Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Talaridan »

I was given the Diseased Grey Bear.

The only place to get this particular fellow is the Hillsbrad Foothills, where the bears are getting eaten by spider eggs. This is the first time I was out there with my graphics up and I have to say, it is rather creepy! :shock:

I found my fellow, wandering about, infested with nasty eggs. He was less than friendly and protested my attempts to tame him for a bit before finally giving in.




One he was tamed, I looked him over and felt rather sad for him, but a little disgusted. It was my first time really getting to see all the details of the rotted bear form and it was a bit gruesome. :cry:




I named my bear Bruin and took him out for some time in Tol Barad. He held aggro well and did his job, but honestly, I just did not care for his rotted form. It is shallow, but it just didn't feel right for Talaridan at all to have a rotting, zombie bear. :oops:

His fighting animations weren't bad for an older model. He swiped, stood on his hind legs, and roared. His sounds weren't too loud and rather nice for a bear: growls, snuffles, and grunts.



Bears do have a cute little "Rest/Sleep" feature. It does nothing as near as I can tell, but it is sort of oddly endearing.


END VERDICT: A good tanking pet with his Demoralizing Roar, but in the end, I couldn't get over the 'icky' factor of his undead ursine looks. I ended up releasing Bruin back to the wilds and wishing him well.

Another Please!

Name: Talaridan
Level: 85
Exotics: Sure
Restrictions: No Diseased/Zombie/Rotting please!
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Yeah, the diseased pets definitely aren't for everybody; always feel bad for that particular one with the spider eggs growing out of its butt. :<

White Armored Chimaera

::Not sure what his respawn timer is so OR::

Blue Jormungar

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by asher1611 »

Gray Fel Boar

Today's challenge was to tame one of the mythical Gray Fel Boars of Hellfire Peninsula. As the name implies, these creatures were at one time demonic beasts...and maybe they still are. Be that as it may, hunter techniques have evolved over the years and suddenly, almost magically, these beasts are now able to be broken from their demonic bonds and form a new bond with a new master.

Or so the story goes, the first problem is finding them. That's not much of a problem. They reside just outside the front door of Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula.

Of course, therein lies the problem...


Me and Chilly step outside to the a scenic, bright, starlit night taking in the fresh, acrid air of Hellfire ready to find our new friend. And just as I'm admiring Madtheridons head on a stake, a Gnome Rogue deadly throw's me and I come crashing down to earth a slain heap of Goblin.


But I am undeterred. Chilly was excited to see the strange, new creatures in this other world and dammit I was going to show her. We found one Fel Boar skulking around the outside of the citadel's walls. It would trot too and fro, it's smoldering orange eyes focused and fixated but staring at nothing in particular. it's a strange combination of a familiar beast with something truly from another world. It's flame tipped tail is an accentuation of its truly hellish origin. Chilly, who I swear is scared of everything, was so excited that she wanted to name the beast herself. So I went about taming:


The demon boar put up quite a fight -- it's being unafraid to rise up and kick me. Fortunately it didn't think to roll over on me and impale me on its spikes. Chilly also got way closer to the action than normal, but just as I could feel the Boar's will break towards me, I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye (note the top of the above picture).


Literally the moment I finished taming the beat, I could see Chilly do her strange, unexplainable disappearing into thin air act to my right. I never understood out she could fade into and out of reality when other penguins could not. But as I contemplated this, I noticed my new pet was missing...and that I was bleeding. No, dying. My Alliance admirer was back. And not just there to slay me.

Image Image

Instead, this gnome had other ideas. As it's strangely stoic phoenix companion watched, I saw the gnome's desperation in my eyes in my final moments. Obviously never having felt the touch of a woman before, he decided to take this opportunity to get close and do the unthinkable. As I released my last breaths, I passed as my assailant violated my corpse. Words do not capture how pathetic...


And as he rode away on his white bird, I saw a companion of his flying towards me. I guess he needed back up? For what? I was soon to find out.

I went back into town with Chilly clamoring for a chance to name "her" new pet. The boar obediently stayed in place as I began to inspect the beast again. It stood from time to time and would occasionally root around the ground -- strange. A behavior I've seen in boars around Azeroth but never from a demon boar in the wild. Maybe my taming had removed the demonic --


And then I was sapped again. Chilly turned to look for a quick hiding place, and this time the rogue had brought his Human Warrior friend to possibly join the fun. For what purpose?


That nasty Gnome proceeded to ambush MY BOAR, that's right, MY PET, and then proceeded to backstab me while I was sapped. The poor thing had been slain before it even had a name.

Things were obviously too hot in Hellfire, even Thrallmar for me. With moronic Alliance slaying guards and townsfolk instead of doing anything useful with themselves, I had no choice but to fly to safe ground. That would be Shattrath City.


With everyone together, I convinced Chilly to stop hiding and proceeded to revive the Boar. The Boar was immediately taken with Chilly, letting her get close and constantly sniffing her. The more I paid attention to the boar, the more "regular boar behavior" I saw. Unlike other demoic boar I've met, this one would only make regular boar squeaks and grunts. And outside of the spines and fire and scary eyes, you would think this one was at one time just on a farm. Especially the way it would root around the ground. It only took Chilly, who insisted the boar was a girl for some reason, 13 tries before she settled upon a name...

Bruzyq & Huggles?!?!

Well, there you have it. Not Spike. Not Hellface. None of that, no my penguin just dubbed my boar Huggles. Because it's slack jawed look and constantly sniffing of the ground was apparently so cute. Well, good for Chilly at least. I can't say I feel the same way, but hopefully *ahem* Huggles can use the power of suggestion on the battlefield.

As imposing as Huggles looked, he is actually more of a defensive powerhouse built for tanking. He's good for gathering up enemies for me to mow them down...


And of course, a Worgen Warrior had to bum rush me while I was fighting a number of ghostly soldiers -- Huggles was clearly occupied and unable to come to my aid in time. At least Huggles seemed to hold his own despite having a relatively useless ability that would increase bleed damage.

Fortunately I would soon be able to see Huggles in a more controlled environment. We were called to the Ramparts.


Huggle's ability to AoE large amounts of monsters proved useful, but it was not anything that was terribly remarkable. And with no one in my group doing bleed damage, there was little for the Felboar to do that go from group to group, thunderstomp, and sometimes get knocked sky high into the air by a boss:


That said, I can admire Huggles' imposing stature and his unwillingness to back down even in the face of very formidable odds. Even when there are dragons involved. And strangely, Chilly was not backing down from fights either, but instead following Huggles anywhere he went -- even in the thick of battle.


Me, Huggles, and Chilly relax after another day in Outland.

So what we have here is a Felboar who is surprisingly boar like. He makes normal boar sounds and has normal boar animations that belie his demonic, imposing figure. He rushes into battle and is a good tanking pet, but his bleed damage bonus does little to help me as a hunter. He will attack by kicking with his front feet, but otherwise does not have a lot of personality.

Don't get me wrong, the beast looks great -- especially for a TBC model. The spikes are very imposing and the demon tail is a nice touch. But with the contented rooting and squealing that is akin to what I've seen around Durotar, I don't know if me and Huggles are a match. He looks good, but he does what other pets can do. And I'd argue other pets can do the job better.

But I think he'll have a very willing adopter in Chilly. It only took 60 levels, but finally our penguin companion has a pet of her own. And Huggles? He doesn't seem too bothered by it. Even if Chilly insists on calling him "sister."
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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Name: Bruzyq
Level: 60
Exotics: Not yet
Restrictions: No tenacity pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

That was such an adorable report! :lol: I'm terribly sorry that you encountered such rude Alliance in your travels though. :(

Black Worg Mount


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Aeladrine »

Name: Donachan
Level: 83 (leveling quickly, though)
Exotics: Yes
Restrictions: None (feel free to do Spirit Beasts, too!)
Rares I Have/Had: Loque, Arcturis
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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White Turtle

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Talaridan »

I decided to do the Blue Jormungar.

I traveled off into Storm Peaks, and found a handsome fellow locked in combat with a huge bear. I killed the bear, only to have my potential buddy take a snap at me, but we had a little talk and he decided I wasn't so bad. :lol:


I took him back to better lighting and was fascinated by how much detail he had and the subtle play of colors on this body. I forgot to get one from the back, but his beautiful blue mane and his gorgeous coloration made the name "Blue" stick in my head. So Blue he was! I love his expression. He just seems happy and at ease with life to me.


I took him around for a while. I love his 'wiggle' run and his swimming animations are some of my favorites in game! He looks so fluid and alive while swimming I had to take a quick picture.


He even ventured back to 'Northrend' to help defend Thrall as we headed for the Wyrmrest Accord tower!



His fighting animations were nothing unexpected, but well-done. He leaned forward to snap and bite. He makes this interesting little hissing growls that I think suits the form well. He is a tanking pet so he lowered my DPS a smidge in the fights, but not too badly at all.


I loved Blue. He was a great pet and had a lot more personality and subtle beauty than I would have thought for a huge eye-less worm! Currently I released him because I'm cycling my stable around and finding out which pet really works with Tala, but I'm already missing my big Blue buddy. I think I might end up re-taming him as my tanking pet, though he'd be warring with my current tanker buddy, Jabali. Even so, I liked him a lot. He was a great pet. :D

Another please!

Name: Talaridan
Level: 85
Exotics: Sure
Restrictions: No Diseased/Zombie/Rotting please!
Already Done: Diseased Gray Bear, Blue Jormungar
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Finduilas »

My pet challenge this time was the yellow windserpent. There are two yellow windserpents with an ever so slightly color difference. Mine can only be found in the wailing caverns before the dungeon entrance.
As a member of the horde I reached my destination very quick with a wyvern to crossroads and flew to the caverns. The object of my desire was a Deviate Coiler Hatchling. I didn't have to look long to find one. I tamed it and named it Sheera. Sheera seemed very excited to se the light of day and I understand her. Growing up in a cavern is not a nice thing. So I took my new pet on a little tour. We took photos of her in the Barrens and spent the afternoon in pretty Mulgore before heading for a dungeon.

Sheera is a pretty pet. Her scales are very detailed and show a bright variety of beautiful colors ranging from orange to green/yellow. For an old model she is lovely and good looking, no pixel-block at all.
Her face is intelligent looking with little eyes and feathers like a crown on her head. The wings reach quite some size when spread out and are interesting to see with the scales (unlike bats or wyverns who have skin or something like that). I really like Sheera's model and skin, she seemed to fit perfectly into the Barrens and Mulgore with her natural color pattern. I was surprised how much I liked taking screenshots of her and just running around the prairie with her.

Animations and Sounds:

Sheera's idle animation is basically only flapping around, I couldn't notice anything special about her. Sadly her tail often disappears into the ground/walls when she is just flapping around. It must hurt.
Her swimming animation was the next thing that surprised me. I had expected some kind of slow flapping like Owls or other flying pets do, but I was glad to see, Sheera is different. She stretches out in the water flat like a serpent and wiggles her way through it. I think she shares this animation with serpents and worms and I must admit it really fits her.
Sheera's sounds are great. Lots of hissing around during fights. She sounds very snake like and menacing when doing it.

Sadly Sheera belongs to the pet family of cunning pets, so her dps wasn't as good as my ferocity pets usually do. Despite this fact I took her to a dungeon with me and hoped for mages or other classes dealing magical damage. Sheera's special ability Lightning breath increases the magic damage the target takes by 8%. Sadly no classes came into the dungeon with me who she could have helped. So my dps was about 2k less than normal, but I wanted to give Sheera a chance. For me it's sad both pets who increase magical damage are from the same talent tree. I would use a windserpent or dragonhawk more often if they could be ferocity. As a Beastmaster I'm very dependant of my pet and the damage it deals.
I tried taking screenshots of Sheera's fighting and didn't get anything good. The best one is included above and shows basically nothing. She uses her lighting and attacks with her wings and tail, but I notices her lighting breath doesn't seem to have top priority for her. Often she used it long time after it was ready again and I couldn't be sure of the debuff on the target. An other thing that somehow ruined this pet as a combat pet for me. The abilty lasts for 45 seconds on a 30 second cooldown (less for me as beastmaster) but I think she only used it every minute at the most.

I'm a bit disappointed by Sheera. With her pretty appearance she had already began to grow on me, but her lack in fighting skills made me like her less and less. She is a nice show off pet but nothing I would use for serious fights when I need high dps. I'm short on stable places with Nerdanel so I let Sheera back into the wild where she can now enjoy the sun of the Barrens and Mulgore.

Next pet please

Name: Larkania (Tauren)
Level: 85
Exotics: yes!
Restrictions: already reviewed all rhinos, so something different would be nice; no gorillas for her as well
Sheera1.jpg (73.85 KiB) Viewed 4289 times
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

It's a small world after all...

Green Fire Spider

The only reason I let that roll go through is because there's a non-rare version, however, I do not know your status on the Molten Front so I'll provide you with an alternate roll.

Tan Bat

Bald Eagle

Blue-Green Scarab Beetle

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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Belated report is a little belated because my computer decided to reboot when I was originally working on my panels so I had to start a couple of them all over. Anyway, my pet this time was Image.

This guy is tamable out in Uldum and becomes available during one of the Harrison Jones questlines. Originally these beetles used to phase out after you finished the quests in there, but I was pleasantly surprised when I returned there on Rose to find that all of the beetles were still visible and I wouldn't have to try and force one to phase.

I'm kind of surprised just how pretty this beetle is. I mean, I knew it would be because I think all the scarab style beetles are pretty, but I wasn't expecting to get mildly attached to him. I spent a good while just running around admiring his colors and his gorgeous blue eyes. Nicely enough the beetle model is pretty solid and I don't really see any flaws with it, at least nothing that's largely glaring. Beetles are also a good sized pet; I'm still kind of amazed at just how big they get! :lol:

Sounds and Animations:
Beetles are very quiet by your side, though their feet do make little clicking sounds as they walk. When going into combat they make angry chittering noises that are very suiting to their species. Their idle animation is the famous beetle wave that is very endearing and adorable. When beetles run they look sort of like they're scuttling across the ground, and, I'm very pleased to say that beetles now have a swimming animation. :D They use their legs like a set of oars and push themselves through the water; it's very cute.

As a tenacity pet, beetles specialize in tanking, and much like turtles, they are prized for their ability to take quite the beating and hard elites. These guys are also fantastic solo pets for the more defensively minded hunter. Beetles have a couple of combat animations: one is to rear up and then strike forward, assumably to bite with those massive maws. The other animation is the beetle curls up into a little ball and body slams their target. This is both amusing and painful to watch as their body kind of breaks when they perform this maneuver. And, kind of funnily, their thunderstomp generates from their antennae.

The beetle special ability is Harden Carapace, which reduces damage taken by 50% for 12 seconds (yes I forgot to include a pic of this; it basically looks like a yellow dome that forms around the beetle). This ability, combined with cower, is what makes beetles and turtles such potent tanks. The beetle will autocast Harden Carapace themself when they get down to half health, or you can manually control when to use it if you know when the big damage spikes are going to happen. I personally like to stagger this ability with cower, but I imagine you can stack them to give your pet a brief period of being virtually indestructible (providing the two abilities actually stack). Unfortunately tanking is about the only place where beetles really shine. I usually laugh whenever someone brings one to PvP because, other than being hardy, they bring *nothing* to the playing field that will actually help progress you, the battleground, and your fellow players. Tenacity DPS, while not terrible, is also lacking compared to Ferocity and Cunning and the only reason you should be pulling a beetle out in a group is if your tank died/is doing poorly and you put your beetle to work taking over.

Overall I did not keep Crash. He liked Orgrimmar a lot so I left him there to roam. As beautiful as his colors are, he does not fit Rose's theme and she already has a beetle named Smash whom is her tank pet.

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Talaridan »

My challenge for this round was the tan bat: Image

I headed out into the Plaguelands to find one of the Plaguebats to tame. Fortunately, they are all over the place and easy enough to find.

After a bit of thought, I named him "Caliban", after the character in Shakespeare's play. I always felt rather sorry for him. His mother and everyone else treated him like a monster so he became something of one, but occasionally had moments of humanity that were touching, at least to me. The bat model is rather homely, in my opinion, with a face "only a mother could love", but with PetEmote, it was an oddly gentle creature, prone to wrapping his wings around me affectionately. I thought the name was fitting.

One thing that was interesting was that Caliban was absolutely huge. His wingspan was enormous and he took up a lot of screen. It was slightly annoying in some ways, but also rather interesting. The model was rather poor, since its an original. It is rather blocking and the fur is quite flat in places.


I rather liked his green eyes and his little pug face was oddly endearing in a homely way.

Caliban was a fairly quiet pet, other than when he headed out to attack. The only idles are a little shake of their head now and then really. The swimming animation is identical to his flying, which is common for flying pets.

His combat animations are nothing flashy, but appropriate. He leans forward to snap and bite, and occasionally swings his feet forward to claw. The bat family ability, Sonic Blast, is a stun that is quite useful in both grinding, and I imagine in PvP as well. The stun is good for holding aggro or keeping something from hitting me.



His DPS wasn't quite up to a Ferocity pet since I run Beast Master, but it did pretty well. In the end, I released him, but I rather liked Caliban. I felt a bit sorry for him, being a rather homely creature and not a pet seen a lot. I was considering getting him again as a PvP pet.

Another please!

Name: Talaridan
Level: 85
Exotics: Yes
Restrictions: No diseased pets, please.
Already tested: Tan Bat, Blue Jormungar, Diseased Grey Bear
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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I'm the Oogey Boogey man...

Black Vulture

Color-Changing Crocolisk


Black Wind Serpent

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Icesilvaros »

Name: Icesilvaros
Level: 85
Exotics: yes
Restrictions: none, I am willing to try anything out.

This sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Can't wait to see what I get.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Apologies for the delay on your roll. :oops:

Ghostly White Demon Dog


Brown Serpent

Firstly, welcome to the Pet Challenge, Ice. :) Secondly, since you're new here I'd just like to let you know that you do not need to complete both rolls. Since the demon dog is from a raid, I offered you an easier alternative roll in case you don't wish to go into Kara. Happy hunting! :D

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Talaridan »

This time around, I was given the Black Vulture. Image

I headed out into Mulgore to tame one of the Taloned Swoops. I decided to call him Talon, based on that, as it seemed a suitable name for a large bird of prey. He was fairly larger in the wild and he stayed quite huge when he was tamed.





Honestly, I hated his model. The huge glaring eyes that never blinked while he wobbled his head back and forth in a completely odd, unnatural way. They look almost like a dog shaking its head after a bath, but more "seizure-like". He flapped loudly, rapidly, and jerked up and down in the air a lot, which was very annoying to me. His legs were weirdly thick and you can see that in a few pictures. In short, the model was just very ugly to me with no real redeeming qualities that I noticed.

I took him to the training dummies to get a look at his animations. They were so rapid, trying to do it in the wilds before a mob was dead was a pain. He leaned forward to bite and swung his feet around to claw. Everything about him was jerky and unnatural looking to me though. I know birds can move fast, but he just seemed very poorly animated.



I took him out for dailies in Tol Barad, but I didn't really enjoy his company at all. His DPS was good as he was Ferocity and his Demoralizing Screech (The Carrion Bird screeches, reducing the physical damage caused by all enemies within 5 yards by 10% for 10 sec.) was useful, but this wasn't a model I would have picked for myself at all. I've never really liked them and I released him pretty quickly without regrets. He just wasn't the guy for me.

Name: Talaridan
Level: 85
Exotics: Yes
Restrictions: No diseased pets, please.
Already tested: Tan Bat, Blue Jormungar, Diseased Grey Bear, Black Vulture
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Vultures actually have a swim animation that's a little bit different than their flying animation and is pretty neat to see, however, I can understand your dislike for that particular model; he's a pretty ugly guy. :lol:

Green Armored Chimaera

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Talaridan »

TygerDarkstorm wrote:Vultures actually have a swim animation that's a little bit different than their flying animation and is pretty neat to see, however, I can understand your dislike for that particular model; he's a pretty ugly guy. :lol:

Green Armored Chimaera
If the eyes didn't look so glaring and it didn't do that weird constant head-spasm, I'd probably like it more, but its twitchiness drives me nuts.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

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Yeah, the bird models take a little getting used to.

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Icesilvaros »

Ooo I might go for that demon dog, just means i get to talk my hubby into going into kara with me :D hehehehe I have always wanted to tame him so this could be fun. And thank you for welcoming me, this seems like an awesome idea.
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