the demon dog model that have kept me from taming one of the non-runed versions. As you can see, demon dogs are designed to be very bulky and muscular even though they're very small. This is most obvious on their front legs and shoulders, then when you reach their hind legs, the hock suddenly becomes impossibly tiny.

Going back to the front of the demon dog, the head just looks incredibly boxy and almost flat in some areas. The mane is also mostly painted onto the body with a very 2D and pixellated "mohawk" standing up along the neck. There is just something about the older demon dog models that just seems... off.

Sounds and Animations:
Sounds wise, demon dogs are very quiet by your side, and when they go into combat they have these very deep throated roars and growls that, personally, are very fitting considering these guys were demons before they became tamable beasts. And they're not so loud as to be totally obnoxious. The demon dog idle animation is this adorable little puppy hop; well... adorable until you see it from the front and witness the horror that is the god awful mouth that Blizzard gave these guys. I'm still not sure how they managed such a glaring design flaw, but then again, I've noticed that a lot of pets made tamable for Cataclysm are missing basic functions that regular tamable pets have. Which leads me into the demon dog swim animation--they have none, they just walk through the water like they don't even know they're in it. On the other hand, demon dogs have arguably one of the cutest running animations, right up there with boars, imo. My screenshot doesn't show it very well, but they do this adorable bounding gait that's a little hard to describe but definitely a must see. :)

I forgot a pic of this guy's special ability, but if you've seen the croc/crab special ability animation then you've seen this one as well. As a ferocity pet demon dogs put out a fantastic amount of damage. For combat animations, this little guy has a lunge and bite attack as well as right paw swipe attack.

The demon dog special ability is Lockjaw which holds a target in place for 4 seconds. Arguably this ability is more suited to PvP than PvE, however, on a SV/MM hunter, I have found many uses for both Lockjaw and the crab Pin ability while soloing as the root lets you get in about a full rotation before the mob is loose again. The major downside to this ability is that it does not mesh well for BM hunters (you're better off turning it off and manually controlling the ability) and that the beast *cannot* attack whatsoever since this is a channeled ability. Other than these things to be cautious of, I imagine that demon dogs do fairly well in BGs with pesky flag carriers and would make a great DPS alternative to a crab if you're not concerned about the pet being more hardy and instead want to pump out as much damage as possible.

Overall I feel that Bozo was pretty cute, but I already have a red runed demon dog on Rose that I am massively in love with and I wouldn't give up that little bugger for anything. :D

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Talaridan »

TygerDarkstorm wrote:Welcome Talaridan to the Pet Challenge. As a small side note, you are only allowed to have one image in your sig here. :)

Diseased Grey Bear
Oops! Fixed! I shall head off to tame the bear! :)
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