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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

LupisDarkmoon wrote:I had a really bad mental health day for a number of little reasons, mostly just a buildup of bad thoughts that my brain didn't want to register or deal with until they got overwhelming. It finally came to a head over the most childish of things- feeling left out over some friends roleplaying together a lot without me, in a game where we'd all been excited to have our characters interact. It totally wasn't them trying to leave me out and they have every right to enjoy themselves and have fun- I don't need to be involved in everything ever, and it was just bad communication.

Unfortunately, my brain had a goshdang meltdown and I ended up not being very communicative myself, which ended up doing a lot of harm. It was just a small thing in the end, but it damaged trust between myself and some of the best friends I've got, and hurt my gf. It's getting better- I've apologized and I'm not going to let myself do that again, and they've said it's ok- but I can't help but feel like I've broken something fragile, and that there'll be something uncomfortable between us now.

I'm sure I'm overreacting and it'll all be okay, but oogh. I hate feeling like there's something wrong and people are walking on eggshells around me.
I know this feeling all too well. It's been a few years and I still feel terrible.

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Re: Rant Thread

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When your current favourite anime goes all game of thrones and starts killing all the characters all the time...sigh :(


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Re: Rant Thread

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Players in WOW are getting so fucking stupid nowadays, today Blizzard did their yearly April fools day patch notes which many found quite funny myself included but you had some who are so pissed over 7.2 and the "lack" of content they bashed Blizzard even when told it wasn't the devs who did these but others. Maybe if players didn't blow through stuff on day one they wouldn't be whining saying 7.2 sucks or they are bored shit I am still working on pathfinder part one for fucks sake and always am seeing new content if this fucking game is so damn boring to them then just fucking quit the damn game that's right uninstall the game and burn your fucking computer never to play WOW ever again.

I am sorry for this rant but after reading the forums past few days from the whiners it gets so annoying so again I say fucking quit and never return to Azeroth you sure as shit will not be missed at least then the community may not be as toxic as it is now.
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Re: Rant Thread

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Iowawolf wrote:Players in WOW are getting so fucking stupid nowadays, today Blizzard did their yearly April fools day patch notes which many found quite funny myself included but you had some who are so pissed over 7.2 and the "lack" of content they bashed Blizzard even when told it wasn't the devs who did these but others. Maybe if players didn't blow through stuff on day one they wouldn't be whining saying 7.2 sucks or they are bored shit I am still working on pathfinder part one for fucks sake and always am seeing new content if this fucking game is so damn boring to them then just fucking quit the damn game that's right uninstall the game and burn your fucking computer never to play WOW ever again.

I am sorry for this rant but after reading the forums past few days from the whiners it gets so annoying so again I say fucking quit and never return to Azeroth you sure as shit will not be missed at least then the community may not be as toxic as it is now.
I'm finally sitting and reading the patch notes and can't possibly understand how anyone could be mad at Blizzard. They're always highly amusing to me, and this year is no exception. There are some seriously solid movie and song references in there that had me laughing and being like "Oh, I see what you did there."

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Nachtwulf »

Right? They've gotten so ridiculous that as soon as I see the phrase 'slap in the face' I assume the person saying it is an entitled whiny dickwad. It's just become meaningless whining.

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Re: Rant Thread

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When a 50 episode series comes to an end with a very unsatisfying ending episode and leaves you saying like...what the actual fuck!! -.-


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lupen202 »

This past week has been hell... I started randomly having severe panic attacks - hyperventilating, sweats, shaky, tightness in the chest, nausea... No clue what caused them but it's nearly impossible to get to sleep at night. Especially hard when my mom goes off to work and I'm left alone at home. But I was prescribed Lexapro, and a psychiatrist as well... so fingers crossed I see some changes eventually. It's just hard waiting for the meds to actually work since they can take a couple days, and taking new meds is anxiety-inducing to me anyways. >.>

I've lived my whole life with social anxiety but these attacks are all new to me... still figuring out how to deal with them.

Sorry for the random rant...

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Re: Rant Thread

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I can't offer much in the way of help, Lupen, but I can sympathize. I have lived my whole life with general anxiety, but had never had panic attacks until after my husband died. They're super scary and the worst when they just pop up out of nowhere. One thing I found that started to help before I got put on my meds (whose name escapes me all of a sudden) was finding a way to distract myself. I'd get on my phone and play games or browse Facebook or I'd find a book to read. Eventually it causes my brain to stop freaking out and allow me to get calm enough to go back to sleep or do whatever it was I was doing before the attack. I've heard meditation and deep breathing exercises are good for anxiety/panic attacks as well, but I can't get out of my head enough to make them effective for me. Journaling was also suggested to me by one therapist, but that was also in combination in dealing with my PTSD. It helped at first, but then when my therapist started making it more like a chore/assignment, I grew to resent it and it quit helping. However, I have documented a few of my panic attacks that way and it can help; kinda makes you see that you're being "silly" and let you think rationally about freaking out and coming down.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lupen202 »

I'm just so scared the meds won't work or that I'll go nuts before they do. I can't stop my mind from racing and thinking of every possible outcome or possibility and I hate it.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I have all this artifact power and yet my artifact wep is full ;-; guess my other specs will get it now.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Lupen202 wrote:I'm just so scared the meds won't work or that I'll go nuts before they do. I can't stop my mind from racing and thinking of every possible outcome or possibility and I hate it.
I feel like that's pretty normal for those of us suffering from anxiety. We go through every possible scenario ever, and usually you linger over the really bad ones (I tend to assume I'm always going to die). After some therapy I can usually brush those worries off a little easier now, or find a way to tell myself I'm being silly, but I can't pretend to assume what your levels of anxiety are. Really, the only thing I could suggest is getting into therapy as soon as possible and to try not to be afraid of the meds. Just follow the directions and precautions for taking them, and never be afraid to tell your doctor/therapist/psychiatrist when something doesn't feel right. Often times the dosages need adjusting or you need a different kind of med.

I also recommend having your regular therapist work on coping skills for how to handle anxiety/panic attacks that don't involve the medicine. The meds absolutely help, but if you're ever in a situation where they're not working, you have to stop taking them, etc. you'll want to have those coping mechanisms. I had to stop taking my Zoloft when I got pregnant, and my anxiety has been beating me up pretty bad because I'm in between therapists and the ones I had before didn't really give me great coping mechanisms. I've been having to use my kind of made up ones until I can get back in (my OB's have recommended me for therapy and psychiatry to possibly put me on a low dose of Zoloft or something to help me finish this pregnancy in a safe mind).

I'm sorry I can't be of more help. :( I hope you're able to find something that works for you. It's a real bitch when anxiety takes over your life and keeps you from functioning.

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Ana »

Lupen I feel with you. My mind does exactly the same when it comes to scenarios. I suffer from separation anxiety and other stuff too due to a difficult childhood

My rant:

As you probably have noticed Ive been a little quiet. I had a nervous breakdown about a month ago where I wanted to end things.. I had some help and got up from the lowest level of depression but only up a step or two, but enough for me to want to live on. Then the municipal system dunked me right back in again.. They want me to force me away from my family and support system for 3 - 6 months and put me in a place to make me loose weight. I´ve been crying for like 3 days straight and must admit that there has been times where it felt easier if I just was not around anymore. But Luckily I got my faith which has kept me from taking drastic steps.. But I dont know what to do.. My body breaks down if I go on my stairs and I cant even go see a shrink which both me and my doctor agrees that I desperately need. The municipal system dont care.. they dont care that I have several testaments from doctors saying that my obesity is a chronic disease and that I have tried everything in order to loose wight. The municipal system just continues to pound me on the head and tells me that Im stupid and that I eat too much eventhough I dont. We need the money i get from The municipal system else we cant survive.. I HATE being trapped in a system which pisses on me (pardon my french) and makes me feel that Im worth nothing.


Good thing I have my faith.. Thats the one thing which gives me light in the end of the tunnel. .. but ohh that tunnel seams so dark and long at the moment.


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Re: Rant Thread

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Tarn, every time I hear/see stuff about this with you, it makes me so angry. And not at you. I just find it so hard to believe that your systems where you live are doing absolutely nothing to help you and that, despite proof that you need other help and that just "eating less" is not an option. Don't get me wrong, America is in the shitter for healthcare too (I have been extremely grateful that despite being on MediCal (state provided healthcare because I can't afford proper insurance) I have gotten really wonderful care for my pregnancy). I'm just... I'm so sorry that this keeps happening to you and it sucks knowing there's nothing I can do to help and that your state (or whatever it is where you're at) is totally overlooking you. :(

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by zedxrgal »

TygerDarkstorm wrote:Tarn, every time I hear/see stuff about this with you, it makes me so angry. And not at you. I just find it so hard to believe that your systems where you live are doing absolutely nothing to help you and that, despite proof that you need other help and that just "eating less" is not an option. Don't get me wrong, America is in the shitter for healthcare too (I have been extremely grateful that despite being on MediCal (state provided healthcare because I can't afford proper insurance) I have gotten really wonderful care for my pregnancy). I'm just... I'm so sorry that this keeps happening to you and it sucks knowing there's nothing I can do to help and that your state (or whatever it is where you're at) is totally overlooking you. :(
This for me too Tarn. I don't know you per say but I love you. More than you know. Try not to allow others' actions to ruin YOUR happiness and mental well being. Do allow your eFamilies words, kindness & love to wash over you. Good thoughts & feelings in. Bad out.

Lupen - (or anyone else with anxiety /depression,) Hopefully two things my therapist taught me can help.
1) Find a quiet place alone. Allow your mind to wonder. As soon as things start to get uncomfortable scream in your loudest angry voice STOP! I know it seems like it won't work. But it does and can. Will the anxiety away. The object of this is to stop an attack before it starts or while it's happening. It takes time to master but it has worked.

2) Try to quiet your mind & slowly inhale while thinking "the more I breathe". Exhale while thinking " the less anxiety /depression I have". This breathing exercise is another that takes does take time to master but really helps. Focus on your breathing mostly then the words.

I sincerely hope these help others as they've helped me.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lupis »

My mom came home with my dog and I'm super happy to see him, but my god, if it wasn't clear enough when I last saw him that he's dying, it sure is clear now. His cancer is eating him alive- he's emaciated, can't get up or down a single step, has a hard time standing up when he lies down, and barely eats. Most of the time he lies down and yips if he wants something, be it help standing, company, or whatever else he could need. He fell down the stairs earlier (just three steps, but he ran out before we could stop him) and split open his lip really badly, too, which isn't encouraging him to eat.

I love this dog but I feel like his time is coming up sooner than my mom or brother want to admit.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Iowawolf »

What is it with hunters these days I swear it is bad enough they put the two new pets inside the major faction capitals but now there are hunters who show little to no respect to each other by standing right on the spot where these are supposed to spawn or they place stupid toys there or even sit right on top of you so that if it did spawn you would click them and not the object. I remember back in the day when we had respect for each other and if you came upon a spot with another hunter already there you showed respect by letting them get the tame. Now hunters are standing around being assholes and doing all they can to disrupt another's gameplay hell just today on Gallywix I have a class trial hunter I parked where raptor spawns and there was this other hunter being a complete douche by sitting on top of me or using some dumb toy.

I have only been a hunter since MOP but even then we had respect for each other I guess this is one main reason WOW is going downhill the old timers are tired of the bratty kids ruining their game.
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Re: Rant Thread

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I think it's a case of your mileage may vary; when they gave us the arcane serpents, I had the experience you're describing trying to tame the red one. I know Sunwing (the black dragonhawk) had a lot of the same problems. It's a people problem. People are, and always will be, assholes, especially behind the relative anonymity of their computer.

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Rant Thread

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This bug is Gon is getting fucking stupid I read on Wowhead a player made a ticket asking if it truly is a bug and as usual they get a canned response saying that it may not even be a bug. Now for the second time this happened to me saw the egg and waited few seconds cause another hunter was close by and as usual no fucking Gon I know it is just a pet but when the damn thing keeps bugging out not only for me but many players and to see others able to tame it is making me question if it is time to walk away. If they don't fucking even read their forums then why bother cause this bug will never be fixed.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Novikova »

This gryphon business is awful. On MG, there's a survival hunter dedicated to screaming that there's Horde and summoning every Alliance asshole in a 20 mile radius because god fucking forbid we try for a pet. Oh, nice exploiting guard AI. Why is it *I* get shot and the guards aggro TO ME even if I don't fight back? Why have the Alliance been so awfully behaved in WQs lately? Am I just running into buttheads more? Where are the chill people I run around with? Why are people being butts about sentinax portals?

Even on low pop servers it's awful.

Why is this one so bad versus the raptor where Alliance have happily chilled out without aggroing a single NPC or getting ganked by the Horde? Dammit, Blizzard. This is awful.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Novikova »

Oh, the HR lady who hates me disclosed my disability to a bunch of randos because ~*progressivity*~. I never get a Saturday off and also I feel less crabby post venting, so uh. Thanks, thread.

I also hate being broke. A lot.
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