The New PetEmote Thread - Incubus Ideas

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The New PetEmote Thread - Incubus Ideas

Unread post by Varethyn »

Welcome to the new PetEmote addon thread. Previously this wonderful hunter pet addon was worked on by Jorna and Teigan, though both have now stepped down and handed the reigns over to me. I cannot promise I will be able to fill their shoes, but since Teigan is adamant I can keep this going I intend to do my best! :)

You can find the original thread here!

Current News

I finally updated this page! Also Incubus have emotes!

The Pet Emote Addon and This Project

What PetEmote is:

PetEmote is an addon originally produced by Jorna and filled out by Teigan, now myself, and other people from Petopia. It produces random, pet family specific text emotes for your hunter pets, as well as warlock demon minions, DK ghouls and abominations and frost mage water elementals, to give them some much needed extra personality.

It is available on CurseForge and can be updated with the your favourite addon manager.

New emotes will be posted here first as ZIP files which can be downloaded and extracted into the PetEmote addon folder. My sibling, EthanCentaurai/Ravendwyr, is in charge of the addon's coding and looks after the Curse side of things and will update when necessary. Unzip the customemotes files into the PetEmote addons folder and overwrite the existing ones and you should be golden!

If you have your own version of the editor and make your own emotes with it: Make sure you backup your personal custom emote files! If you overwrite the existing files either with my own or by updating the addon they will be lost. There is currently no way around this, so keep your work safe!

What it does:

PetEmote causes random text emotes to appear in the game's chat box. These emotes appear to come from your pet and describe an action the pet is "doing". To someone who has the addon, your pet's name will appear. To someone who does not, the pet's family will appear. As these are actually customised character emotes those of the opposing faction will not be able to understand them. All they will see is "____ makes some strange gestures" as they would see for any non-standard emote.

What I did

Ever since Teigan stepped down as manager of PetEmote I, with some help with the hunter community, have continued to add new emotes to new and existing families as well as removing some old or redundant ones. That's... pretty much it right now :lol:


These are the people who have contributed to one degree or another. If you feel you've been overlooked, please let me know! :)

Hunter Pets:

Bat - Teigan
Bear - Jorna, Teigan, Kalliope
Beetle - Teigan
Bird of Prey - Jorna, Teigan
Boar - Jorna, Teigan
Beetle - Teigan
Carrion Bird - Jorna, Teigan
Cat - Jorna, Teigan
Chimaera - Teigan, Vephriel
Core Hound - Teigan
Crab - Teigan
Crocolisk - Teigan
Devilsaur - Jorna, Teigan
Dog - Teigan, Toph, Rexiah
Dragonhawk - Teigan
Fox - Aweena, Teigan
Gorilla - Jorna, Teigan
Hyena - Jorna, Teigan
Hydra - Teigan
Monkey - Teigan, Tahlian, Kalliope, Toph. Summerhawk
Moth - Teigan
Nether Ray - Teigan, Vephriel, Ryno
Raptor - Jorna, Teigan
Ravager - Teigan
Rhino - Teigan
Scorpid - Jorna, Teigan
Serpent - Jorna, Teigan, Falconcrest
Shale Spider/Shale Beast - Varethyn, Aweena, Jorna (from spider emotes) Teigan
Silithid/Aqiri - Teigan
Spider - Jorna, Teigan
Spirit Beast - Jorna, Vephriel, Kalliope, ShadowAKZ, Saturo, Teigan
Sporebat - Teigan
Tallstrider - Teigan
Turtle - Teigan, Kalliope
Warp Stalker - Teigan
Wasp - Teigan
Wind Serpent - Teigan
Wolf - Jorna, Teigan, Aweena
Worm - Teigan

Basilisk - Teigan, Toph
Blood Beast – Varethyn
Camel - Varethyn
Crane - Teigan, Varethyn
Courser - Varethyn
Direhorn - Varethyn, Falconcrest, Kalliope
Feathermane - Varethyn
Goat/Gruffhorn - Varethyn, Teigan
Krolusk/Carapid - Varethyn
Lizard – Teigan, Varethyn
Mammoth - Varethyn
Mechanical - Varethyn, Wain, Kalliope, zedxrgal, PrimalTazza, Araucaria, Makoes, Bowno
Oxen - Varethyn
Porcupine/Rodent - Varethyn, Teigan
Pterrodax - Varethyn
Riverbeast - Teigan, Varethyn, Falconcrest, Kalliope
Rylak - Teigan, Vephriel
Scalehide - Varethyn
Stag - Varethyn, Kayro
Toad - Varethyn
Quilen/Stone Hound - Varethyn, Teigan, Jessibelle
Water Strider - Teigan, Varethyn, Azunara

Mage Water Elemental - Teigan

Death Knight Ghoul - Teigan, Jorna, 84

Warlock Minions:

Succubus - Teigan, Jorna
Felguard - Teigan, Jorna, Varethyn, Jadein (with a nod to Bioware), Kalliope, Vephriel, Blizzard for the Eredun language, and the Bible
Felhunter - Teigan
Imp - Teigan, Jorna
Voidwalker - Teigan, Varethyn

Fel Imp - Teigan, Jorna
Incubus – Teigan, Jorna, Varethyn
Observer - Teigan
Shivarra - Teigan
Voidlord - Teigan
Wrathguard - Teigan

New emote suggestions for all families are always welcome!

Thank you to everyone who uses this addon. It's a wonderful community project and I am honoured to still be caring for it today. I hope you all continue to enjoy it and that it may enhance your experience :hug:
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

Phew, hopefully that's everything. Let me know if I can add anything else to the first post. Otherwise, feel free to begin suggesting fixes and new emotes :D

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Kalliope »

Nice work, Varethyn. :)

So the Curse version is current with the latest patch from the old thread?

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

I believe so, I will be attaching a zip file for the custom emotes with a few typo fixes soon if not. Though strangely I appear to be missing serpent emotes.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Equeon »

Ah, glad to see that this excellent addon will continue! :D
Wain told us to move our discussion of the "happy medium" or potential multiple packs to this thread, so I'll copy and paste my list from there.

To be honest, I think cats and quilen are hardly in need of a revamp when compared to other families. Sure, there are sabretooths and tigers vs stone and non-stone, but there are pet families out there that are much more diverse. Some of those have emotes that literally do not work for that model (I'll again bring up the example of my massive 1-ton silithid colossus "leaping maniacally in a circle" around me, and "fluttering his tiny wings" that do not actually exist.)
In the old thread, I proposed creating two separate packs, with such examples as...
Pandaria or Outland Striders only
Silithid Colossi only
Demon Dogs or Mastiffs only
Firespiders only
Arcane Serpents only
Owls or Eagles only
Arcturis or Ghostcrawler-unique emotes, because the existing emotes, which involve leaping, racing, and pouncing, don't really emanate "huge spirit bear" or "big ghostly crab"
The idea was not to implement some extremely complicated system that determined what NPCID the player's pet is, but rather the user would choose the emote pack based on which pets he or she used.

If you use two different ones of those species on the same character (a regular serpent and an arcane serpent, or a tarantula and Deth'tilac) then presumably you'd stick with the same, default addon. If you use one on a certain hunter and a different species from the same family on another hunter, you could download both and enable/disable the two packs on those toons as you please.
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Poesje »

If I can suggest a feature, I think it would be nice if it would only show emotes to other people with the addon rather than to everyone. I get angry whispers from people when I use it, so Ive been running without it and missing it lately.
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

That's weird. I've never gotten any complaints from other people about my addon. Usually I get curious statements, I've had raid members find it incredibly amusing and play along with it, and I've even had it start random RP sessions. I'm sorry you met up with some unsympathetic people. :(

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Kalliope »

Poesje wrote:If I can suggest a feature, I think it would be nice if it would only show emotes to other people with the addon rather than to everyone. I get angry whispers from people when I use it, so Ive been running without it and missing it lately.
I'd appreciate a toggle feature like this, as well as one that automatically disables PetEmote in battlegrounds/arena. (Now that I'm asking for the moon, hehe.)

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Tahlian »

I've gotten trolled in certain areas due to PetEmote all the time. As a compromise and a form of self-protection, I just turn off random emotes during LFG/LFR. Other than that, out in the world...the complainers can go hang, so far as I'm concerned.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Wain »

Stickied. I'll lock the old thread now.

Thanks for taking this on, Varethyn. Best of luck with it all :)

P.S. I've also un-stickied the old topic (we really do have loads of stickies). The thread is here:

Could you please put a link to it somewhere in your first post as a permanent reference? Thanks :)
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

@Equeon: It is a brilliant and needed idea, however the addon is complicated enough from what I have seen. I will of course pass the idea to EthanCentaurai and Efindel to see how they feel about it. I can't promise anything though.

@Poesje: Having PetEmote able to be seen by everyone is how most people find out about it! Myself included :D I'm not sure how they'd be hidden anyway since they are really player emotes (hence the "makes strange gestures" to opposite faction thing). Best you can do for now is turn it off in places with lots of people. Or just when they complain, it's no fun having an addon you never use ;)
A feature to disable it in BGs and arenas might be more plausible.

@Wain: Thanks a bunch! :D I had a link right at the very top but have now moved it down a bit to its own line and made it more noticeable.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

TygerDarkstorm wrote:That's weird. I've never gotten any complaints from other people about my addon. Usually I get curious statements, I've had raid members find it incredibly amusing and play along with it, and I've even had it start random RP sessions. I'm sorry you met up with some unsympathetic people. :(
Same. Most people absolutely love it.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Jadein92 »

Equeon wrote:Ah, glad to see that this excellent addon will continue! :D
Wain told us to move our discussion of the "happy medium" or potential multiple packs to this thread, so I'll copy and paste my list from there.

To be honest, I think cats and quilen are hardly in need of a revamp when compared to other families. Sure, there are sabretooths and tigers vs stone and non-stone, but there are pet families out there that are much more diverse. Some of those have emotes that literally do not work for that model (I'll again bring up the example of my massive 1-ton silithid colossus "leaping maniacally in a circle" around me, and "fluttering his tiny wings" that do not actually exist.)
In the old thread, I proposed creating two separate packs, with such examples as...
Pandaria or Outland Striders only
Silithid Colossi only
Demon Dogs or Mastiffs only
Firespiders only
Arcane Serpents only
Owls or Eagles only
Arcturis or Ghostcrawler-unique emotes, because the existing emotes, which involve leaping, racing, and pouncing, don't really emanate "huge spirit bear" or "big ghostly crab"
The idea was not to implement some extremely complicated system that determined what NPCID the player's pet is, but rather the user would choose the emote pack based on which pets he or she used.

If you use two different ones of those species on the same character (a regular serpent and an arcane serpent, or a tarantula and Deth'tilac) then presumably you'd stick with the same, default addon. If you use one on a certain hunter and a different species from the same family on another hunter, you could download both and enable/disable the two packs on those toons as you please.
I can kinda see why you dislike some of the emotes for the silithid collosi, i personally love that emote for mine. If you think about it those two emotes actually can work for them. If you have ever done AQ 40 the second boss in. Its the 3 silithid collosi. Yauj, Vem, and Kri. Yauj and Kri (blue and orange) are sitting at the back. And vem (pink) is skittering around in a pacing manner. Now if some collosi behave that way, why couldn't yours? And as far as the wings, I know the kuchong are not directly related to the collosi but visually they share similarities. Who is to say that they dont have underdeveloped wings underneath their shell casing? Not saying you are wrong or wrong to feel like they shouldn't be there, just my thoughts :)


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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

I agree with Jadein. It's pretty much similar to what I said in the old thread when it was brought up. :3 Vem is one hyper collossi and he skitters....a lot. And I think they got lil wings under there.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Falcon »

I agree with Jadein and Junrei, though I'm personally on the fence about if colossi actually do have wings or not. I personally think it could be phantom body parts in play here, but that's just my two cents. My own colossus, Rosalina, is prone to bouts of hyperactivity, and she also thinks she's a kunchong, which I find rather amusing.

For me, the cat emotes that say 'yowl' bother me, particularly the 'Cat yowls talkatively' emote. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see yowling as being talkative at all, but again, just my two cents.

Also, I've moved my dire horn and serpent emote ideas from the old thread, so Varethyn won't have to go digging through all those pages for them:

Dire Horn Emotes

Dire Horn snorts explosively, ruffling his/her master/mistress's hair.

Dire Horn bellows and tosses his/her head in a threatening gesture before charging at (hostile target).

Dire Horn stamps a foot and lowers his/her head, displaying his/her frill as he/she glares at (hostile target). Bring it!

Dire Horn bites and tugs on his/her master/mistress's pack, yanking him/her off his/her feet. Feed me!

Dire Horn rumbles and lashes his/her tail
-- anxiously, displaying his/her sharp spikes.
-- angrily, displaying his/her sharp spikes.
-- snapping a nearby sapling in half.
-- narrowly missing his/her master/mistress.

Dire Horn looks over at his/her master/mistress and lumbers off
-- to graze on a patch of nearby grass.
-- to browse through a nearby bush.
-- to nibble curiously upon a clump of nearby plants.
-- and scratches his/her side against a large rock. (Credit to Kalliope.)

Dire Horn leans
-- protectively against his/her master/mistress and stares at (neutral/friendly target).
-- against his/her master/mistress companionably for a moment.
-- against his/her master/mistress and yawns contentedly.
-- against a nearby rock and scratches his/her side against it, annoyed by an itch.

Dire Horn raises his/her head and bugles before tilting his/her head to listen
-- but no answer comes.
-- a few answering calls are heard in the distance.
-- and bristles when a roar is heard in the distance.

Dire Horn paws at the ground and snorts
-- flinching in surprise when he/she accidentally stirs up a critter.
-- sending up a cloud of dirt and debris, causing him/her to sneeze and shake his/her head.

Dire Horn gently rests a horn on his/her master/mistress's shoulder and rumbles
-- softly.
-- affectionately.
-- nervously.
-- protectively.

Serpent emotes

Serpent coils himself/herself around his/her master/mistress and
-- lays his/her head on his/her master/mistress's shoulder.
-- gives him/her a gentle hug.
-- glances around, looking for signs of trouble.

Serpent raises the first one-third of his/her body and
-- eyes (friendly/neutral target) warily.
-- regards (friendly/neutral target) curiously.
-- hisses threateningly at (hostile target).
-- stares at his/her master/mistress.
Last edited by Falcon on Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

oooh...I like those emotes, Falcon!

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Kalliope »

Really liking the dire horn emotes! Maybe "browse through" instead of "browse in" though? :D And maybe another suggestion for the lumbering off section:

- and scratches his/her side against a large rock.

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

Brilliant, thanks Falcon and Kalli :)

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Lupis »

Love those Direhorn emotes, making me excited to finally tame one!

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Re: The New PetEmote Thread

Unread post by Falcon »

Kalliope wrote:Really liking the dire horn emotes! Maybe "browse through" instead of "browse in" though? :D And maybe another suggestion for the lumbering off section:

- and scratches his/her side against a large rock.
Fixed that part, it actually sounds better than what I originally had, thanks!

Would you like me to add that to the lumbering off emote to keep things organized? Credit to you, of course, Kalli!

Thank you, Lupis, I'm really happy you like them so much!
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