The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories here!

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories here!

Unread post by Cialbi »

If you have tamed Terrorpene, and would like to share a screenshot or story with us, go ahead and post here.
Stories that include tips on how to tame this volcanic tortoise will be appreciated, I'm sure.

Also, just throwing this out there: the NPC ID# of Terrorpene is 50058, and he can be found here

I might as well go ahead and explain myself. I've been noticing a lot of "I tamed Terrorpene!" threads being made. I figured that consolidating these into one thread will not only make the board a bit tidier, but also consolidate tips & tricks on taming Terrorpene into one thread as well. If someone creates a thread that accomplishes the latter, then I'll stick a link to it in this post.
Last edited by Cialbi on Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by nirvana » ... 184303.jpg

I will confess I let a friend kill Terrorpene at 3:30 AM when we got to Hyjal, because I knew he'd never survive til 81 and I wanted an idea of when he'd respawn.

It wasn't until 6:40 PM that he spawned again. Somehow I managed to stay awake! And now I'm off to sleep, LOL.

Named him Dante - obvious reference, but it seemed fitting.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Kyria »

I just tamed Terrorpene on Sisters of Elune at level 81, and it was the most epic tame I've ever had the good fortune to pull off. I had 34k health to survive with and only a potion of speed to help me through when I flew along his path. I fully expected to never be able to manage it. But there he was, wading through the lava, and he was so beautiful I couldn't help but try. There were core hounds nearby, so went to tame one as quickly as I could. When I finally managed to get back to him, I popped Ancient Hysteria and a Potion of Speed and gave it a whirl. Of course, I was dead in seconds. I sent out a message in guild chat asking my mother's boyfriend if he could bring his healer out, and he immediately logged off of his new worgen to take his level 80 druid to me. But... oh no! He hadn't gotten his Flight Master's License and he was in Dalaran! As quickly as he could, he set out to get that done and reach me in a timely fashion. Meanwhile, I had tamed another core hound, popped another speed potion, and attempted a tame... but it was useless. I died just as quickly. At length I decided I couldn't do anything but follow him and pray that nobody would tame him during the wait. Thankfully, druids are able to port to Moonglade, so he got to me much more quickly than expected, though still, of course, painfully slow with Terrorpene right under my nose. Five times, we tried to make it through with his HoTs and Shadowmeld. Four times, we failed. Just after the fourth try, two Horde players showed up and targeted him. I felt so sure they were going to kill him, and I had died so often I could do nothing but watch them and wait to be allowed back into my body. But they ignored him completely after that, and the paladin even gave my druid guildie a friendly wave. They flew off shortly after, and, endlessly grateful, I was finally ready to try again. The fifth time, with Mark of the Wild's fire resistance buff, excellent hate management on the druid's part, and only a Potion of Speed from me...


I'm still a little rattled, and it must have been half an hour ago. Wow. What a rush! Now all I need is a name, and I can continue my questing in peace. <3

Edited to replace the picture, which wasn't showing for me.
Last edited by Kyria on Wed Dec 08, 2010 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Urukhu »

Tai, if you took note of those hordies names, you should roll a horde toon and go thank them for not killing him out from under you. You were very lucky to come across some gracious players like that.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Macha »

I JUST tamed Terrorpene with the help of my guildies. Someone mentioned in Hyjal General that he had spawned, so I ground the heck out of my last 5% and headed off to find the beast. I tried to tame him myself and rather foolishly ate molten dirt.

So I asked one of my guildies to come heal me. We wiped three times because of aggro issues, so we called in her boyfriend (a Disc Priest), and with the totems, Heroism, and Disc's OP shields, I managed the tame.

I named him Bowser because I'm totally original like that. :P

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Naiaara »

After seeing some pictures of Terror, I decided to wing it and see if I could find him. I was really lucky- found him at about 12.30 am ST on Staghelm-US. I tossed a tame at him and thought maybe the channel wouldn't be so bad. Oh man, was I wrong!

Terror killed me twice. Freaking out because I didn't want somebody to come up and kill him, I quickly posted in chat, 500g for a healer to help with a tame. A druid came, and was like "250 before so I don't get screwed." I understood, but OMFG TERROR IS GOING AWAY! So I quickly traded, got hotted up and headed out to attempt a tame again.

The druid died. I lived, and I'm so thrilled that Terror is mine, just one day after release. :) I haven't seen him at all on my server, so I could be the server first tame. hehe

Good luck on all those who are searching for him! He's huge and you can't miss him.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Makoes »

The tame that Was(n't)

Managed to get to lv 81 last night, and decided to head from Vashj'ir to Hyjal and see if Terropene was up, nope, so left my Hunter there to get some sleep (it was 7am...woke up a lil after 11am) So I sign on and there he is, Great, he cant be THAT hard, right? ... ... ok, after a few fast deaths I went and found a FP in Hyjal with a Mailbox, logged onto my bank toon, bought a bunch of Quick kings ambe for cheap and put those in all my sockets. I have a little over 33K hp, 993 (23%) Haste, bring out core hound, toss him on Terro, bloodlust, dismiss, pop hast pot, tame...dead...4 more tries...Dead...ok, last try (attempt #11) tame...Dead...Screw it I am a go roll a worgen rogue and play that for awhile...felling bummed out. A rare thats up at my leavel, tamable and cant get it :(

Fast forward to lv 14 worgen rogue and 13 worgen druid, hope back on my hunter, Terro's nowhere to be seen...damn. Oh well, I'll get him later then.
Questing around in Vashj'ir, decide the corehounds lack of swim animation is getting annoying, so I go to call my seagull when I notice something strange...Theres a 4th pet in my call stable...A it?

Call it out and theres Terropene!!! I had actually managed to tame him right when he killed me! Jaw hits the floor, eyes bulge out and hubby asks why I am gapping at the computer screen!! I think it took me a good 5 min before I finally believed my eyes! It was like looking down and seeing $1000 laying on the floor.


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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Vephriel »

Oh wow Makoes! That's amazing! :o

I'm back to camping him again....I'm having serious doubts if I can pull it off on my own, but I'm praying that I'll just be able to survive it. ;_;
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by onenation777 »

I had a particularly difficult time taming Terrorpene on the Velen server but was finally able to do so today. Bear in mind, I just hit 81 and was like "I dont care how many times I die, I am GOING to tame Terrorpene!" I was able to accomplish this and at just after 4 PM server time, after dying about 8 times (i only had approx 40K health where as this bad boy had over 100K!) and a lot of gold later, "Inferno" was finally MINE!

here are a few of screen shots i was able to take shortly after the tame :)



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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Suicune »

Got him today after a few tries due to me bungling things up. Stars aligned and the tame completed, was a huge rush!

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by tzivya »

Just got him at about 10pm server time, a little less than 12 hours after he was killed this morning. Nagrand. Six hour camp, but so worth it! Pretty sure it is a server first on him, though not 100% certain, I know one confirmed killed. :)

Last edited by tzivya on Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Ryno »

Cialbi wrote:I've been noticing a lot of "I tamed Terrorpene!" threads being made.
Even with this I'm seeing them. This needs stickied! Just sayin'.


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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Vephriel »

I got him!!!!!!!!

I felt as though I've been losing my mind steadily since last night. I was so determined to find my fire turtle I lost sleep over it, I stayed up for ungodly hours, but I just kept missing him.

Tonight was another long vigil at the lava pools. I was losing hope, fearing that his spawn timer was too long and too sporadic. I was about to log out, when Kalli came on and we started chatting a bit. Suddenly, not 5 minutes after she'd come online BAM...npc scan goes off. My heart stopped, and then I panicked. My fingers weren't cooperating so I resorted to the tried-and-true method of smashing the keyboard to give the guild an urgent message: ";SAKL;AGH;SD;DFKSDL;TH;" aka "OMG I FOUND HIM."

I froze for a good 10 seconds, suddenly forgetting everything I was supposed to do. I managed to sit down and take my food buffs, get my temp Core Hound pet out for bloodlust, and went over to give it a try.

A hunter swooped down over my head as I was approaching Terrorpene, and I just about died of dismay. But it was Senna! Relief washing through me, I went through my planned method and gave it a go....

I would have been dead in under 3 seconds. I Feigned at the last possible moment so that I wouldn't lose my buffs, and sat there in shock. It was impossible. I couldn't do it myself. But then Kalli logged on to her Shaman! Who was stuck in Orgrimmar with no Azeroth flying!

I bit my lip, realizing there was nothing I could do on my own, so Senna stood guard as I hopped onto my passenger mount and rushed to pick Kalli up. The whole time I was dreading hearing that someone showed up and killed/tamed him, but miraculously it was the perfect time of night and not a soul was seen.

Kalli and I arrived back...I was still Sated from the Core Hound lust, so we didn't have Bloodlust, but I said we'd give it a shot anyways. She put down some totems, healed me, and ohcrapshegotaggro! WAIT HE'S MINE!



Iggy's finally home, and I can start getting into Cata now! :)

Thanks so much again to everyone who helped and to all my guildies for support. <3 Could never have done it without you. ^_^
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Zeilla8 »

I dinged 81 a little bit ago and am still questing in Hyjal. Each time I turn in a quest, I go and see if Terrorpene is around, and sure enough this last time he was!!! I asked on vent for a healer and a druid healer was available. She hottailed it to Hyjal and just put a hot on me and I popped a speed potion and tamed him first try! I was really surprised! I only have 36k health, and as I said am level 81. OMG am I happy to have him!!!!

Gz to all the others who have this amazing turtle and good luck to those who are still hunting for him!!!!!

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Nadarrus72 »

Can I make a suggestion guys, tell us where you found him so we can start camping those spots. Great that you got him, but leaving it out WHERE he was doesn't help us.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Hati »

Saw him on my druid main,was hitting myself to the head for not leveling my hunter first :(
So i asked in general chat if any hunters wanted to tame him but noone did,3 hours later he was still there haha.
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Warfish »

Aye, can we get a map of his spawn spots please? Since Wowhead and the like all wiped their db's when Cata dropped, it;s very hard to find his spawn spot at current, spent alot of time last ngiht trying to track down a map (although I think he was not spawned as I checked repeatedly the whole area he's in).
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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Jin »

Grats to everyone with their tames!

I have logged there last night and checked before I went to lectures, then logging in and checking during breaks. I'm only lvl 81 and have 37k hp so I didnt expect to live through the tame and so I decided that tonight I screw it and go level and gear up instead and come back when I'm stronger. Last lecture for the day end, I log in and BAM the NPC-scan goes off. He is just next to me. I eat a haste-food, chug a pot, hit deterrence and tame. Few seconds later I'm dead. Check my guild for assistance but no one is near. Realize I forgot the resistance flask so I rez, rebuff and try again, and he is mine!

First I didn't feel connected to him at all and thought he'll be another one sitting in the stables, tamed just because he is rare but I kept him out and I start appreciate him more and more. He does look very horde and I'm very horde at heart.

I named him Mok.

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Cialbi »

Nadarrus72 wrote:Can I make a suggestion guys, tell us where you found him so we can start camping those spots. Great that you got him, but leaving it out WHERE he was doesn't help us.
Warfish wrote:Aye, can we get a map of his spawn spots please? Since Wowhead and the like all wiped their db's when Cata dropped, it;s very hard to find his spawn spot at current, spent alot of time last ngiht trying to track down a map (although I think he was not spawned as I checked repeatedly the whole area he's in).
If someone could post an image of the spawn point, I'll go ahead and add it to the OP.
EDIT: Someone posted a screenshot of where to find him; plastering it on the OP now...

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Re: The Terrorpene Photo Album: Post your pics and stories h

Unread post by Cblaze12 »

I GOT HIM! been after 20 hours of camping it ... 52919.jpg/

Was fairly easy, using the pet macro and stam stacking with all the new gear

You can see I'm at 71k HP with priest buff, drums of kings, one of new 90 stam foods

I used 6 pieces of tsunami gear, fairly cheap, easy to craft, loads of stam, as a LW i used the 145 stam, 55 agi chant on legs, 102 stam chant for bracer
corroded skeleton key, 7 FR for cloak, the new 300 stam flask, and the arcanum of firesoul in kirin tor

macro i used is
#showtooltip Tame Beast
/cast Ancient Hysteria
/script PetAbandon()
/use 13 (correded skeleton key)
/use Potion of Speed
/cast Deterrence
/cast Tame Beast

i started tame at 71k, and ended off with 49k , thats with 84 fire ressistance

Good luck on your tame guys!
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