Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by worgpower »

WerebearGuy wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:38 am I've been made aware of spotless giraffes, of which only two (currently) exist in the world. One currently resides in a zoo in Tennessee, and the other roams wild in Namibia. These giraffes have a brown coloration, look oddly majestic in the wild, almost as if they're on par with a unicorn. I know there are many oddly colored or patterned animals, but it'd be really cool to have a basic spotless giraffe skin.
No we don’t need a basic spotless giraffe skin. We need a new giraffe model. It should include the spotless one
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Beviah »

With The War Within right around the corner, and more tuning passes being made to help us expand our stable pool, I'd like to formally suggest Gorm Matriarchs being added to our list as either Carapids or Worms. :D


In short, I know there's a lot of discussion surrounding tamability and how "intelligent" beasts are to make them susceptible to being tamed, but we can tame avian fire gods such as Rukhran or hyper-intelligent dragons such as Nalak. :)

Plus, I think we've moved past a majority of the limitations of beasts being tamable with the introduction of Undead beasts and Dragonkin now we can start expanding a little bit. I think the major concern to Gorm Matriarchs not being tamable was due to G'huun and there being model overlaps, but I feel at this point they're a very reasonable addition to the Hunter stable at this point in time. ;)
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Lougaron »

Still hoping for Soul Eaters; Fetid Devourer was an aberration, many of these are actually beasts!
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Tsukina »

As always, I apologize for my English.

I don't know if I should say it but with so many pets in the rodent family, the following could be added:
Although I would have to shrink a little xd
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Boven »

Tsukina wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2024 7:17 am
Although I would have to shrink a little xd
Definitely a Rodent Of Unusual Size!
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Magnakilro »

After they were needlessly robbed of Shalewings during Dragonflight (seriously...some of them are even still called sporebats by name!) sporebats are way overdue something new. They still only have the TBC model, and the hardly different WoD model.

Give love to the sporebats!

Monkeys too....they haven't been touched since the rare with the Fez was added.

Edit as they came to mind: Dragonhawks and Warp stalkers haven't had anything significant since they were added in TBC (just new colors of the existing model. No I'm not counting the armored dragonhawk since it wasn't intended to be tamed). Those things are WAYYYYYYYY overdue some love

Ravagers could use some love too I feel. Been some time since anything was done with them!
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Flyra »

Could we please please please be allowed to tame the Deepflayers in The Ringing Deeps as part of the Stone Hound family? ^^ Kept summoning them with Dire Beast and was sad to see they're untameable!



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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by AcadiAnne »

If I had one wish, it would be to make mobs unattackable if a Hunter starts a tame before any other players attack it. Players know exactly what’s going on if they come up to a mob in an ice trap with a Hunter waving their arms at it.

It was one thing when there was an active faction war. Now that there are active measures encouraging cross faction cooperation in retail, I feel that time has passed. Now it’s just trolling.

Edit: I’m only suggesting this change on retail. Classic, especially pvp servers, are still very much at war and the danger (and frustration) is part of the game design.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by worgpower »

Give us a way to tame Grong The Revenant on the horde and Grong on the alliance

It’s a good concept how the raid worked in BFA, but a lot of hunters are mixed and want one certain look of Grong on their hunters

Either add a new npc similar to how Fenryr works or allow horde and alliance players to queue for the opposite instance with the same feature as mercenary mode for Battlegrounds
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by worgpower »

This is not for new creatures, but just to improve the old creatures we could tame, specifically animations

- give armoredons new attack and running animations, they should have the attack animation from the new thunder lizards, and the run from the armoredon mount rather than the fast motion jiggle jiggle jiggle

- give Thunder lizards new running animations, same as the armoredon mounts

- give veilwings proper attack animations, switch them from “specialunarmed” which is an eating animation to “attackunarmed” which is a claw animation

- give dreamrunners, vorquins, and owlsteeds a new running animation, and give the old dreamrunners their horn attack “attackfist1hoff”

- give older wind serpents the etherwyrm running animation

- make a new model for crystal scorpions, make it 100% the same, but all parts are together, so crystal scorpions can have their stingers

- fix the fire scorpion model’s front right leg, it’s so distorted and weird when it runs

- give crocolisks the new basilisk animations, the old animations are very static and robot like compared to the new ones from legion basilisks

- give hornstriders fast motion running animations, its fine when not mounted but when mounted, it runs in slow motion

- give draenor boars and skullboars a new running animation, boars do not run like that when sprinting in real life

- give wolfhawk hunter pets proper standing animations. Switch the stand from Customspell02 which is the constant side to side animation to Customspell01 which is the proper standing animation

- give panthara the Druid cat running and walking animations

- give mechanical tigers the Druid cat running and walking animations

- give two headed core hounds a new running animation, they have the same animation as their walk, just faster

- give veilwings and other older untameable drakes new running animations, same situation as core hounds above

- move bruffalons to oxen, they may have moose antlers, but they are more cowlike than moose

- move shalehorns to coursers, they are odd toed, and they animate more similar to a horse than any stag

- (maybe) move vorquins to coursers, they may have these staglike horns, but they act and sound like horses

- make Dreamtalons a little bit bigger, they are small compared to older raptors like Reban

- make owlcats bigger

- make umbraclaws bigger

- make all rays a little bit bigger

Old Hunter pets also deserve some love, not just new ones
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

I went a little crazy while making this, but I wanted to find a way to make all pets viable again without going back to our other request that has fallen on deaf ears despite the outcry (spec swapping). Here's a list of changes that I feel would suit that:

Pet Specialization
- Cunning, Ferocity, and Tenacity no longer have Master's Call, Primal Rage, or Fortitude of the Bear.
- Cunning pets now apply Slow by default, and provide the hunter additional movement speed.
- Ferocity pets now apply Mortal Wounds by default, and provide the hunter additional leech.
- Tenacity pets do not apply anything, but have higher base health by default, and provide the hunter additional avoidance.

Pet Families
- Remove Exotic flag on pets. Yes yes, this again.
- Remove family abilities. Yes, including the overpowered utilities like Blood of the Rhino and Spirit Mend.
- Chimeras have access to a toggle, allowing all of their attacks to count as frost damage. This is for those who do Classic content that require frost damage (You know which boss I mean).
- All pets now have a triggered defensive ability. This is the same ability currently used by Bears, Camels, Clefthooves, Gorillas, Gruffhorns, Oxen, Pterrordax, and Stone Hounds.
- All pets now have access to Rest. This is the same ability currently used by Bears and Rodents.
- All pets now have access to Trick. This is the same ability currently used by Birds of Prey and Waterfowl. What would most beasts do as tricks? I don't know, maybe jump?

- Master's Call, Primal Rage, or Fortitude of the Bear are now part of a choice node in the hunter talent tree, with only one being enabled at a time.
- This choice node is unlocked at level 45, and is not connected to any other talents. It also does not require a talent point to be activated.
- To make up for the loss of exotic pets, Beast Mastery pets have increased health, apply both Mortal Wounds and Slow, and provide the hunter with speed, leech, and avoidance.

To start, yes this is a lot of nerfs and removals. On the surface, this can easily look like a bad thing, and I don't blame you for jumping to that conclusion if you did. Likewise, I too am an advocate against homogenization in most cases, since dumbing things down tends to be a net negative all around. I feel as these are justified however as many pets feel useless now (and for a while, too). While it's worded differently, you can think of pets' specializations mainly remaining the same, but removing the active buttons and giving Tenacity access to the third tertiary stat.

Regarding pet families, this is the biggest change. The removal of pet family abilities definitely sounds bad, but if you think about it, what are we losing? 20+ spells that do the exact same thing. While abilities were fairly spread between families and specializations, many were either less viable or downright useless, while some stood at the peak like Olympian gods (Blood of the Rhino and Spirit Mend, obviously). So, let's balance the playing field by simply removing all of them and giving the best to everyone; a triggered defensive ability. This is a substantial defensive option, as it lets pets survive harder mechanics or bigger damage intake with ease. This would give much-needed survivability to the dozens of pets who are not blessed with it already, and would make every pet just as likely to survive encounters. Rest would also be given to every pet, which is a substantial heal over time that you can use in tandem with Mend Pet and Camouflage to quickly get your pet back in the fight. Then there's Trick, which is clearly the meta choice.

These changes would be balanced with the hunter as well. The abilities Master's Call, Primal Rage, or Fortitude of the Bear made no real sense being tied to pets, as they are abilities the hunter uses rather than the pets. YOU call your pet to your side, YOU scream bloody murder, and YOU flex your absolutely magnificent muscles. Your pet doesn't call itself, doesn't scream, and doesn't have a glorious physique. Much like Skyriding's choice nodes for Ride Along and Whirling Surge/Lightning Rush, having the three abilities tied to a choice node that's detached from the talent tree and available to hunters of all three specializations feels like an organic choice. This puts the power in the player's hands, and gives a nice boost to the hunter's utility as a result, outside of raiding and M+ where you can't really choose to change back and forth constantly (except if you get someone else who can use Heroism/Bloodlust).

As a second thing I went and wrote up, I thought of a fun way to get some unique models (or just fun things) while making use of Blizzard's own bonus objective system. The short of it;

- Introduce Hemet Nesingwary XVII in various locations around Azeroth.
---- Yes, the one from Pandaria Remix.
- Hemet does not appear on the map as an objective. You have to find him.
- Objective starts when approaching Hemet.
- Step 1: turn on Track Humanoids. This causes you to see footprints.
- Step 2: Follow the tracks. Follow the trail to find a poacher.
- Step 3: Defeat the poacher. A friendly baby animal will appear from a nearby patch of grass or bush.
- Step 4: Cast beast lore on the animal to figure out what it is. It will say it's tameable.
- Step 5: Talk to the baby to escort it back to Hemet. You might have to whistle to get its attention along the way (extra action button).
- Step 6: The beast wants to join you, but it's too young to fight. Hemet will take it into the future, where it returns shortly as an adult.
- Step 7: Tame the newly grown up beast. It is only visible to you, and is neutral similar to Hati or the Exile's Reach hunter pets. The beast will be named "Trusty (beast)" when tamed, with (beast) being what it is.
- Progress is weekly. If you have a full stable, you can go off, empty your stable, forget the objective for a few days, remember it, and come back to finish it.
- You can repeat these little animal rescue events weekly, so you can tame two (or more) of the same beast if that's your jam.
- The objective is hidden until you speak to Hemet, so your log isn't filled with excess questing.

This is 100% an excuse to see new skins become tameable. I wrote a mockup for every pet family as well (with a few extra/bonus ones for fun), though it's a pretty lengthy list. I wanted to be detailed in my concept, but it ended up being a lot of writing lol. Be prepared if you want to read through it;

Code: Select all

Trusty Pet List
- Aqiri
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Kunchong
  - Location: Dread Wastes
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Blue Kunchong w/ Black Wings
- Basilisk
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Basilisk
  - Location: Southern Stranglethorn Vale
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Blue Basilisk w/Purple Fringes
- Bat
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Bat
  - Location: Vol'dun
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Green Bat w/ Dark Red Wings
- Bear
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Bear
  - Location: Mount Hyjal
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Hyjal Bear Cub"
  - Adult Model: Butterscotch Bear
- Beetle
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Stagshell
  - Location: Azj-Kahet
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Rak-Ush Battleshell"
  - Adult Model: Indigo Stagshell w/ Small Mandibles, Large Graspers, No Horn
- Bird of Prey
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Phoenix
  - Location: Zaralek Cavern
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Wakyn"
  - Adult Model: Blue Phoenix
- Blood Beast
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Crawg
  - Location: Nazmir
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Baby Crawg"
  - Adult Model: Green Crawg
- Blood Beast
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Tick
  - Location: Nazmir
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Glutted Bleeder"
  - Adult Model: Red Blood Tick
- Boar
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Pig
  - Location: Drustvar
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Drustvar Piglet"
  - Adult Model: Black Pig
- Camel
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Alpaca
  - Location: Vol'dun
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Dottie"
  - Adult Model: Beige Alpaca w/ Harness
- Carapid
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Gorm
  - Location: Ardenweald
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Decay Grub"
  - Adult Model: Green Gorm
- Carrion Bird
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Teroclaw
  - Location: Isle of Thunder
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Ji-Kun Hatchling"
  - Adult Model: Red & Black Teroclaw
- Cat
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Nightsaber
  - Location: Darkshore (Past)
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Nightsaber Cub"
  - Adult Model: Black-Striped Black Saber Cat
- Chimera
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Rylak
  - Location: Gorgrond
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Red & Yellow Rylak
- Clefthoof
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Clefthoof
  - Location: Nagrand (Outland)
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Red Clefthoof
- Core Hound
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Core Hound
  - Location: Burning Steppes
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Core Hound Pup"
  - Adult Model: Orange Core Hound
- Courser
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Cloudracer
  - Location: Bastion
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Indigo"
  - Adult Model: Blue-White Bastion Dreamrunner
- Crab
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Hermit
  - Location: Nazjatar
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Red Hermit Crab w/ Orange & Black Shell
- Crocolisk
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Crocolisk
  - Location: Loch Modan
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Chuck"
  - Adult Model: Grey Crocolisk
- Devilsaur
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Devilsaur
  - Location: Isle of Thunder
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Darting Hatchling"
  - Adult Model: Light Brown Devilsaur
- Direhorn
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Direhorn
  - Location: Zuldazar
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Tiny Direhorn"
  - Adult Model: Brown Direhorn
- Dragonhawk
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Dragonhawk
  - Location: Ghostlands
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Yellow & Pink Dragonhawk
- Feathermane
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Gryphon
  - Location: The Hinterlands
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Gryphon Hatchling"
  - Adult Model: Brown Gryphon
- Feathermane
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Wyvern
  - Location: Thousand Needles
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Wind Rider Cub"
  - Adult Model: Grand Brown Wyvern
- Fox
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Vulpin
  - Location: Ardenweald
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Renny"
  - Adult Model: Dark Red Vulpin
- Gorilla
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Gorilla
  - Location: Southern Stranglethorn Vale
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Bananas"
  - Adult Model: Black Gorilla
- Goat
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Goat
  - Location: Kun-Lai Summit
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Red Goat
- Hopper
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Bullfrog
  - Location: Nazmir
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Spawn of Krag'wa"
  - Adult Model: Green Loa Toad
- Hound
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Bakar
  - Location: Ohn'Aran Plains
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Miloh"
  - Adult Model: Black Bakar w/ Spikes
- Hydra
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Lanticore
  - Location: Blackrock Mountain (inside the mountain)
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Chimaeron
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Hyena
  - Location: Northern Barrens
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Brown Hyena
- Lesser Dragonkin
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Swog
  - Location: Waking Shores
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Crimson Swoglet"
  - Adult Model: Red Hornswog
- Lesser Dragonkin
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Cloud Serpent
  - Location: Jade Forest
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon"
  - Adult Model: Heavenly Green Cloud Serpent
- Lizard
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Saurolisk
  - Location: Tiragarde Sound
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Scaley"
  - Adult Model: Green Saurolisk
- Mammoth
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Mammoth
  - Location: Brewfest
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm"
  - Adult Model: Pink Elekk
- Mechanical
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Mechanocat
  - Location: Mechagon
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Blue-Black Mechanical Tiger
- Monkey
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Monkey
  - Location: Westfall
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Grey Monkey with Fez
- Moth
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Silkwing
  - Location: Valley of the four Winds
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Imperial Moth"
  - Adult Model: Red Moth w/ Blue Wings
- Oxen
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Yak
  - Location: Kun-Lai Summit
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Muskpaw Calf"
  - Adult Model: Tan Yak
- Pterrordax
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Pterrordax
  - Location: Un'Goro Crater
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Grey Pterrordax
- Raptor
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Raptor
  - Location: Northern Stranglethorn Vale
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Lashtail Hatchling"
  - Adult Model: Red Raptor
- Raptor
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Fossil
  - Location: Wetlands
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Fossilized Hatchling"
  - Adult Model: Bronze Skeletal Raptor
- Ravager
  - Tamed Name: Trusty 
  - Location: Bloodmyst Isle
  - Baby Model: Green, Purple & Rose Ravager
  - Adult Model: Green, Purple & Rose Dire Ravager
- Ray
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Skyfin
  - Location: Eredath
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Orange Mana Ray
- Riverbeast
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Riverbeast
  - Location: Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor)
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Periwinkle Calf"
  - Adult Model: Dark Brown Riverbeast
- Rodent
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Mole
  - Location: Ringing Deeps
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Guacamole"
  - Adult Model: Green Mole w/ Trefoil Nose, Tusks, Leg Spikes
- Rodent
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Ottuk
  - Location: Azure Span
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Luvvy"
  - Adult Model: Brown Ottuk
- Scalehide
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Thunder Lizard
  - Location: Ohn'Aran Plains
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Hoofhelper"
  - Adult Model: Green Primal Thunder Lizard w/ Regular Horn, Regular Plates & Tail Spikes
- Scorpid
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Scorpid
  - Location: Tanaan Jungle
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Emerald Scorpion
- Serpent
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Cobra
  - Location: Zaralek Cavern
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Purple Magma Cobra
- Shale Beast
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Shale Beast
  - Location: Deepholm
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Azerite Shale Worm
- Spider
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Tarantula
  - Location: Azj-Kahet
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Jump Jump"
  - Adult Model: Purple Tarantula
- Spirit Beast
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Devourer
  - Location: Revendreth
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Dark Devourer Scavenger
- Sporebat
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Sporebat
  - Location:
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Blue Draenor Sporebat
- Stag
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Dreamstag
  - Location: The Emerald Dream
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Leyhart"
  - Adult Model: Dark Brown Dreamstag w/ Large Antlers
- Stag
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Vorquin
  - Location: Thaldrazus
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Time-Lost Vorquin Foal"
  - Adult Model: Olive Vorquin
- Stag
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Moose
  - Location: Highmountain
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Baby Elderhorn"
  - Adult Model: Tan Elderhorn
- Stag
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Reindeer
  - Location: Winter Veil
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Gleamhoof Fawn"
  - Adult Model: Red-Nosed Winter Veil Stag
- Stone Hound
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Quilen
  - Location: Kun-Lai Summit
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Lucky Quilen Cub"
  - Adult Model: Brown Quilen
- Tallstrider
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Hornstrider
  - Location: Ohn'Aran Plains
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Pink Hornstrider w/ Regular Horns
- Turtle
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Turtle
  - Location: Krasarang Wilds
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Olive Dragon Turtle
- Warp Stalker
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Warp Stalker
  - Location: Terorkar Forest
  - Baby Model: Turquoise Warp Stalker
  - Adult Model: Turquoise Warp Stalker (Rugged)
- Wasp
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Cinderbee
  - Location: Isle of Dorn
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Blue Cinderbee w/ Front Antennae
- Water Strider
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Water Strider
  - Location: Zangarmarsh
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: White Fen Strider
- Waterfowl
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Duck
  - Location: Waking Shores
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Mallard Duckling"
  - Adult Model: Green & Brown Duck
- Wind Serpent
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Wind Serpent
  - Location: Spires of Arak
  - Baby Model: Same as Adult
  - Adult Model: Blood Wind Serpent
- Wolf
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Frostwolf
  - Location: Frostfire Ridge
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Frostwolf Pup"
  - Adult Model: Silver Maned Wolf 
- Wolf
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Cinder Wolf
  - Location: Gorgrond
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Cinder Pup"
  - Adult Model: Fiery Maned Wolf
- Worm
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Jawcrawler
  - Location: Azj-Kahet
  - Baby Model: Resembles the battle pet "Common Ploughworm"
  - Adult Model: Brown Jawcrawler w/ Stunted Graspers
- Blood Beast or Worm
  - Tamed Name: Trusty Blood Worm
  - Location: Nazmir
  - Baby Model: Red & White Grub
  - Adult Model: Blood Worm


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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by PrimalTazza »

The Brunnhildar weapons offer a source of guaranteed frost damage and are simply bought from a vendor after a short questline. Giving chimaeras frost damage sounds cool but seeing as frost damage would ignore armor it would automatically make them the best pet for DPS.

I do kind of want exotic beasts to go away, but I feel like they'd have to give BM hunters something in return. I also understand why exotics exist, however, and am slightly biased as I haven't wanted to play BM since Legion and some of my favorite pets in my stable are exotic.


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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Umbriel of Halaa »

I continue to stand by everything here, although I have since concluded that pretty much every pre-MoP pet needs a model update. Add the Springloaded Tabby, Pureblooded Cloud Serpent, bloodfeaster larvae, and those cute ferrets on the Isle of Dorn to the list, too. And I want the rest of the moles, stormrooks, and lynxes.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Delphinie »

Don't know if anyone has suggested it or not yet but can we get a better drop rate on the fresh taulbuk meat? Or one of each of the panthara colors be available to tame with out it?
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by lane13 »

Hi all. Very long time lurker (at least since the original WotlK days, probably before). I apologize in advance if this is not the proper place to post it but I do know that a dev used to check this thread in the past. Since I assume this might still be the case, I'd like to provide some pet-related suggestions:

1. Implement a toggle for flying pets so that their idle or fighting stance is either grounded or flying (if applicable). I've recently discovered that hippogryphs are always grounded when fighting as pets when gryphons and wyverns still fly as they've always done. It's a bit weird and sad to me that hippogryphs don't fly anymore and so I'd like to have an option of this kind.

2. Introduce whelps and drakes as tameable pets. I think this has been a topic before but I would really like to have the ability to tame them. Lore-wise, the process of acquiring the skill to do so can reference the fact that we're befriending these dragonkin and not strictly taming them, considering their intelligence.

They could be part of a different family for this purpose or join into a common dragonkin family with the current lesser dragonkin. I suppose that proto dragons could also be another possibility, although I'm personally more interested in whelps and drakes in particular.

Besides the basic dragonflights, others such as the Nether, Infinite, or the azure versions of the blues could also be available for taming.

3. Let us tame aquatic beasts. Battle pets with personal bubbles already exist and while it would probably be a bit cluttery to have every aquatic pet in a bubble, the skill/item that would allow us to tame aquatic beasts could easily reference the fact that they're able to exist outside of the water due to magic or other means. When fighting on land, they could just float as they do in the water with, perhaps, small bubbly/watery vfx around/below their model.

I propose this suggestion because I love threshers and I'd love to be able to tame them but other options such as fish, frenzy or sharks should also be made possible, in my opinion.

That would be all.

Thank you for reading.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Firesighn »

lane13 wrote: Sat Nov 30, 2024 8:51 pm ...

2. Introduce whelps and drakes as tameable pets. I think this has been a topic before but I would really like to have the ability to tame them. Lore-wise, the process of acquiring the skill to do so can reference the fact that we're befriending these dragonkin and not strictly taming them, considering their intelligence.

They could be part of a different family for this purpose or join into a common dragonkin family with the current lesser dragonkin. I suppose that proto dragons could also be another possibility, although I'm personally more interested in whelps and drakes in particular.

Besides the basic dragonflights, others such as the Nether, Infinite, or the azure versions of the blues could also be available for taming.

3. Let us tame aquatic beasts. Battle pets with personal bubbles already exist and while it would probably be a bit cluttery to have every aquatic pet in a bubble, the skill/item that would allow us to tame aquatic beasts could easily reference the fact that they're able to exist outside of the water due to magic or other means. When fighting on land, they could just float as they do in the water with, perhaps, small bubbly/watery vfx around/below their model.

I propose this suggestion because I love threshers and I'd love to be able to tame them but other options such as fish, frenzy or sharks should also be made possible, in my opinion.

That would be all.

Thank you for reading.
2. honestly it particularly bugs me with the protodrakes bc they get treated like other wildlife in the Dragon Isles. I'm sorry but we need to "cull" them for their own good in a reserve but you still think they have the same intelligence as dragons? would u do that to dragons? widen that pet pool, please.

3. threshers are my favorite sharks I was ecstatic to see them even if I couldn't tame them. like u mentioned something other than a huge bubble maybe just some kind of "buff" that u can see when u check the pet that is like "surrounded by a thin layer of water" or something. maybe it occasionally drips water. maybe they can afford the hunter water breathing?

on my own note, PLEASE let us tame the beavers from Pandaria. I was baffled when I saw they weren't included in rodents when the new beavers are.

mustelid family for ottuks and skunks. otters and skunks are more closely related to cats than rodents. yadda yadda fantasy animal trees but hyenas aren't included in the hound or wolf family (they are also more closely related to cats but most closely related to mongooses so GOOD) and gorillas and monkeys are in different families and there are 3 separate canid families (fox, hound, wolf) so why are the otter analogues and skunk in the rodent family? we have even smaller pet groups than that would be which leads to...

show smaller pet families some love (including updating models).

a way to keep an aura on pets that have an aura. I still have my flaming pig and oily bird, please include some way to do this, even if it's a workaround like we found before or some kind of special tame book. idk, there are some pets with cool auras that I would like to keep somehow.

aberrations! there are some really cool aberrations, add a book or something like undead and mechanical.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

Coming in 2025 with a spicy suggestion; new turtles, but they have shells you'd find on crabs or snails instead. Made a sloppy photoshop edit of what I mean. I want a turtle with
Shell Yeah, Brother!
Shell Yeah, Brother!
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by worgpower »

Now that patch 11.1 is on ptr, and given the fact we have some cool new pets, but the current added looks are lacking in 11.1, here’s older beasts that should be tameable, a few new families, some suggestions for existing beasts, and a few family renames (since switching specializations are returning, it doesn’t matter which spec they start with)

Move all the snails from carapids to a new non exotic Gastropod family - give it a slowing ability, make them tenacity, this also adds the old snails and all the slugs to this family.

Move wind riders and slyverns into a new wyvern family, add razorwings from korthia into here, give it a regular defense ability, make them ferocity

Move ottuks, skunks, and marsuuls into a new weasel family, adds ferrets into the family. make them cunning, give them a dodge ability

Move silkworms/caterpillars from worms into a new grub family, adding normal, fanged, and Argus grubs, give them a mortal wounds ability, make them tenacity.

Make skeleton horses tameable under coursers, there’s a few npcs in karazhan, Shadowfang keep, and netherstorm that should be ours to tame

Make Soul Eaters from the maw, both winged and without, tameable under warp stalkers, rename the family into Phase Beast

Make feywings in draenor tameable under the lesser dragonkin family, add in a new npc that has all three colors to let hunters tame

Add a tameable whimsydrake npc with a bunch of random variants and colors to it, similar to how aradan works, and put it under lesser dragonkin

Make Spirit of Ha’khalan tameable again, if we can tame spirit of atha, we can have ha’khalan too.

Switch the abyssal devourer rare from black to the unused azure color, makes the npc stand out and makes it worth taming.

Make the wild Firecats, or cinderclaws in the emerald dream tameable, we have tameable fire scorpions and ravens, this would make a fine addition to the cat family

Make Darkshadow the omen and Shimmerwing from island expeditions tameable under wind serpents, it not only has a unique effect, but it uses a classic model

Make the stormtouched pridetalon in siren isle tameable

Make Tempest Talon in siren isle tameable

Make Otiosen in zereth mortis tameable under the lizard family

Make deepflayers, with wings or without, in the ringing deeps and Zaralek cavern tameable under the bat family

Make Sandskim serpents in zereth mortis tameable, adding the 4th and special hooded variant

Make enhanced avians in zereth mortis tameable, adding the golden variant

Make the mechanical parrots tameable under mechanicals, there’s attackable npcs named B.I.R.D and Premium Surveillance B.I.R.D in the undermine(d) questline, add attackable npcs not specific to the questline in either undermine or Kaja’Coast

Add the Scarlet/dark peafowl variant to Infected peafowls in isle of dorn.

Make wilderlings tameable, under the wolf family. A few random wild npcs which are Brilliant Wildclaw, Young wildclaw, and Twilight Wilderling were added into ardenweald on patch 9.1.5, but were never flagged tameable like aquilons and corpseflies

Add more color and armor variants to Watchful hyenas in undermine

Give Nesting rats all the other colors except for the radioactive green

Lastly, give us a way to tame Grong the Revenant for the horde and Grong for the alliance
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by Bunny._.Harvestman »

worgpower wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 1:52 am Now that patch 11.1 is on ptr, and given the fact we have some cool new pets, but the current added looks are lacking in 11.1, here’s older beasts that should be tameable, a few new families, some suggestions for existing beasts, and a few family renames (since switching specializations are returning, it doesn’t matter which spec they start with)

Move all the snails from carapids to a new non exotic Gastropod family - give it a slowing ability, make them tenacity, this also adds the old snails and all the slugs to this family.

Move wind riders and slyverns into a new wyvern family, add razorwings from korthia into here, give it a regular defense ability, make them ferocity

Move ottuks, skunks, and marsuuls into a new weasel family, adds ferrets into the family. make them cunning, give them a dodge ability

Move silkworms/caterpillars from worms into a new grub family, adding normal, fanged, and Argus grubs, give them a mortal wounds ability, make them tenacity.

Make skeleton horses tameable under coursers, there’s a few npcs in karazhan, Shadowfang keep, and netherstorm that should be ours to tame

Make Soul Eaters from the maw, both winged and without, tameable under warp stalkers, rename the family into Phase Beast

Make feywings in draenor tameable under the lesser dragonkin family, add in a new npc that has all three colors to let hunters tame

Add a tameable whimsydrake npc with a bunch of random variants and colors to it, similar to how aradan works, and put it under lesser dragonkin

Make Spirit of Ha’khalan tameable again, if we can tame spirit of atha, we can have ha’khalan too.

Switch the abyssal devourer rare from black to the unused azure color, makes the npc stand out and makes it worth taming.

Make the wild Firecats, or cinderclaws in the emerald dream tameable, we have tameable fire scorpions and ravens, this would make a fine addition to the cat family

Make Darkshadow the omen and Shimmerwing from island expeditions tameable under wind serpents, it not only has a unique effect, but it uses a classic model

Make the stormtouched pridetalon in siren isle tameable

Make Tempest Talon in siren isle tameable

Make Otiosen in zereth mortis tameable under the lizard family

Make deepflayers, with wings or without, in the ringing deeps and Zaralek cavern tameable under the bat family

Make Sandskim serpents in zereth mortis tameable, adding the 4th and special hooded variant

Make enhanced avians in zereth mortis tameable, adding the golden variant

Make the mechanical parrots tameable under mechanicals, there’s attackable npcs named B.I.R.D and Premium Surveillance B.I.R.D in the undermine(d) questline, add attackable npcs not specific to the questline in either undermine or Kaja’Coast

Add the Scarlet/dark peafowl variant to Infected peafowls in isle of dorn.

Make wilderlings tameable, under the wolf family. A few random wild npcs which are Brilliant Wildclaw, Young wildclaw, and Twilight Wilderling were added into ardenweald on patch 9.1.5, but were never flagged tameable like aquilons and corpseflies

Add more color and armor variants to Watchful hyenas in undermine

Give Nesting rats all the other colors except for the radioactive green

Lastly, give us a way to tame Grong the Revenant for the horde and Grong for the alliance
I would also add to move mechanical beasts into their respective 'family'. I would love for my gnomes to get Aquilons as robotic feathermanes with feather fall.
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Re: Suggestions for our Lurker.. ;)

Unread post by worgpower »

I got some suggestions for glyphs and changes for the pack leader hero specialization and one other

Glyph of the Pack - Call of the Pack now summons your stabled pets instead of Rexxar’s pets. (Similar to how dire stable glyph works)

This will not be easy to code in, but since we want our stables pets to play a bigger role than just waiting to be used. Summoning a boar and a bear randomly takes the appearance of one of your ground pets. Summoning the wyvern should summon a random flying pet. This is a weird suggestion since the boar and wyvern are just animations

Next idea should be to bring back Den Recovery, this talent was extremely useful in situations with delves and times where exhilaration was far from ready to use and using turtle and survival of the fittest saved my life numerous times, we were given a new turtle talent, but the damage reduction is extremely small and it’s still bad regardless of how much health you lose.

Lastly, change Crab’s pin from a channel to a normal slow, it loses dps and slows are super useful in all content I shouldn’t disable it, they cast pin back to back, it makes them a worse slow pet than all of the others, if they got a normal slow they will be more viable
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