Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

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Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by Takanuka »

Titanstrike, "A peerless example of techno-magical engineering, infused with the power of storms".

As stated above, blizzard you never stated Hati had to be a beast. "She" is no where near a beast, she is not even technically alive. She is merely a projection just like Elegon, which would make sense that she can take on any form she want coded to do via the Essence Swapper decoding her very hardware.

We all love our Hati, instead of taking away things like this please stop. If it is a size issue like how the demon form was all huge, fine shrink or just do that and the other ones. But please leave the few skins that is left. Go and fix things that actually need fixing like how some npcs magically can fly and get stuck above your head that hinders questing or the overpowered gold farming spots that may have been overlooked on the drop of coinage like the murloc spot in highmountain. Or fix broken classes that don't need to be so overpowered and two shotting or 1 shotting people.

If you continue to go with the path of Hati is a beast, and she "must" stay a beast. Specify or remove the slime pets that hunters have. You have the id codes for that Spirit of Koosu, and even appears on the wow armory under pets and remove them please because clearly a ooze with human remains in it isn't a beast. If you don't remove the slimes, makes no sense to remove Hati's skins )-:.

Please don't continue to kick hunters to the curb we already get abused enough by other classes "kick the huntard" when some rogue or other troll goes around and pulls everything and the boss and hunters are first to blame. Nerfing us with removal of spirit bond or detterrance, etc. Please this is purely cosmetic. Sure extra big pets or any invisible ones like the pet flame bug deserves to be remove but cosmetic ones isn't breaking the game.

Titanstrike, "A peerless example of techno-magical engineering, infused with the power of storms". she never claimed to be a beast, she never claimed to be a she, she never claimed to be alive at that. Why complain about hati having to be a beast if she isn't even one herself?
Last edited by Takanuka on Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Lupen202 »

Hati is a beast though..? He's Thorims wolf... And as shown by the artifact quest line, he simply absorbed titanstrike's power.

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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Takanuka »

Anyone on ptr for the next patch confirm any of the skins of Hati being hotfixed? Or anything?
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Takanuka »

Even though Hati is a creature of "lightning magic", his body can't contain such intense power. My science cannot help him. I fear the Thunderspark's power is soon to be lost.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Shelassa »

Hati is a beast - just like his brother Skoll who can be tamed in Storm Peaks. It can be argued, of course, but in similar way there are other creatures pushing the boundries of being called one - Spirit Beasts as a group, Skarr and the crab she shares spawn with, all the undead wolves / bears / birds / boars / shale spiders, etc. Not removing Koosu from hunters who had already tamed it was just a nice gesture from Blizzard - they had also allowed hunters to keep their tame in some other cases, like Spectral non-exotic wolves from Ashenvale, Karoma's look alike, which are no longer available. They could've instead introduced a fix like the one that was done for Garwal, where already tamed pet swapped appearances, but they didn't. I didn't tame Koosu back in the day, but I'm happy they allowed those who did to keep their pet.

Hati didn't die in the questline - you, as a hunter, made sure of that by starting and finishing the tame when the wolf was endangered. So, on top of being a beast, he's also alive, merely bound to Titanstrike.

Hati is a he - he's addressed so in the game (plus that's a nod to Norse mythology).

The whole Essence Swapper bit is pure gameplay. There is no point in reasoning it in non-gameplay means (like, trying to figure why he can be swapped in the first place, or, for example, why you can swap him to be a rock cat, but can't to a rock worm) - just like there is no reasoning that Survival hunters can't use 2 one handed weapons or FDK a 2Hander.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Takanuka »

So taming a bunch of rocks that mimicked a spider it saw even tho its just rocks using magnets in their rocks to shape a spider is actually a beast? Clearly the undead birds from eastern and western plaguelands skeletal eagles are not beasts anymore yet those are tameable........... can blizzard just give us this one because is it really bothering anyone? Just fix the oversized pet issue if that is the case and let this minor issue slide...........
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Takanuka »

Oh and later on in the quest to save "him" they referred to him as a she. So is Hati really a he :P?
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Takanuka »

See they need to fix that stupid glitch that doesn't just find a new partner for you in arena matches when ppl bail or miss their ques I shouldn't be thrown into a handicap of 1 vs 3, or 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 5 whatever the case is, that is a actual issue getting that is annoying and ive had that happen a lot........... maybe something like that would be more interesting to fix before something that isn't causing any harm..........
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Shelassa »

Hati was a she during alpha and a bit of beta - later Blizzard changed it to "he". I briefly browsed through artifact questline video and didn't see the wolf being referred to as a "she" anymore, but I might be mistaken. I base my assumption on Thorim's speech upon seeing the dwarf, where he says about Hati "He has missed you" or something of that sort. Being Hati's previous master, Thorim's sorta supposed to know better. Then again, he didn't recognize Skoll, so who knows with him.

In the Essence Swapper bit I stand with Blizzard. It was nice of them to add it in the first place. They could've made it to be usable only with Spirit Beasts or wolves or mechanicals "cuz reasons", but they didn't. If they see some skins as being not fit to be swapped into (like Val'kyr which is Unholy DK's pet or a demon or a saurok which is a sentient humanoid or whatever else), so be it.

The "Shale Spiders tameable, rock worms not!" or "SV/MM can have a rock cat or undead bird or elemental turtle, but can't tame rock spider or ghost cat!" is a whole another issue that has been raised multiple times elsewhere.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Takanuka »

Okay so I guess this is just like talking to a wall with holes in it. Logic doesn't seem to fit in society anymore huh? No where in the questline was hati ever mentioned a actual beast, creature yeah but creatures is a broad spectrum. A demon is a creature, a human is a creature, a bear is a creature, a virus is a creature. But a creature of "lightning magic" that becomes a projection of a weapon doesn't sound like a beast. Sounds more like a elemental that was dying and only way to save it was using magic to infuse it into a weapon like a enchanter does with those living weapons in Naxxaramas. Evidence will enlighten the argument but I suppose when there is none I guess we can only bark.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Takanuka »

And if they are going to do so, may have the courtesy to give a heads up on blue since a lot of notable petopians here have their unique hati too I know that much. And would be nice to give a heads up so we can say good bye like how ppl wanted that chance with their other pets like the worgen. Or they could've fixed all of them before implementing the hotfix instead of making it seem like they a-okayed the rest like there is a percentage of others that believed the ones not hotfixed already got a-okayed already. Blizzard its almost Christmas, keyword "almost" maybe give this to us as a early Christmas gift instead of replica toys with different names :D and the same stuff over and over again?
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati

Unread post by Wain »

Quote from the quest:
Image of Mimiron: Pity you aren’t joining Thorim under better circumstances. He’s quite the animal lover himself - always going on about those wolves of his.
It is stated that Hati is an animal and a wolf.

But I imagine it doesn't really matter what Hati's origin is, because Hunter pets are beasts and Blizzard clearly want that to continue with the weapon companion. Hati could be a hologram and they'd almost certainly still want him to look like a beast. Just like there's really no functional difference between a robot that looks like a wolf and one that looks like R2D2, but they clearly just want us to tame the former. It makes good theme.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by Wain »

Also I just edited the titles of your post / poll to explain that you're asking about the "non beast" skins that people have cleverly worked out how to get, but were clearly unintentional. I was initially a little confused what what skins the poll question was asking about, and I think others were too.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by Rikaku »

Personally, it depends on the skins. If people don't abuse them and don't use tiny/nearly invisible pets in like PVP/Battlegrounds, I don't care if Hati is a wisp or murloc. And for those kind of skins I'd say hey, if they allow the players to 'keep' them, then it should be available to all hunters and not "retired" or "hotfixed".

Personally, to me, it's not about being a "beast" or not. My pet is a spirit beast. According to Blizzard's lore, he's the mate of Har'koa; a loa goddess (which is also a wild god). Yet I tamed him and he obeys me. So personally, if I can have him, then I don't see why someone can't have a murloc or a wisp or slime.

However, the one skin I do think that should be removed is Valkyr Hati. I'm not against Valkyr Hati because "its a humanoid", I'm against it for 2 reasons.

1. It's huge. It was annoying enough to have Thok and other devilsaur toes block the Hunter order hall. Now every time I enter the Order Hall or go to a FP in Dalaran, some Hunter is there with Valkyr Hati just in the way. If they want to shrink it down to player-size, than I wouldn't care. But as it is, I don't think any Hunter should have a pet so massive it basically trolls other players every time you happen to AFK on a flight point.

2. It's Horde only. I know faction-specific pets have been a thing before (like Spot in Dustwallow Marsh is Horde-tameable only or Rema in Blade's Edge is Alliance-tameable only), but in those cases the skins those pets have are available to all factions via other mobs. The fact that the Valkyr is only available to the Horde would be a bit more of a 'slap in the face' if players were allowed to keep them.

So personally.. non-beast skins for Hati other than the val'kyr.. have at it. Personally I dont care. But regarding the val'kyr.. it either needs to be fixed and scaled down to be less obnoxious and made available for other Hunters to tame, or be hotfixed out since its not fair to other players to lock them out via faction (not in 2016 WoW).

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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Call me a purist.
I don't believe Hati should be transmoggable into anything that a Hunter could not otherwise tame.

I'm not a warlock. I don't see the need to have a demon pet.
I'm not a slave-driver. I don't see the need to have a Murlock pet.
I'm not any form of necromancer. I don't see the need to have slimes or aberrations or undead Valküre following me around.

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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

I'm a sucker for pets in games. One of my favorite games that sadly got canned (after they banned me for being American) was called Glory Destiny, and it let everyone have pets. Of those pets, there were freakish monsters like orcs and skeletal worms. I personally loved having this one worm that looked like a mix of a caterpillar, Kamen Rider, and a beetle. It wasn't a regular animal, but it was my pet. There have been many games with pet systems, but none will ever match Glory Destiny and having absolutely anything that isn't human (or whatever they called themselves) as a pet.

Fast forward about 4 years to all these fun Hati transmogs; I discovered the one I loved the most, being a freaky flesh beast. I've wanted one of those as a hunter pet ever since my friends forced me to play when BC came out. Ever since day one of BC, I wanted to tame the mutants, but that chance never happened. When we got Hati, and the Essence Swapper exploit was discovered, I was ecstatic when I found I could use hex effects. I recalled Sunwell, and went to test everything I could. Lo and behold, my dream finally came true; I could finally have an abberation at my side as a pet, albeit not one that's really useful. Then came tragedy; the first Hati wipe. I went and redid the transformation, but I goofed and lost it by accidentally using the swapper instead of my Flight Master whistle. OOPS. I found out when I tried to reapply it that the effect doesn't stay anymore. Whenever they changed the Isle of Thunder version to not transfer the look, it happened to my Flesh Beast as well.

I would love for the transformations to stay. It gave me a chance to finally have the ONE monster in the game I would use forever, regardless of abilities. I may joke around with serious intent about druids and plant hydras, but the one monster I would stick with would be one of those freaks. Losing it made me feel bummed, and losing the ability to get it again bummed me even more.

On a side note: I don't know why, but I laugh at the thought of Hati being female. It just amuses me for some reason.


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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by Ryna »

I had a nice long tangent typed out about taming more beasts and customization, but really it just all boiled down that it's getting depressing how restrictive the customization is becoming. I like silly things and I also like serious RP things.
I guess I also don't see why the lines are drawn like they are. Tekton is silly but allowed, frying pans aren't. Dragons, wind serpents, hippogryphs, and gryphons are too smart to tame, but we have them as mounts. Dire beast summons all sorts of things that aren't tamable, but will come to our aid at a whistle. It's just... weird and restrictive, like playing pretend with That kid or wishing on a monkey's paw.

I hope they can stay, but I also hate the looming feeling of it being taken away as well.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

Personally, while I quite like some of the smaller options (simple due to visual clutter) that you can essence swap Hati into that were not intended, I'm taking the side of reason on this one.

The essence swapper was designed to change hati into a mirror of your pet. Simple.

Not a guardian, not a mutated/polymorphed/transfromed verion of your pet, just a mirror of your tamable pet, pet.

If blizzard wanted you to use these, they would let us tame Slimes, Cockroaches, Val'kyr, Demons, Undead, Wisps, etc, etc.

But we can't, because they don't want us too. Their game, Their rules, and these rules have been in place since vanilla... they are no surprise to anyone.

Yes they sometimes change these rules, but again, Their game, Their rules.

I nor any other hunter have any soapbox privileges to stand up on and call foul, and it's folly to think so (No matter how much any may love their unintended/exploitative/clever mechanic pet tames/looks.)

I get that no one like things they like taken away, but they were never meant to be.


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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by Xella »

The only Hati I have enjoyed so far is murloc-Hati; I love val'kyr and keep hoping for a val'kyr transformation toy (though the priest glyph might make that a bit confusing) but I don't think I'd like Val'kyr-Hati long term because it's so large. That said, it's a moot point for me because I'm Alliance, and I can't afford $50 to pick up a pet look that's likely to be hotfixed out anyway >:( Murloc-Hati was the right combination of:

- not gigantic and constantly in the way for trying to loot things manually (vs. fetch)
- not super tiny so that the flashing lightning effect hits my eyes the wrong way (which is a huge problem with a lot of otherwise-acceptable Hati morphs and has contributed to my sharp decline in play)
- not horribly game-breaking for anybody else (the way that Thok-Hati is, or Metamorphosis-Hati and Invisible-Hati were)
- actually made me smile because it was still a little bit silly but not gamebreakingly so.

But I mean, that's dead now, so whatever. I told myself I wouldn't be bitter about it when it was ultimately removed, but I find myself being a little bitter about it anyway (presumably because it was one of the ones that was SPECIFICALLY removed, but some less joy-bringing ones still persist? idk man)

I like the idea of "trick tame" Hatis and would like to see them be allowable, but the outliers fixed so they were more in-line with the size of other pets (more specifically, variable-size like a warlock's doomguard—very large to the warlock, much smaller to anybody else so as to be less in the way). I don't think non-beast Hatis are any more "out of line" with the "class fantasy" (oh, please not this again) than the summonable creatures from Black Arrow for MM or the random untameable beasts from Dire Beast or any number of trinkets and tier set effects over the years or combat allies who are supposedly survival hunters but use rifles, or beast mastery hunters that use the stupid dragon-shaped polearm from MoP. Even at the height of the Hati trick taming (which coincided with the height of class halls being CRZd) I saw way more beast-mogged or unmogged Hatis than I saw trick-tamed ones, and I only had a couple people notice that my Hati was a murloc and ask about it. The melee and tanks in my dungeons and raids loved it because it wasn't in their way and didn't make obnoxious noises (vs, say, the big Ji-kun style birds or shale spiders and my riverbeasts via Dire Beast lol)

But either way I think at this point I would like it to be all in, or all out—no more of this half-measure nonsense.
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Re: Blizzard Vs. Hati non-beast skins

Unread post by Takanuka »

Rikaku wrote:Personally, it depends on the skins. If people don't abuse them and don't use tiny/nearly invisible pets in like PVP/Battlegrounds, I don't care if Hati is a wisp or murloc. And for those kind of skins I'd say hey, if they allow the players to 'keep' them, then it should be available to all hunters and not "retired" or "hotfixed".

Personally, to me, it's not about being a "beast" or not. My pet is a spirit beast. According to Blizzard's lore, he's the mate of Har'koa; a loa goddess (which is also a wild god). Yet I tamed him and he obeys me. So personally, if I can have him, then I don't see why someone can't have a murloc or a wisp or slime.

However, the one skin I do think that should be removed is Valkyr Hati. I'm not against Valkyr Hati because "its a humanoid", I'm against it for 2 reasons.

1. It's huge. It was annoying enough to have Thok and other devilsaur toes block the Hunter order hall. Now every time I enter the Order Hall or go to a FP in Dalaran, some Hunter is there with Valkyr Hati just in the way. If they want to shrink it down to player-size, than I wouldn't care. But as it is, I don't think any Hunter should have a pet so massive it basically trolls other players every time you happen to AFK on a flight point.

2. It's Horde only. I know faction-specific pets have been a thing before (like Spot in Dustwallow Marsh is Horde-tameable only or Rema in Blade's Edge is Alliance-tameable only), but in those cases the skins those pets have are available to all factions via other mobs. The fact that the Valkyr is only available to the Horde would be a bit more of a 'slap in the face' if players were allowed to keep them.

So personally.. non-beast skins for Hati other than the val'kyr.. have at it. Personally I dont care. But regarding the val'kyr.. it either needs to be fixed and scaled down to be less obnoxious and made available for other Hunters to tame, or be hotfixed out since its not fair to other players to lock them out via faction (not in 2016 WoW).
....................... if your crying about the valkyr's size then cry about Thok's size too cuz its only a tiny bit bigger than thok............. and the alliance always got better pets exclusively to them..... like the black and red or green ravager that was only attackable by releasing it thru a quest that alliance could only get. The nian would've been alliance only if they didn't decide to lower levels on guards around the alliance zone so horde didn't get 1 shotted anymore. And others. And really can we not just have some minor things I mean really from tooltip and what was said, Hati sounds more magical and elemental or even projection from the weapon itself so just because it took on a form of a wolf doesn't mean it was a beast at all........ And people say that we saved it from dying when, changing out a battery on your phone doesn't mean you saved its life, it wasn't alive in the first place it was an AI.
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