Vulpix, I Choose You! (Falcon's Pet Journal)

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Vulpix, I Choose You! (Falcon's Pet Journal)

Unread post by Falcon »

((Yeah, I'm actually going to give keeping one of these a try, hope it isn't too terrible. That aside, a Pokémon themed hunter and stable have been a long time coming but, I wasn't able to grab a Pokémon name that I loved until now. I managed to snag the name Vulpix back at the beginning of BFA and I'm really glad I did, as Vulpix and Ninetales are two of my absolute favorites and I've been anticipating playable vulpera since they were first datamined. I won't be able to update this as often as I'd like due to being a cat mom, but when I do, I'll try to keep each entry as RPish as I can. So, without further ado, say hello to Vulpix!))

The vulpera blinks, large ears twitching a bit before she perks up and waves.
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Oh, hiya, my name's Vulpix and this is my buddy, Azerothian Arbok! I know that can be quite a mouthful, so he's just called Arbok most of the time, hehe. I raised him from a tiny hatchling, and I couldn't have asked for a more loyal companion. He tends to get curious and slither off from time to time, but he's usually well-mannered and listens to me when I need him to.

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No, Arbok, that's not yours! Vulpix sighs. Sorry about the roast pig, Mister. I'll make it up to you, honest!

Anyway, we vulpera joined the Horde quite recently, and I'm pretty excited to go explore the rest of Azeroth, seeing as there are places that aren't nothing but sand, rock formations, and ruins. The place our caravan came through after our ride docked at Bilgewater Port was pretty cool with all those pretty leaves, and our tauren guide said that the area is called "Azshara" or something like that. I did see some pretty neat-looking two headed creatures flying about, I might go back at some point and try to catch one. Funny how the orcs decided to found their capital in what's pretty much a red, sandless desert, but you take what you can get. Still, it's been pretty fun exploring Orgrimmar, though it's nowhere as gigantic (or as golden!) as Zulduzar, but it makes up for that by having all these crazy spikes everywhere. I wonder what they're for?

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Man, Kya wasn't joking! ... What?! Stop laughing at me, Arbok, it's not that funny.

Anywho, I've got to rest up, as I'm being sent to some place called Hillsbrad Foothills soon. Sounds interesting!
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Re: Vulpix, I Choose You! (Falcon's Pet Journal)

Unread post by Ana »

I love it so far! !


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Vulpix, I Choose You! (Falcon's Pet Journal)

Unread post by Falcon »

((Thank you, Tarn!))

Hillsbrad is a very disgusting place and the sooner I'm out of here, the better! I'd rather not go into details but, believe me, if you saw half the stuff I did, you'd be having nightmares for years. I definitely will be!

Anyway, I ended up on some island out past where that spider-infested mine is and there were a lot of dwarves and worgen milling about for reasons I didn't really want to stick around to find out about, partially because worgen absolutely creep me out. I mean, where are their tails?! Vulpix shakes her head in disappointment. Poor souls. Poor, poor souls.

Rantlet aside, I was about to nope off of there when I happened to catch a glimpse of something yellow flying round one of the tallest hills. It was a GIANT moth, and I could see that she didn't really look thrilled about so many hostile people on her island, so it took a bit of coaxing to get her to come down.

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Larvesta's wanting to find a new (and less crowded!) place to live so, until then, she'll be staying with Arbok and me.
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Re: Vulpix, I Choose You! (Falcon's Pet Journal)

Unread post by Zoruaronan »

This is amazing i love the pokemon theme. But did you know theres a shiny krabby in hillsbrad as well? (im talking about Carcinak Btw)
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Re: Vulpix, I Choose You! (Falcon's Pet Journal)

Unread post by Falcon »

((Thank you! I didn't know about Carcinak, no, because I never see him up when I'm down by that coast. I appreciate the idea but I'm going to pass because the crab family isn't exactly my favorite. :) And apologies for this update being so late, I had a rough week so I ended up not playing for a bit, but I plan on picking this back up.))


The door to the inn room opens as a rather disheveled looking vulpera drags herself in before flopping face-first onto the bed with a long groan. A rather amused-looking Arbok slithers onto the bed before coiling up and settling down near his companion.

... Do I have to share?

The question comes out muffled before Vulpix slowly looks up at the big cobra, who merely stares down at her, his forked tongue flicking in and out of his mouth once. The vulpera's green eyes narrow in annoyance as she curls her upper lip a little.

Okay, fine, but don't expect me to be happy about it.

She sighs tiredly as she rolls over onto her back, remaining sprawled out in this position.

So, yeah. Not only is Hillsbrad disgusting, but it's also creepy. I'm not going to give details, but if you like turning cute little deer into bigger, meaner versions of themselves that try to kill all in sight before exploding then Hillsbrad may be right up your alley. It's certainly not up mine, and I'm happy to be out of there!

She sighs when Arbok nudges her with his tail before the vulpera raises a hand to rub her face.

I was just getting to that, Arbok, honest. It's just... embarrassing!

So, yeah, I had to prune down the local owlbeast population around some huge, decrepit building and I'd stopped near a big tree stump in order to take a break when a dark shape suddenly flew out of the shadows and pounced on me!

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So, here I was trying to fight whatever it was off while screaming for Arbok to help me, and I found it was strange that it wasn't making any move to attack me. Apparently, it just wanted the food I had stashed in my pack, and when I was finally able to get enough distance between it and myself, I saw that it was... a big black fox? Okaaay.

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Of course, Arbok thought the whole thing was absolutely hilarious, hence why he'd made no move to come to my immediate rescue. Jerk. So, this fox, who I now call Zorua, ended up following me as I finished up the required errands for the residents of both Tarren Mill and some decrepit tower before I headed off to nearby Arathi, which is where I'll probably be for a little while.

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Zorua may have nearly given me a heart attack, but I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

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Re: Vulpix, I Choose You! (Falcon's Pet Journal)

Unread post by Ana »

I love to see your tames :)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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