The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

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The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Arwyn »

If you want to level in the world of Azeroth you of course are required to under take quests. Now some quests are good, some horrible, and some just plain silly. Well, as you have leveled your characters in your opinion which are the best, worst, most satisfying, and most disappointing quests you had to do.

-The best quest is one you did with the first character you made and when you rerolled another one you actually looked forward to repeating this quest with the new character.
-The worst quest is one you did with the first character you made and the experience was so bad you swore that despite how much xp points, rep., or reward the quest offered you'd never do it again.
-The most satisfying quest is a quest with more than two steps; has you running all over a certain zone, Azeroth itself, the Outlands,and/or Northrend to complete and once done you're glad you did it.
-The most disappointing quest is a quest with more than two steps; has you running all over a certain zone, Azeroth itself, the Outlands, and/or Northrend to complete and once done you fill disappointed because the end wasn't what you expected.

For me the best quest on Alliance side: Tree's Company. (You get to wear a tree disguise!)
On Horde side: Lazy Peons. (Nothing says fun like hitting a peon upside the head!)

Worst quest Alliance side: Anything involving Murlocs! Because once you have the little buggers at a sliver of health they jet back to their buds and then you're dealing with three or four of the fish faced pests.
Worst quest Horde side: Harpies Threaten. (This quest is bad because while hunting down the required harpies there are Elements, Treants, Basilicks, and Chimera that roam around and can jump you at any time. And this quest even has an Alliance version. But after suffering through it with my Tauren, when it was offered to my NE I skipped it.)

Most satisfying quest: For both Alliance and Horde: All the quests that lead up to their respective Battle for the Undercity Quests. (This is the one that has the most awesome cut scene involving the Horde and Alliance joining forces to destroy Arthas only to lose Saurfang the Younger to Arthas and Bolvar and nearly everyone else to Putriss' unleashing what was supposed to be Sylvannas' new plague but that he and Varimithias take to use in their own little rebellion.)

Most disatisfying quest: For both Alliance and Horde: The Black Shield Quests in Dustwallow Marsh. Before they revamped the zone after you ran around the area getting the clues to solve the mystery the quest just ended with no suspect. But after they redid the zone Blizz did make the culprits a band of Grim Totem Tauren. If you didn't do the quest before the zone was revamped it made sense. But for me, placing the blame on the Grim Totem who just appeared out of nowhere "like magic" made the whole thing feel tacked on and as a way to please players.

So you've seen my choices. What are yours?
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Dragonpuff »

Best Quest: Alliance side, the one that ends with you getting that rod that turns you into a furbog. I LOVE that item.

Worst Quest: Well, questS. Leveling in Hillbrad. I HATED it. The quests involved running too far, back and forth every time. Even after you got high enough for mounts, it was still terrible. On top of that, a bunch of the quests you get are too high for you to possibly complete.

Most Satisying: Battle for Undercity line, hands down. ^-^

Most Disatisfying: The Rogue questline that brings you into Ravenholdt. You find the bloody place, get throught the lot of them insulting you, go smash some syndicate for their badges so you can get to a decent rep with Ravenholdt, then everything stops. Nothing else. Most disappointing drop-off ever. Blizzard could have done so much more for the faction, and leveling Rogues.

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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Ryno »

Best quest:
Arrr, treasure matey!! Fun fun.

Worst quest:
Seriously. Pets will kill the rats. When you try to get them.


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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by rubybeam »

i like the tyther quest where u have to kill the sea monster useing cannons
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Saturo »

My favourite is the Quel'Delar chain. I got the hilt on the day it was released, and I had no idea about the worth of the hilt back then. So I did the quests, it was pretty fun. Then I'm done. I look at the rewards. OMFG!!

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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Kamalia »

Best quest: The Drakkensryd. Most amazing and fun quest I've ever done. Harpooning from one dragon to another, knocking off their riders as you fly at a reeling height? Yes, please.
Best quest line: Because I am a massive Legend of Zelda geek, this questline was probably my favorite. :oops:
Worst quest line: It was already said and the reasons explained: Dustwallow Marsh's Black Shield quest. I was really getting into it and then... "Oh, hey look, there's a leather strap on the back of this shield that looks like it would fit a Tauren! Here, have some silver. Bye." Meh.


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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by fatman »

Saddest quest: Lost but not Forgotten. I always make it a point to visit Misha Tor'kren's hut whenever I walk to Ogrimmar and give her a /hug.

Quest I hated doing: Hearts of the Pure. This Undercity Warlock quest (for getting a Succubus minion, it starts with Carendin Summons) isn't for the morally squeamish. Get the Ogrimmar one when you reach level 20 in Horde, Devourer of Souls.
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Tahlian »

For me, the most satisfying quest chain that has also been the most fun was the Greatmother quest chain in Nagrand for Horde. Bringing Thrall to Garadar is way awesome.

As far as hated quests? The Battle of Hillsbrad quests or Duskwood. All that running back and forth all the way across the zone...ugh. I still did them, though, because they were a lot of easy xp. I hated the running, though. It's a little better these days, though...getting a mount at level 20 makes these areas slightly more bearable.

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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Karathyriel »

You guys might laugh at this but there is that one quest I love so much!

That level 7 quest you get in Razor Hill, where Gar'Thok sends you out to invade Tiragarde Keep and kill some marines, some sailors and Lieutenant Benedict.

Don't ask why but it's so epic to fight your way into the keep, up to Benedicts hall and then further up to the battlements to get his document. It always reminds me of an endfight of a movie or something.

I like it very much.
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Vephriel »

Ah, I've always loved that quest in Tiragarde Keep as well. ^^ Hehe, I remember on quite a few occasions (depending on which class I created), it being incredibly frustrating to solo, but at the same time always fun. :D
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Epicfail »

The Best - Oh Noes the Tadpoles! (Baby Murlocs!!!!)
The Worst - Keeping up Appearances (gathering 10 lynx pelts from 200+ kills)
Most Satisfying - Horde retaking the undercity... Sylvannis singing made it feel like the last battle of "Homeworld" when they play Agnus Dei. /shivers
Most Disappointing - I'm going to have to second the Ravenholt one. At least Druids got a port to the mostly useless zone of Moonglade... rogues got a questline to a secret mountain getaway that promises the fruits of a new faction and purpose to your existence as a rogue.... and then promptly stops, for no reason and leaves you sad in the pants. /cries-a-little-inside
I don't really feel like this is so much the "Post-Modern" era as much as its the "Pre-Zombie-Apocalpse" era. I consider myself more of a forward thinking guy and an era that just won't die is just as feasible as a coming era, where the dead come back.
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Dvorkin »

Not sure I can name best quest - there too many good quests in the game, too hard to choose "the best".

But the worst quest in the game, without doubt, is City of Light. It is boring (and kinda pointless, not to mention poorly designed) even when you do it first time. But on the tenth alt...

Most satisfying for me was, probably, The Ancient Egg done back solo at quest level in vanilla WoW (when all mobs around were still elites... yes, I did played a rogue then ;)). There was a lot of others, but that one I'll remember forever.

Most disappointing? Don't remember what was "most", but from those I did relatively recently - The Fall of Taunka'le Village. I just spent so much time running around helping your people, and it looked to me that we did some progress... and "we are lost"?

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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by VelkynKarma »

There are so many quests I can't even think of all of them....but probably the most obnoxious for me was the 'collecting chapters' ones in Ashenvale and Stranglethorn. Srsly. Every time I tried to find the pages, I'd come up one short; it would never be on the Auction House; and in the meantime the pages are taking up VALUABLE spaces in my low-level characters' low-level bags. ANNOYING.

As for most disappointing, I agree with EpicFail. My first major char was a rogue and I was totally psyched about Ravenholdt, but they never did anything with it. I still wish they much potential, wasted!



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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Ryno »

I forgot to mention. My all time most hated quest.

I. Just. Hate. Tooga.
Something about him.


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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Saturo »

The fact that he's a turtle out in the middle of a big desert?

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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Ryno »

saturo wrote:The fact that he's a turtle out in the middle of a big desert?
The fact that he just. Won't. Shut. Up.


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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Arwyn »

Ryno wrote:
saturo wrote:The fact that he's a turtle out in the middle of a big desert?
The fact that he just. Won't. Shut. Up.
Gah, Toogos is definetly an annoying escort quest due to the length of time it takes to lead that plodding chatter box along. And to drag out the pain, if you run into people doing the OOX escort the big lug will jump in and help them out with the spawns that quest produces so you just can't keep leading him along.

And actually I hate all escort quests and try to avoid them because if its such an urgent matter the NPCs sure do take their sweet time walking to get away from or to something.
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Dvorkin »

Arwyn wrote:And actually I hate all escort quests and try to avoid them because if its such an urgent matter the NPCs sure do take their sweet time walking to get away from or to something.
Well, escort quest on Old World were terrible indeed. But it was mostly fixed in Outland (it was a shock when I did first escort quest in Zangarmash and found that NPC can actually run!) and Northrend's ones are quite good.

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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Ghanur »

I like: ;)
and all other quests/chains in this area.
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Re: The Best, Worst, Most Satisfying, Most Disappointing Quests

Unread post by Jakjak »

I'll have to think about the others, but for me, Worst Quest is that one in WPL where you have to burn an enemy tent. It looks SOOO easy, but then you find it's totally the opposite because the enemies respawn almost instantly, they gang up on you, and they're constantly healing. As I recall, that one might qualify for Least Satisfying too, seems like the reward was little more than a pat on the head.

Hillsbrad and page-collecting are right up there. OH! OH! And that one in the Barrens where you've been killing Kolkar leaders, then have to fight a group of them -- the quest appears like it'll be just another "go kill so-and-so," but then suddenly the place is overrun with centaurs and the leader's nearly impossible to get to at that level :o After the first time, I've started keeping an eye on that area if I'm nearby, in case someone else is doing it, and when I do it, I just wait until I'm at a higher level.

There's one quest that had me laughing hard at the end, can't remember which side it was for or what the NPC did (or maybe turned into), but it'll probaby be my favourite if I can think of it. There's also one similar to Until Death Do Us Part I'm trying to remember that'd be my Most Satisfying, had something to do with returning something to someone, or reuniting someone. For now though, getting my Venomhide will have to do -- tedious, but well worth it because I just don't care for riding wolves.
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