I'm sure she heard you

HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig
◇ FR Wishlist ◇Sorry, I've been a bit absent, but I am so sorry for your loss.
Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!
Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.
Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!
Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.
Siggy under construction!
HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig
◇ FR Wishlist ◇Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!
Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.
HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig
◇ FR Wishlist ◇Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!
Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.
HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig
◇ FR Wishlist ◇Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!
Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.