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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:30 am
by mcflagin
I've spent the last 4 days trying to get this pet, fighting off other hunters, even a few warriors.. yeah some how getting that 25g grey drop is like a signet of power now, they like to show them in off around spawn points XD

Anyway so I heard a whisper that it spawned last time at 3am so I set my alarm.. get up nothing.. figure oh well back to bed.

Then promptly at 9pm my own pet (my RL cat) jumps onto the bed and starts demanding food meowing like a mad thing, a whole half n hour earlier than my work alarm. So I wake up, get it some food look mildly at the pc and thing eh what's my AH doing these days. Jump on-line , got 2k gold threw the AH.. not bad.. then I think I might as well farm some more fire while its selling so well.

Half tired/awake i fly up to the area and look at the screen.. few fishing holes, check, a ore to mine check.. red dot.. chec.. wha?!

now gone from zombiefied to REDBULLAFIED i launch head first down and smash the tame button like tomorrow

I'll ad a picture later, but as you may tell.. I'm now at work :)

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:58 am
by Dissaster
I just tamed him tonight after 6 straight hours of camping on the Blackrock server, the competition is fierce on such a populated server. There were 4 or more hunters in the area at the time, but I was lucky to be the first to spot him. He spawned on the southern tip of his spawning grounds. I'm a happy hunter!

The tame was not bad at all at 85 with ilvl 349. I even forgot to hit troll berserking. I ended up with over half health after the tame.

Good luck to everyone still hunting.


Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:31 pm
by Kittykat
Well, it seems that there is a theory posting about the hunt in this forum can act as a good luck charm. I don't believe in luck, good or bad, but I do want something to pass the time, so I will post my taming journey so far.

As previously mentioned, i first saw Terrorpene "in the wild" while on my pally, and helped another hunter complete his tame.

I leveled my pally to 85, got her geared enough to perform adequately in heroics, and decided maybe it was time to try for Terrorpene. My hunter was level 81 and deep in Vashj'ir. I completed the quests for Vashj'ir, and then headed out to Hyjal. Tamed a core hound for Ancient Hysteria, sent myself the resistance elixir and the haste elixir from my alchemist, and prepared a macro to help cut down on the challenge of mashing several buttons with shaking hands and pounding heart.

I was tired by this point, and decided to log off and start fresh in the morning.

Well, in the morning I found that the servers were undergoing emergency maintenance. That's OK, I had some house cleaning to work on anyways. Got stuff done, and decided to check the servers... up 2 hours early oh yes!

So I logged in and started camping. Stayed there from 11:20 am until 5:30 pm when I had to take my family to go visit relatives. Returned home around 9 and logged back in. It's possible someone tamed him during that time, but there were a few other hunters out there waiting too.

After about 30 minutes NPCscan goes nuts! WHOMP WHOMP! I turn around and see a goblin hunter running past with a tamed turtle. I whispered "That's just MEAN."

He whispers back that he's messing with his friend camping down at the other end of the valley, and tells me if he sees Terrorpene while questing he'll let me know. Overall, even though it almost gave me a heart attack, I couldn't be genuinely mad at him.

So after a couple hours, I got tired and headed for bed. I whispered the other hunter that I was calling it a night, and wished him well with his hunt.

OMG while I was typing this he spawned right i n front of the other hunter! I was sure he'd get it first.

I targeted and no one else was even targeting him. I popped my elixirs, and my drums of kings, and hit my macro. I was sure I would die but I barely took any damage even at 82! Thank you prismatic elixir!

It seems even just starting a post on the forum can be a lucky charm LOL.

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 12:35 pm
by Kittykat
OK after checking my combat log, I have 142 resistance from the Drums and from the elixir. This cut the damage from the Burning Hatred in half! I definitely recommend it for hunters attempting this tame at level 83 or below!

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:47 pm
by virgo02
Hi,Im Solaria from Whisperwind(level 82)I have been camping this turtle for going on 5 days now and have lost him 6 times..mostly to alliance because either i was riding along the lava to check to see if he had spawned or because i died and wasnt given another chance to try.In my experience this turtle has its own timer.I once saw it spawn 2 times in one day which is odd and only 7 hrs and 22 mins after the last time it spawned so just be prepared to wait it out and have some good pots.I just bought some greens with more stamina.What makes me mad is that 2 81s tamed it and i at 82 couldnt with over 54k health(i died right before i got the tame off)so good luck to all the hunters and wish me luck too plz :)

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:04 pm
by Kittykat
Solaria, I would strongly encourage you to get a prismatic elixir and drums of forgotten kings. Seriously with these 2 items, his attacks became a non-issue even at level 82 with 40k HP (four seconds is all I could have hoped to last with no resistance).

I wish you all the best and I hope you get your turtle soon!

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:04 pm
by Dizzy

4 1/2 hours of camping and he popped, got very lucky, 4 other hunters in the area, two which were auto following me quite a bit and harassing me ><

Congratulations to everyone!!

Terror's such a beautiful turtle *u*

Good luck to everyone camping it, i hope your stressful camping for him ends quickly!

(I love that neck thing they do, haha)

also, i saw it spawn IN BETWEEN the two spawn areas!
so.. might want to check there or camp there if you decide to~

11:31AM, PST on Sargeras
C: good luck!

Figured i'd add this~

I'm level 83, i have a total of 50 fire resist (lol..)
when i found him, i had a corehound and speed potions, popped everything and my abandon macro didn't work, so i had to manually abandon the corehound ><

terror took me down to 10k HP before i got the tame off C:

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:09 am
by Rase
Is there anything worse then this?
Flew around looking for him and there he was... DEAD :(

But then this cute little crab made my day :D

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:55 pm
by Flettch
I had no idea Terrorpene was so difficult, the second time I looked he was right there so I feel especially fortunate. I have only seen one other one tamed on my server.

That makes up for the month I camped Gondria to get my first Spirit Beast and the 3 months of mining I did before I actually made a Loque sighting.

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:22 pm
by frostfell

Firstly I want to say, NPCscan DID NOT GO OFF. Im lucky I was looking at the screen rather than relying on the ding from the addon, because it didnt do ****. I even doublechecked the numbers right afterward and yep everything was correct. So.... NCPscan users be aware!

Thunderhorn: Alliance: Level 85 NE hunter with about 98k HP, went BM when I started camping (yesterday) with corehound out. Did some randoms last night and today, alternating with a random dwarf hunter also camping him. 6:10pm server time I sat back down at my computer and there he was, patting around the lava. Landed, popped hysteria, dismissed corehound, and started taming. No buffs, no food, nothing other than the corehound buff. 0 FR. He got me down to about 30k HP so yeah he hits pretty hard. As others have said, he was tamed about halfway thru the channeling bar, so it was fast. Had it ticked all the way down he likely would have killed me

Might name him Torkoal. Any ideas?


Edited to add: he was patting south to north in the lava just west of the island at 54.7 76.5. Did not see him spawn.

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:13 pm
by lemmingskiller
tamed him with the help of a pally im a lvl 82 hunter so im a lucky guy did not even camp for him server darkspear europe time 3.10am gmt+1

the healing from the pally did not break the taming had enough health over with out help i did die 3 times but did not gave up and asked for help in the general chat
did not use any potion or scrolls myself only a little help from the pally
for all other hunters a merry Christmas

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:04 am
by Maladramatic
I've wanted Terrorpene since I first saw the picture here on petopia and I was so excited to finally be able to play my hunter once my priest was leveled up for raiding. I knew I was coming to Hyjal and while I've seen him here and there with other hunters I've never seen him in the wild and I couldn't wait for my chance to camp for the flaming thing.

As I researched, I became nervous. I've never been one to wait and I wanted him right at 80, so having to wait until 81 was a torture in itself. I was even more worried that my relatively small health pool at 81, (About 38k) would be a major issue. I had reason to worry too, I've heard about hunters losing their chance because 10k ticks per second of fire gave you seconds only to tame and with a non-hasted cast time of 10 seconds on tame beast, it just wouldn't happen.

So, I ended up looking from 81, to 82 and then at 82, I just camped. I purchased some prismatic elixirs from a guildie, crafted some drums of forgotten kings, scoured some old haste pots out of the guild bank and made temporary friends with a local core-hound so I wouldn't lose my old one in the rush. I set up a special tame beast macro using one on a previous page;

#showtooltip Tame Beast
/cast Ancient Hysteria
/script PetAbandon()
/use Potion of Speed
/cast Deterrence
/cast Tame Beast

...and then organized my things in the bag so that I wouldn't panic when it was time. As I sat and waited, I saw a lot of other hunters around, even more than I remember for Skoll and what really worried me, was the amount of non herbing/fishing/mining non hunters that I saw. They were all cruising the points for Terrorpene too, so I couldn't help but wonder if it was for the 25g vendor trash he dropped on death.

Anyhow, as I was camping the n/e most part of the lava, I landed and cast my drums, just in case and then decided to take a jaunt over the lava. It was as I was headed south along the eastern bank of the Throne of Flame that my NPC Scan went off.

I must be getting pro at this because I didn't even panic. I swung around (He's not as big as people will lead you to believe and even on ultra-graphic settings, he can blend in with the lava) and settled down on the rock nearest him to begin the tame. I opened my bag, drank one elixir, made sure my core-hound was out..(He was, I didn't want to risk panicking and accidentally abandoning Loque'nahak instead, so I had gotten the core-hound out in advance) and blew the macro.

Terrorpene hurt, I'll be honest, but I think my preparations made all of the difference. Using the drums + the elixir, I was resisting 5-6k of his Burning Hatred, which during the course of the hasted Tame Beast cast, ticked for 5 times. At 10k per tick un-resisted, that would have killed someone who was completely unprepared in the same amount of time. At 82, I had 46k life with a few trashy pick ups from quests + the drums. I ended the tame with 26k life left, roughly, so he ate through nearly half of my life with the FR. I wouldn't want to be that person who fails the tame to death and ends up watching their beloved pet-to-be, going off with someone else.

Luckily, preparation favors me again.


...and just in case you like a bigger picture;

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:05 am
by Cialbi
frostfell wrote:NPCscan DID NOT GO OFF. Im lucky I was looking at the screen rather than relying on the ding from the addon, because it didnt do ****. I even doublechecked the numbers right afterward and yep everything was correct. So.... NCPscan users be aware!
You probably bumped shoulders with a hunter who had Terrorpene out in some major city. This would have put Terrorpene into your cache, effectively making that NPC untrackable by _NPCScan until you clear your cache.

The way _NPCScan works isn't by actually scanning for NPCs - it actually lets the game do that for it. To explain, whenever you encounter a new NPC, your game client sends a request to the server to retrieve info on that particular NPC. Said info enters the cache of your game client. Once in your cache, the game client doesn't need to request info on that NPC anymore. _NPCScan monitors all incoming data into your cache for any that are labeled with the NPC ID# of a particular NPC that you want. That's why the ID# of Terrorpene is so important - the file that will enter the cache will be labeled by that number. The process is convoluted and clunky to reset, but it's the best that anyone has been able to come up with.
The problem with tamable NPCs is that once tamed, the NPC retains its old ID# that it had as a wild beast. Hence, _NPCScan cannot distinguish between a tamable beast and that same beast being used as a hunter's pet. The addon will ignore the caching of an NPC that it is looking for if you aren't in the region that said NPC is found in. However, the addon can't prevent the caching itself, since that is a necessary function of the game itself (that, and Blizzard wouldn't be too happy about an addon interfering with the process of caching).
However, there is a way to 'reset' the addon so that it will be able to detect a cached NPC - you simply delete the cache itself. The game will automatically recreate the folder, and resume caching data on NPCs that you encounter. It doesn't cause a problem, and is perfectly allowable by Blizzard. So, if settling down to camp a rarespawn, you should first check _NPCScan to see which rares that you are tracking have been cached. If the rare you're camping is cached, or you can't figure out how to check, then you need to exit the game, delete your cache, and log back in. The cache is a folder inside of your World of Warcraft folder. Delete the folder, and you're good to go!

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:18 am
by Phantomwolf
So I decided after I reached level 84 to go and find him, well on the first day I didn't look that hard and flew around and logged off. I came back the second day and flew around every few hours and then would log off. By the third day I was back in SW from a night of RP with my friends and thought "hey if he isn't here this time then I will just go and level", I got there and did a big circle around the spire and there he was. I was like :shock: and proceeded to fly down and tame, I had less than a 1/4 of my health left but very happy. :D
WoWScrnShot_122310_093027.jpg (254.83 KiB) Viewed 1539 times

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:00 am
by Xelophant82
I finally managed to snag this guy while doing my rounds on rares. Let me throw out my information for others.

When I got him it was 2:40am. This is the most common time I have seen him out between 2am and 3 am. Not sure why that is but I have seen and noted at least 10 spawn times for this guy and over half were around this time. The other times were kinda random. 1am, 5pm, 6pm. It that helps anyone. I was only camping between 2 and 3 just because of that and this time I got it right.

Location was at his common spawn point which is the southern one. Apparently he spawns to the north also though I've never seen him spawn there or heard of another hunter catching him there on my server. Even my gf got him in the southern point. Screenshot!


He hits pretty hard, 10k per tick of his ability (forget the name, some kind of hatred?). I was 85 when I tamed him but I was taken down to about 20k. I highly HIGHLY recommend if you are getting him below 85 that you come prepared. Bring any kind of buffs you can because you could die and lose it to someone else. When I grabbed this guy I didn't even notice the blood elf corpse next to me who happened to be 84 and as my gf put it to me "That's what happens when you aren't prepared." Bring a healer buddy, bring pots, bring something. Good luck to all the people trying to snag this guy still. He is pretty awesome looking. Now to name him...

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:27 am
by Girmoo
Xelophant82 wrote:I finally managed to snag this guy while doing my rounds on rares. Let me throw out my information for others.

When I got him it was 2:40am. This is the most common time I have seen him out between 2am and 3 am. Not sure why that is but I have seen and noted at least 10 spawn times for this guy and over half were around this time. The other times were kinda random. 1am, 5pm, 6pm. It that helps anyone. I was only camping between 2 and 3 just because of that and this time I got it right.

Location was at his common spawn point which is the southern one. Apparently he spawns to the north also though I've never seen him spawn there or heard of another hunter catching him there on my server. Even my gf got him in the southern point. Screenshot!


He hits pretty hard, 10k per tick of his ability (forget the name, some kind of hatred?). I was 85 when I tamed him but I was taken down to about 20k. I highly HIGHLY recommend if you are getting him below 85 that you come prepared. Bring any kind of buffs you can because you could die and lose it to someone else. When I grabbed this guy I didn't even notice the blood elf corpse next to me who happened to be 84 and as my gf put it to me "That's what happens when you aren't prepared." Bring a healer buddy, bring pots, bring something. Good luck to all the people trying to snag this guy still. He is pretty awesome looking. Now to name him...

Yeah I got him at 2:45 am after a week or so of camping a great deal. I use a lot of different buffs to get him at 83 and he still almost killed me in the process. And there's always this name ya weirdo: Agni (Hindu) God of Fire :P

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:32 pm
by Echo
Hello everyone,

I thought typing here might give me some luck with Terrorpene I am currently camping him, and have been all weekend..I have seen him twice this weekend but lost him one to a Horde Hunter who saw before me..and once to two alli hunters who just came in from out of the blue he spawned and one of them got him.

So I'm hoping today will be my lucky day!..wish me luck..and I will update this as soon as I find him. :)

Well I saw him about an hour an half ago but I messed up died and came back to see another hunter taming him, my heart sunk:( ohh well I will get another chance.
That turtle will be mine! :)

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:51 pm
by Devaki
Okay here's my story. :-) I didn't even know about Terrorpene until after I saw Nemesis....I was bummed I couldn't tame him. So I went to Petopia and saw there's was a rare spawn. Course, there was no info on any links so I forgot about him while lvling to 85. Then I saw someone with him on Christmas. So I checked throughout the day....but nothing. Then yesterday I had WoW open most of the day just sitting there. Didn't see him at all, and I had no idea when he last spawned. I was getting frustrated but stuck it out....since I read about the two spawn points on here...I was kind going back and forth, and then was just hovering between them, occasionally making my rounds. I was getting pretty tired. At 2am, I headed south to start my rounds...and there he was! The NPC scan never went off. I got excited and landed on the rock next to open and just hit tame. He got me down to around 1/3 health. It all happened a little too fast. lol I renamed him Welker. After Wes Welker. Go Pats :D

oh and it was about 43m after I posted in the where are you thread. I'd say that's lucky! If not as quick as I hoped. haha :-)

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:13 pm
by Tilo
hehe terrorpene thread down to pg6...

How are you guys doing on your Terrorpene tames, those who hadn't gotten theirs yet?

I saw him this morning & flew to the south east corner there was Terrorpene & there was an opposing faction I'd seen the night before taming him, 'shoulda stayed at se spawn, grats her' was my thought...

So checking at those time intervals; 6, 12, 24, & gonna try once to see if I can tame em at 81, saw one or two posts of 81s getting theirs, I just want a try at it; see if I can.

GL on your turtles.

Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:10 am
by Rhapture
I have spent soooo much time camping this guy. Usually for 6-9 hours at a time but last night was my longest camp which went over 14 hours. I seem to keep missing him by 30 mins or so when I eventually do give up on a camp. I'm not sure which of the wow gods I angered but I am hoping for some luck with this post :cry: