Old mount but this comes with a story. TL;DR: did a good deed, Oondasta gave me the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn.
I've been farming all of the world drop mounts since before the MoP and Rukhmar drop buff, albeit with some breaks such as stopping in early Dragonflight and resuming last December. As of yesterday I finally got the last one I needed: Oondasta's direhorn. I only had 3 of 12 characters left to kill him this week and my hopes were low, but as a hunter main who knows the struggle I had vowed to let any BM hunter who wanted to, tame Oondasta so long as no one else was around to ruin it for both of us.
Switched over to my dracthyr evoker, Volvagia, and missed a spawn due to queueing for Crown Chemical Co. Waited for the next one semi-afk while catching up on talents a bit more properly, closed the window to see a BM hunter with no pets out. Oondasta spawned then so I had no time to say anything (was going to ask "tame or kill?" to confirm intentions) but we were the only players there, so I stood back and /cheered at them as they completed the tame. They were incredibly grateful, thanking me before hearthing away.
It was time for dinner irl at that point so I missed a further 4 spawns, but got comfy when I got back and prepared to be greeted with the usual shimmering pile.
I didn't. It was the mount.
Moral of the story: Do good deeds and you might just be rewarded for it.

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