Emotional rollercoaster....

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Emotional rollercoaster....

Unread post by Fredßear »

Two days ago, after 15 years, i decided it was time to try going after Gondria and Magria yet again. Waited all night and in the morning I watched another hunter tame Magria to which i happily /clap for them, i was a tad bit late to the spot. So off i went to Zul'drak for Gondria and when I flew over to one of the five spawn spots my macro picked her right up and I zoned in, to find a corps laying there with a lvl 60 DK running away to killing the other mobs in the area. Hard to explain the feeling of seeing a longspawn beautiful cat like Gondria for the first time in a little over fifteen years of playing in the wild only to see her dead and the killer prancing away from the body >.<

So this morning I went back to Mount Hyjal to continue my hunt for Magria or Ankha and I settled down to wait. I hopped on another account i have to heal a couple low level dungeons while i was waiting. I got into a Gnomeregon and we got underway. At the top of the ramp to the last boss my Rarescanner goes off and I looked up into the corner of my screen to see if it was the Dark Iron Ambassador that usually lurks around that area but the notification wasn't there. I was wondering why the notification wasn't coming up so i tried to type in /tar Dark Iron Ambassador to see if it was indeed him or not, nothing. Rarescanner went off two more times on the way down the ramp when it hit me that I might want to check the other account and there was Magria stalking around in front of me and my heart lept!! I'm going to guess that Magria was pacing back and forth for at least five minutes and i was VERY lucky that no one came along and got her while I was standing there. I tamed her happily then went to do some quests in the new area to give my heart a while to calm down a bit.

About an hour later I went to stalk Zul'drak Gondria again and when I checked the third spot THERE SHE WAS!!! I swooped in and attempted to start the tame but it wasn't happening. I started to panic because as far as I knew there was no ducks to put in a row for this tame that I had ever heard of?!?!?! I tabbed out and went straight to Wowhead to scan the comment section as fast as my feeble brain could gather the information before someone came and went with her before i could act. I couldn't find anything that was helpful to me. When i backed out to the google search to scan the results for any keyword that might help me in my dilemma ONE thing hit me as hard as a brick. I realized I had switched to Survival while questing because I like to switch it up for the enjoyment of the game. I tabbed back into the game as fast as possible and switched back to BM and made the tame!!

Despite being plagued with my own stupid mistakes I tamed the two pets ive been wanting for the past fifteen years within two hours of each other. I am ecstatic to have these two lovelies at my side in my adventures :-)

The rush of a rare tame is really something that makes the hunter spec quite special.
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Re: Emotional rollercoaster....

Unread post by Talihawk »

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