No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

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No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Rikaku »

Just now did my invasion and I noticed... no whistling. I wasn't whistling every 3 seconds. I wasn't sure if it had been fixed or if I was just having sound issues but then stumbled across this:
Do you hear that sound? It's NOT the dire beast whistle. Praise the class team \^^/
From Muffinus on Twitter:



Yes, this made me happy enough that I felt it needed a topic. Sorry if it was posted elsewhere XD

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Arthur »

Oh that IS something to celebrate!! Thank goodness haha! I really did not like the whistle x)

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Quiv »

lol i love the response [Fel Reaver Noise]
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Iowawolf »

Even though I play with no sound it is good news because this way when I am leveling a hunter in dungeons or just messing around on a 100 in a raid or dungeon and hit dire beast I won't be upsetting players and give them reason to kick me.
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Rikaku »

Looks like it gets better:
When set to assist, players’ pets will now attack all targets that have been damaged by the player, rather than only the player’s current target. ... -august-12

So perhaps now I won't have to macro pet-attack into every ability? :o

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Iowawolf »

Yay my pets will now kill everything way they are supposed to
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Sukurachi »

yup, pets will attack everything you hit... unless they're dead, which seems to be 50% of the time.

"heal pet" has a FAR too long timer.
pets are FAR too squishy.

but sure, we don't make any more annoying sounds while they're alive.

I've never had to rez my pet as often as I did last night doing an invasion. I don't think I've lost my pet to a battle death more than twice in the last year.

So there's definitely something wrong with our pets' ability to withstand assault.

In reality, they've removed our whistling at our pets... but they SHOULD have replaced it with a smattering of epithets and obscenities, as we fight enemy mobs and curse our pets for being dead half the time.

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Xella »

You know, it's strange... the whistle was beginning to get on my nerves, especially when I got a lot of back to back wild call procs, but... I'm not sure I like it any better without.

I know invasions aren't a real good indicator of what things will be like in a proper raid environment because most of the time you aren't actually IN a group for them so the raid graphics changes don't take effect, and I won't be able to test it out in a proper raid environment until Tuesday (unless I queue for something, and hahahaha, no.) but I found myself staring at my action bars even more post-hotfix than I was pre-hotfix (and pre-hotfix I was staring at them a lot because I STILL haven't set up weakauras for the new class changes so I have to rely on my bars to know if wild call procs or whatever) because if you can't actually see the dire beast up (and some of them are so tiny compared to the awful mess that is the invasion bosses) it's hard to know if you've hit it sometimes. You still make the yelling animation and stop shooting your weapon, there's no special animation short of the DB itself (and again, good luck seeing those sometimes lol), and it somehow feels even MORE underwhelming than it did before.

Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot they can do to fix that in a hotfix; it'd take a real patch to change/add an animation/sound that would actually mean something, if they could even come up with one. So I guess no whistle is better than whistle, especially for the eardrums of those around you... but it makes BM feel even more desolate and empty to play than it did before :(
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Rikaku »

Yeah, I can see it being sort of necessary on the opposite end too. Throughout beta (back when it was actual screaming/yelling RAAGHHH sound), I had put in feedback that the yelling should've been an optional thing (like with the DK 'special voices'). That way those who wanted it could have it, and those that didn't...well didn't.

It was kind of a weird road for me regarding the yelling. When they first implemented the yelling, it was obnoxious not only because how constant the sound would happen, but for me, the voice for NE female 'yelling' wasn't at all like the rest of the sounds the NE female makes. It was a distinctly different voice, and for me it threw me for a loop because I would be like "why in the heck does my NE sound like this? that's not her voice!' and it was just extremely jarring to me.

The whistling though, it definitely hurt my ears. Due to some issues I was born with, I have extreme ear sensitivity but especially to certain sounds. I love playing WoW, and I have always had it configured in a way that never caused issue for me in regards to sounds. But the whistling was just a very loud and shrill level to me that it actually hurt my ears, no matter how I adjusted it. I'm sure some people would suggest I go into my games files and remove/change something, but I absolutely do not want to do that (I have the worst luck, I know I'd delete/change the wrong thing and break something). So it basically came down to me having to play WoW with almost no sound running when I played on my Hunter, and just turning on Pandora in the background, because I couldn't handle that whistle. So for me, getting rid of the whistle was like letting me experience the game's sound and music again.

Though, I do still think it should be a 'toggle' thing, for those who want it and for those who don't. I just think the "everyone suffers" or "everyone's in silence" isn't good extremes to land on. But at the end of the day, I am glad the whistle is gone. It's already been one less literal/actual migraine-inducing experience for me.

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Quiv »

Sukurachi wrote:In reality, they've removed our whistling at our pets... but they SHOULD have replaced it with a smattering of epithets and obscenities, as we fight enemy mobs and curse our pets for being dead half the time.
I fully get the sentiment but man I love the idea of my hunter constantly cursing, ranting and raving. :lol:
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Maizou »

I had a dream they did this... only they accidentally replaced it with the noise of the Fel Reaver.
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Myzou wrote:I had a dream they did this... only they accidentally replaced it with the noise of the Fel Reaver.
Plans for me never to sleep again.. ever!
My god the Fel Reaver in Hellfire gave me nightmares. How the HECK does something that big sneak up on you? And then he has the nerve to make that noise right into your ear.

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by zedxrgal »

This is awesome.

Sadly I am a weirdo and I love the sound of Fel Reavers. :lol: That would not bother me one bit.

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Xella »

I seriously considered replacing the whistle with the fel reaver noise at one point. Then again, I replaced the bear aggro noise with the fel reaver sound at one point (long live fel bear!) and replaced the darkmoon carousel song with windmill hut/song of storms at one point, so I'm not sure I'm the best or most steadfast sound lady on the planet and my personal sound choices should not be considered wise or canon lol :x

Replacing/muting sound files is actually reasonably harmless, since you're never actually deleting or replacing any game files and it's very similar to installing an addon, only with a replaced/quiet sound file instead of an addon file. I think about the worst you could hurt the game files by doing so is accidentally changing/muting the wrong one (which is fixed by removing the file you just added) or not placing/naming the file properly (which only adds the size of your misplaced file to your wow folder and doesn't affect the game's running at all).

The hardest part is finding out the name and file path of the sound file you want to replace; after that it's just creating the correctly-named folders and files in your WoW folder. Like, this is my worgen sniff mute path (which has been in place since 2010 apparently; do worgens even still sniff? haha):

You can do the same with UI files also (that's what those extra folders in my Interface folder are for; I've replaced the Overwatch icons from with the generic icons because Overwatch makes me unreasonably angry for Mac Reasons™); way way waaaay back in the day, you could do the same with models and textures as well, but that was patched out pre-TBC and was also a lot dodgier and not technically allowable anyway (and then you would replace the actual game files, which was REALLY dodgy and actually risky from a corruption and banning standpoint but some people did/continue to do anyway)

I can totally understand not wanting to mess with it, though—it took me worgen sniffing and sabercat snorgling (both of which hit the wrong part of my ear and make me deeply uncomfortable) to actually bite the bullet and learn how to do it for myself, but it's been really nice to know how to do for a variety of reasons.
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Rikaku »

Xella wrote: I can totally understand not wanting to mess with it, though—it took me worgen sniffing and sabercat snorgling (both of which hit the wrong part of my ear and make me deeply uncomfortable) to actually bite the bullet and learn how to do it for myself, but it's been really nice to know how to do for a variety of reasons.
Yeah, I do understand how to do it (especially seeing like people explain it here), but my powers to break things is pretty legendary XD Like, my friends jokingly have referred to my ability to break things as my "mutant power" if I were a member of the X-Men. I've broken things that shouldn't even break, simply by downloading.

It's like a negative touch of Midas, LOL!

So because of that, I just do not tempt fate.

Though, on an amusing note, I would totally pick Song of Storms for the same thing if given the chance XD

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Teigan »

Quiv wrote:
Sukurachi wrote:In reality, they've removed our whistling at our pets... but they SHOULD have replaced it with a smattering of epithets and obscenities, as we fight enemy mobs and curse our pets for being dead half the time.
I fully get the sentiment but man I love the idea of my hunter constantly cursing, ranting and raving. :lol:
Yes. XD
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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Kalliope »

Slapperfish wrote:
Xella wrote:I can totally understand not wanting to mess with it, though—it took me worgen sniffing and sabercat snorgling (both of which hit the wrong part of my ear and make me deeply uncomfortable) to actually bite the bullet and learn how to do it for myself, but it's been really nice to know how to do for a variety of reasons.
Conversely, I've wanted make an addon that replaces every sound in the game with Auriya's scream.
Why would you do this to yourself? D:

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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Rawr »

I still to the stupid whistle animation, *sigh* :| :mrgreen:


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Re: No More Dire Beast Whistle!!

Unread post by Helewyse »

I'm glad the whistle is gone, but it's so strange Dire Beast not making any noise at all.

I've started using a macro that alternates between a bear growl and a wolf growl every time I cast Dire Beast, which is much better. I wouldn't mind putting the whistle back in as an occasional cast, but I can't seem to find the file path for the sound.
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