What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

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What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

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I'm kinda curious to see what other people actually like to do in WoW. Some people like to do as much of the content as they can, others don't have the time for raiding or don't want to do proper raids, others like to do old-world stuff and collect mounts, pets, transmog sets, etc. And it's all pretty different for each person, really. Some like PvE, some like PvP, some like both. What's your piece of cake?

For me, I tend not to raid much. I never really have raided properly but it's not my idea of a good time, to be honest. Sitting for hours and hours and hours trying to down that one boss, urg. I wouldn't mind raiding casually but it's not something that's ever really caught my eye. Personally, I'm a mount collector. My aim in the game, if I had one, would be to get as many mounts as possible. I like to collect hunter pets too and I also like to try and match them with my transmog sets. So far I haven't really collected many transmog sets but I aim to try a bit harder for them in the future by doing some older content. I've always had an odd interest in rare spawns too, especially the mount-dropping ones, or, more specifically, Time-Lost and Aeonaxx. Sadly though, despite my interest in them, I don't have a huge amount of patience and I tend to get edgy and nervous when I camp, resulting in me not even having either of the mounts yet! I have been trying harder as of lately though. It's just the idea of NPC Scan alerting me when I'm not in the room, in the bath, or drying/straightening my hair or something that makes me a tad nervous about it. I had that unlucky streak where I went to get lunch, came back, bam, Aeonaxx had spawned and had been nabbed by someone else. I was put off camping for a while because of that. Plus, if NPC Scan goes off when I have hair straightens in my hand, I'm worried I might drop them or something. xD I do like the odd bit of PvP every now and again too. Despite everyone else's thoughts on it, I love Tol Barad, but that's probably because when people let me take control, we normally win. I love bossing people around lolololol. I like some BGs as well and it can be fun in my opinion as long as I'm not just sat, aimlessly defending a base that no one's even attacking. Arena, however, has never been my piece of cake. I tried it once and fell out with it almost instantly. Just... not fun. I might try some rated BGs one day if I could find a nice group though.

I think that I would probably aim to do a lot more old-world raiding if I could and by old-world I mean anything under the current tier of 'hardcore' raiding. Firelands, ICC, Onyxia, etc. I would love, love, love to form a group to do some older mount runs like Onyxia and VoA and TK. The only problem is, the only guilds on my realm either seem to be hardcore raiding guilds or casual ones. And I know the raiding guilds do mount runs but only in their groups of 'friends' as such. Which can also be a tad of a problem for me on WoW at the moment, I don't really have any friends left. None of my irl friends play apart from my boyfriend, but I met him via WoW and he lives a few hours from me. So he's really the only person I play with anymore. It can be disheartening at times, but with GW2 around the corner, who knows what will happen. I doubt I'll quit WoW for it since I'm also very excited for MoP (Mounts galore that expansion is!) but I'm hoping to perhaps find a more social side in that game.

Oh, and I'm terrible at leveling. I have one level 85, no joke. And she's the only character I actually have! I should really level an alt sometime, but I always find myself distracted with other things!

And for an added bit of extra 'fun', what is your current WoW routine? What do you do every single day, or each time you're online, or weekly?

At the moment, my weekly runs consist of the first boss in Karazhan for the Fiery Warhorse (Which is easily solo'd) and Obsidian Sanctum 25 man for the Twilight Drake. I've made so many groups for that raid now and I still haven't got the mount! I also seem to have the second highest roll as well. -.- My boyfriend comes with me each week as well since he's recently also got into mount collecting. As for daily, I'll come on almost every single day (Few exceptions being, well, it's the summer holidays, I leave the house during this season, lol) and the first things I'll do are an Utgarde Pinnacle run for the Blue Proto-Drake who refuses to drop and Sethekk Halls for the Raven Lord... who also refuses to drop. I spend most evenings camping Aeonaxx if I have nothing better to do and playing a game on my Xbox while I do. Reputation grinding seems to be a thing for me as of recently too; I wanna get some reps up before MoP comes out. It really depends how much time I have and how bored I am.


... This... this ended up being way, way longer than intended. I'm sure there must be a rant in there or something. Oh well! Let me know what your favourite things to do in WoW are and what raids/dungeons you do weekly/daily. You might give me some inspiration or something.

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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

I'd almost suggest waiting til MOP on OS25 as you might be able to 2-man it by that point. Or offer to buy the mount off the winning roll. Depending on what your boyfriend plays the two of you should be able to do mount runs in VOA, TK and Onyxia right now. If he's not a healer or tank type then Onyxia is IMO the easiest of those three.

EDIT Oh, I forgot to answer the original question :). I play to raid and to collect things, though raiding is dead as can be right now. I collect anything and everything in game - pets, mounts, gear, achievements, reps, titles, gold.
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Vephriel »

One of the largest draws of this game for me is the overall lore that composes the Warcraft universe. I became interested way back when I'd watch my boyfriend play the original RTS games. By watching them I came to know of some of the major lore figures and their stories, all of which were extremely compelling to me. When World of Warcraft came out my boyfriend and I both eagerly started together, and I was keen to expand my knowledge. It's been over 7 years now that I've played, and I still love this game.

My primary focus is definitely Vephriel. Though I have many alts, and I love rolling new characters, I never feel the same sort of commitment to them that I do for my main. Alts are characters that I roll on a whim to fulfill a certain craving for starting a new character, but only a few actually make it to a decent level, and that's fine with me. Alts are getaways that I just dawdle around on for fun. I have three 85s, one 80, one 70, two 60s, and the rest are under that with varying levels.

Pets and the hunter class in general are the big reasons behind my love for WoW. I have a hard time clicking with other classes, hunters just encompass everything that I enjoy. All of Veph's pets are individual characters that I've bonded with and care for. It's an entirely unique experience in being able to choose pets and name them and form attachments with them. Other classes feel hollow in that regard, which is why I have trouble playing them.

I really love collecting as well (part of the completionist in me). I've always loved collecting minipets, mounts, and outfits. I enjoy completing as many achievements as I can.

I am definitely a PvE player. I love running instances, and I really love raiding. My guild is a great bunch of people and we have a lot of fun running together.

PvP has never appealed to me on the whole. I certainly run some BGs from time to time, and if there's an arena set I want I'll run them to obtain it, but overall PvP isn't really something that interests me in the grand scheme of things.

My current WoW routine is just finishing up little projects such as reputation grinds, archaeology, or anything else I still need to get. I mostly fall into this 'workaholic' state in the lull between expansions. Things that I normally can't work up the motivation to complete are more appealing when I have nothing better to do in the meantime. I've been getting a lot done, and it's always a nice sense of achievement afterwards.
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

My main thing is mini-pet collecting. I'm going to be so focused on pet battles in MoP, that I'm not really sure how long it will take me to get to 90 :) I like collecting mounts as well, but much more casually. The only drop mount I really want that I don't have yet is the Raven Lord, and as the other half wants it more than I do, I'd feel too guilty to do runs without him.

I loved doing Lore Master back during Wrath. I'm just now getting around to doing the new 1-60 zones, both because I've found some of the new zone quest-lines depressing, and because I'm in the minority of people who actually liked all those old obscure world-spanning quest-lines.

What else?...I love achievements and in-game holidays. And I actually like dailies, so if I can stop pet battling long enough to get to 90, all the new ones should be a lot of fun.
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Samskeyti »

Chasing rares, and rehoming them or getting other people in to grab them or kill them. My absolute favorite thing to do. And hunting easter eggs, netherwing eggs and soon onyx eggs!
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Snowy »

peanutbuttercup wrote:If he's not a healer or tank type then Onyxia is IMO the easiest of those three.
He's a hunter as well actually. He used to play a priest but I encouraged him to roll a hunter and he's not finding the class too bad, although he doesn't seem to understand the appeal of them like I do. We've been two-manning some of the easier things together, such as Vortex Pinnacle at the moment. Onyxia and TK are raids we've considered two-manning but I think he needs to gear up a little more first. (My current gear is a full set of the current honor gear/raid finder gear and he's still got some leveling greens since he leveled the hunter not too long ago.) I think we're waiting for Mists to start that though as it'll be a little easier and I want to give him time to get used to the class more/gear up. I also doubt that I'll be playing WoW much from the 28th August until the 25th September when Mists comes out, due to GW2. It really depends on how appealing that game is, and so far it's looking *very* appealing. (Don't have to pay for it either way, slightly late birthday present from mum ftw!)
Vephriel wrote:One of the largest draws of this game for me is the overall lore that composes the Warcraft universe. I became interested way back when I'd watch my boyfriend play the original RTS games. By watching them I came to know of some of the major lore figures and their stories, all of which were extremely compelling to me. When World of Warcraft came out my boyfriend and I both eagerly started together, and I was keen to expand my knowledge. It's been over 7 years now that I've played, and I still love this game.
I used to love the lore as well, but I found that it expanded and started to overlap too much. There's far too much lore for me to learn now, so the most lore I learn is from the novels and the quests. And it went awkward in places, not making sense with other pieces of lore, etc. And it honestly got a little stale. I might try paying more attention to it in Mists though, if I can.
Vephriel wrote:My current WoW routine is just finishing up little projects such as reputation grinds, archaeology, or anything else I still need to get. I mostly fall into this 'workaholic' state in the lull between expansions. Things that I normally can't work up the motivation to complete are more appealing when I have nothing better to do in the meantime. I've been getting a lot done, and it's always a nice sense of achievement afterwards.
I know exactly what you mean here. There seems to be this small 'break' in the summer between expansions where loads of people have stopped raiding and things go quiet and you begin to notice some things you'd rather start and finish before the next expansion. Reputation grinds suddenly become so much more appealing. I'd avoided the Cenarion Expedition rep for so long until around two weeks ago and I'm now really happy to finally have the hippogryph. I did the Mag'har rep as well, collected up all the mounts, and of course tabards as well. I can't leave tabards behind. I still need to do Netherwing, Sha'tari Skyguard and hopefully Argent Tournament before Mists comes out! If not, ah well, that's just more stuff to keep me busy later! (WAAAAAAAAY later though, judging by all these rep grinds we'll have in Mists, we'll never have too little reputation to grind!)
GormanGhaste wrote:My main thing is mini-pet collecting. I'm going to be so focused on pet battles in MoP, that I'm not really sure how long it will take me to get to 90 :)
Oh god, the pet battles really do look so appealing. I love how loads of people gave it grief because of how similar it is to Pokemon, but I love it for being like Pokemon! I adore Pokemon and I swear, at this rate, this is the closest thing I'll ever get to a Pokemon MMO! I used to love collecting mini-pets but for some reason I was put off by it. I think it was because the Cata pets didn't seem appealing to me, with the exception of a minor few. But I love the pet battle idea and I can't wait to get into it and I'm sure it'll spark my interest in collecting pets again!
Samskeyti wrote:And hunting easter eggs, netherwing eggs and soon onyx eggs!
And this is another reason I have to do Netherwing rep asap. Collecting those eggs looks so fun! My boyfriend is in the middle of the rep with them so I'm waiting for him to finish so I don't steal his eggs. I've been helping him find some eggs instead and omg it's so much fun finding them, haha. When I heard they were doing something similar with the Cloud Serpent faction rep, I squee'd. Can't wait!

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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

Everdeen wrote:
peanutbuttercup wrote:If he's not a healer or tank type then Onyxia is IMO the easiest of those three.
He's a hunter as well actually. He used to play a priest but I encouraged him to roll a hunter and he's not finding the class too bad, although he doesn't seem to understand the appeal of them like I do. We've been two-manning some of the easier things together, such as Vortex Pinnacle at the moment. Onyxia and TK are raids we've considered two-manning but I think he needs to gear up a little more first.
2 hunter Onyxia should be pretty easy. One of you tanks Onyxia, then when she flies up in phase 2, stand both pets together in the center of the room and misdirect all the whelps onto the pets. Then probably have him and his pet tank the adds that walk in from the back of the room while you take Onyxia down. Phase 3 is a repeat of phase 1. Assuming you dodge or bypass her deep breaths you should take almost no damage during the fight. Give it a shot, you'd be surprised with how fast it can go once you get the strategy down.
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Moore »

I literally spend hours dressing up my characters. I play with my family and they make fun of me for it, they claim one day I'll win "Azeroths Next Top Model". :P WELL MAYBE I WILL.


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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Makoes »

I just really love leveling characters :)
I love going through all the content, seeing all the really neat creatures and characters, though I can't say I follow much lore or read all the quest texts.

I just enjoy moving through the world, and that satisfying "DING" whenever I level. I am not to hard pressed to try getting all my prof's maxed, I usually only focus on that when I've hit max level.


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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Chimera »

My routine is to first of all decide what char to play xD

I level alts usually after im bored of trying to gear my 85's but a lot of times i just farm. Farm, farm, farm. Im trying to raise as much gold now as i can before MoP to get my Expedition Yak even sooner, thusfar with guild perk (it should bring it down to what everyone was saying of 108k), i am 45k/108k.

I have as of late been trying to help the guild with their cata raids by supplying pots. Ive made a goal to make 8 full stacks of the Intellect, Agility, and Strength flasks and food (my druid is a max herb, fish, cook, and alch... eventually be max arch too). And also 8 full stacks of Health and Mana pots. Its actually not as hard as it sounds if your looking for a good way to numb your brain :lol:

I burned myself out slightly however and longed to do other things so i am now trying to camp TLPD. Ive been here since July 30th (monday of this week at time of post) in Storm Peaks sitting 14-16 hour days, and i stayed up all of wednesday night waiting for a spawn since i hadnt seen a single one all day. I was up from about... 12:30pm wednesday to 6:30am thursday morning.

Today, 6 hours ago TLPD FINALLY spawned and i had him targeted, but i couldnt freaking see him! I flew everywhere looking at the map and spamming the target box just to make sure i wasnt flying out of sight of him. I literally watched his name turn grey and his health drop from full to dead in a single hit. A minute later i found him and his slayer over by the waterfall spawn (i was at lake, him coming behind me is what spun me around).

Im still camping.. im just seriously mopey about the whole ordeal what with how im practically donating my life to keeping myself logged in. Otherwise, im also working on the Volcanic Drake which is going well thanks to the guild. I hope to have it in a few more guild achiev runs. Also farming slabhide when im feeling up to it since it is rather taxing for me.

But uhh... yea.. i guess getting my hands on smexy drakes, farming stupidly large amounts of basic materials for professions for either selling or gifting to friends and guildies, and archeology cause its actually really fun since they raised the amount you get out of a dig site. But i love lore.. and i hope to get the recipie for the VoS mount.. and the bug mount.. and the raptor mount.. im already trying to gather the pieces to the raptor minipet.. so many hard things i want from arch hhhhhhhnnnnggggghhhhh @_@

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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Fishing I do enjoy fishing in any video game. Heck even the "fishing" in Skyrim is fun!
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Mozag »

I have over 30 characters, 16 of them are at 85, and all are played regularly. You can probably guess that I really, really like leveling. I love starting a new, fresh character (and picking their looks, hair and future transmog outfits, which I will never have the energy or interest to grind for), I love thinking up a background for them, although I no longer actually RP, and I love doing the quests in different areas, as well as running lowbie dungeons. Like Makoes, I am addicted to the satisfying DING when I get a new level.

I am completely unable to concentrate on a "main", I really need to change character often to be able to enjoy them, as I get bored of one in about two days. I sometimes casually gather mini-pets or mounts, but I tend to get bored of that as well. I enjoy making stable themes and completing them as my hunters level.

I am very attached to all my characters, so at 85 I can't just ditch them. However, I despise PvP and don't much enjoy raiding, so I gear them up slowly, piece by piece in heroics. Once every item they possess is at the correct item level for my taste, I relegate them to hunting for pets and mounts. However, it's a slow process as I only go one piece of gear at a time per character, so as to avoid boredom.

I guess you could say I'm a character collector. :P
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Celi »

Well, my mains are tanks. One of them is about to finish her DS drake and doing heroic DS is the one thing I look forward to at this point really. The other one is slowly working her way through as the alt run main tank. Not sure I'm ready to do solo tank h spine on her like I do on my dk.

Kael runs for mount are fun. As is lvling tank number 3 and 4.

Semi-pug DS runs for hunter number 2.

Fun for me is raids. Really need to finish off FL hawk before mop.

Oh, OS3D10 is 2mannable with a tank and dps. 25 is 3mannable. 3 manned 25 on hunter number 1 with a dk and rogue.
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Edanna »

Run low level stuff with my 80 twink tank, RP with my pets, mounts or Druid forms, run other lowbie stuff with other chars and I think that's it lol

As for the other question i log in at 7pm for my dailies to reset and I'm 17 marks from the tol barad drake, 3 weeks away from exalted with guild for scorpion and 18 marks away from something new in the molten front, so pretty much I come online to do dailies every day and sometimes a lfr or lowbie dungeon based on my mood.

I pretty much want to do as much of these as I can before mop as once mop hits I'll have other things which will be more important like getting to level 90 and getting some gear.
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

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As an avid Call of Duty player, I really took to PvP after my PvE Raiding Guild transferred servers. I enjoy pitting myself against others, and as a hunter, I find the experience to be very enjoyable. Lots of people say we aren't great in PvP, but I top charts regularly, so I'm not complaining.

My absolute favorite part of the game is the questing though. Not doing the actual quests, though, as collecting 15 bear asses is never fun, but the lore, characters, and emotion behind every questline is what makes the fun.


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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Gimlion wrote:though, as collecting 15 bear asses is never fun,
though I suspect that collecting 15 bare asses would be a different experience?

A bit of palindromic wisdom:
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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Gimlion »

Sukurachi wrote:
Gimlion wrote:though, as collecting 15 bear asses is never fun,
though I suspect that collecting 15 bare asses would be a different experience?
:lol: Possibly...


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Re: What are your favourite things to do in WoW?

Unread post by Equeon »

I love to just do whatever, mostly. I love PvP, especially BGs, I love collecting just about everything like companions, mounts, hunter pets, weapons(seriously, I have 3 bank bags full of bows, axes, polearms, guns, etc...) I don't really like dungeons, mostly because they don't release new ones fast enough for me to not get bored... (Today, I just did what felt like a million dungeons to get the Perky Pug pet... never again!)
My highest non-DK alt is a whopping 45, but since he's also a hunter I feel like I will get him to 85 (or 90) ... one day. There's probably only one or two other alts I would ever consider getting to max level, and the rest are RP toons or just random whims.
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