The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

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The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Equeon »

Alternatively known as the ULPFHP.
Anyway, we've all seen the topics. "TAMEABLE KODOS" "Hydras FITE!" I'm pretty sure that at least 90% of the community here has at least one beast in mind (that already exists in the game, mind you) that they would love to become tameable. To save space and make it easier to keep track of your favorites, I decided to make one massive topic with all of the beasts (Wain already has a similar topic, but it's more of a skin directory than a discussion about pet families and possible abilities). Just one word of advice: I read a blog written in WoTLK about a hunter who joined in Vanilla because they loved basilisks in the myths of real life, and hoped to tame one ingame. They were complaining that they wanted this pet in Vanilla, and it was still not reality. Well guess what? Two expansions later, and they'll get their wish. Maybe some people aren't as dedicated to their wanted pet(s), but don't give up hope! We might all get what we want after an expansion or two. They've gotta save SOME old-world creatures to make tameable in a year and a half or so. A note: I am NOT adding creatures like wyverns or griffins, not to mention dragons, because I seriously doubt they would ever be made tameable.

Potential Future Pets
These creatures are already labelled as beasts, and would make good hunter pets in the eyes of most people. It wouldn't be breaking any lore to merge these with another family or create their own.

Miscellaneous Beasts
These creatures don't really fit into any one category: either their potential family-mates are already tameable, or they're very unique. Either way, they would make great pets.

Already made into a proper family, their current status of tameability is one now-retired mob--that was a glitch.
It was confirmed that we were getting tameable hydras in 4.1, but that thought was obviously pushed back for a later time. I'm absolutely positive we will get these at some point, maybe in the middle of MoP. Several skins exist for these beasts of all colors and levels, making them fit in seamlessly as a pet that could be tamed as early as level 15, provided they aren't changed to become exotic!

My personal favorite of this lot, these fearsome-looking centipedes would make a fearsome addition to the Silithid family. The three out of seven skins that exist ingame are Kurinnaxx, Fankriss, and Sarinexx. The first two are raid bosses in AQ20 and AQ40, while the third is a boss in a group arena quest. While Princess Yauj, Lord Kri, and Vem are all raid bosses with unique models that were made tameable silithids... for some reason their sandreaver cousins were not. Rares and various quest bosses of the Silithid Colossi were also added to Tanaris and the surrounding zones, using some previously unused skins. This could be the same for the other four skins of the sandreavers.

Grubs/Maggots Now (partially) tameable!
I wouldn't normally consider these a potential pet- but then silkworms: small, low poly critters, were added as tameable pets. Now, there's no excuse for the lack of tameability of these grubbers! At least one or two of these are labelled as a "beast," and they actually look a lot more fierce than silkworms. Especially the Outland model: look at those fangs! They ought to go with their friends in the Worm family.
Update in 5.1: So far, two models are available, the Gorishi Grub, a green grub, and the Amber Parasite, a red toothed maggot. It's unknown if other colors will be made tameable in the future, but we can hope!

It would be a fun addition to be able to tame ssssome of thesssse brightly colorful ssnakesss. While some are labelled as crittersss, there are some in Tanaris and Uldum that are beasts. They could use one or two more attack animations, but otherwissse they would make excellent old-world pets.

The Dino Team
What I affectionately refer to as the much-loved group of 3 (or 4, depends on how you look at it) different species of prehistoric creatures.
Most of these are found en masse in the Un'Goro crater, but a few individuals are in other zones.

These fearsome flying foes are not actually dinosaurs, but flying reptiles, much as their real counterparts are. The archaeology journal text for the Pterrordax Hatchling, after you've discovered it reads:
"It's an adorable green baby pterrodax! Luckily, at this size, her sonic screeches won't turn your eardrums to bloody pulps and while she'll TRY to eat your face, it just feels like friendly little lizard-bird-thing kisses. Awww!"
Imagine a life-sized version of the face-eating, ear-bursting pterodactyl flying at your side! That would be amazing. Apparently in some zone in Pandaria, there are trolls riding on these pterrordaxes: so let no one say they can't be tamed! A [Sonic Screech] ability would make a great fear or stun for this potential family.

They're exactly the same as the now-extinct real-life creatures (which, again, are not dinosaurs, but rather synapsids), with two extra legs and an extra "e" added in their name. Hmm. Anyway, these neat reptilians use the crocolisk skeleton with a sail added, and I read somewhere that they are related to basilisks. Therefore, either crocolisks or basilisks could house the diemetradons. Honestly, Fen Striders and Water Striders are much more different from each other than a diemetradon and a basilisk.

Kodos/Stegodons/Thunder Lizards
They all use the same model, and they're all massive stegosaurus-esque lizards. The Tauren use the Kodos for mounts, while the Stegodons/Thunder Lizards have plates, spikes, and shoot lightning, which are generally undesirable factors for something you're gonna be riding on. These huge beasts would make a great pet like the rhinos: something big, strong, and sturdy, something you're proud to have at your side. They could have a Lightning Bolt ability, whose effect could be a number of things: a stun, silence, or a direct damage-dealer.

The Hoofed Masses
Refers to a number of creatures that would make excellent fuzzy, hoofed pets. A good deal of these could fit in the newly added Goat family without much trouble, or perhaps the family would be renamed to Hoofed Beast, such as Spirit Beast or Bird of Prey, a name that contains several different models of beast.

These seem the most likely additions to the Goats: the only thing different about them from the Pandaria goats is their model. They're found in a few different zones, and act as mounts for the dwarves: who rely on them for their hardy nature, ability to survive in cold environments, and of course their wicked horns.

Stags and Talbuks
These creatures are generally peaceful, but some can be aggressive and quite savage. Their horns are sharp enough to gore someone or something, or multiple someones and somethings, on, and their hoofs can be used to beat down aggressors. They would make very beautiful pets (the talbuks especially) and matching pets and mounts are always great!

Giraffes and Gazelles
These desert-grazing beasts look relatively similar, so I grouped them together. Since they're both being made into minipets once MoP is here, there's not a good reason why they couldn't be made hunter pets as well. They're basically the desert-land equivalent of the Goat.

As odd-looking creatures that are only found in a few parts of Northrend, these guys would make very unique pets. I love their personality and facial expressions: to me, they seem like grumpy, lethargic old men that are quite lethal when provoked. The Wolvar worship a shoveltusk "god," so clearly at least one race knows how awesome they are.

Honestly, these share the same skeleton as the rhino, and they're big and wooly and have the temperament of a rhino, so there's no proper reason why they aren't in that family. Again, they are making an appearance as a wild battle pet in Mists of Pandaria (and it's HUGE!) so I will definitely get one of those until we can tame these magnificent beasts. I hated killing these guys for the Nesingwary quests, just because they're so badass-looking. Look at that mug: he's practically saying "You lookin' at me, punk? Yeah, that's what I thought." I feel like having a pet of one of these would be overflowing with personality.

Probably the most cartoony of large WoW creatures, these spitting mammals have a very silly walk/run, but they would still make good hunter pets. I mean, we have moths with giant spikes on their heads, and gigantic silkworms that have temper tantrums in the earth, which hurts enemies. I don't think a camel would be the most ridiculous fighting companion. They're only found in Uldum, and one phased version of Feralas (which you get to from Uldum, via a Mysterious Camel Figurine.)

New Untameables
These beasts were just added in the new expansion, Mists of Pandaria. They're all labelled as beasts, and two of them were even made accidentally tameable for a short while, so it's possible we may see them again in the future: possibly even in the 5.1 patch, along with the spirit beasts! Don't quote me on this though.

The first thing that comes to mind when gazing upon this wonderful creature is: dat floof. The second thing is (or should be, at least) why aren't they tameable!? They're big, strong, and wooly just like rhinos. They're also like the big cousins of goats. I would certainly love to have a yak at my side, mowing down my enemies. Imagine a Stampede with all yaks! Imagine riding the new yak mount that costs an obscene amount of money, with a tamed yak rumbling along behind you! What isn't to love?

Mantid Tanks
I'm honestly quite a bit upset about these guys, being the bug lover that I am. They share models, animations, and sounds(?, I don't have Beta) with the Silithid Colossi mentioned above. They were just recently added (relatively speaking), and labelled as Beasts. So why in the world are they not tameable pets? They'd obviously go in the Silithid family, and perhaps Blizzard is worried that such a label will confuse simple-minded players ("If this creature is under control of the Mantids, then why is it called a Silithid after I tamed it? DURR") Unfortunately, there is no way to make its default name appear different after taming, as it could otherwise just be named "Mantid Tank."

If Kodos and Thunder Lizards are ever made tameable, Mushan are a must. They share the same skeleton, but with a much fancier model and more attractive colors (in my opinion, of course.) Their sail on their backs are reminiscent of diemetradons, but overall they come off as a really neat gigantic dinosaur thing. Unfortunately, along with the yaks, these were accidentally made tameable and then became untameable. While the next expansion is in Beta, and these things are to be expected, it broke my heart. :( But, who knows, we may get both families in a future patch or expansion.

Possible Future Pets
Creatures in this category are not flagged as beasts, but with a magical stroke of luck or Noah-ism, they could possibly become hunter pets! It's not likely, but it's certainly possible.

Gyreworms are burrowing worms that were originally marked as Beasts, but now, unfortunately, they are Mechanical. However, Shale Spiders are very elemental-like, and are made of floating rocks, much as these are: and they're tameable! So why not put these into the Worms family?

Nerubian Flyer
These minions of the Lich King were one of the first sights Alliance players see upon arriving at Northrend.
Exact creature shown: Scourged Flamespitter
They have loads of animations for flying and walking, so they could be either grounded or flying pets (or both?! :o) Although they are a species of Nerubian, they are not sapient at all, and could easily be considered beasts, rather than undead. (We can tame rotting bears and boars, as well as decaying spiders... why not mutant flying spiders?) Their special ability could be some sort of flame attack, or perhaps a more Nerubian-themed ability.

Nerubian Spiderling
Also found in various pockets of Northrend, these creepy little buggers (get it?) share the same skeleton as the beetle. They could either be placed there, or included in a different family along with the Nerubian Flyer. Hey, if we can tame Silithids, what's so different about these creatures?

Mana Wyrm
Found only in a select few blood-elf themed areas, Mana Wyrms would make very flashy and interesting pets. They could have an AoE silence ability like the blood elves themselves, which would make them a valuable pet for PvP. They fit perfectly with all blood elves and would still go well with just about any other race.

Mana Serpent Now tameable!
Of course, if Mana Wyrms are made tameable, their big brothers have to be included as well: the Mana Serpent. The awesome Sea Snakes / Eels share this model, but since those shouldn't go out of water, these are the next best thing. They're partly transparent, flashy, and awesome: which makes them a lot like spirit beasts. Even if their tameability existed as one ghostly green or blue spirit beast (perhaps in Vash'jir somewhere, the ghost of a slain eel?) I'd still be content to marvel at its animations.

Skeletal Windserpent
I see these guys every time I do archaeology in Tanaris. Blizzard is most likely holding off on making these tameable because of the whole "undead" factor (they are flagged as undead,) but clearly they're holding together just fine. Again, we can tame rotting boars and bears, decaying spiders covered in cobwebs, but not a bony windserpent? There's obviously a very fine line between "undead" and "a neat skin." It wouldn't be hard at all to make these anorexic flying serpents part of the windserpent family.

That's all for now, folks! Let me know your thoughts! What are your favorites, or least favorites (but try to keep it as constructive criticism, please!) of this bunch? Did I miss your favorite untameable? Got exclusive news that one or more of these will be made tameable in the future?
Post it all here!
Last edited by Equeon on Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:06 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

I'd love to see the Sandreavers and Nerubians become tamable! Also, have wanted maggot Worms since Wrath:
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Crotalus Horridus »

Might wanna put this, but it's your choice and the animals in-game may be different than in real life. Diemetrodon are not dinosaurs (Contrary to popular belief, much like Pterosaurs) but are Synapsids, or Mammal-like Reptiles. Of course, I could just be saying this for nothing, as they are different from the real life versions and are probably Diapsids, so they can be tied with Crocolisk.

Back on topic.

I'd love for a lot of these beasts to be tamable, especially Mushan Beast, Hydras, Mantid Tanks, Camels, and of course the Nerubian Creatures!
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Equeon »

Crotalus Horridus wrote:Might wanna put this, but it's your choice and the animals in-game may be different than in real life. Diemetrodon are not dinosaurs (Contrary to popular belief, much like Pterosaurs) but are Synapsids, or Mammal-like Reptiles. Of course, I could just be saying this for nothing, as they are different from the real life versions and are probably Diapsids, so they can be tied with Crocolisk.

Back on topic.

I'd love for a lot of these beasts to be tamable, especially Mushan Beast, Hydras, Mantid Tanks, Camels, and of course the Nerubian Creatures!
Should've clarified that although none of those 3 are really dinosaurs, they are along with raptors and devilsaurs in the "dino zone" (Un'Goro.)
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Qraljar »

Meh.. I shouldn't have looked at this list.

I took a look at Hydras, Sandreavers, Mantid Tanks and both nerubians and just became sad..

( I'd also love more dinos)
Kunchong for hunter pets!

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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Cerele »

Gyreworms were tameable early Cata beta,
But same thing with the Yaks I'm guessing it was a bug

But shalespiders were kept...
Why not add the worms in as Shale beast and just change the family slightly? or hell even make them a new skin of worm they make as much sense as the shalespiders do

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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Wain »

Equeon wrote:Image
So that's how Pandarian Stags were created :shock:

Great discussion list, though :)

If you wanna see all the colours (but without so much cool discussion) there's a list here: .

EDIT: It doesn't include the new MoP models yet, since there's a list in that forum.
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

Wain wrote:So that's how Pandarian Stags were created :shock:
:shock: ......



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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Lupis »

Ohh those Mantid Tanks. *Wanders off to drool*

Great list, I approve. Finally condensing the six hundred other threads we have for individual beasts!

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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Danielfboone »

I have always wanted a Drake. There is no reason they couldn't be toned down enough to be a normally powerful pet. They don't even have to fly. Make them immature Dragons.
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Equeon »

Danielfboone wrote:I have always wanted a Drake. There is no reason they couldn't be toned down enough to be a normally powerful pet. They don't even have to fly. Make them immature Dragons.
The reason being, in WoW lore just about every dragon is sentient/sapient to some degree. Yes, you can have baby whelplings as companions, but I see this more as "you've rescued a baby dragon from its hostile brethren and help raise it to adulthood" rather than "it's a little pet"
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Niabi »

I definitely had to do a double take when I saw the picture of the stag and talbuk together ... naughty, naughty thoughts suddenly overwhelmed my cranium! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Would it be possible to also add arcane wyrms to the list (although, idk, it could be argued they're more elemental than beast - what do you think)? I've always wanted to tame one for one of my hunters after seeing them flying around in Borean Tundra and Dragonblight.

Also, I wonder what your opinion is on hippogryphs, gryphons, and wyverns because I'd really like to see them added to the list as well!

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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Akyo »

some of us want the undead windserpent, the minipet serpent model and the Mana serpents(wich sadly is dragonkin).


While this feature of the Grimtotem Spirit Guide wasn't exactly intended... - it will still be possible in future for everyone who wishes to tame this NPC to do so
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Mozag »

Love the list, and would definitely tame everything on here.
I agree with the others about the maggots, the undead windserpent, the normal snakes and mana serpents as well. Would love to see those added here too! :)
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Equeon »

Mozag wrote:Love the list, and would definitely tame everything on here.
I agree with the others about the maggots, the undead windserpent, the normal snakes and mana serpents as well. Would love to see those added here too! :)
Will do! I'll also fix up that stag/talbuk picture a bit ._.
I didn't even realize what it could be taken as until someone mentioned it... :shock:
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Astratia »

Equeon wrote: Will do! I'll also fix up that stag/talbuk picture a bit ._.
I didn't even realize what it could be taken as until someone mentioned it... :shock:
It's only 'cause we all have dirty minds ^_^;

I agree as well with all the beasts here. Despite the greyworms being more elemental looking then organic, they are the same as shalespiders, so I agree there as well :)

I really really really would love for Noah and his team to change the goat family to maybe 'Ungulates'. Then add all our desired hooved beasts such as rams, yaks, stags, talbucks...

"Ungulates are several groups of mammals, most of which use the tips of their toes, usually hoofed, to sustain their whole body weight while moving. The term means, roughly, "being hoofed" or "hoofed animal"." Wikipedia

Keep the ability the same, just hit the little 'on/off' switch to be tamable :D Or however its done.

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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Equeon »

Astratia wrote:
Equeon wrote: Will do! I'll also fix up that stag/talbuk picture a bit ._.
I didn't even realize what it could be taken as until someone mentioned it... :shock:
It's only 'cause we all have dirty minds ^_^;

I agree as well with all the beasts here. Despite the greyworms being more elemental looking then organic, they are the same as shalespiders, so I agree there as well :)

I really really really would love for Noah and his team to change the goat family to maybe 'Ungulates'. Then add all our desired hooved beasts such as rams, yaks, stags, talbucks...

"Ungulates are several groups of mammals, most of which use the tips of their toes, usually hoofed, to sustain their whole body weight while moving. The term means, roughly, "being hoofed" or "hoofed animal"." Wikipedia

Keep the ability the same, just hit the little 'on/off' switch to be tamable :D Or however its done.
I mentioned "Hoofed Beast" because I feel most "average" aka "not-knowledgeable-about-animals" players would be like
"Oh sweet, a yak! I'ma tame it! <the beast is tamed> What?! Unga-who?!"
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Equeon »

Slapperfish wrote:
Equeon wrote:They share models, animations, and sounds(?, I don't have Beta) with the Silithid Colossi mentioned above.
Actually, the Silithid Colossi don't make any sounds at all, save for the occasional "THUNK" heard outside of battle. :lol:
Oh, really now? Krilte begs to differ...

Their sounds are actually really glitchy. They make noise constantly when walking backwards, walking sideways, walking on sand, and swimming... I reported this in February and spoke to a GM, but it still hasn't been fixed. I can't use my favorite pet outside of combat because of this.
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Re: The Ultimate List of Potential Future Hunter Pets

Unread post by Niabi »

Niabi wrote:Also, I wonder what your opinion is on hippogryphs, gryphons, and wyverns because I'd really like to see them added to the list as well!
What about these guys?

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