Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Acherontia wrote:

For TygerDarkstorm:

Bioluminescent Pets!


Green Nether Ray, Blue Sporebat, Green Firefly!

I'll get on these after I get off work. ^_^

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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TygerDarkstorm wrote:
Acherontia wrote:

For TygerDarkstorm:

Bioluminescent Pets!


Green Nether Ray, Blue Sporebat, Green Firefly!

I'll get on these after I get off work. ^_^
Hee, how funny! Kalliope actually has all three of those pets. Looking forward to the review!

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Vephriel »

Eep, so sorry for the delay on my report, it was a crazy weekend. :lol:

For my challenge I had Creatures of the Northern Woods:
Acherontia wrote:ImageImageImageImageImage
Gazini opted to search for the worg as her first tame, as she was near The Hinterlands anyways and enjoyed visiting Revantusk Village. She took her raptor and ventured forth on the forest road, keeping her eyes peeled for the first spec of grey fur.

She did not need to travel far before the beast materialized before her, ghostly white against the rich greenery in the background.

The Mangy Silvermane rounded upon her immediately, sizing up the intruder and preparing to defend his territory. She admired the dauntless ferocity, feeling a connection to him already.

It did not take long for her to calm the magnificent creature, reassuring him that she was no threat and instead was impressed by his attitude and wished for him to accompany her.

The worg must have sensed her strong spirit and will, for he acquiesced and stood proudly by her side.

Together they surveyed the surroundings, getting to know one another and claiming the area for themselves.

Gazini was drawn to a site of ancient Troll relics, bursting into ritualistic dance to savor the atmosphere.


Though she prefers beast of the scale, this wolf certainly had a spark to him that intrigues her, and he may be remaining in her stable line up.

As for the model itself, I was rather fond of the warm colouration and surprisingly intricate tones. This wasn't just a simple, flat grey. It had an appealling gradient from dark to light, and in certain lighting took on almost amber hues. Unfortunately the worgs still suffer from the blatant outlining of their fur. It's a shame since it detracts from their appearance so much.

Another thing I noticed while running is a very obvious triangle shape that juts out from below their tail. One of those "can't unsee" things, but I can live with it.

After the successful acquisition of the wolf, Gazini's next stop was in Loch Modan for a red fox.

They spent some time in quiet contemplation, though she could already tell there was no connection.

She tried to bond with the animal, and they ran around for a while but to no avail.

The model is nice enough in colour. I like the contrasting green eyes, though once again I have a hard time overlooking the animation quirks while running.

He had an inquisitive nature, but overall the personality was not suited to my Troll at all.

It just so happened that the Golden Eagles were right by the foxes, so it was easy to track them down and tame one.


The distaste for the eagle was almost palpable as Gazini stared at the bird.

She has no love for birds, being a Darkspear, and the companionship between them was like opposing magnets.

Needless to say, the bird did not stay long and was quickly released, much to its relief. It had little love for the Troll either. The model has a nice butterscotch tone to it, though in watching the animations for a bit I noticed something aggravating. When looking at it from this angle, just before it brings its wings down for a flap, there is the slightest stutter in the animation. Almost as if a frame is missing or they did not fluidly connect the start and end of the flapping. Either way, once I noticed it and stared I could see this little hiccup with every flap and it bothered me. x)

Setting her course for Ashenvale, Gazini's next search turned out to be a frustrating one. She was after the dark brown Ashenvale Bear, but it turns out that there are almost none of them to be found in the zone anymore. I must have spent a good 20 minutes visiting the areas marked on Wowhead, and not seeing a single one. I went back and forth between areas, nearly about to give up, when suddenly while on a taxi flight I moused-over one of my beast trackings and saw it. Then I had to race all the way back to the area I had been flying over until I finally found the one, single brown bear. Unfortunately it seems as though most of his screenshots disappeared, but I did still have the initial taming one. I really like the dark brown model, it's a lovely chocolaty colour. Gazini and the bear got along well enough, but he wasn't quite right for her. She let him return to his hiding place, most likely to further aggravate hunters after his colour. xD

Finally it was down to the last pet, a cougar from Mulgore.


Cat? What cat? >.>

I find that this model is definitely under-appreciated by most people (myself included). I can't remember when I've actually seen someone with one as a pet. Gazini certainly warmed up to the cat though, even though her stables already had a few other types.

She enjoyed the time spent with him, and they had a nice day running through the grassy plains.

I'm generally not a fan of the plain cougar skin, though I admit it looked very nice in its home surroundings. I couldn't help but feel a sort of smug happiness emanating from him for the duration of the challenge, as though glad that someone noticed him and was giving him a trial run, and having a chance to show his merit.

He didn't become a permanent pet for her, but she respected the soft spoken feline and did feel a small bond with him. I have a stronger liking to that model now, and perhaps I'll pick one up in the future on an alt.

I had a lot of fun doing this, thanks for the challenge Acherontia! And Gazini even ended up with a pet that may be staying forever, who knows. :D
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I tamed a cougar from the barrens as part of the single pet challenge a while back, killed me to give her up for Duskstalker so I plan to get her back on another hunter.

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

K, Bioluminescent Pets this time around.

And all of them are pets I would never normally tame. XD Anywho, on to the reviews.

First up is the green nether ray, Predator.

I had one of these guys as a single pet challenge; I think they're really pretty. They're coloring is just beautiful. They have a silver and blue base with green stripes and highlighting, and yellow...eyes?...and underbelly. Their underbelly also has little blue particles falling from it.
He has both real teeth, and picture ones. I think the biggest goof with the model is that the little spiky things that are on the sides of his jaw; they go out to the side, and then down, and the side parts disappear into his flaps when he's facing forward.

And...shamelessly ninjaing my ability report from the single pet challenge thread. >_>
This guy's animations are very cute. I love the little squish squish flap they do when idle and flying. When fighting, they do a basic bite motion, as well as smacking things with their tail. I tried to get a good screenie of it, but sadly none of them came out looking good.

These guys are quiet when idle (good if you dislike loud pets) and make this funny little squish-roar noise when they go in combat (I'm not sure how else to describe it).

Their special ability is a spell interrupt with a two second school silence on a 40 second cooldown. Leaving it on autocast unfortunately means that the nether ray will use it as it's opening ability and completely waste it. If you're into micro-managing pet abilities, I could totally seeing this being a very useful pet.

Second is Trojan the sporebat (named after the condom and not the virus--I couldn't think of a non-perverted name for a sporebat, sorry >_<).

Sporebats are...really weird looking. I keep staring at its...face?...wondering if those two glowy blobs are eyes. His colors are interesting; the blue with pink and green accents is really pretty and he drops little blue and pink particles. By biggest drawback with sporebats is that I cannot unsee their...unmentionables...after the "Cannot Unsee" thread. It's enough to keep me from perma-taming these guys.
Yeah...I think that's enough said about their looks. >_>

Animations wise...these guys just float there and wave their...tail...around, and they do this funny sort of head wave thing. They make no noise at your side, good news for pet owners who hate loud pets. When they fly, they sort of squish out like a pancake which is funny.

As to their special ability...I'd take a pass on the sporebat. Useful ability, bad way to use it in my opinion. Or rather, it's great in an ideal situation--being able to slow the casting speed of multiple mobs in one AoE ability. However, there are rarely groups with more than two caster mobs in them, and with Cata dungeons, a lot of times one or both casters are CC'd, eliminating this ability entirely. The other big issue I have with it is PvP; any smart player is going to see that spore cloud on the ground (it's very obvious) and get out of it ASAP if they value their casting time. I'd sooner bring a corehound or interrupt pet if I really needed to combat casters.

Third is Glowbug the yellow firefly wasp.

I'm usually one to hate the firefly models, but this girl is actually rather cute and pretty. Her carapace is this really neat golden-bronze color with black accents. Her eyes, butt and wings glow yellow-green. Her wings also have a really neat, layered color pattern to them, although it's hard to see since she's always fluttering them. :lol:
I see no hugely noticeable flaws with the model other than the typical low res claws.

Ninjaing my animations/ability report from Sorbet.
These guys are pretty active so if you're looking for a quiet pet to stand by your side, a wasp is probably not for you. I love the humming sound there wings make, almost seems kind of relaxing. They're not noisy fighters either, making standard silithid noises.

I could see the two second stun being kind of useful (being BM puts it at a 31.5 second CD), but situational, I think as its stun would put DR up for intimidation and any other stun your team in PvP might use. It might be useful in PvE to help try and peel a stray mob off a healer or squishy DPS.

I won't be keeping any of these pets. I'm sure great homes will be given to sporebats (I sadly have no love for them, sorry sporebat lovers) and nether rays. I like my moth's special better than the nether ray's and I have so much more love for her (moth's spell lock is 4 seconds instead of 2 but has a longer CD). /huggles Faerie

I think Sorbet fits Venjin better than Glowbug, although I did gain a new appreciation for the firefly wasp models.

Another go please.
Name and Level: Venjin, 80
Exotics: Yes
Pet Slots:
No Restrictions
Notes: I've had the Bug theme, Blue theme, Undead theme, Northern Reaches theme, Demon theme, and Bioluminescent theme.

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Cialbi »

Kalliope wrote:
Acherontia wrote:For Kalliope:

Gothic Pets!


Black Owl, Black Worg, Brown Bone Spider, Black Scorpid.

For a switch, I was tempted to assign you the Blackrock Battle Worg from Elwynn, and/or the Fjord Hawk from Howling Fjord, but that reaaaally doesn't seem fair for a Horde lvl 30 :lol:
I wrote and explored and took many screenshots....and ultimately, I ended up with a post that was likely to be too massive to post here. So I have my review up over on my blog: http://kallipets.blogspot.com/2011/02/r ... -pets.html. Hope that's okay! :D
Way to shamelessly plug for your blog :P
I'm giving you a bad time, naturally. Comment left over on the blog instead of here. Definitely worth the (lengthy!) read.
AKA Nazthandol, in <Petopians> (US)

Cute doesn't need an explanation.

Avatar by LupisDarkmoon, and image caption by Kurasu. Thanks!

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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Not a shameless plug, honest. T_T I just really REALLY didn't want to do all the reformatting again, since it took me hours to put the original post together. :/

Thanks again, Ach, for a perfect assignment! :D I'll request a new set after the patch sometime. :)

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Vephriel »

Cialbi wrote:Way to shamelessly plug for your blog :P
I'm giving you a bad time, naturally. Comment left over on the blog instead of here. Definitely worth the (lengthy!) read.
That's not a shameless plug. THIS is a shameless plug! Vephriel's Pet Journal :D

Lol, in all honesty it's Kalli's fault I started it. ;)
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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Good thing we have so many taming stories on our respective blogs or we'd have to berate ourselves for being utterly and completely off-topic! :lol:

(/not so subtle end derail)

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Comett »

When they fly, they sort of squish out like a pancake which is funny. -- Tyger, I think I love you. :P

I love these explanations. Awesome idea. I'm interested in a couple of these when servers are back up.

Name & Level: Tezzra, 54 (can go up to 60ish, though)
Exotics: Not high enough
Pet Slots: Unlimited
Restrictions: None
Armory Link/Screenshot (Optional): -
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Miraga »

So I had the reptile theme! I had lots of awesome pets to tame so I'm just going to link my screen shots! X]

First up I had the red devilsaur!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 223635.jpg

As you can see, he was NOT happy about being tamed. ;)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 223754.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 223756.jpg

He eventually settled down and decided I wasn't so bad! I really like his running animations. It feels very natural to me, I guess. Like it's how a dinosaur would have moved?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 231042.jpg

His eyes... ohmygosh. They're so BRIGHT and... green! A very piercing gaze and seeing those in PvP would just be terrifying... I think his gaze is much more scary than the white devilsaur I used to have.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 231100.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 231036.jpg

I took him out and really got a good look at him. Look at all these scars! This guy has had a pretty rough life! I had never noticed the deep, crisscrossing scars on his body before and I have him on my orc! I forgot to take a picture of him swimming but he has a really cute swimming animation. His stubby little arms will move like they're actually helping him! :lol:

Overall I really like this pet. His coloring doesn't work for me but he goes well with my orc and her red hair. While I was out waiting for this guy to spawn/step on me, I came across the black/blue devilsaur and I love it! I named her Mahdis, which means "moon-like." The servers are down and I forgot to get a SS of her but we go very well together! *devilsaur huggles* I'm glad I did this challenge because it lead me to my awesome devilsaur. :)

The next pet I had was the old school green crocolisk!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 202904.jpg

I had always wanted to try a crocolisk but had never actually gone out and gotten one, lol. I tamed the little guy and got a really good look at him.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 202942.jpg

I don't like his "chinese dragon" look to his face. It doesn't feel much like a real crocodile, although he is a croco-LISK lol. His swimming animations are the same as when he is in the water in the wild, so nothing too special there imo. I also don't like his square jaw, just another thing I don't like.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 202957.jpg

Now this may just be my crappy laptop settings but there were some obvious divisions into 3 parts on his back. This REALLY bothered me. You can also see how his more circular scales are blurred and misshappen.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 210713.jpg

We were waiting for a boat together and I noticed the really nice alternation of dark green and light green on his tail. I really liked how this looked and would tame this guy in a heartbeat if his whole body looked like that, even if I don't like his face.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 203105.jpg

He makes a nice tank pet, as his ankle crack comes in handy as a snare but I've found I haven't needed it too much since I can just pop a concussive shot if the mob is running away. I released him back into a marsh and he swam away happily... I think he had a mate back there because he seemed to lag a little by another croc. ;)

After the croc I had the purple serpent!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 205748.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 205752.jpg

I figured the easiest one for me to go out and tame was Venomtip and he is wayyyy bigger than I remember! :shock:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 205859.jpg

I tamed him without problem and he's quite feisty! He's also a pretty good size for being a pet.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 210023.jpg

Something I didn't like about him was how 2 dimensional his spike things were. In this photo I'm looking straight into the spike on his back and you can hardly see it.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 210033.jpg

Here's the one on his side and you can't really see this one either. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but it's something I really dislike about the model. With my pets, I like to be able to rotate and look at it from every angle and I've found I can't really do that with this pet.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 210039.jpg

I really really REALLY love the pattern on his tail! The white, purple and dark blue go great together and the white to pink gradient on his flap thing looks really nice.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 210136.jpg

heehee! I really like his swimming animation. He squishes himself out. :3

All in all, I like this serpent but the flaws I see in him are keeping me from making him a permanent member of my stables. While I may go get another serpent in the future, for now I let Venomtip go back into the wild to terrorize the Oracles!

End part 1!
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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Part 2!

This next pet was the dark green raptor.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 210136.jpg

Another very easy tame.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 203157.jpg


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 203158.jpg

Here he is right as I tamed him and you can see something that will bother me (I am so picky!). Look at his eyes. See how squinty they are?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 203251.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 221410.jpg

He has the most squinty eyes of all the raptors. You can see it on the main petopia site and compare it to the other raptors. The light blue raptor has really wide eyes so compare them and gah! Squinty vs. Surprised lol. He also has some tartar going on! lol.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 210846.jpg

Something else I hadn't noticed before is that this model doesn't have any bling! He has the gold bands but he has no beads or feathers so this can be a good pet for someone who doesn't like those blinged raptors. :lol:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 203402.jpg

Here we are patrolling Wetlands together. I really like this guy's coloring and his debuff is very useful, although I had yet to need one outside of a guild run. I don't really need him for soloing things as I have a tenacity pet so when I run 5 mans he's in my top 5 that I would bring along, even if I don't really use him.

After that I had the orange and red wind serpent.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 220243.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 220248.jpg

Simple tame and right outside an ally FP so easy to get to as well. The lighting in Feralas is terrible and doesn't really show you how pretty these guys are!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 220248.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 230938.jpg

The pattern on his back is just beautiful! I'm definitely guilty of standing there and just watching it. It's mesmerizing in a way.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 230926.jpg

Here you can see the divisions between his wing color and body color. I think it looks alright but I much prefer my wind serpents to be the same color. He's definitely unique and I've never seen someone with this particular wind serpent model. I mostly see the armored ones on my servers.

He's useful for SV because of his +magic damage buff but I'm not sure how useful he is for BM. His debuff could help me out and help out my arcane show but he isn't on my top list when I'm in BM spec.

I like wind serpents but just didn't really click with this guy. I guess it was mostly the color divisions and me being so damned picky. :oops:

End part 2! :P
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Miraga »

And now part 3! *drum roll*

Next up on my list was the orange-y turtle.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 204311.jpg

Here he is! Easy tame but I don't ever go to Hinterlands so I had to fly all the way there. :mrgreen:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 204339.jpg

I really don't have much to say about turtles. I don't like the model overall, even though his special ability is very useful. One thing I liked about this guy was his bright teal eyes. It made his face stand out much more. I don't really understand the spikes on his face lol.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 204523.jpg

I like how he's a total gigantic monster in BW!

I let this guy go. I'm not really a fan of the turtle model, old world or otherwise. Since his special ability is the same as the beetle, I've tamed a beetle and like him much better. :)

My FINAL pet was the red warpie!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 201339.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 201342.jpg

This guy is big in the wild... and I mean BIG. I thought he would be a normal size but oh man I thought he was going to eat me up!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 201349.jpg

Here we are post tame. I really like how he fits in with his environment. His colors match it PERFECTLY. I love how his eyes glow and how he moves his tail. I also really like his running animation. He wiggles a lot and I think it's really cute! :lol:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 202056.jpg
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v82/D ... 202112.jpg

I really liked this little guy. He seemed to have a lot of attitude! I also like how spikey and tough he looks. Unfortunately, I don't really have a use for his special ability. It's pretty much the same as the crocolisk special ability and I don't have much use for it. I much preferred his other special ability, the porting one. It made him an awesome tank. While I can see how some people can find his snare useful, I don't care for it much and ended up releasing this guy.

I'm done! :lol: Sorry for the spam! I just wanted to tame ALL of my assigned pets!! Thanks for the rolls, Acherontia! I had a lot of fun. :D
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Comett wrote:When they fly, they sort of squish out like a pancake which is funny. -- Tyger, I think I love you. :P
XD Haha, thanks. For some reason that was my first thought when I saw him fly. :P

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

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So I had Creatures of the Northern Woods! Being a creature of the Northern Woods myself this was a little extra fun, and I grabbed my 4 year old to go out into the wilds and help me tame these pets. We planned our route and she helped me spot them from the air and tame them. Since we tamed them all before naming them (and taking any pictures ><) I'll go in reverse order, starting with Flower, the tan fox, so named because my daughter saw some flowers on the ground while we were thinking of names :lol: .


I very much like the fox model, in fact after the sundering one of the first things I did was go out and tame three of them because I couldn't decide which color I liked best, including this one. This was not the one I decided on, however, since I feel that Haunt fits Meatha perfectly, his fur setting off her skin tones, and his eyes picking up the color of her hair.


compared to:


Anyway, I will not be keeping Flower, since I already have Haunt. Overall I really like using him, although his running after critters can be annoying at times. I love his animations, and I think he may have become my new favorite pet. His special is nice in that it helps keep his incoming damage low, and it feels like I don't have to heal him as much as my other ferocity pets, but I do have to remember to turn it off for certain quests or else we would forever be in combat (same as any aoe ability though).

Next up is Pasque:


My daughter wanted to name him "Tree" (for all the trees around us) but this time I didn't think it fit, and my husband suggested naming him after a tree instead. Being a tundra wolf (and since there are usually no trees in the tundra) I settled on Pasque, which is a lovely little lavender-gray colored flower from the tundra, and I think it fits him perfectly. I remember when Mania first posted about these wolves during Wrath beta and I thought they looked amazing, but sadly I can't get over how stiff their animations look. I think the positioning of his front legs is very awkward, and could have something to do with his odd animations.


Also, while his teeth are very nice and menacing, I can't imagine holding your mouth open like that all day would be terribly comfortable.


Again, I will not be keeping Pasque. We had a part-wolf growing up, and she was graceful, agile, and alert. This guy seems anything but, unfortunately. I like the special ability (and no micro-managing necessary yay!) and I think the wolf noises fit well, but when I find a wolf with a permanent home in my stables it will not be this model.

Next up we have Tiska, named for the female bald eagle at our zoo (she was injured to the point where she couldn't survive in the wild, so was given a home there):


I love the face on this bird for some reason, but I don't think I will keep her. She seems to fly really low to the ground, and her attack animation seems static in the legs, when it seems like she should be using those large claws to tear up the faces of her enemies, but maybe she did use them and I just didn't pay enough attention. Her special is best when micro-managed, and is hardly necessary for solo pve questing which is really all I do on my hunter. I also have a hard time making myself use cunning pets....simply for their method of happiness regen. I'm lazy I know. Its just that it seems like I have to make myself think about it and use it every so often regardless of happiness level of my pet, because there never seems to be something available to feed on when they need to. I know I can still carry around food, which I do for some odd reason, and I have the mend pet glyph, but it just feels high maintenance compared to ferocity and tenacity pets, who I never have to worry about feeding while actually out and killing things. I realize that with the mend pet glyph I probably would never even need to use carrion feeder due to healing in combat, but like I said it feels high maintenance and I don't really have enough cunning pet experience to actually know for sure. I'm hoping I find one I can fall in love with some day.

Next up we have Lynne (she is a lynx, I was feeling less than creative):


I like cats, and have always had one on my older night elf hunter. Their prowl ability + shadowmeld = win for someone who's guild note reads "probably afk" (at least before flying is/was available). For that reason I tried to use other kinds of pets on Meatha, at least until they started giving me agility :D . I like their animations, and their noises are fitting. I also love how much variety there is in the family with so many colors and models to choose from, just wish some of the other families shared in the love heh. I like the earthy tones of this model, although the green part in the middle of the eyes seems kind of odd to me, and makes it look cross-eyed. The red lynx just has pure yellow eyes and I like the way the red lynx looks next to Meatha better, which is why I already have Leuk.


compared to:


And last we have Apples:


My daughter and I were munching on some apple slices while naming our new pets, and the thought of naming him Apples amused me. Don't worry, I don't plan on having any pig roasts in the near future :twisted:. Anyway, this guy is adorable, his butt wiggle is probably one of the cutest pet animations in game. And the way he runs is super cute too:


Again, being a solo pve hunter I don't find much (any) use for his special. Not that I care to min/max on this toon so the special isn't terribly important, but it would be nice if he had some kind of tanking special, being a tenacity pet and all. I think I will hold onto him for awhile at least, but I might find myself clicking more with one of his differently-colored cousins.

All in all, even though I'm not keeping many of these pets I had a lot of fun going to get them and trying them out. I often feel like trying out a new pet, but have a hard time picking :? , so thanks for the challenge! I think I would like to try another if you have the time.

Name & Level: Meatha, level 84
Exotics: Yes
Pet Slots: 5
Restrictions: none
Additional Notes: already had creatures of the northern woods
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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Cialbi »

Well, Shorelfon isn't your typical hunter. For one, he's kinda lost it mentally. On top of that (or because of it :?), he's a demon hunter.pet
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/n ... fon/simple
Very nice. Maybe you could try smiling?

So, Acherontia decided that the best way to hunt demons - was with demons. Well, I figure that fighting fire with fire is right up Shorelfon's alley, so I accepted the challenge.

By coincidence, I already had tamed one of the pets given as part of the theme.
Sintalah, the hunter of Blood Elf Bandits (have yet to get that mask, though).
All ravagers have the same animations afaik. These buggers are surprisingly flexible, to a freakish extent:
Sintalah Idle1.jpg
Sintalah Idle1.jpg (56.81 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
That would be the ravager idle animation; the head is stretched to one side, with the quills on the back raised and quivering, then the head swivels to the other side for a stretch in the other direction.
To add on to that, he has an interesting run animation; bends his head down, and charges with his jaw dropped as if to impale something (your leg?) with those freakish teeth.
arrow indicates direction of travel
arrow indicates direction of travel
SintalahRun3.jpg (15.21 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
Unfortunately, this ravager is only a placeholder until I can tame one of these beauties:
TygerDarkstorm wrote:Image
I pointed out some differences between these two models (it's very subtle from a glance)
SintalahDiagram.jpg (61.73 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
  1. No glowing eyes
  2. Hideous teeth
  3. Fewer spikes; instead, you get a 2D patch of fur that is horribly done
  4. Different build to front legs
  5. No spikes on hind legs
I think my bias is pretty clear. Can't wait until Sintalah finally matures.

Now, my first assignment: a demon dog. Shorelfon will transform this beast into a true demon hounding dog one day. But, for now, he's blue.

Only had Silverpine Forest as an option. Shorelfon discovered that Crown Chemical goons had blocked the road to Aerie Peak with their level ?? undead selves. Gah! He also discovered that accepting a spirit rez from a certain GY in the Alterac Mountains is a very bad idea; you will be attacked by a nearby ogre almost instantly. That poor wisp was cursing out the Forsaken for utterly ruining Southshore for a while there as he struggled to escape the cycle of "Me smash puny Shorelfon!" :x
Somehow, Shorelfon made it, and tamed

Then, he realized that he still needed to learn how to have two active pets at one time, which meant no vampire bat for him this time. Well, at least he has a flypoint in Chillwind Camp now.
The taming of a corrupted raptor on Echo Isles (Ratchet is now very close to Durotar, which is quite convenient for one who already got that flypoint) and the aforementioned vampire bat went slowly, but uneventfully.

Took the pets down to the Scar of the Worldbreaker, or w/ever it is that divides the Badlands and Goodlands Loch Modan; it was dark and foreboding, and colors stood out very nicely. The above ravager pics were from the same area.

To start out with, let's look at Cyanide, the demon dog.
Very nicely done model - for the most part. The heel joint in the back legs (the joint that is often mistaken for the elbow/knee in a dog) looks liable to snap, it's so ridiculously thin.
Cyanide Profile.jpg
Cyanide Profile.jpg (38.54 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
Oh, and 2D pixel-mane is not a favorite of mine.
2D mane.jpg
2D mane.jpg (14.12 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
But, as anyone who ha ever owned one of these knows, they have the cute-puppy-bounce. I could only snap a screenshot of the landing, however.
HappyJump Landing.jpg
HappyJump Landing.jpg (26.94 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
Also, my attempts to show the smooth, agile running animation ended in a nasty faceplant :|
Gack.jpg (16.2 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
Cyanide is staying until I can tame a runed hound from WPL at long last.

Now, meet Kimthori.
Kimthori is a vampire bat. A very bloody vampire bat, and a very messy feeder at that! (WARNING: May be unsettling to those who don't like the sight of blood. It sure unsettles me)
Bloody Kimthori.jpg
Bloody Kimthori.jpg (31.18 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
I hate to be to brief on this model, but I don't really enjoy dwelling on it. It's enough that I went to the effort of taking and cropping that screenshot. Kimthori will be replaced, maybe with another bat, maybe not. All I know for certain is that next chance I get to log on, I'm getting rid of the bloody beast (no clue why the bat is still there, actually).

Finally, we have the as-of-yet unnamed raptor.
I really like this model after doing this challenge. My pictures of the running animation didn't turn out, but he seems to happy when running. I don't know how it seems different from normal raptors; maybe he has more bounce in his step?
Anyways, the details are very well done; you can look at this picture three times, and see something new every time.
Raptor details.jpg
Raptor details.jpg (69.3 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
As for the face, it may look goofy, but I think of it as akin to a helmet or steeltoe boot over his nose, providing protection.
Steeltoe Boot.jpg
Steeltoe Boot.jpg (10.32 KiB) Viewed 2367 times
Of all the pets in this challenge, this may be the only one I'll keep that I wasn't originally intent upon keeping.

Oh, and Acherontia, you may be interested to hear that Shorelfon found a Mudbelly Boar near the cultist encampment in the middle of the dried up Loch Modan that seems to have something evil trying to take it over. Shorelfon is intent on molding this boar into the bane of those cultist corruptors, a so-called felboar. So, the demon set will soon be complete :twisted:
AKA Nazthandol, in <Petopians> (US)

Cute doesn't need an explanation.

Avatar by LupisDarkmoon, and image caption by Kurasu. Thanks!

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I would like that ravager model you want, Cialbi, way better if it didn't have that funky red glow over its body. >_>

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Cialbi »

True; there's a green version and a purple version of that model and the red glowing eyes stand out better as well, if you want.
AKA Nazthandol, in <Petopians> (US)

Cute doesn't need an explanation.

Avatar by LupisDarkmoon, and image caption by Kurasu. Thanks!

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I know, I tamed the purple one for my single pet challenge. =P
I love my purple one.

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Re: Random "Pet Theme" Challenge

Unread post by Miraga »

Would Cyleine be able to get another go at this? :D

Level 80
No restrictions
4 free slots (that's all I can carry with me! lol)
Just had the reptile theme! :D
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