The New PetEmote Thread - Incubus Ideas

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Iowawolf »

Thank you for the reply I will re add to the files to the emotes and let you know either way, I wasn't aware you had to manually add them thought it was already there when you update from I will make sure to always re add when ever there is an update here. Hope you can get your RL taken care of that is more important than a game.

Update: ok they are working in game I just saw several where Renegade pounces and stalks something thanks for adding these.
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Iowawolf »

This add on is getting better and better, I got the new ones to work by downloading the link on first page also learned how to make my own so now my Savage was fed worg meat then yawned with a full stomach. Thanks again for making this sweet add on and keeping it updated when possible.
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

Thanks Cubs, I'm glad you're enjoying them :) While I'm not the one who initially made the addon I'm sure Jorna and Teigan lurk here from time to time and appreciate the compliments too ^_^ I'm also happy that you made your own! Just be aware that personal emotes, unless they're macros using /pe, will be overwritten with updates and you'll need to write them again since they won't be in my list.

For the most part new custom emotes will need to be manually added to the folder. They'll be added to the core from time to time when my brother gets off his lazy ass long enough to do so. I'll usually announce these updates, but if you see any without me saying so it'll be safe to go ahead and update anyway but remember to re-add the files just in case - those would be my bro making sure the core is still up-to-date and won't change anything, so if you like you can avoid updating in order to keep your personal stuff without needing to rewrite.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Iowawolf »

I am playing around with my core hound Omen and just saw a emote made me laugh it said Omen has a staring contest with herself that is too funny these new emotes you guys put in here are great keep up the good work.
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Rhyela »

I just downloaded PetEmote for the first time ever! I can't wait to see all of the great emotes. I think this is excellent for RP purposes, so thank you to those who put in the work to make it happen! :D


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Rhyela wrote:I just downloaded PetEmote for the first time ever! I can't wait to see all of the great emotes. I think this is excellent for RP purposes, so thank you to those who put in the work to make it happen! :D
You'll loooooove it!

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

Poking this thread to let you guys know that I haven't forgotten it :)

I've taken a break from WoW for a while and my brother has moved house so getting stuff done has been slower. I have been following all the pet news and am excited for the new arrivals, but have held off on saying much since Blizz is still intent on changing stuff around (re: Dragonflies/Hook Wasps now in Wasps and Rylaks are their own family, not Chimeras (so far)). Riverbeasts seem to be stable for the moment and we already have some emotes for hydras so, while I'll of course be doing my own research, if you guys would like to start making suggestions for what we currently have I'll gladly accept them :D

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Ah yes, we should start making emotes for Hook Wasps and Riverbeasts.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Krysteena »

Long (ish) time lurker, short time (by this morning) registered member. Thought maybe I'd socialise with fellow pet lovers, instead of staring at a screen and feeling all alone ^.^ also, i had a rare moment of creativity. Kinda. For emotes for the riverbeasts, they could shake their...thingy (mane) aggressively/lazily? Or maybe snap their jaws in an attempt to catch a passing fly? Or maybe they sneeze, showering their master/mistress with mucus? That's a lil gross, but I could imagine it making for some amusing fanart. Possibly they could swing their tail and narrowly miss hitting their master/mistress? Quite a few of the direhorn emotes could work well here. For hook wasps...depending on if I'm looking at the right pictures, they look like a normal wasp got high and thought it was a unicorn, equipping itself with a horn thingy...
I'm not a user of the addon myself, since my computer is so close to death I mourn it whenever I hear the poor thing start up, nor have I seen it used. So I'm not too sure on the ins/outs, but I'd imagine it to give your pets even more character. I'll have. Nothing of some more emotes during class at some point, if I happen to get bored. Which happens a lot. Once again, hello! ^.^ I'll get more involved now, so I don't feel so lonely...
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

Hello and welcome to Petopia Kayro :D I'd offer a welcoming hug, but I'm suffering a mixture of hay-fever and a summer cold right now (also the reason for my lack of updates... sorry guys!) so I hope you don't mind a simple wave and warm smile ^_^;

Thanks for the suggestions! Mane shaking, jaw snapping and tail swinging emotes sound like something I can work in for our new hippo-like friends :) Sneezing... hm I might find away to prod them into other families for the humour, especially the bigger pets. Ever tried washing devilsaur snot out of your hair? Yuck! xD Also cute cat sneezes.

So far it sounds like hook wasps are being merged with the original wasp family. I'll keep tabs on it, and the rylak/chimera situation but we might not get anything new there (if rylaks remain a separate family I'll just copy the current chimera emotes and edit them where necessary.)

Thanks again :) Any and all suggestions are welcome! I hope you make some good friends while you're here, too :) It's no good being lonely.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by zedxrgal »

You could certainly add bellowing to the riverbeasts. Since. Hippos do that.
Here are my ideas:

____ bellows at his /her mistress fondly.
_____ shakes his /her ears at ___ in warning.
_____ gapes his /her mouth with a wide yawn.
_____ wonders off in the brush to find food.
______ grunts at a passing critter /beast.
_____ lounges while waiting for his /her mistress /master.
_____ licks his /her mistress's arm.

That's all I can think of right now.

I've got nothing for hook wasps. Since unsure if they're going into the wasp family or what.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Krysteena »

Another idea to build on the sneezing. With the Rylaks (which I'm going BM for when the Xpac hits ^.^) and other multi-headed pets, would the heads sneeze in harmony? Or would they sneeze one after the other, or just one sneeze and the others be all rainbow happy? If so, you could include those--
--(insert name here)'s heads sneeze in harmony _or_
--one of (insert name here)'s heads sneeze, causing the other heads to shy away.
That could be a lil comic actually, in regards to those fabulous Thunder Hydras.
*left head sneezes*
Right head: move away!
Middle head: keep your diseases to yourself!
Right head: how would that even work?
Middle head: I don't know! But I don't want the disease. At least not on me.
Poor Middle head. He'd get all the gross sniffles, as he would never escape.
Or some more
--(insert name here) bellows. [not sure how you'd put this, but the heads could then begin to have a roaring competition. Just building on the post above, for this one]
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Rawr »

Wondering if we could add Chinchilla companion pet emote to this thread. I have been editing mine (so many missing pets), thought that other people might be doing the same. :mrgreen:


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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

I don't think companions work with PetEmote. Just class pets.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Rawr »

Chinchilla is an addon for companions that works similar to Pet Emote, ie it makes your companions emote. :mrgreen:


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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Krysteena »

That's just cute! :3 If my computer didn't spaz out so much, then I'd go find this addon right now! I'd love to have my lil proto by my side, all snappy and moody. Then, when I get the mount, he could've grown up! Ma lil red proto :D He could sneeze fire, and accidentally burn a small tree down or something hehe
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

Rawr wrote:Chinchilla is an addon for companions that works similar to Pet Emote, ie it makes your companions emote. :mrgreen:
Oh that thing. I didn't like it too much cause a lot of the emotes seemed kind of....bland. like the ones saying "I wanna go to Badlands!" and stuff like that and they never seemed unique.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Ana »

this addon is the first on my list to get when i start the game again monday :) Brilliant work!


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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

Rawr wrote:Wondering if we could add Chinchilla companion pet emote to this thread. I have been editing mine (so many missing pets), thought that other people might be doing the same. :mrgreen:
I'm not familiar with Chinchilla and I'm not sure how the two addons could contribute to each other. As was stated, PetEmote is purely for combat pets, not minipets so I can't add, say, Sprite Darter Hatchling emotes as it wouldn't be recognised. If you can manually edit the emotes then feel free to use the ones from this addon for inspiration but I think that's as far as it goes.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Hendrik »

I just downloaded this add-on and find great, it really gives more live to the pets, however its strange to see the messages come in a different language than my own. For that reason I'd like to volunteer to translate the messages to portuguese (pt-br). If you that I do that just give a list of all the possibles messages, along with any other useful information that I'll will translate them as soon as possible, I would edit the add-on myself, but I don't know how to do it. Congratulations on the work done so far, and please give me a response.
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