Patch 11.1

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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by worgpower »

Here I just can’t wait, here’s my 11.1 hunter pet wishlist

I didn’t realize how lacking the amount of new models are added after making this list. The new models are exciting to tame and do have a ton of colors, never seen a mob with 35 variants until 11.1 which is nuts. I’m not too upset since the return of specialization switching which will allow me to change all my pet specs for any situation with whatever model I want. Plus online guides will have to change up their pet recommendations once 11.1 drops
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Wain »

Yeah, close to the date I’ll have to (happily) undo all the family spec stuff on Petopia - after all these years! I’ll still keep track of their default specs, but that’s all we’ll need.

I’m just spending the night in hospital after my surgery but it all looks good and I’ll be home tomorrow (just a minor hernia repair I had to get done at some stage).
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by worgpower »

Their default specs can still be kept on the website to prevent confusion, the pet specialization page could be changed. Other sites like wowhead and icyveins will definitely change their version of a pet guide. Wishing you a smooth recovery Wain
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Jangalian »

Wain wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 9:42 am Yeah, close to the date I’ll have to (happily) undo all the family spec stuff on Petopia - after all these years! I’ll still keep track of their default specs, but that’s all we’ll need.

I’m just spending the night in hospital after my surgery but it all looks good and I’ll be home tomorrow (just a minor hernia repair I had to get done at some stage).
I hope it goes well, get well soon!
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Valnaaros »

So, I was able to tame the Blazefeather Peacock!


The one that is spawned via the quest is still untamable. This one can only be obtained after the questline is complete. As you can see, it does retain its name and it also makes sounds when you click on it.

However, there is a catch to it: you go back to the NPC that originally spawned it for the quest, and for him to spawn the npc that is tamable, you have to pay him 500,000 gold. There is no way around this or to get a discount, at least as far as I can tell. Once you have paid the gold, you can summon as many of them as you want, and other players cannot see it so there isn't the threat of someone else taming it or killing it. But yes, it is an extremely expensive pet to tame.
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Delphinie »

On the Blazefeather does the payment count for alts?
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

Hold on, I suggested something like this in the past back in Shadowlands. Pay an NPC to spawn a tameable pet only you can see. That price is atrocious though. The monkey paw worked its magic I see... sad.

EDIT: How do you even get the quest? I don't see it or its prerequisites.


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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I don’t know if it counts for alts. I’ll test that out later.

You have to progress far enough into the campaign in order for the questline to become available.
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by worgpower »

Yay, new peacock color, no! atrocious gold price, the fact this is more expensive than the marsh hopper mounts and the same price as the white direhorn is crazy
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Wain »

I've added the Patch 11.1 pet guide to the menus so it can be easily accessed. I still need to do a lot more work on the page, but at least it's linked.
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by DannyGreen »

Not to be dismissive of it but I'd keep the specs. You never know when they might decide to turn it back to families again.
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Maizou »

DannyGreen wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:57 pm Not to be dismissive of it but I'd keep the specs. You never know when they might decide to turn it back to families again.
If I recall, the last time they put them back, they changed most of the families pets belonged to. Like Cranes were Ferocity and now are Cunning, if I recall as an example.

Which is one of the reasons a lot of us think family locking pets is stupid - even Blizzard couldn't agree on what families some species belong in lol.
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Talihawk »

omg you are kidding please? We have to PAY gold? an outrageous amount of gold to tame a pet now? Good gawd. I know it's a Goblin city but sheesh. It was bad enough the locked one behind a Mythic raid! Next thing you know they'll be putting them on the Blizzard Shop. :(

please tell me you are kidding !
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by worgpower »

It should be brought down to a more casual price, in the small thousands or the hundreds. I could get a lot of mounts for that amount of gold which is actual progression. It’s very frustrating to give a hunter pet that price, most casual players won’t tame one if it stays that way
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Wain »

DannyGreen wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:57 pm Not to be dismissive of it but I'd keep the specs. You never know when they might decide to turn it back to families again.
I'll still be tracking the default spec that a family comes as, I just won't be making as big of a deal of family specs in the text :)
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by Jangalian »

I can't say I agree with the trend of gatekeeping pets behind raids or money, that feels rather against the hunter mythos as a whole.
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Re: Patch 11.1

Unread post by worgpower »

The blazefeather peacock should cost at least 500 or 5000 gold at least, that’s a more reasonable amount of gold to pay compared to the 500,000. The hefty amount of gold could be invested better in mounts like Marsh hoppers, and even others like bfa pathfinder mounts and the palehide direhorn
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