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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Ana »

Niabi wrote:It's been a couple of days now and I think I'm ready to open up about what happened. I'm not going to go into great detail because I'm still dealing with the aftermath of it all and I don't know exactly what's going to happen in the future.

I caught my husband having an online affair with someone he had met through Facebook. This relationship had started sometime in late Jan./early Feb. of this year. The relationship turned out to be a scam job that involved my husband conducting financial transactions involving Bitcoin. Our bank is now investigating the matter and my husband's savings account have been frozen while the investigation is taking place. My husband also applied for a personal loan and credit card during this time without telling me. Apparently he had some outstanding medical bills that needed to be paid and hid them from me so I wouldn't freak out about it. He admitted to me that if the relationship had been real, he had hoped something more would've come out of it.

Not only did he want to hurt me but he may have also screwed me financially. Thankfully, I have separate bank accounts that were left unaffected by all of this.

We are supposed to celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary next Friday, on May 10th.
Oof thats a big kick to the stomach..I cant imagine how it feels but I am so sorry you have to go through this.. I would think a lot about what I wanted to do if I were you. E.g. did your husband start an affair because he does not love you anymore or because he felt that his situation at home/work/etc were getting to a point where he could not handle anymore? Do you still love him? Does he want you to forgive him ? and so on

Right now your feelings are hurt and it can be hard to think straight... but maybe you two can still start to build trust and love again. I would suggest talking/going to a marriage counselor to figure out what you both want.


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Re: Rant Thread

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Addon's for Firefox seem to be working now guys.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Niabi »

Tårnfalk wrote:I would think a lot about what I wanted to do if I were you.
Every waking moment I have now is spent on thinking about what I'm going to do next.
Tårnfalk wrote:Did your husband start an affair because he does not love you anymore or because he felt that his situation at home/work/etc were getting to a point where he could not handle anymore?
I believe he became overwhelmed and was looking for a distraction or a "do over" so-to-speak. Perhaps he thought that the grass would be greener on the other side and he'd have a younger and healthier partner to start life over with.
Tårnfalk wrote:Do you still love him?
Yes. Despite what he did, I still love him.
Tårnfalk wrote:Does he want you to forgive him?
Yes. He made a very stupid mistake and a lot of really terrible decisions in the process. For all that, I am willing to forgive.

But … the fact that he admitted he wanted something to happen and the lengths in which he was willing to lie and cover it all up, well, that is where I am struggling at the moment.

He was ready to throw 19 years of marriage out the window because something better mysteriously presented itself. I took care of him for over a decade when he was the sick one in the relationship. I didn't lie and have a mid-life crisis! I didn't go out looking for better opportunities. I worked. I paid the bills. I took care of him. I abandoned all of our would-be fake friends who simply couldn't handle hanging out with a sick person because it brought them down! I went back to school, so that I could earn my bachelors degree, so that I could get a better paying job, so that I could financially support him for the rest of his life if need be. I did everything I could do for the benefit of my family. I wasn't perfect and I failed … a lot … but I never, ever gave up.
Tårnfalk wrote:Maybe you two can still start to build trust and love again. I would suggest talking/going to a marriage counselor to figure out what you both want.
I'm working on that part. All I have left is to move forward and do what needs to be done.

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Re: Rant Thread

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15 years a go my husband and I had a crises too. We actually lived appart for 6 months. ... The only way we came through it was to wipe the slate clean. We decided to start with the one thing we still had in common. .our faith. We met once a week and studied this Book

https://www.jw.org/en/publications/book ... Happiness/

Linked to it in English but there is a lot of other languages available.(two links depending on which device you got ) We tried to apply the principles the best we could.

It took time to rebuild the trust. But we both wanted to be together. We consulted with the elders at our congregration. .best dessision we made yet.

Our marriage is a lot stronger now than ever before. Our faith is now who we are and it's working for us. The road was hard but we never bring up past mistakes and each of us try every day to better ourself.

I truly hope you guys pulls through. .I hope you find a way. Lots of hugs to you! Let me know if you want some more materials. http://Www.jw.org has a lot more materials to help ppl with their marriage. (Click here https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/f ... gods-view/ )I linked it because it helped me and I just want to help too. Hope it's ok


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Rant Thread

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when one thing goes good in my life 10 things go bad..

As an act of what I imagine is spite? my previous doctor send a message to the municipal system saying that she suspect that I have an eating disorder. WHUT?? For real.. I been seeing you for 7 years and been to a shrink and I NEVER been diagnosed with an eating disorder and you never told me that you were going to write that. It will now mess with my chances of getting my disability which I been fighting for for the last 14 years.. well done - Im soo sad now.. crying and feeling worthless.. sigh :cry: :cry: :cry:


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Rant Thread

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Last edited by Falcon on Wed May 08, 2019 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rant Thread

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Tårnfalk wrote:when one thing goes good in my life 10 things go bad..

As an act of what I imagine is spite? my previous doctor send a message to the municipal system saying that she suspect that I have an eating disorder. WHUT?? For real.. I been seeing you for 7 years and been to a shrink and I NEVER been diagnosed with an eating disorder and you never told me that you were going to write that. It will now mess with my chances of getting my disability which I been fighting for for the last 14 years.. well done - Im soo sad now.. crying and feeling worthless.. sigh :cry: :cry: :cry:
Aaand it just got worse ... now my previous contact claims that I have told her that I have PTSD. .And it's a lie. I recived 12 pages of case papers. .99% of it is lies. . Im crying so badly right now.
Thankfully i have secretly recorded all meetings but I am so tired of being treated so badly. ..


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Bulletdance »

Tårnfalk wrote:
Tårnfalk wrote:when one thing goes good in my life 10 things go bad..

As an act of what I imagine is spite? my previous doctor send a message to the municipal system saying that she suspect that I have an eating disorder. WHUT?? For real.. I been seeing you for 7 years and been to a shrink and I NEVER been diagnosed with an eating disorder and you never told me that you were going to write that. It will now mess with my chances of getting my disability which I been fighting for for the last 14 years.. well done - Im soo sad now.. crying and feeling worthless.. sigh :cry: :cry: :cry:
Aaand it just got worse ... now my previous contact claims that I have told her that I have PTSD. .And it's a lie. I recived 12 pages of case papers. .99% of it is lies. . Im crying so badly right now.
Thankfully i have secretly recorded all meetings but I am so tired of being treated so badly. ..
I'm glad you have the proof with you. Don't give up it might work out :hug:
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Teigan »

Niabi, I'm so sorry. That's a terrible thing and a terrible place to be in :hug:

Tarnfalk, it's good you have documentation. Keep fighting. Mental health stuff is so screwy. I got kicked off disability recently for doing better with the support of things provided by disability. "She's fine now, let's push her off a cliff". The coffin nail was a doctor I met exactly once deciding I didn't have anxiety or panic attacks and had never had PTSD and suggesting, despite my extremely bad history with medications, that I should be on medication for my depression. I didn't fight it because I don't have solid documentation and my memory is shaky for the timeline and diagnosis history and I can't afford a lawyer. "Services" for the disabled can be anything but.
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Re: Rant Thread

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It's mothers day today.

I miss her.
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Re: Rant Thread

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I'm going to talk to my sisters later.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Sigrah »

Dear Blizzard,

Today, I am 100% certain I dismissed my pet before I started camping for Skoll and Arcturis. I know this because I flew back and forth between their respective spawn locations for 3+ hours, and not once did I have to use "Dismiss Pet", which is great because I managed to tame Arcturis just as an Undead Hunter landed 2 seconds after tame finished. Through emotes, he cried, but clapped for me, and I thanked him and told him later on my Horde Hunter that at least he knew when Arcturis was last tamed, something he agreed was a solid silver-lining, especially after promising him I wouldn't tell anyone when I got him. He also laughed after I told him about something you'll read about later in this rant.

But back to the main story, I put Arcturis in the stables at Amberpine Lodge after waving goodbye to the other Hunter, and then took a griffon back to Frosthold. And when I landed, I made sure again that I didn't have a pet out, and sure enough, I didn't at the time. So I mount up, and go on my "Patroll for Skoll" endless farewell tour. But unlike many past times, I was pleasantly surprised that SilverDragon screamed "I! SEE! YOU!" and said it was none other than Skoll! Best of all, no one was around to screw with me this time. So, naturally I land and hit the tame button. Imagine my surprise when my "Tame Beast" throttled and one of my pets decided to appear out of nowhere, and suddenly MURDER SKOLL RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES! Quickly! Irrevocably! Now imagine the look of shock, horror, and outright anger that briefly overwhelmed my face before yelling "GOD *BLEEP* *BLEEP* NO!" at my computer screen way, WAY too late to do anything to stop his murder. I mean, his corpse was right there as I screamed it.

After I was done hanging my head in a mix of shame, grief, and frustration, I started to wonder where I went wrong. And all I could think of was that it was my fault that I was level 110 and he was only level 82, and also my fault that I failed to tame him 16 hours earlier because some Troll (and a literal "double entendre" at that) decided to murder Skoll halfway through my tame, then laugh about it before taking off. But, I guess it's not *all* bad. At least *I* know when he was last up, but no one else does. And who knows? Maybe that Undead Hunter and I have something in common to talk about as we camp our respective spawns, assuming the Gnomes and/or Goblins invent a way for us to /whisper as opposite faction characters. Still, I can't help but feel a little peeved right now, and I hope you will read this and work on FIXING whatever bug caused this to happen.


*Now that I got that out of my system, I'm starting to feel better. It's meant to be very sarcastic, very tounge-in-cheek, and very, VERY frustrating. But, I guess that's part of paying the dues of leveling a fresh Void Elf Hunter just to have that Void Stalker pet that my little Lovecraftian heart fell in love with at first sight, instead of simply paying for a race change for my old Alliance Hunter to Void Elf. Off to other things for now.
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Re: Rant Thread

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Sigrah, if you're on NA servers, I can help you find Skoll
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Vephriel »

Sigrah wrote:Dear Blizzard,

Today, I am 100% certain I dismissed my pet before I started camping for Skoll and Arcturis. I know this because I flew back and forth between their respective spawn locations for 3+ hours, and not once did I have to use "Dismiss Pet", which is great because I managed to tame Arcturis just as an Undead Hunter landed 2 seconds after tame finished. Through emotes, he cried, but clapped for me, and I thanked him and told him later on my Horde Hunter that at least he knew when Arcturis was last tamed, something he agreed was a solid silver-lining, especially after promising him I wouldn't tell anyone when I got him. He also laughed after I told him about something you'll read about later in this rant.

But back to the main story, I put Arcturis in the stables at Amberpine Lodge after waving goodbye to the other Hunter, and then took a griffon back to Frosthold. And when I landed, I made sure again that I didn't have a pet out, and sure enough, I didn't at the time. So I mount up, and go on my "Patroll for Skoll" endless farewell tour. But unlike many past times, I was pleasantly surprised that SilverDragon screamed "I! SEE! YOU!" and said it was none other than Skoll! Best of all, no one was around to screw with me this time. So, naturally I land and hit the tame button. Imagine my surprise when my "Tame Beast" throttled and one of my pets decided to appear out of nowhere, and suddenly MURDER SKOLL RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES! Quickly! Irrevocably! Now imagine the look of shock, horror, and outright anger that briefly overwhelmed my face before yelling "GOD *BLEEP* *BLEEP* NO!" at my computer screen way, WAY too late to do anything to stop his murder. I mean, his corpse was right there as I screamed it.

After I was done hanging my head in a mix of shame, grief, and frustration, I started to wonder where I went wrong. And all I could think of was that it was my fault that I was level 110 and he was only level 82, and also my fault that I failed to tame him 16 hours earlier because some Troll (and a literal "double entendre" at that) decided to murder Skoll halfway through my tame, then laugh about it before taking off. But, I guess it's not *all* bad. At least *I* know when he was last up, but no one else does. And who knows? Maybe that Undead Hunter and I have something in common to talk about as we camp our respective spawns, assuming the Gnomes and/or Goblins invent a way for us to /whisper as opposite faction characters. Still, I can't help but feel a little peeved right now, and I hope you will read this and work on FIXING whatever bug caused this to happen.


*Now that I got that out of my system, I'm starting to feel better. It's meant to be very sarcastic, very tounge-in-cheek, and very, VERY frustrating. But, I guess that's part of paying the dues of leveling a fresh Void Elf Hunter just to have that Void Stalker pet that my little Lovecraftian heart fell in love with at first sight, instead of simply paying for a race change for my old Alliance Hunter to Void Elf. Off to other things for now.
Oof, I'm so sorry this happened. I've noticed since BfA dropped, pets will always automatically summon once you land or get off a mount, no matter if you dismissed them first.

It's unfortunate that you had to find out this way, but in the future take a precaution after landing, let your pet show up, and then dismiss them. As long as you're unmounted and on the ground they should not show up again, it just seems to be after flights mostly. ><
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Sigrah »

Vephriel wrote:It's unfortunate that you had to find out this way, but in the future take a precaution after landing, let your pet show up, and then dismiss them. As long as you're unmounted and on the ground they should not show up again, it just seems to be after flights mostly. ><
Oh I did way better than that. All my pets are in the stables for "Time Out" until I get Skoll tamed. Thankfully, I'm taking my time filling up the stable so I have the room to do that. Had it been one of the other two Hunters I have, than, as you say, "Oof!" :)

And @Teigan, thank you for the offer, but it's 10:10pm where I am, so I'm going to hit my bed and rest up. I'm not camping him nearly as seriously as I have in the past (too many things going on atm), but I really appreciate your offer to help :) Besides, the past 7 days have otherwise been incredibly blessed in that I got all the other Northrend Spirit Beasts, plus King Krush and Aotona on top of that. I guess there's always one problem child when it comes to getting rare tames, though.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Teigan »

Well, I DO have a magic server where the Spirit Beast Buffet is almost always open, if you are having trouble :) (It's a dead RP server, so, most things are up most of the time)
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Sigrah »

Teigan wrote:Well, I DO have a magic server where the Spirit Beast Buffet is almost always open, if you are having trouble :) (It's a dead RP server, so, most things are up most of the time)
Thank you :) But I'm happy to say that my "Patroll for Skoll" is finally over :)
Last edited by Sigrah on Thu May 16, 2019 8:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rant Thread

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When life is hard enough and then you find raw sewage backing up into your basement....
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Teigan »

Sigrah wrote:
Teigan wrote:Well, I DO have a magic server where the Spirit Beast Buffet is almost always open, if you are having trouble :) (It's a dead RP server, so, most things are up most of the time)
Thank you :) But I'm happy to say that my "Patroll for Skoll" is finally over :)

Oh good! Congrats!
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Bowno »

My entire family is fucking dying in front of my fucking eyes.

Siggy under construction!

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