Are mythics worth it?

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Are mythics worth it?

Unread post by zedxrgal »

I admit I've become a VERY casual player since WoD dropped and as such my hardcore raiding /dungeons /etc days have long long long since gone. I am just now getting to the point where I want to raid again and maybe try mythics. I'm a weirdo though who loves to read up on raids before getting into them so I don't look like a fool not knowing how the fight goes. I still haven't done mythics yet and upon reading I was curious if they're even worth it.
It looks like it could be stressful for little reward if you don't meet the time requirement. Just getting into mythics sounds almost .............. dare I say like a hassle.
Should I just stick with casual LFR-ing???

What are mythic groups like??

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Re: Are mythics worth it?

Unread post by Vephriel »

I've been doing a lot of raiding and mythic+ content this expansion, and even though I had never planned on that originally (before learning about the artifact appearance I simply had to have that is), I've been enjoying them so much! :)

I think mythics are a really fun means of PvE progression that don't require the same demands or organization of raiding, though at the same time offer their own challenges. They're satisfying to overcome, and you can stick with them up to a level that you're comfortable with for the + keystones.

Base mythics are excellent to dip your toes into since they don't have any of the timing requirements, and once you're comfortable with the dungeon you can try adding keystones to up the challenge and see about getting a good time. :) I've been lucky enough to have a great group of friends that I've been running them with, we regularly get 3 chests on every run, and that's what I imagine the best way to tackle them would be. I've certainly done plenty of pug runs as well, and they're fine if people know what they're doing, but if you want to get into them and get comfortable I'd probably recommend going with a group of people you know.
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Re: Are mythics worth it?

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

If you know the mechanics for the heroic version of the dungeons, you know everything you need to know for the mythic version. The mechanics don't change, things just hit harder or have more health or have other side effects the higher the mythic+ you go. I honestly can't say I've noticed any difference between the difficulty of a heroic dungeon versus a mythic+ other than the fact that I'm going with a premade group and that we have a timer to try and beat.

As far as finding groups, the best thing to do is go with friends or guildmates. Most of the time my group has no expectation of getting more than 1 chest (though we usually get 2 at least) and so no one gets mad about "failing."

That said, if you don't have a group you can go with and have problems joining groups (as with all premades people tend to ask for ilvl beyond the gear rewarded) you can also try looking for carry groups. High level guilds want more keystones than they can possibly get themselves, so they'll offer free carries in exchange for (usually) mid-level keystones for certain dungeons.
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Re: Are mythics worth it?

Unread post by cowmuflage »

This expack is the first time I've done mythics and at first I was worried that I'd find them too hard or not be good enough but what everyone's said is correct. If you know the fights it's fine. Honestly I kind of prefer them now over Herorics just because I find less dicks.

The only one I have issue with at this moment is Kara I've only done about half of it. I think my gears a tad bit low at this point.
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Re: Are mythics worth it?

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Thank you so much for the replies you guys! :hug:
I will try on my alliance main first since her ilevel is the highest. If I get bad groups then I will bust butt on my horde main to get her up to snuff and try and get a some guildies to help.
Much appreciated.

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Re: Are mythics worth it?

Unread post by Castile »

I'm super casual atm and I've done a few +Mythics but mainly with guildies and my husband who's a tank. They aren't too hard as long as you have a nice group but defiantly worth a go for the gear and relics.


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Re: Are mythics worth it?

Unread post by Xella »

Mythic dungeons at their base level (+0/+1/no keystone) are definitely a difficulty step up from heroic, but a lot of the difficulty and interest is going to depend on your group—if you're running it with other people who are in there for the first time, or who have only really seen the heroic versions, it'll be interesting (and potentially difficult given the gear level), but if the other four people in the group have been doing it for months you're probably not gonna learn a lot and it'll feel very similar to a random heroic dungeon queue.

Mythic+ doesn't add any additional dungeon-specific mechanics (no "oops Hymdall summons five dragons per dragon call now instead of 1-3" kinda thing), but there are mechanics/challenges that are applied to all the mythic+ dungeons globally—every level of keystone increases the health/damage done by mobs, and at levels 5, 7?, and 10 you get a weekly affix that ranges from "doesn't affect you much at all" (as a hunter, I never really pay attention to Overflowing or Skittish) to "might affect you a little bit" (Volcanic requires you to watch your feet more often or hang out in melee with the cool kids) to "oh god I am not super okay with this" (Halls of Valor teeming. That pull at the top of the stairs. I know I finally have CC again but urgh. Urrrrrgh). You're also timed, and every time someone in the group dies you lose 5s from your timer. +2 feels a lot like a regular mythic, and it's a pretty steady scale of "yeah okay I can see these things are dying slightly less fast now" as you go up until you hit your first affix at +5; depending on what's going on that week or not you may or may not see a difference. The big difference is at +10, when you get one of two affixes—bosses get more damage/health (in addition to the scaling damage/health everything gets on a higher keystone) or trash gets the same. That's really the big jump in difficulty, and after that it's more smooth scaling. Well, mostly.

The big thing for both mythic and mythic+ is that people actually need to know and execute mechanics—healers need to dispel on those first trash packs in BRH, people need to not get hit by boulders or stand in optional fire, interrupts need to happen, the tank needs to not just stand there and soak every light ball that comes out on Hyrja because they do aoe damage instead of just single-target and the whole group will fall over if they're not super geared, etc.

It's definitely worth dipping your toes in the water for if it sounds like something you might enjoy, but just like every other aspect of the game it'll take a couple shots to see if it's something you're interested in long term. I'm not, personally—I really like the idea, and I still want to get my druid a +15 for the purple prettykitty skin at some point (possibly after 7.2 launches if I don't stumble into a guild carry at some point), but the primary rewards from doing it repeatedly are Artifact Power and gear; I mostly don't need the gear, and I find it very hard to get motivated for the endless tedium of the AP grind (which is why I'm only at like, 47 or something atm). It was fun to do a couple times and I like the idea of learning how to do the higher keys with a group of people, but the higher you go the more you run into "whoops we don't have a demon hunter or a warrior with swapblasters so we can't jump up this cliff and skip the cave in Eye of Azshara" and I'm really not into that kind of thing. Just doing the stupid cliff jump in Everbloom every time I randomed into it on heroic last expansion annoyed the snot out of me.

Mythic raiding, on the other hand, is 10,000% for scrubs, do not recommend :P (full disclosure: I am a mythic raider, which colours my opinion on this somewhat.)
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