The Future of WoW - what do you want?

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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Teigan »

And a few more things....
I want the old gear appearances from dungeons that got "updated", or appearances that are otherwise unobtainable now to be available in the manner that they made the Defias leather and Scarlet chain available. Old Scholomance stuff was great, and sadly I only kept the cloth and leather sets. I think people would like that. And who knows, maybe it's already hiding out there somewhere?
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

Wain wrote:One other thing I would like to see is a series of "astral" / starry pets.
Oh I like this idea. Also, what about using the spinny void textures they have now? I love Alleria and her Shadow powers.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Sukurachi »

How about some race-specific quests?
We've had some that come close to it, and it would certainly be a chance to fill in some lore for some of the more neglected races.

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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Castile »

What a great thread! I'll jump on the character customization bandwagon. Long over due I think.

I'd love to see a way we can upgrade old items of importance like Benediction, Rok'delar etc. As a kind of "you grinded this back in the day now you can use it again" reward. I think it would bring back a lot of older players. Same goes with previous expansion legendary. I know new ppl will be turned off but I think those that have been around awhile should get a little carrot. Even if it's a massive grind to upgrade them.

More racial mounts. I'd love to see an upgrade of the armoured horses for humans and pandaren get their own. I know we got class mounts and I shouldn't be greedy but them ponies, rams, raptors etc have been around a looooong time. Maybe do what they did in Vanilla and retire a bunch and bring out some new ones.

And I love the idea of more class based quests. The mounts where fun as where the artefact weapons.

Player housing. Not really class hall/garrison level of complexity but more like our farm in pandaria. I really miss my farm lol.


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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Quiv »

Alleria got my wheels turning. Now its normal for an NPC to cross spec lines within their class. Thrall is a shaman but he isn't just a single spec, he can pretty much do any of the specs. Tyrande is a priestess with a bow and a pet. Now Alleria is a hunter with void mixed in, and shadow priests use void*. It made me wonder what WoW would look like if specs within other classes could mix and mingle. A hunter/priest for example. You could have your primary spec and then a secondary splash from another class/spec.

It reminded me of the Druid affinity talents for their other specs. Maybe hunters could have an Affinity row so you could BM with a little feral druid. Imagine a Warrior with a little Destruction warlock mixed in. A rogue with some frost magery. I know I'm dreaming high but this could result in some wicked combinations imo.

*I am not saying Alleria is part shadow priest :roll:. I'm just using that as an example of what a primary class with secondary class traits could look like.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Talihawk »

It'd be really neat if we could dual spec like you can in DnD. They manage it with Druid, being able to take on aspects of the other class specs.

If we could do that within our own classes, or even a 2nd class that'd be awesome.

Balancing that? yeah it be hard!
but it should could be neat.


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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

I would love to see a complete pet family/spec/ability overhaul.

As it is, it's all so convoluted and messy.

I know it may seem a little controversial, but I just don't see a better/easy/clean way anymore. I think it may be time to do away with family groups, or at the least the individual skills/abilities assigned to such.

Do I like them?
Yes... I think they are pretty neat.

Do I trust Blizzard to get them right, keep maintaining them (with their track record of literally not giving a shit about them for an entire expansion) and keeping them balanced?
Hell the frack NO...

The only way I think blizzard can get this right now it to break it down so hard that the minimal amount of energy they required to maintain the upkeep of our pets stability and balance is an actual achievable reality.

Ideally, get rid of the 3 different specs. Give pets talents that you can pick from (much like the classes) that add the different options that they currently have (and a couple of others to flesh them out)

That way one can actually customize their pet to some degree, without being locked into an exact setup. Remove all family abilities and add them in via talents for all, and done.

Something like this...


Things would require a little balancing for numbers, but actually allows for some customization. Yes I know there will be a cull of some things (updraft/waterwalking/etc.) but they are a little superfluous and could be cut to allow a simpler system to work.

A few things like spiritbond back (but just tone it down to come in line with Spiritmend, and bump Roar of Sacrifices defensive up a little) and the return of cower (which was just removed without much reasoning, but also replaces turtles shield shell/other family defensives, but available to all if you wish to spec it).

To make BM shine a little more, maybe allow them to pick two talents per tier? or even add a BM only tier at the bottom, not sure of the best outcome without making up to many fan-ciful options.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Quiv »

I'd love pet talents like that! With a little care and balance, that could totally work.

And yeah families do seem restrictive, like they painted themselves into a corner. Theres little consistency too, some are extremely narrow and some are extremely broad. I remember them having trouble adding shoveltusks because they couldn't figure out the best family for it. That is the silliest reason to delay making a beast tameable IMO. I don't know an elegant solution, but I too would like to see a family/ability pet overhaul. (I'd also like to see stables revisited, if only from an UI standpoint)
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by SylviaDragon »

I'm pretty unhappy with the current state of pets too. =/ I was really hoping that this xpack they would have a drop down buff menu for their special abilities kind of like WoD surv hunters had but instead they seemed to have just thrown their hands up and removed almost all of their old abilities so they could be done with it.

As it stands I get to enjoy the ability choose whatever pet i want for light pve work since none of them have abilities anymore but when it comes to something serious like Mythics, pvp, soloing, I still always have to default to the holy trinity of brez/hysteria/spirit mend.
At this point BM feels far removed from the whole "exotic beasts" spiel. Right now the thing the defines BM is doing your damage through your pet or sometimes simply HAVING a pet thanks to Lone Wolf. So as it stands they may as well remove the exotic description and give pets a talent system for things like brez/hysteria/heal + a buff drop down menu for smaller abilities and figure out which of those two features should be BM exclusive, or let them double dip in one of those categories as a "master animal handler."

(also as a side note it really bugs me that Rylaks and Chimeras are two different families. Wod is over now guys, you can drop the act.)


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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Shelassa »

Another general thing I hope for is old Alterac Valley being added to the Brawls list. That was some of the most fun time I ever had in PvP.

Another PvP-related thing I really want to happen for hunters is for all three specs to have Master's Call and Camouflage baseline (and Disengage for Survs).
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Wain »

SpiritBinder wrote:I know it may seem a little controversial, but I just don't see a better/easy/clean way anymore. I think it may be time to do away with family groups, or at the least the individual skills/abilities assigned to such.
Do I like them?
Yes... I think they are pretty neat.
Do I trust Blizzard to get them right, keep maintaining them (with their track record of literally not giving a shit about them for an entire expansion) and keeping them balanced?
Hell the frack NO...
I have been pondering on whether they could still have broader classes of pets rather than families, based on their type of base attack and maybe stance. So there'd still be some degree of categorization, just way fewer.

For example, one group would be things that butt and gore with horns/antlers/tusks. So the group would encompass stags, oxen, direhorns, goats, scythehorns (hopefully!), boars and more. Another would be things that bite and rake - wolves, foxes, tigers, quilen, raptors, etc. All birds, bats and maybe feathermanes would be in things that peck and rake.

Hmm, maybe it's too messy. :/

Ah well, if any of the next xpac is underground (as Old God-related stuff often is) I hope we'll at least see some caverns with these guys :)

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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Bulletdance »

I want easier dungeons, new race, lots of new battle pets and pets, with a great place to explore that's not looking all the same. I need for rep reward mounts not to be rng based though or I'd just unsub altogether.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Teigan »

So, in the vein of "fix the entire game cause it's old looking pls" ....When are they going to update the starting intros? They still talk about the Cataclysm and Deathwing...they're a little out of date. Just one more offputting thing for new players. It just seems so lazy and sloppy. All they have to do is get some guy to read voice-over.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Teigan wrote:So, in the vein of "fix the entire game cause it's old looking pls" ....When are they going to update the starting intros? They still talk about the Cataclysm and Deathwing...they're a little out of date. Just one more offputting thing for new players. It just seems so lazy and sloppy. All they have to do is get some guy to read voice-over.
Because they would have to update the starting area, then they would need to update the starting zone, then they would need to update the zone after that, and so on, and so on. Say if they only update to Duskwood, then everything after that wouldn't make any sense. It would have to be bigger than the Cata revamp, since they would need to update Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend, and Outland in order for it all to make sense. And as we saw with Cata, just Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor being updated caused the end game to suffer.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Krysteena »

Wain wrote: Ah well, if any of the next xpac is underground (as Old God-related stuff often is) I hope we'll at least see some caverns with these guys :)

Popping back in to say please and thank you, Blizz. If I can't have it drop as a mount, then at least let me fight alongside it as my companion.

Actually, food for thought. Pets that hunters can ride, yes? No? Maybe? If it was done properly, then I'd be down for that. Some pets look big enough to ride, at the very least. Especially if you're a Goblin/Gnome.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Iowawolf »

What I don't want is old world scaling along with dungeons and raids true it worked in Legion and will beyond cause we get to choose where we begin our assault but if they really do this to old Azeroth and raids/dungeons it will not only kill the game but cause such an exodus which WOW is still trying to recover from with the mess WOD was.

With old raids/dungeons I like to go through and blast stuff away to farm mogs, pets and mounts even just for fun that's why they gave us that buff when we enter older content to help us blow stuff up.

WOD literally almost killed the game and as a Wrath baby I know it has many years left in the tank but if this happened that is it I along with many others who are against this will up and quit for good.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Vephriel »

I think if they did implement world scaling I'd like it to still have 'caps' which are appropriate to the expansion it was from. So Vanilla/old world zones would scale up to level 60, but never get higher, so you can still out level and out power it. Outland would only scale to 70, Northrend to 80, etc, etc. That way there's more variety in how you can choose to level within each piece of content, but you still have the capability of outleveling it as well.

I'm not completely against the idea of world scaling, I do think it would revitalize a lot of the game by adding more content that you can do across a greater span of levels, but I also enjoy the feeling of leveling up and being able to one-shot anything in an area and not worry about aggro. Sometimes I just want to relax and not fight my way through enemies everywhere I go. Something like I suggested above could be a good compromise between the two.
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Re: The Future of WoW - what do you want?

Unread post by Niabi »

It's just a small thing but I felt I'd contribute it to this topic nevertheless.

Ever since Blizzard made it possible for gnomes to learn the ways of the hunter, it has become a dream of mine to have a steampunk themed gnome huntress with the capability to duel wield pistols!

I feel it could be a fun and creative means to add additional options to our current ranged weapon arsenal.

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