Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Wain »

I guess there's also next expansion. Do I understand correctly that artifact weapons will be ripped out entirely after Legion? Or will we just lose the ones we advance to that part of the story? If the former then there'll be no AP or anything, so Feathermanes (and other vendor items) will have to be available some other way. Hopefully a simple one. If I misunderstood then please ignore that :P
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Valnaaros »

They will still exist, but only in their base form. There is still a lot to be seen, since Blizz hasn't revealed their entire plan, but what is almost certain is that if you didn't earn different skins and tints prior to the next xpac, then you won't get them as xmogs.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Lupen202 »

Lupen202 wrote:To be honest I'd have to agree with Grimulfr.

It really is not difficult. At all. And I just can not see why people are complaining so much. It's more of a waiting game if anything. People have full control over how long it takes aside from the eleven weeks - put in more effort to grind AP, get it as soon as possible once the campaign ends. Or do the minimum and build up your artifact knowledge over time, and get it later.

I enjoy when things take effort & time. Within reason, of course... but it makes obtaining them even more exciting. And feathermanes are very low effort. We've already been handed every other family for free, so god forbid one is a bit special. :)

Maybe as a mount collector I'm just used to grinding and have gone through much more trouble & effort to obtain things... but again I just don't get it. Especially when we've wanted them for years and have waited patiently, & now that they finally give it to us people suddenly can't wait 11 more weeks or so lol.

Either way, BM didn't get anything except the feathermane family. So sorry, but it's only fair. Everyone gets the red wolfhawk, MM gets their blue, Survival gets their green and BM gets their pets (and be happy they aren't exotic.)
I take back what I said now, now that they removed 10 whole levels of AK and made the cap 40 instead of 50. Have fun leveling your other spec's weapons and other class' weapons! The key word in my post before was "within reason", but without AK 50 it'll be an incredible grind.

I am planning on leveling every single class and every spec for pally, rogue, hunter & warlock, so that I can collect every mount. Possibly every pet if I felt up to it. But this really put a damper on things. Not sure why the 50 levels was so bad - I was perfectly fine playing the waiting game and putting in a reasonable amount of effort. But no matter how long you wait, with 40 AK it'll still take quite a lot of grinding.

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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Xella »

The alts that this hits hardest are alts that have already done some (a lot) of 110 content before maxing out their AK, which is stupid.

For reference, Concordance takes 2,228,766,330 AP per artifact. The copper version of the Enchanted Nightborne Coins, which are the most common form of AK quest reward in Suramar I can think of (Wowhead lists 52 sources), give 4m AP each at AK40. Eight of the ones wowhead llists are marked as incomplete for my hunter (who has, as far as I know, completed the entirety of Suramar) so if we assume there are 44 coins, that's 176m (208m if there are actually 52 and my wowhead profile isn't tracking the moon guard stronghold ones correctly/I haven't actually done those).

Taking all of the AP items from quests in Suramar (via this wowhead filter, skipping the Vial of Diluted Nightwell Liquid which is from the emissary quest(s) and including 17x gold coins and 44-52x copper coins, that's 29,750-30,550 AP at AK0, which would be 1.2 billion AP at AK40 if I've done my math correctly (it doesn't feel like I did, but...) So, finishing Suramar will get you about halfway through one of your three artifacts, not including any world quests or anything like that.

I feel like Suramar's the best zone for it, but you still get a fair amount of AP from other zones, if you didn't finish them prior to hitting 110. If you're one of the lucky alt classes with the instant completion thing, you can pop the 500 honor world quests without leaving the comfort of your order hall and pick up a 20m AP token approximately every other day (from leveling up your pvp prestige level) plus whatever AP reward, if any, comes from the quest you instacomplete.

I dunno. I regret not having the ridiculousness of AK50, but even at AK37 I'm noticing a significant uptick in AP intake compared to even just like, AK30-33 (where some of my alts are at). I much prefer them removing 41-50 versus nerfing each level of AK but leaving 50 in so you end up having live AK40 at AK50, if that makes sense.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Valnaaros »

It still won't take long at all. Many folks have done the math and determined that with AK40, it really won't take long. I finished the BM artifact almost a week ago and am over halfway through the Surv Artifact, and was at AK36 (almost 38 now).

Even if you haven't started the BM artifact yet, it still won't take long. Many have made the claim that it will without doing the math behind it.

For alts, once you reach AK 40 on your main, you can buy AK 40 for alts.

The reason they removed AK 41-50 is that they determined it was fairly easy to reach Concordance with AK 36-40. AK 41-50 was added as a precaution, which they now realise they don't need.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Rikaku »

I don't think it's that hard on alts, personally. I'm going towards getting all of my alts (11 of them) to cap and campaign conclusion min. I just recently got my DH to 110, and this was back when I had just got AK 36 on my main. Not only was it an easy AK 30 instantly on my DH, but in just a handful of quests, LFRs, and broken shore content I got my DH not only 865 ilvl, but about 37 traits on their artifact.

While the grind seems awful on alts, it really isn't. I've got 6 alts to 110 now, and easily within the first day of their hitting 110, each one got at least 1 artifact to trait 35 and/or their 7.2 empowered questline and traits. And the time invested in alts didn't really come at any cost to my main. My main weapon has been 52 for over a week now, with my alt SV and MM artifacts both at around 46 with just regular gameplay (not going out of my way for AP anymore on my Hunter).

So I get the frustration a lot of people have, because it's still time and everyone's time is different. But honestly we're only on patch 7.2. We have 7.2.5 coming. And that's not even considering the time span we got for the confirmed patch 7.3 and whatever may come after. There will absolutely be enough time to level alts, gear them, and finish the campaign with them (Concordance and all) even in a casual gameplay sense simply because we've still got a LOT of life left in Legion to play through :)

Also chiming in to to Xella's post above. If you can, when you level up an alt pick up as high of AK you can and go to town on Suramar. There's a ton of AP to be earned there, which scales really well with AK. So you can get a lot of front loaded AP pretty fast.

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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Yeah, it really isn't that bad. I have five lvl 110s. One of them have reached Concordance, whilst the others aren't far behind.

As I have said before and will say again, Feathermanes aren't going anywhere. They aren't going to be removed when Legion is over. There is literally no need to rush.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Sukurachi »

what is "concordance"?

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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Concordance of Legionfall. It is the final trait for all Artifacts. It has a total of 50 ranks, but it is nearly impossible to get all 50 (due to AP cost scaling). To unlock the tome for Feathermanes, you just have to purchase the first rank, which becomes available after buying all other traits.

It really isn't hard to reach concordance. It will take longer if BM isn't your main spec, but AK 37-40 will make it a breeze.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Quiv »

I think its good to keep in mind the time frame that this takes is completely subjective to how much a player A) plays their hunter, B) does activities that reward AP and C) how much of that AP they want to devote to the BM artifact if BM isn't their main. I for one had to completely change how I spend my limited time playing due to this. First off, the type of content I do doesn't award much AP naturally, so I had to purposely change from the stuff I wanted to do and do stuff I don't want to do in order to be on track for the Tome. Luckily I am ahead of schedule so as soon as I hit the 1 point in Legionfall, I likely won't even look at Artifact Power until the 7.3. Also I wanted to level several alts but I couldn't since I had to choose between alts or a much much slower acquisition of AP to unlock the Tome. I don't feel entitled to Feathermanes, and certainly don't begrudge them looking into various ways to introduce new families. I just know the fact that the time it takes is completely subjected to the person and how they enjoy the game. I don't like making players having to shift what they enjoy in order to tame a pet family, thats a line I don't like seeing crossed. imo

Also the AK that Val mentioned is another consideration, it does start jumping pretty dramatically in the last few stages. Its still subjected to how they play though. Not all AP tokens/sources are the same, and while we're talking 4 million % increase to AP, we're also talking over a couple billion worth of AP.

On a real note, I am glad that I main BM. I would hate having to make the decision between putting points in my main weapon and delaying Feathermanes for X amount of time after release vs being ready for them and spending all this time playing a much weaker version of your main spec.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Vephriel »

Got my 52nd trait just now! :D I've been a bit lazy the past couple months but getting so close kicked me into high gear and I farmed a bunch of AP to finish it up. :) I'm ready for my hippogryphs! (and hopefully the Lalathin WQ doesn't take too long to pop up after >>)

I know some people don't raid, but everyone's so overgeared these days that a great way to get a lot of AP quickly is to join farm groups for Emerald Nightmare from the custom group finder, any difficulty. It's easier than LFR now with the gear levels most people are at, and the boss drops give a nice chunk.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Lupen202 »

It's more the fact that max artifacts are needed for multiple classes & specs just to get their pets and mounts. I know it's a choice, but doing it on 12 characters & every spec is really not appealing and this just made things less alt friendly.

It's not bad for your main - at least not getting rank 1 of concordance - but gl getting multiple ranks and doing so on alts.

Just don't see why AK 50 was so terrible. I much rather wait while AK work orders are going, than actively grind hours upon hours more just to accomplish what would have taken me half the time with more levels.

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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Xella »

I get the feeling (though I have very little basis for it) that AK50 will return, though it'll come later. Maybe Argus-wise. I also feel like if it does we're gonna get another artifact revamp/more traits to buy, which I'm not super thrilled about (I'M SO TIRED OF THIS ENDLESS GRIND AAAAAAAAAAGH) but we'll see either way.

My hunter's at 52/44/44 now (I apparently can't decide which of my useless, unplayed specs I care more about), but my next highest alts are at like... 47/36 and 46/20/1 and 38/38/36/29. I'm not really gonna do anything active on them until they reach AK40, but I feel like I'd feel the same about AK50, which would be much further away, so :|

(I also need to finish up leveling my new army of alts so I can work on THEIR AK. I've got 11/12 classes at 110 but only like, seven? of them are on my current server, and the others are basically never being touched again because now that I don't have to be on a PvP server to play with my friends, I... well, I just won't. Never again, for any reason.)
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Because AK 40 is more than enough. AK 41-50 were added as a precaution just in case it was too hard or took too long to reach Concordance. Blizz recently stated that they aren't needed and thus removed them. It really doesn't take that long, even if you don't raid (assuming you have high AK).

And as I said, once a character reaches AK 40, you can buy it for alts. Don't have to grind it out on everyone.

Further, once you reach the first rank of Concordance, you are basically done. Various people have done the math and determined that it would take several years to reach Concordance 50. Further, that any rank beyond the first really isn't worth it. The first rank is approx. A 5-10% increase to dps. All other ranks are approx. a 0.1% increase.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Maizou »

Valnaaros wrote:It still won't take long at all. Many folks have done the math and determined that with AK40, it really won't take long. I finished the BM artifact almost a week ago and am over halfway through the Surv Artifact, and was at AK36 (almost 38 now).

Even if you haven't started the BM artifact yet, it still won't take long. Many have made the claim that it will without doing the math behind it.

For alts, once you reach AK 40 on your main, you can buy AK 40 for alts.

The reason they removed AK 41-50 is that they determined it was fairly easy to reach Concordance with AK 36-40. AK 41-50 was added as a precaution, which they now realise they don't need.
At AK40, doing every single WQ and daily heroic, it would take 2 weeks to get from 35 to Concordance.

That's actually a lot. Specially since doing all that requires about 5 hours a day of playing said character. For every mount recolor and pet in the game that require concordance for a specific weapon, it'd take a total of 6.9 months.

if you do Mythic+, it's obviously shorter than that. But, if the Mythic+10 stats are to be believed, only 29% of players do M+ and actually enjoy it. I don't count M+2 or M+5 stats, cause in those cases it could've been their first attempt and they didnt like it, or carries.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

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I just got concordance on my Legion BM hunter. I'm not going to do any of the broken shore stuff in a while except things for mounts and pet.

I'm really over and done with AP
In the mean time, I'm gonna do the Glowcap Festival <3
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Well, obviously, Myzou. The more content you do, the faster it gets done. If you don't have the time to do more content or simply choose not to do that content (for whatever reason), then you aren't going to finish it quickly. Though, do notice that you only listed three of the many sources of AP. Missions, LFRs, BGs, Emissaries (which, whilst closely tied to WQs, aren't the same thing), the caches you get from donating supplies, etc. I usually don't do Mythic+ - not nearly as often as I'd like, but I still get a fairly large amount of AP.

There is no rush, which Blizz has stated a few times in official posts. The Mounts aren't going away. The companion pets aren't going away. The Feathermane tome isn't going away. The only thing that probably will are the skins, but that is something else entirely. All-in-all, you are only limited by what you're willing to do and how much time you have to play. But ultimately, you have an unlimited amount of time to get all of this done, since it isn't going anywhere.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

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Valnaaros wrote:There is no rush, which Blizz has stated a few times in official posts. The Mounts aren't going away. The companion pets aren't going away. The Feathermane tome isn't going away. The only thing that probably will are the skins, but that is something else entirely. All-in-all, you are only limited by what you're willing to do and how much time you have to play. But ultimately, you have an unlimited amount of time to get all of this done, since it isn't going anywhere.
I really hate this condescending answer. Not everyone have unlimited of time. This answer makes it seems like EVERYONE can live on the earth forever and that everyone would be ok not getting what they want on their alts.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Valnaaros »

How does it make it seem like everyone can live on the Earth forever? There is unlimited time, because Blizz isn't going to remove any of the rewards I mentioned. They will still be around after Legion, and still obtainable. So long as WoW is active, you can get them. That is all I meant by it.
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Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Unread post by Novikova »

The thing is, people get tired of that answer. People can still be frustrated with a grind, especially one that's not really alt or spec swap friendly.

Also, it won't always be available if legendary weapons are removed - as cloaks and rings were once new expacs came out.
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