An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke) - COMPLETE

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

I don't think you should have any punishments! !


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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »


Chapter 21


For a good few minutes the entire fishing village that was Saltwind Heights fell quiet. Sea birds and local wildlife scattered, the cry loud enough and peeved enough to silence the market stallholders into staring in the direction the shout had come from. Some dragons murmured the possible reason to one another, others tutted as they commented dryly about young dragons causing a scene and yet more giggled and chortled at the suddenness of it all.

At the inn Lupin was cowering against the building's wall as an incredibly ticked off Zinnia stamped about, the rest of the group gathering to see what was the matter. The youngest members had been seeking out Willow to discuss Allium's self-discovery when they'd bumped into the older members of their draconic band gathered outside the inn's doors.

Initially Hyacinth as asked Acacia if she was staying with or heading out on her own, the star-speckled Guardian stating that she was happy to continue to travel alongside as long as she was welcome to. Then conversation turned to the white Coatl and her Nocturne friend and what to do with them as, for all its attractions, Saltwind Height lacked proper authoritative means to deal with them while the winds were gone. The young trio found them as they were discussing the commotion going on around them. For all the excitement someone famous may well have passed through.

So Lupin mentioned the group he saw leaving while waiting for Allium. When pressed he only need say “red dragon like the white singer lady” to set the Bogsneak off.

“I can't believe it. Can't. Believe. It. All this time! We spent the night likely in the same building with the one dragon we've been searching for and didn't know about it!”

“I didn't know.” Lupin whimpered, feeling small even though he was almost twice the black lizard's size. “I'm sorry, I would've said if I'd known.” An electric glare stopped any more words from forming, though the scowl quickly moved from the Gaoler up to the looming white Ridgeback who, despite being bigger still, was also struggling to keep full height under Zinnia's scrutiny.

“It's all your fault for starting this entire thing.” The Bogsneak hissed. “We could've been relaxing at home and not had to deal with any of this craziness!” Indeed all she wanted was to curl up around her cauldron making potions and ointments pretending to be useful. Pretending what she did was worth a damn. Unlike this adventure Magnolia had started up without her or Hyacinth's permission. Instead she was Boss-knew how far away in some backwater town on a wild Coatl chase while putting up with thieves and monsters and child-brained giants.

Magnolia hung her head sadly, scratching at the scales around her mouth and eyes. “I thought it'd be a good way for us all to bond better.” Her claws went down to her neck, loose white scales flecking off as she went.

“Well it didn't!” Zinnia snapped, giving the larger dragon a sour expression. “And look, you got us to sleep in beds likely lined with lice and bugs the way you're tearing your skin off. Feel good about that? Just wait til the rest of us start gnawing at ourselves!”

“Zin, please-” Hyacinth attempted, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder only to be shoved aside.

“Don't “Zin please” me, Cin. We were this close!” A pudgy paw lifted to demonstrate distance by positioning two digits relatively close to each other without quite touching. “This! Close! We could've been able to snag Imarar or whatever her name is and leave. I'm done with this!”

Without a backwards glance she was gone, waddling down the street, snapping her jaws at the curious onlookers attracted by her outburst. With a sigh and a shake of the head the grey-furred Skydancer shifted to regard their captives as he weighed his options. Follow Zinnia to make sure she didn't get in trouble, find a way to deal with these two or accompany Maggy to finish what they'd started. Of course that said nothing for what the rest of the party may want to do.

“So, uh... why do you wear that thing on your head, mister?” Unhelpful to the problem as Orchid's question was it did succeed in diffusing the situation, distracting the avian dragon from his thoughts. “I've heard of other female dragons covering their head so that only their eyes could be seen. Is it like that? Some kind of tradition or religion or something?”

Despite himself Hyacinth found himself giving the Nocturne a small smile even as her crested companion raised a questioning eye ridge. “It is a personal choice.” He explained simply, fiddling with the torn rim at his shoulders. “Right now one I'm glad to have made.” Ignoring further questions he returned his attention back down the alley Zinnia had stalked. She won't go far. She wouldn't leave without us. Nodding in satisfaction at this decision Hyacinth's face fell blank as another thought entered his mind.

Iris. She hadn't returned yet. He didn't have time to find her, make sure Zinnia got back, look out for the rest of the group and watch the bandits. “Lupin,” the Skydancer said suddenly, cutting off whatever Orchid and Wisteria were talking about, “could you please fetch the sphinx and greattusk for me?”

“Analika and Djembe, thank you very much.” Crossing her short arms the white Coatl fixed Cin with a disapproving frown. “Even animals have names you know.”

Shaking out his long fur the Gaoler nodded in affirmation, slipping around the corner to where the stables were. Gardenia and Allium went to join him. Lifting a foreleg to do the same Alstroemeria paused, sat back down dejectedly. Cin noticed this but made no comment. She'd been trying to get with Lupin for some time regardless of how uncomfortable it had clearly made him.

“What are you planning?” Rumbled Aster curiously, a hint of disapproval in his magenta eyes. “We can't leave without Zinnia or Iris. And we're yet to supply ourselves for the journey ahead.” Craning his thin neck back Hyacinth remained silent as he acknowledged the purple Guardian's inquiry. He had every right to ask. They all did.

“Yeah, what are you planning, hun?” Wisteria echoed, Orchid giggling next to her at the irony.

It wasn't until the young group, which Willow had joined, returned with the familiars in tow. Motioning for the animals to be brought over the Skydancer procured a linen sack,which tinkled and clinked as he held it out towards the wayward pair who stared in disbelief. “This is yours, I believe.” Cin drawled, emotionless. Above him Aster choked on his words. “We haven't counted it. Anything you took from us is now yours. Take it and your familiars and go.”

Sputtering in shock Aster managed to blurt out, “You can't be serious!”

“You said those two are bandits, correct?” Acacia joined in, more from interest than concern. “Is it wise to let them run loose?”

“We have neither the time nor energy to watch them until a point we can hand them over.” Squinting his golden eyes to get a better look at their captives (Lightmother he missed his bifocals) then to regard the two Guardians Hyacinth pressed his already thin lips into a tight, serious line. “Perhaps this isn't the best time or place, but we are ill equipped to do more.”

“So we're free to go, then?” Entwining herself around an extremely affectionate dustfeather sphinx Wisteria's pearly eyes flashed with a barely restrained excitement. “We needn't burden one another with the other's presence any longer?” The corner of her mouth twitched as she forced herself not to smile.

Nodding again Hyacinth explained, “I don't trust you not to commit any more crimes than you already have. It is as I said though, we simply cannot care for you. Take your treasure, suit yourselves up and do whatever you wish.”

“You hear that, Djembe?!” Orchid cheered, hugging her elephantine companion's trunk as it wound around her length. “We can go! You and I don't need to be apart any more!”

“It was one night...” Wisteria mumbled, even so fussing her familiar like they'd not seen each other for weeks.

No more persuasion required the two all but bounced in a chosen direction, the Nocturne swinging herself up to ride shotgun onto Djembe's back to ride him proudly out of town while Wisteria and Analika sauntered casually alongside. “This is a mistake.” Unconvinced Aster growled after the departing pair. “They'll have us targetted now. Make use of being in a village then chase us down for more.”

“At least here they're more likely to find someone who likes their performances.” Still scratching herself, one hand at her face while the other switched between her neck, side and legs Magnolia watched the thieves thoughtfully. “They might not need to steal from anyone else.”

“They'll be lucky.”

“You never know!”

“Maggie,” Hyacinth interjected softly, “I think you need a bath.” Immediately at the word the Ridgeback's face screwed up in disgust. “Come now, that looks uncomfortable. Get yourself cleaned up and I'll find something to soothe it.” With a groan Maggie relented, lumbering off to find a bath house big enough for her to wash up in.

“I think I may join her.” Acacia mused, falling into stride behind the larger, white dragon. “I slept well, but it'd do good to feel refreshed for when we leave. I suggest you all do the same if haven't already.”

Cin wasn't paying attention however. He was searching for the lane Iris had spotted the spa the previous evening. It was getting late, nearing noon almost. If they didn't leave soon it would be nightfall before they knew it. Casting a look over his shoulder he gestured for those still loitering to clear out. “Do whatever you'd like within moderation. Once we get Iris and Zinnia back and Maggie and... our new friend,” Darn it, with everything else going on I forgot her name. “return from their bath we'll head out again. Lupin,” turning to grab the Gaoler's attention before he got too far Hyacinth asked, “It was definitely a red Coatl you saw?” Lupin nodded. “Did you see which way they went?” Another nod.

“I'll show you.”

“Good.” The Skydancer finally allowed a smile. “Go have some fun in the meantime. We'll meet up back here.” Pausing long enough to watch everyone disperse Hyacinth turned in order to begin his search for Iris.

And promptly bumped right into her.

“Oh! Heh... hi!” Flashing him a sheepish grin the Mirror rolled back a few steps, rubbing one arm nervously with the other. “I'm... not late am I?”

“Erm, not late per se.” The passing of a handful of seconds saw a bemused Hyacinth blinking rapidly as the Skydancer attempted to register what had happened. “Iris, where were you?” He managed at length, placing his hands on her shoulders. “We were getting worried about you!”

Fins plastering against her dark brown neck the Mirror angled her head away awkwardly. “I... ran into a friend. From my old clan. I wanted to spend some time with him to catch up. That's all.”

Pursing his lips the bird-like dragon studied his friend, noticing how haphazard her bindings were, that she was sat oddly in the cart. She'd been in a rush to get back in. Eyebrows raised worriedly she finally met his yellow eyes with her scarlet ones, holding him with truthfulness. Yet Hyacinth couldn't help but feel that something was amiss. Deciding to put it aside for now he instead gave her a light, companionable hug before setting about making her look more comfortable and secure even if she couldn't feel it.

“Did you at least remember to do your morning exercise?” He fussed as he noted the wonky bandaging on her wrist, taking a moment to flex his own where the ungrateful Analika had bitten him.

Opening her mouth to speak Iris quickly clamped it shut again, a look of shame on her features. “No. I... I forgot. I'm sorry. I was so happy to see him again and in such a rush to get out that I forgot to mention it to him either.”

Tilting his wedge-shaped head Hyacinth gave his companion a look of mock exasperation, furrowing his brow slightly. “You know you need to keep that up to make sure your hindquarters don't wither.” He scolded with a hint of playfulness in his words.

“I know...”

“Tell you what. How about we stop by that spa you pointed out yesterd-”

“NO!” Her cry was so abrupt Iris startled herself, slapping both paws over her pointed snout, eyes wide. “N-no. I-It's...” She fumbled, tripping over her tongue. “It's... too expensive! Yeah! I... I dropped in to check it out but there's no way we could afford it. Especially if everyone wants a turn.” She chuckled mirthlessly at her excuse, shooting the Skydancer a forced toothy grin. His frown deepened suspiciously. “R-really, I'd be fine with a simple bath. No need for anything fancy. I was just... curious is all!”

“Iris, what did you-”

“Nothing! I swear I didn't do anything!” Flustered Iris stuck a hand in her mouth as she checked around to see if anyone was staring. When there wasn't she dropped her volume as she continued, “I mean it Cin. I met an old friend who works in that spa and stayed at his place overnight to catch up. That's all there is. I promise.”

It still felt like a piece of the puzzle was missing. At the same time it didn't feel worth chasing her about it so, with some reluctance, Hyacinth let it slide. “Zinnia's gone off in a huff again and some of the others are also bathing. May as well join them until Zin lets off enough steam to see sense.”

A flash of relief washed over the Mirror's face once Cin had turned around. Casting the residential area another, longing gaze she quickly picked up after him. Shears would be working again. Maybe she'll get to see him one more time before they left.


<I still don't believe this! Can you, Wist?> Bouncing gleefully Orchid held the pouch out in front of her like it was some precious artefact. <Not only did we get off scot-free but we got money out of it too! Willingly!> First heads would turn to glare at the Nocturne as she hummed in her mimicry of the Coatl language only to gawk in bewilderment at the dragon riding a greattusk through the town, some leaping to avoid being trampled.

<Mm-hmm.> Wisteria replied obliviously. Her head was tilted down, not looking at anything in particular, seeming lost in thought.

<We could do so much with this!> Orchid continued to babble, pocketing the pouch as she shifted on Djembe's back. <We already had scraped just enough together to get a room at an inn somewhere like this, now we could afford good food too! Maybe some new clothes!> Her clawed hands balled into fists that punched the air above her to emphasise each point.


<Where do you want to go first?>


<Uh... Wist?> Eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as the batty bard noticed that her partner had been ignoring her. <He-llo. Sornieth to Wisteria.>

<Hm?> The snowy Coatl's head shot up, crest flaring, as she was jolted from her reverie. <Did you say something, dearie?>

Orchid shot her companion a 'really?' look. <Not like you to let your mind wander. What's up?>

Feathers falling neatly along her neck again the otter-like dragon gazed wistfully up at the sky. <I was thinking about what we were talking about last night. About finding somewhere to stay permanently.>

Green eyes rolled in exasperation. <Oh now you agree with me? After saying we're good on the road? I'm honestly surprised you haven't suggested we play for these people yet. Which, by the way, we should. See if we can get some more cash to crash somewhere more extravagant.>

<I'm reviewing the situation,> Wisteria replied simply, curled tail bouncing as force was applied to her steps, <and see that, after spending time with that group of travellers, perhaps there was some merit to what you said after all. It is still what you want, yes?>

The grey bat looked about ready to fall off her familiar's back in surprise. <You don't mean... Do you really want to go with them?>

<Why wander alone when we can wander in good company?>

<Good company who currently hates us and have branded us as the thieves we turned into.>

Silence fell between the pair for a spell, Wisteria's tongue flicking in and out, forehead creased in a slight frown as she pondered their next move. Something brushed her cheek. She ignored it. One of their numbers, the overweight Bogsneak, had broken off on her own. Perhaps if they managed to convince her to go back they might get a chance to join the group. Another brush. Again she ignored it. Of course, there was a very real possibility that neither side would be interested. There was a good reason the spindly one gave back their earnings and sent them on their way. Again that brushing, like someone was breathing next to her face. <Kid while I'm glad you're practicing your magic again could you please wait until later to do so?>

<I'm not doing anything.> The Coatl arced her neck to peer at the Nocturne, call her out on some frantic movement to pretend she hadn't been summoning her element. Her expression relaxed into uncertainty when her friend wasn't, in fact, doing anything of the sort, instead giving her an offended look.

Another Wind dragon then. Focusing back on the path leading out of town Wisteria returned to her musings. No. Leave them alone. There's no point trying to worm in amongst them. They didn't belong with other dragons and if they ever did catch up with the red Coatl they were so obsessed over then it wouldn't take long for her to be run out of the party again anyway.

Once more came that soft, fresh caress as something airy wafted by her face. Clicking her tongue in annoyance the albino rounded on her partner again, about to chastise her for lying to and ignoring her, stopped mid-stride as she took in the look of sheer hope and wonder on the Nocturne's face. <Kid?> No reply. <Orchid? What ever is the matter, dear?> Still nothing. Didn't even turn her way. She did, however, pat Djembe's thick neck in such a way that he, too, came to a standstill, awaiting her next order.

Flicking her gaze between the Nocturne and the direction she was staring Wisteria was about to leap up and slap the other dragon when someone in the crowd gasped in awe. Spinning to see why the Coatl found another individual with Wind's peridot eyes gazing out into the cloudy sky. Another further down dropped her groceries, the stallholder kicking up a fuss for it. <Orchid? Darling?> Unbidden fear crept into her notes, turning the humming into more of a whine. <What's going on?>

That's when she finally saw it. A round gap slowly forming in the thick, woolly cover above them. So long had the sky been blocked by ashen clouds and noxious gasses from the neighbouring lands that she'd forgotten just how blue it was. They swirled, broke apart, formed a spiralling pattern as some invisible force pulled them down, down towards the distant ocean.

Then came the thunder.

A loud booming, cracking sound tore across the world, sending those not attuned to the Plateau's energies scattering for cover. Screams of terror followed as all around many shades and hues of colour shot by seeking refuge from whatever was about to happen. Wisteria herself ducked under Djembe out of shock, darting back into the open as the greattusk began stamping and tossing his trunk about in agitation. Analika followed her mistress, the sphinx tucking her head under the dragon's feathery wing, pressing into her side and shivering in fright. A wave blasted over them all then. Not of water, but of air.

Real air.

Fresh, warm air brought in by magical winds thought long dead.

Daring to peek out of her hiding place Wisteria's pink eyes grew large and round, jaw hanging open at the sight that followed. The clouds all convened together into one, tight cone, spinning without end like a tip that had been thrown just right. Perpetual motion, sucking in the pollution and white puffiness that had hung over the land for months.

“Is... that...?” she breathed, taking a step forward. So awestruck she was that the Coatl reverted to the common word instead of her native hums. “I'd forgotten what it was like.”

The reason she'd been finally cast out of her clan. The phenomenon that had branded her as bad luck. Here it was, alive, full force. And she'd done nothing to cause it. She wasn't at fault, never had been. She wasn't a bad omen, no matter what the superstitious idiots said. She'd had as much effect on the Twisting Crescendo dying as she had it returning.

“It's going the wrong way.” Orchid finally spoke after a long moment. Despite her concern the joy of the storm's return clung to her. Stilling the spooked elephant she stood, bent her knees, jumped into the air.

And flew.

How long had it been since a dragon of any species, any element had comfortably taken wing with such little effort? Too long. Now every one of them that was capable had followed Orchid's example, dropping what they were doing and taking to the air, screaming and shouting and singing and laughing. With relief. With bliss. With sheer delight.

“It's going the wrong way but it's back! It's back! The Winds are back! The Windsinger is back!” Senseless giggling and whooping ensued then as the Nocturne whirled around on the newborn breeze. Seeing her friend so happy brought a genuine smile to Wisteria's lips as she fought the urge to join her. Much like the endless blue now above her a cloud seemed to be stripped from Wisteria's mind and she saw with clarity what she wanted to do.

Yes, they would join that group. They would damn well try. And they would damn well try to get their lives back on track. Start anew. Be the dragons they were meant to be.

The gods themselves had spoken.

These were the Winds of Change.

<Coming Soon!>
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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »



Idk it was funny in my head.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

I love that art! ! Also Victoria wanted me to ask what the wind of change taste like?
I don't get the question but in her mind the dragons taste the wind, specially coatls and bogsneaks due to their long tongues.
Not sure there is an answer but I promised to ask


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

I honestly never thought about that.

After doing a little bit of research snakes flick their tongues out to gather moisture in the air then lick what's known as their Jacobson's organ inside their mouths. This organ takes the particles in the moisture, passes it through their nasal chamber and converts into scent, such like that of a mouse when hunting. Effectively the snake is then tasting smells, although they are capable of picking up scent with their noses too. I expect it makes it easier to detect if something's been there recently as opposed to what is there at the current time. I suppose, then, that Coatls and Bogsneaks might have a similar system where they can both pick up scents with their nose but also refine it through taste to better help with hunting or finding something.

As for what the winds of change taste like... well, after being smothered in thick, ashy clouds from the Fire lands mixed with toxins from the Plague lands I imagine it tastes sweet and fresh! Once all the contamination has been blown away, that is. The more sensitive dragons would still pick that up for a long time.

I am sorry if she expected specific flavours. Unless they're passing through an orchard the wind won't taste fruity!

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Wow that's an awesome answer. I know she will love it just because you took the time to think about it. A non answer is what she usually get for her ideas so I can't express how much this means to her. She will love the whole explanation and the reasons behind it. Thank you! :hug:


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »


I'm always looking for ideas as to how these dragons might function in a real world setting so it was an insightful adventure for both of us :D I'm sorry Victoria often gets ignored or the answer she doesn't want. I know that feeling well so I'll do my best to answer what I can.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Heh sometimes her questions can't be answered. .In Denmark we have an ice Cream called Rainbow ice. It's chocolate, vanilla and Strawberry. Victoria wanted to know why it was why called a Rainbow icecream when chocolate was not part of the Rainbow.

No way to answer that :P


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

OOooooo, what a great chapter! I love the inclusion of the wind starting up again, and the near miss of Ilmatar. I'm really curious about what's going to happen with Zinnia... it really seems like she's been acting severely out of line and I have to wonder if and when that's going to come back to bite her in a big way.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

It was about time I got there! The Twisting Crescendo returning was actually way overdue due to how the rest of the story ended up playing out; it was originally supposed to happen en route to Saltwind, not while they were there. However chapters kept getting longer and longer so it kept being pushed back. Because of it falling here it came to light that this group wasn't very far behind Matar and co so I thought it would be fun to have something like that happen. As for Zinnia... we'll have to see.


I am so done right now.

Rolled Acacia, Gardenia and Lupin. Took them to the accursed Scorched Forest while being careful which fights I picked and each and every time the chance came up, including times of ragequitting, Gardenia got focused by super-effective attacks. Every. Damn. Time. Even if I went ahead with my penalty it wouldn't make a difference as Gardenia would just get KO'd each time anyway. So I gave up. Furthest they got was 28 rounds. Acacia and Lupin are lv8, Gardenia lv7.

Notable drops:
Image - Keeping, gave to Gardenia

I seriously can't wait to start the new challenge with new rules cos this is really bugging me something fierce. Speaking of, I'm starting to have second thoughts about having members of the current stories be the starting team for the next. Vin is lv15 for a start. That wouldn't be at all fair on newcomers unless I come up with some limit to the starting trio. I'm doing my best to find a solution but right now I'm better off not going that route and just have them be regular background characters or something.

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x9

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Hmmm! Maybe implement some sort of rule about level differences? Say, if you have 3 dragons of similar high level and you get a food drop, roll for what dragons to go to coli with. If 2/3 are low level, randomize again to find a third low level to go with. If 2/3 are high level, choose a third high level dragon. That way, you're never forced into weird spots with level. (And if you only have one high level dragon, such as Vin, then just don't allow him to be chosen for coli until there are other dragons around his level)

That said, whatever you choose to do will be great, I'm sure!!

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Falcon »

Late comment but I've been busy/fatigued the past few days.

I knew that Lupin seeing Ilmatar would've ended up coming back to get him, poor guy. He is too, too precious for words, especially in the art piece. ♥ Zinnia has some severe anger issues, geez. And the Twisting Crescendo returning at the fishing village (I'm bad with place names, sorry!) rather than before worked out great, especially with the title drop for your main Pinkerlocke. :)

I agree on keeping higher level dragons back until a couple/the rest catch up to them, that's a great idea.
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Meant to reply to this sooner but got distracted by NotN, whoops.

While I do like that rule it doesn't help me in the start. Right now there's a 7! level gap between Vin and Lupin with time for them to gain more. I plan to remove their Beloved status and that would put Lupin, and to a lesser but still real extent Ayaz, at great risk. I definitely am not opposed to having them around in the story; depending on how it works out I'd like a lot of if not all the current cast (or at least those who survive by the time I finally finish this thing) to show up now and again. After all, there's still the over-arcing plot of Ilmatar's father trying to get her to come home. But in terms of Pinkerlocke activity it no longer seems practical.

I like the idea of an "unlock" system though. The three are part of the challenge but aren't allowed to fight until at least one dragon reaches their level (8 for Lupin, 11 for Ayaz and 15 for Vin) or several (two lv11s for Ayaz, 3 lv15s for Vin for example). It's just the starting out part.

I do want to make use of Umbra's clanbound Banescale eggs in the next story, that's for sure. My initial thought was to use my first familiar pull to hatch them both, sacrificing the next familiar to make up for it. But maybe they and one other egg/hatchling born the same day could be the starters and "unlock" the adults later. Hmm...

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

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Quick fight dump cos I haven't been in a great mood the last little while.

Rolled Anvindr, Pavan and Noelani. Nothing interesting happened.

Flipped heads. Rolled Gardenia, Allium and Orchid. Allium was 1HKO'd by a super-effective hit after 3 turns (did I mention I hate Scorched Forest?)

Rolled Ayaz, Pavan and Vunguza.

Now this one was fun. Took them to Sandswept Delta to start with due to Pavan being 2 levels behind the others then tried Blooming Grove once he levelled up. And they wrecked face. Even the bosses. For some reason the mossy pohips (shadow) kept using their elemental moves on Ayaz. The lone flowering pohip (light) they faced also hit him with an elemental attack which he tanked with ease. Ayaz, what the heck are you? Oh, but he did eventually get KO'd once by an aspen gall dryad (plague) later. Ayaz and Vunguza are lv 12, Pavan lv11

Notable drops:
Image - Rolled a 2
Image - Rolled a 1

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

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And a pic of happy Merry, too.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Ohh I love that :)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »


Chapter 22

Meandering their way through the streets of Saltwind Hyacinth and Iris ducked and weaved between the residents and visitors of the cliff-side fishing village in their search for Zinnia. It had proved harder to locate the Bogsneak than first hoped. Stopping to ask passers-by if they had seen her had led nowhere; each dragon having their own agenda, not paying attention to the faces of those they might have met along the way.

“It's not like her to get that angry.” Iris mused to herself, loud enough for the Skydancer next to her to hear. “She's got a short fuse for sure, but to leave?”

“It's been a stressful few months.” Hyacinth replied, sweeping his eyes over the crowds of dragons still yet lining what seemed to be the main market district. It amazed him how such a small clan had such popularity. In a way it reminded him of Mistral Zenith in how the greater majority of those living there were guests from other clans only on a smaller scale, more so now that the Twisting Crescendo had resumed what with all the Wind dragons and many others enjoying the reborn breeze sweeping over the clan. Something Hyacinth was eager to learn the reason for had there not been more pressing matters to tend to. “We're all weary of one thing or another. Knowing our target was right under our noses only to lose her is a great blow indeed.”

“Yes but,” lowering her head the Mirror's fins drooped with the motion, “Zin's always been snippy but she's never yelled like the way she said she did. What's so different about all this for her? I-I mean we all take stress in different ways. I just thought she was the type who could manage better than most, not be first to break.”

Hyacinth pondered on that as they continued to walk, no longer focused on picking out their friend from the surge of father and scale of those ground bound or else not as interested in flight as those soaring above them. For as long as he'd known her Zinnia had always appeared stressed unless she channelled her energies into her alchemy work. Something, he noted, she hadn't had much chance to do despite the miniature cauldron she had with her. They'd not stopped long enough to get anything made, the Bogsneak instead cooking for them all instead. When was the last time she'd smiled? Laughed? When the eggs had hatched perhaps. She'd enjoyed being Auntie Zinnie to the children. She hated going out, hated being with other people, hated doing anything beyond what she enjoyed. Always blaming it on feeling inadequate, a failure, pretending to be of use even though her potions and tonics were used all around the clan.

As he thought it wasn't until he felt something tugging at his robes, the gold-embroidered black robes his mother had made for him when he set out on his own, that the Skydancer realised he was about to walk right out of the village. Blinking as if waking from a sudden nap he glanced about to get his bearings, Iris giving him an odd look, head tilted to one side, one fin up, the other down. “Are you okay, Cin? I think I lost you for a while there.” She laughed jokingly. It wasn't the first time his mind had flown off without him.

“Sorry, I was... reminiscing.” It was sort of true. More he was trying to find the reason for Zinnia's outburst. Lifting a hand he rubbed his forehead, a light ache growing behind his eyes. In doing so his wrist bumped the top of his enchanted cowl, briefly allowing emotional signals to be picked up by his sensitive antennae. He yanked it down quickly, not wanting to be drowned in the feelings of an entire clan. Not before detecting a familiar energy however, turning him towards the opening in the fence, gate open, welcome sign hanging overhead, that he had been about to haplessly walk out of. Beckoning Iris the grey birdlike dragon picked up his pace, slipping around the gate.

There she was. Neck frills pressed tight along her spine, eyes tightly shut, claws sunk into the grass. Grooves of dirt leading to her digits suggested she'd been clawing at it. As her head bobbed back and forth in time with her breathing thin lines running from her eye, over her cheek down to her jaw glinted in the near-noon sun. It wasn't the first time Hyacinth had seen her cry. It wasn't the first time he'd seen her shut herself off from everyone to express her feelings to Sornieth alone. It wasn't the first time his heart broke for her, seeing her in this state.

A pink, forked tongue snaked out from between her tightly-pressed lips, flicking in the still air before retreating back inside her mouth. Cyan eyes shot open and the Bogsneak turned to glare at the pair watching her, rubbing at the shiny stains on her face in a vain attempt at disguising how she felt. “Figures you'd follow me.” She groused, redirecting her gaze at the spot between her paws. “You always do, Cin.”

“Because I worry about you.” Padding over the Skydancer brought himself down to lay next to his friend, Zinnia shuffling a little to the side to put more space between them. “You've never shouted like that before.”

It was a while before she spoke again, scrunching her eyes closed again, jaw working as she held back emotion threatening to burst loose again. Taking a deep breath she said at length, “I shouldn't be out here. I should be in a cave in the middle of a swamp where I belong.”

“How many times have you said that now?” It was meant to be playful. It was a very common, if concerning thing for her to retort with and he wished she'd stop it. “However many, each time I'll say the same: No, you don't.” He draped a comforting blue wing over her back. She flinched but did not move away. “Just because your body is suited to such an environment doesn't mean you should live there. You're here. We want you here, with us.”

There was a slight creaking. They both lifted their head up to see Iris still hovering at the gates, hand on arm, looking like she shouldn't be there either. Feeling their gaze the Mirror backed up slightly, asking with four crimson eyes for permission. Zinnia grunted, sniffed, then mumbled, “Yeah sure.”

When Iris didn't join them Hyacinth repeated a little louder, “Zin says you can come over.” A smile lit up the dark Mirror's face, using her front paws to pull her towards the pair.

“Thanks.” She muttered nervously. “I wasn't sure if you wanted company. You two are closer than I am after all.”

“Get out of the damn cart and sit down.”

Startled by the sharp order Iris began fumbling at the ties securing her to the cart. Hyacinth moved to help, being able to reach around her side and wings to get a better grip on the ropes. As he hooked his arms under her chest to slide her down a pair of midnight-black paws appeared under her belly, supporting her hind end. Surprised, Hyacinth flashed a grateful smile. The Bogsneak kept her gaze averted as the two gently lifted Iris to the ground, setting her hind legs comfortably with her tail curling around.

“Th-thank you... both...” A blush flared up on the oilslick-coloured dragon's pointed snout, finding something of particular interest in the grass in front of her.

Silence enveloped the trio for a good while as they alternated between studying the grass, looking at one another and watching the dragons dancing in the clear skies overhead. “I was once an Imperial, believe it or not.” Zinnia sighed suddenly, making her companions jump. “A beautiful Imperial. And also young and naive and in need of a job. Didn't care what at the time. So I took an apprenticeship at some facility in the southern Shifting Expanse. Can't remember what they were doing down there.” Her thick tail slapped the ground behind her, blue eyes closing as she recalled the events all that time ago. “Some spontaneous idea some idiot thought up and of course if you get an idea down there you acted on it. Anyway, the place was a mess. Guess the dragon who thought it up kept thinking cos there was stuff everywhere. It was so easy to get lost.

“My job ended up being to document changes on a project. Mr Thoughtful Dragon had decided to test the effects of the land on non-native creatures. Had some Earth guys dig out a hole in the desert, had some Water guys fill it up, had some Nature guys to plant stuff. Then we watched to see what happened.”

“I'm guessing it didn't turn out well?” Iris asked, unsure what the connection was between what Zinnia was saying and the reason she was so upset.

“Actually it did.” The Bogsneak clarified, though not with any positive emotion. “After a while. It was touch and go at the start but surprisingly the plants took. We had ourselves a legitimate, dragonmade oasis. So Mr Thoughtful decided to throw some animals in there. I was supposed to take notes. Document the changes, explain what worked and what didn't.

“Guess what? I messed up.”

Sighing through his nose Hyacinth interjected, “You always say that. Whatever you did I'm sure it's not nearly as devastating as you're making it out to be.”

“Oh but I did.” Lowering herself into the grass Zinnia curled her arms against her chest, not looking at the others. “I either got bored or preferred to just watch. Forgot to jot half of it down. Didn't understand some of it, couldn't find the right words for others. Colleague ended up snatching the clipboard out of my hands, told me I was useless. Cos I am.”

“You are not. Stop-”

“Let me finish!” A large purple-black paw slammed the ground, cutting the Skydancer off. Taking a breath to steady herself she continued, “That's only where it started. I managed to keep my job purely cos my colleague did all the work. Boss didn't really care who did it as long as it got done apparently. Then a pair of researchers decided to take a field trip down there and had themselves a merry little fling in what they'd thought was paradise. Didn't know what was living there. Did you know grouse basilisks are particularly nasty buggers? They might scare easy if you catch them off-guard but in a flock they're devastating. And wouldn't you know it, because I failed to properly document how things were changing the population exploded. Drove the flingers right off their nest. So guess who was sent on the rescue mission? That's right, me. And guess how that turned out.”

Neither Iris nor Hyacinth spoke, sharing a look of sympathy while electricity rippled over their friend's body as Zinnia once more dug out divots to literally ground herself. “I was an Imperial!” She cried at length, teeth bared and jaw clenched between sentences. “An Imperial! Those feathery buggers meant nothing to me! Shouldn't have! But there were so many all of a sudden.” Those words may as well have drained all the energy from the dragon of midnight hide as she all but collapsed, every part of her body drooping as the adrenaline fuelling her anger dissipated.

“Do you know what it's like to see two dragons being torn to death in front of your very eyes?” she asked, voice barely above a whisper as she, with some effort, lifted her head enough to catch the two others' gaze. “Knowing it was your fault it happened? Because of your stupidity? Your lack of being able to do anything right?” Her head fell again, a trickle of water running down the side of her face. “Didn't listen. Didn't record anything properly. Didn't get there in time. Nothing I did was right. Nothing. And it caused two dragons to die in the middle of the desert while their nest was stolen by basilisks.” A surge of irritation allowed her to thump the ground in front of her again. “Oh, and I couldn't even rescue the eggs cos some Guardian and Pearlcatcher came along, got themselves mauled too and the one surviving egg turned out to be the Guardian's Charge!”
“Isn't that a good thing?” One frill lowered sceptically Iris used the pause to jump in. “An egg survived and got a protector to look after it. Surely you can't blame yourself for that one?” She squirmed back in on herself as Zinnia shot the Mirror a withering glare.

Hyacinth sat up on his haunches, placing a hand on each of the girls' shoulders. “Now now, there's no need for that. Iris is right, the egg was saved by a Guardian and Guardians do their utmost to protect what they were fated to find. Can you not find any spark of light in any of that?”

Still Zinnia glared, arcs of lightning travelling her length again before she relented. “Yes. It was good. The only thing good. The damn thing could have been shattered in the mess had those two not shown up. But that's not the point!” Again her tail slammed down on the already flattened grass. “Of everything I said, that's the one thing you pick up on?”

“Because we're trying to prove that not all was lost.” Hyacinth concluded like the statement would end the argument.

“I'd given up then.” Ignoring her friend's attempt to placate her Zinnia returned to her huddle. “I had to. All I got was insulted, rumours spread about how bad I was. Am. How everything fell apart if I got involved. I was about ready to end it all.” Something glowed in her eyes then, the smallest hints of a relieved smile on her lips. “Then I learned about the world-famous alchemist, Baldwin, and how his accidents led to the creation of a whole new breed of dragons. And it was accepted. Not turned away as a mutation or as playing with life. It took time but Bogsneaks were welcomed to the point other dragons looking for a change willingly had it done to them, too. So that's where I went. I asked Baldwin to make me a Bogsneak. I got him to change my colours and I signed a Scroll of Renaming so I could be known as Zinnia the black-and-green Bogsneak, not the beautiful, bungling, good-for-nothing Imperial I used to be. Not that I'm good for anything now. But I got the chance to escape that life and start again.”

Streaks where the tears had slid glinted as she lifted her head to regard her companions once more. “That's why I got upset. That's why I didn't want to come out here, to leave Mistral Zenith. I was, still am, scared that by getting involved someone else would die. Because of me, my mistakes. So when I heard we'd barely missed the one we're looking for, it felt like I'd barely missed the chance to redeem myself.” Her head hung shamefully, tail lashing in frustration. “And now we have to start all over again. I just...” She collapsed, forcing back a sob. “I don't want to see another dragon get torn apart because I messed up.”

With her eyes tightly shut it was only by the presence of warmth pressing against her side and draping over her back that Zinnia noticed that Hyacinth had moved. Opening her eyes also revealed Iris to have pulled herself over, reaching her muzzle out to nuzzle the Bogsneak affectionately. Hyacinth lay against her, rubbing his head against the other side of hers as his long wing lay over her shoulders. “And yet you came out anyway.” the Skydancer pointed out softly, pulling back so they could look at each other properly. “I would not have known anything were amiss the way you had followed Magnolia and I that day.”

It was meant to sooth her, yet it only caused the pointed face to crinkle up again. “Because I was scared.” Zinnia whispered, throat tight as she fought against the emotions raging within her. “Because you two were the only friends I had and I was scared to be alone. Not after I finally found someone I was comfortable being around again.”

“But now you have more people around who care for you.” Iris added, offering a smile. “And we'll all help each other. You'll see, we'll find the Coatl you're looking for and we'll all work together so that nothing like that happens.”

“But we need you to be strong.” Hyacinth said sternly, though the softness never left his golden gaze. “Yes that must have been a horrible experience, but believing it's only going to happen again will only hold you back and prevent you from being who you really are.”

“But this is me, a useless lump of-”

“Who you really are.”

“Sh-shut up... There's... there's nothing...” With an anguished cry the floodgates could no longer withstand the emotional turmoil, sending Zinnia to the ground, covering her face, as she wept openly. As she wailed, unleashing years of built up sadness and anger upon the world Hyacinth only leaned closer against her, his frail body bouncing slightly as her sides heaved with each outburst. Iris, too, dragged herself closer to lay her long neck over the Bogsneak's, lifting a wing to also drape over her broad back along with Hyacinth's. Nothing was said, they simply waited for it to subside. It was a good, long few minutes by the time Zinnia calmed down, sobs devolving into coughs and hiccups as she took deep breaths. Soon those too gave way, the three laying companionably against one another.

Pulling back from beneath the supportive limbs embracing her the Bogsneak offered her first genuine, if tired, smile for a long, long time. The expression was reflected on the faces of her friends as they reached to nuzzle again. She parted her jaws to say something to them, only to be interrupted by a terrified shout from somewhere overhead,


Next Chapter
Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x10

This chapter was written in spurts with long breaks in between, so I apologise if some things don't add up. But hey, some Zinnia backstory for you all!
Last edited by Varethyn on Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Falcon »

This was a wonderful chapter and I gasped during Zinnia's recollection/explanation of what had happened in her life before all this. I can't really say cuz spoilers, but I love how everything's tied together. :) The way you've written the trio shows how close they are. And the forest is on fire, because of course it is. Damn cliffhangers. XD
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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Oh, man. I'm very glad to see Zinnia's backstory revealed- though the story itself is horrifying! I'm excited to see her coming to terms with what happened enough to talk about it, and bond over it- Zinnia/Iris/Hyacinth are really a fantastic trio of friends. ....Oooo, it's gunna STINK when the next dragon dies in this 'locke.

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Re: An Ill Wind Blows (Side Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »



So. I ended up getting a huge backlog of materials again but decided to reinstate a rule I meant to use before and forgot about in favour of outright discarding them: subsequent materials can be treated as a food pull instead. Add to that however I chose to roll 1-5 per material to determine the amount of rounds to fight in as opposed to item quality as they generally ended up on the low side. Yes, 5. Death streaks included and they, done through this method, must be done without question. Without further ado, here's the damage.

Rolled a 4 (40-50 rounds)
Rolled Whisper, Ilmatar and Vunguza

It started off really well. I took them to the Forgotten Cave first to get warmed up and decided they were okay to go to Bamboo Falls. For a while it was going smooth so I got complacent... thank goodness for Main Character/Beloved clause because after 38 rounds Ilmatar got KO'd all 3 times while Whisper got KO'd twice. Matar gets to live but cannot participate in future Pinkerlocke activity (it would have been a week but I can't keep track and we're close to the end anyway).

Notable drops:
Image - Rolled a 1
Image - Rolled a 4, gave to Matar.


Rolled a 2 (20-30 rounds)
Rolled Plumeria, Allium and Verbena

Nothing special here, they all performed well. Verbena and Plumeria both grew to lv8.


Rolled a 5 (Death Streak)
Rolled Ayaz, Vunguza and Pavan

Several scary moments when wandering surge priests popped up but Pavan tanked the water bolts like a champ. They beat all 10 rounds easily.


Rolled a 5 (Death Streak)
Rolled Zinnia, Wisteria and Orchid


Another tweak I made, because I felt I'd made things too easy for myself, is that the first KO in a Death Streak is a death no matter what. No 3 Strikes, no Badly Wounded, no familiar saving throws.

Orchid got 1HKO'd by a serthis potionmaster on round 3. If anyone would like to adopt her she's available until the next IWB chapter.


Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x10

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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