Legion - random ideas thread

For discussion of the next WoW expansion, including pets, Alpha and Beta information, anything!
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Bodhran »

Equeon wrote:
Bristlenose wrote:Almost as much a question as an idea since I have not seen anything either way, what about Survival getting the use of exotic pets? With MM having no pets and Survival going melee, would it hurt to allow them exotics? I used to prefer Survival but went to Beast Mastery after exotics came out. I like spirit beasts too much and it's nice to have a corehound battle rez in a pinch of you have no druids.
Wain wrote:Agreed. I think the exotic category is no longer as relevant as it once was and we'd be better off removing it. I thought that before these changes were announced (and I know others did too, there's a discussion somewhere), but the announcements only reinforce my belief.
With all due respect, I completely disagree. This expansion is supposed to be all about increasing class fantasy while decreasing spec homogeneity, and allowing survival to tame exotic beasts would achieve the opposite of both of those goals.

Exotic beasts work best for Beastmasters because, as Blizzard has said, they are the pet class. No other hunter could hope to tame tyrannosaurs or beings made of elemental rock... only the beastmasters' invigoration from the primal world's "dangerous and untamed nature" and their close bond with animals allows them to accomplish such feats.
In contrast, Survival hunters have pets to aid them in their hunting and trapping. Though they also share a close bond with their companion, it is one forged through a shared struggle for survival, not necessarily being in tune with the beast's nature or from a desire to tame challenging new creatures. It makes much more sense thematically for a ranger placing traps in the woods to be accompanied by a wolf or cat rather than the ghost of an ancient porcupine or a tentacled fen strider.

The only real argument I have seen for exotics being made available to all is that many pets that physically appear "exotic" are, in fact, tamable by all specs. For example, the lava spiders or the crackling worgs are just as, if not more, shiny than some of BM's exotics.

However, I feel that once again, the changes Legion brings will make this point less important. To start with, these pets were made available to all because Blizzard didn't usually want to spend a lot of time creating something special (direhorns or the lava spider challenges) for only a percentage of one class to be able to use them. Players would - and do - complain that "BM gets all the cool pets", and the fact that the debate over exotic availability is still going further proves this point.

Yet Legion's hunter changes means that Marksman will no longer have a pet at all - that's one less spec that could tame exotics anyway. Many shared abilities between the three specs are gone, and Blizzard is firm in its decision to make each spec feel properly varied to deliver on the "class fantasy." Differentiating specs is important enough in this expansion for each one to get its own artifact and storyline - that's 36 different stories for the sake of adding variety. With this new mentality, adding more unique BM tames like Gara would not be felt as a loss by the other specs, since they would presumably have their own exclusive aspects. It's the perfect time to add even more unique aspects to BM and survival alike. And with triple specialization becoming available, with just a few seconds of cast time you can have your exotic pets back by your side, no matter your preferred spec.

Leaving exotics to BM and melee and traps to Survival properly separates those hunters with a "profound bond with the creatures of the wild" from those who prefer to fight "facing one’s enemy eye-to-eye, accompanied by merciless bloodshed... laying deceptive traps to see their enemies undone."

As a BM hunter (all of my many many hunters) the changes that are coming are making me finally want to expand beyond BM to try the other specs because they are DIFFERENT from what I have been playing since I started in BC. Giving them all the same stuff takes away from people wanting to branch out from that one spec.

I could be wrong but is the fel wolf not usable for all specs? BM is not getting all the best skins anymore. Plus with being able to switch into one of the other specs with much more ease makes having the SB there at the drop of a hat. I for one look forward to trying melee hunter since my first love was a DPS warrior and just cuz people always joke about hunters being melee.

Anyway just stating what has already been said (and maybe being wrong with some info that I'm to tired to double check). This is like me being pissed that pallys get ashbringer since my warrior can use two handed swords. It sucks but makes sense that they get it based on lore and class and if I want to swing the awesome sword that I lvl my pally and have at.


-Hunters now earn Valor Points when they are effectively Vote Kicked from a Dungeon Finder group.
-Ettin’s Grip (new talent) allows the hunter to equip two ranged weapons simultaneously.

Dream skins to tame:
Fandral Staghelm Fire Cat Form. Kor'kron War/Veteran/Warbringer of the Horde PVP wolf mount. Xuen/Litter of Xuen! Legion Wolf Boss.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Rawr »

How about in Legion, if someone is in PvP combat they cannot phase until they leave combat for a few seconds. I'm quite tiered of weak ally rogues attacking ppl dueling right outside Org then running into Org so they can get phased and not die. :| :mrgreen:


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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Xota »

This idea isn't fully fleshed out, but it's about making pet families different, but still leaving in choice. Since BM is losing traps, and raid buffs are going away, pets should get some cc back. Mostly fully fledged PvE CC, that don't start combat and are chainable.

For Survival, the pets wouldn't have family abilities. For BM, all pets would have a CC, and exotics would have their exotic abilities. Non-exotic families wouldn't have utilities like battle rez or mortal strike.

Spirit beasts could get a "spirit banish" (prevents damage, but not easily chained) and their heal.
Devilsaurs' Terrifying Roar could be an in-place fear (break on damage, but easily chained) and keep their mortal strike.
Silithid could get their web spray back (ranged root, doesn't break on damage), and some other utility ability.
Clefthoofs could get a knockdown version of their old horn attack.
Worms' Burrow could additionally slow all effected enemies, and/or the worm could follow it's target while burrowing.

Spiders and Ravagers could have the same web spray as silithid.
Nether Rays could get their auto-cast spell interrupt back. (Quillen could have it too).
Basilisk and shale spider: petrify
A number of families could have a blinding spray (poison, poo, spores, etc). Beetle, Hydra, Monkey, Scorpid, Serpent, Spore Bat, Wasps
Moth: cocoon
Crane: lullaby

To make macros easier, there would need to be something like demonology's "Command Demon". eg: "Pet Domination", commands your pet to dominate an opponent.

Also... Devilsaurs should be able to get larger again. Maybe not in a raid or dungeon, but if you're doing quests out in the world, you should be able to grow them. Like change feast to be purely cosmetic, it would increase Devilsaur size by X%, stacking Y times, but have a cooldown and duration that would made it a like a minigame to gain/keep the stack. And as fun as it would be to have a giant devilsaur when soloing old dungeons and raids, it'd probably just be easiest to disable the growing in instances and battlegrounds.

And third idea:
I don't know what aspect of the turtle will look like, but I'm afraid it will be that sci-fi dome from ulduar. Turtle shields spinning like the current deterrence axes would be better. Like Tortos' Discarded Shell.

added more cc examples.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Araucaria »

Also... Devilsaurs should be able to get larger again. Maybe not in a raid or dungeon, but if you're doing quests out in the world, you should be able to grow them. Like change feast to be purely cosmetic, it would increase Devilsaur size by X%, stacking Y times, but have a cooldown and duration that would made it a like a minigame to gain/keep the stack. And as fun as it would be to have a giant devilsaur when soloing old dungeons and raids, it'd probably just be easiest to disable the growing in instances and battlegrounds.
"Kibler's bits" (http://www.wowhead.com/item=33874/kiblers-bits), can be cooked and makes your pets bigger for 20mins.
A glyph like the mage's Glyph of Condensation, however, would be great...or a special ability for BM, say, Bestial Inspiration, that makes your character and pet larger while you're not in a group.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Xota »

I meant Devilsaurs getting bigger like how they used to. Monstrous Bite used to be an +5% damage ability (stacking 3 times), and with each stack, the devilsaur got noticeably larger. Their base size was larger than it is now too.

Maintaining a stack would be more fun than just an ability or feeding it kibler's bits. We already have Kibler's, they can be fed to anything, and are only +25%.

Another idea:
Bear druids shouldn't do moonfire, it should be insect swarm. Because bees fit bear fantasy better than sky lasers. It shouldn't take long to make the green swarm yellow.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Wain »

I guess people in raids complained about devilsaurs getting in the way. :/ If so, maybe they could do it outside dungeons, or maybe anywhere open-air or where you can mount, or something.
Xota wrote:Bear druids shouldn't do moonfire, it should be insect swarm. Because bees fit bear fantasy better than sky lasers. It shouldn't take long to make the green swarm yellow.
That's hilarious. I love it, and it makes me think of Winnie the Pooh :)
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Boven »

That's one thing I never really had an issue with when playing melee. Seventy five million billion spell effects all piled up on the mobs/boss/adds was a royal pain, but big pets didn't bother me.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

What we need is some crazy new pets. What if; Owlbears?


Spirit Beast, Bird of Prey, or Bear; wouldn't matter to me. All you'd have to do is slap a bird face on the new bear model and I'd be happier than a merrymaking reveler after swimming in wine on a night of debauchery. I know Moonkin are TECHNICALLY owlbears to a degree, but they're just upright owls with claws and antlers. I want me a big, four legged owl that's ready to tear people to shreds.


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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

Well they did make them crazy owl cats, so who knows! :D


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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by sXe Angel »

New pet look, jackals. They can be a unique skinned wolf. I want a couple cool looking jackals, maybe golden ones and black ones that'd go with an Egyptian-style hunter. I just want a big black jackal I can tame and name Anubis, ok?
^Supports my theory that CM Punk would roll a hunter in WoW.^
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Xota »

More options for water elementals. (and I guess shaman elementals too). New models are unlocked through challenges, like warlock green fire quest. There's lots of elemental npcs to choose from, and a cleansed Immerseus model would be great at the highest challenge (shrunk down of course). Also, there should be water elementals skins to match the water on the frost mage artifact:
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Xota »

If pets are keeping their battle rez, they should run to be in range of the target, just like spirit beasts will move to be able to cast their heal.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Nachtwulf »

Lord yes. Right now pet brezzes are all but unusable most of the time (as I ranted in another thread, heh).

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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Silivren »

Bristlenose wrote:Almost as much a question as an idea since I have not seen anything either way, what about Survival getting the use of exotic pets? With MM having no pets and Survival going melee, would it hurt to allow them exotics? I used to prefer Survival but went to Beast Mastery after exotics came out. I like spirit beasts too much and it's nice to have a corehoundquilen battle rez in a pinch if you have no druids. (Corehounds have timewarp, not brez. :oops: )

In fact way, way back in BC when I first started playing I melee'd with my hunter initially because I had no idea what I was doing. And we had the use of melee weapons too, further confusing me. :lol:

Now it has come full circle and I will probably respec at least one of my hunters to Survival and probably another to Marksman. And leave the third one Beast Mastery.
^ This, I'd love for the wiping of the exotic tag as I feel it serves no purpose anymore.


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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Demonicow »

i was thinking since we can hide our shoulders( i think?) in legion how about having the option to hide our tabards that way you dont have to ruin your tmog just to grind rep or for benefits such as teleport to so and so or gain rep in lvl 80/85/vanilla dungeons i think would be great

also another good idea is to add tabards for the factions that are missing it(Kalu'ak, Oracles, Frenzyheart, etc)(rep tabards not the ones you get at exalted)
and for bc factions/dungeons Mag'har, Kurenai, Netherwing etc

and another one would be to allow heirlooms, heirloom upgrades and commendations for factions to drop from rare mobs like warbringers in mop,
also allow us to set any faction for bonus rep so we can do current lvl/exp dungeons and get rep for old factions/expansions

also for hunters how about a tamable kunchong and a void terror's as an epic chain like gara starts out as a demon but is then cleansed and turned into a beast that is tamable also what about the new core hound model with reskins so we can have a green and white(omen/kurken version)
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Xota »

Wain wrote:
Xota wrote:Bear druids shouldn't do moonfire, it should be insect swarm. Because bees fit bear fantasy better than sky lasers. It shouldn't take long to make the green swarm yellow.
That's hilarious. I love it, and it makes me think of Winnie the Pooh :)
I was also thinking of Beorn in the Hobbit, he had a bunch of bee hives. I guess both examples reflect real life, although there's no bears around here any more, I think when there were, they'd go after honey bee hives (wild and domestic).

Ranged autoattacks for melee specs:
Since some melee classes have/had ranged autoattacks, and they could be included to make a distinction between the melee specs, and to allow some more options for personalization. Personalization could be through bringing back the "ranged" slot as a cosmetic slot, like tabards and shirts.
Survival hunters are the best candidates for having a ranged auto-attack, and they should be able to get throwing weapons (daggers, axes, spears, darts, night elf throwing glaives) to personalize it. Outlaw rogues would use their pistols, with different models to personalize. Subtlety rogues could get the autoattack part of shuriken toss back.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

Was gonna post this in a different thread, but it's a few too many things that were off topic. So, here's some ideas for stuff for pets based on professions and classes that they intercept with Master's Call.

Alchemy : Toy that turns your pet into a green ooze (Alternatively, a white Flesh Beast). Lasts until pet dies.
Blacksmithing : Toy that lets you give a pickaxe to a monkey or gorilla pet. Lasts until pet dies.
Enchanting : Toy that makes your pet grow and shrink at random intervals. Lasts until you turn it off (your buffs). Other players won't see it.
Engineering : Already accounted for
Inscription : Easily crafted item that puts a symbol over your pet's head until they die. (Gift of the Naaru, Darkmoon Eye, etc)
Jewelcrafting : Toy that turns your pet to jade until they die. (Dark green color overlay)
Leatherworking : Toy Saddle that lets you ride your pets at Journeyman mount speed (60%). Lasts an hour.
Tailoring : Toy that puts a racial banner (of your faction, your choice) on the pet's back like the flags in WSG/Twin Peaks. Lasts until pet dies.

Archaeology : Spawnable fossilized Raptors and Wind Serpents. Toy with a short cooldown.
Cooking : Passive skill that lets your pet sit down and eat when you do.
First Aid : Toy that puts a costume on dog pets that gives them a medical satchel on their back. Lasts until pet dies.
Fishing : Tome that lets you tame sharks. They flop on the ground like the one Brawler's Guild boss.

Death Knight : Pets call out an Army of the Dead (passive undead critters) when they attack. Lasts one hour.
Demon Hunter : Pet has green warlock metamorphosis wings for an hour.
Druid : (If Cat or Bear) Pet wears Incarnation armor based on the race they rushed to. Lasts for an hour.
Hunter : Other hunters who use Mend Pet also heal your pet. Lasts until out of combat.
Mage : Pets gain arcane/frost/fire (based on spec) glowing eyes for one hour.
Monk : Pets walk around drunk for one hour.
Paladin : Pets gain a back-mounted Ashbringer for one hour. (Buff called "Petbringer")
Priest : Pet levitates for one hour.
Rogue : Pets are in stealth out of combat, and will not accidentally pull enemies. Lasts an hour.
Shaman : Pet's hands/paws/feet glow with lava for one hour.
Warlock : Pets have a soulstone effect when they are resurrected. Lasts one hour.
Warrior : Pets that charge leave a flaming trail. Lasts one hour. OR, pets heroic leap instead of charge for one hour.


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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Jangalian »

A glyph to turn Hati into one of our previously owned pets, and not a northrend worg.
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Nazja »

Not hunter related:

Please, let this be the expansion that adds dungeons via patches, once more. I wouldn't even mind if they're simply old, revamped dungeons... In fact, the hunter in me would actually welcome a revamped Gnomeregan (with tameable Vicious War Mechanostriders). That Thermaplugg is insane enough to make a deal with a demon, in order to survive being cut short.

Just saw your post, on page two, about profession-related tames. As they say, great minds think alike, eh? :D
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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Unread post by Nachtwulf »

The one thing about the artifact weapons that just eats at me is that... you can't just swap them.

Here's the deal. They're changing a LOT of the classes, really drastically. If you're not in the alpha/beta (and I for one don't really even like being in it because it spoilers the surprise and then leaves you with that 'but I already DID all these quests' feeling before you even get to do them for real...) you can't practice with the new skills and new playstyle.

So... say you go Survival because it looks cool. And then... you decide you really don't like it. It doesn't suit your playstyle and it just irks you. So... then what. You picked that Surv artifact first. Supposedly you can go back and get another one, but my impression is, Blizz wants to make that less attractive, and what's more, then you have to go through the chore of leveling that artifact up to where you had the first one, which I can only imagine will be tiresome. If this happens early on, like at Lv102, it's probably dealable, but if you're 109 and have a lot of work put into your weapon and then want to switch... it's REALLY gonna suck.

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