More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Vephriel »

Sasrei wrote: or being able to easily access a stable would be great to!
Actually, on that subject I'd love to see the return of the Call Stabled Pet ability. I know with being able to carry five pets with us it's not quite as necessary anymore, but I still have times where I realize I need a certain pet that's in the stables and would love to have that ability to swap them out again. I would see it being on a longer cooldown once more, but it would be very handy to have again regardless.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Ardha »

In my opinion, this game will be most enjoyable for the whole hunter´s community only when the conditions will be adjusted to satisfy the most demanding requirements. Then everyone can fit in, and there is no need for more modest users to utilize them all. Freedom without restrictions.

Personally I´d happily use more slots: I´m raiding rare pets collector, and I need to keep at stable not only rares, but common pets with different special abilities and different talent trees too. And it´s a bit tiresome to change it before every raid, just because I haven´t free spot at stable for the special case needed for only 1 boss, for instance. Nor enough time for it, some days.

Possible solutions: Blizz, give us another stable for dual spec. Or make possible to change pet talent trees without the need to visit a pet trainer. Or implement something like pet storage for not commonly used pets which people don´t want to abandon from some reasons, but not using them every day. Or give us the possibility to buy another stable slots. Or all the things together. :)
Or (maybe the best solution) - give us the same unlimited table for the pets like for companions and mounts. Then there all other demands for stable slots will be through forever. ;)
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

Ardha wrote:Possible solutions: implement something like pet storage for not commonly used pets which people don´t want to abandon from some reasons, but not using them every day. Or give us the possibility to buy another stable slots.
!! Future Blizz announcement: Void Storage is now available for hunter pets. With the additional expense of special pet crates for, you know, keeping living animals in the Void.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Atalanta »

I'd actually like to be able to carry more pets around with me, other than just five. As others have said in here, I don't see the difference in what Lilako stated about having more Stable slots on your main and leveling a new Hunter alt... that's still used space and holds no difference to having more slots on your main... but just my opinion. I think Blizzard know that the more pets they bring out, the harder it is for most Hunters to have to part with important pets to make room for the newer ones. I'm sure we'll get more space, eventually. :)

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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Erwin »

My stable was almost full but if I look at all those pets I realize that I only use the same 4-5. And I had all spirit beasts minus Karoma, and the only ones I really use are Skoll and Loque. So for me there's no really need.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by AzureWolf »

i haven't read it all, so i'm sure i'll get something wrong but... the only reason i'm still playing is to collect hunter pets and companion pets. i have alts of a diff class but they didn't get very far in the leveling stages without the hunter pets... it's ok saying get rid of the ones you don't use but, honestly.. i use them all. i get 5 out a day and swap everyday... i hate dungeons and stuff like that because of peoples attitudes and how shey speak to some people... i don't even have the right gear for the 85 ones... i have now run out of stable space except 1 so now i'm left with nothing to do after i get that darn bird from the deadmines, or nothing i want to do... i like the spiders and some took me AGES to get so when i had to abandon all of them, it was heatbreaking... all the hours wasted, time spent waiting for them and the tame and the feeling after a difficult tame... all gone. so why are they not made to choose between 25 mounts? or 25 companion pets?

making an Alt hunter is too time consuming, lvling, wasting time doing things again and again and again... more and more rude, ignorant individuals so contend with on alts... oh the joys :| :roll:

and if you are that sick of people asking for more space, doesn't that tell you there are more people wanting space rather than not? and i also don't think there is any need to get snappy and harsh about someones opinion! thats just rude :( which is the sole reason for hunter pets been the only enjoyable part of the game for me...

i kinda thought, coming to a forum like this, i would see less rudeness but, boy was i wrong...

and how would making an alt use less space than making a few more hunter slots??? an alt comes with 25 more slots, a 2nd lot of armor fr that hunter, a repeat of the companion pets, more weapons, more bank slots... but yes... you are right, all that would mean using less space on bliz side...
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

AzureWolf wrote:i haven't read it all, so i'm sure i'll get something wrong but...

i kinda thought, coming to a forum like this, i would see less rudeness but, boy was i wrong...
I recommend you read through all the posts.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by AzureWolf »

well, i read:
Lilako wrote:Short answer ... NO!
This must be the 50009 post asking for bigger stables, we don't need anything bigger then 25 .... 25 is big enough on its own to have the right pets for any situation. And as always think about how much space it would take up on Blizzard side .... They do need that space for other classes to ya know : / Oh and for new content, drops, mobs ... So on.
Hunters are not the only class in the game Blizzard was really kind to give us 25 slots in the first place I think instead of asking for more you should thank them and maybe make alts to tame any other pets.

And yes I am aware I have came off harsh but Im honestly getting sick of people asking for more god damn [...] stable slots >.<

Moderation note: Please be aware of the forum rules on word usage. In addition, please stop jumping down the throats of new people. A simple, 'hey, we've discussed this a lot and here's some links to ongoing threads' would do just fine. Or, you know, don't read the thread.
i agree with
Rorcanna wrote:
Lilako wrote:Short answer ... NO!
This must be the 50009 post asking for bigger stables, we don't need anything bigger then 25 .... 25 is big enough on its own to have the right pets for any situation. And as always think about how much space it would take up on Blizzard side .... They do need that space for other classes to ya know : / Oh and for new content, drops, mobs ... So on.
Hunters are not the only class in the game Blizzard was really kind to give us 25 slots in the first place I think instead of asking for more you should thank them and maybe make alts to tame any other pets.

And yes I am aware I have came off harsh but Im honestly getting sick of people asking for more god damn [...] stable slots >.<
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it of course, but some players don't play with the mindset of "my pets are for dps and dps only and I do not need anything else beyond that"...I'd say a lot of those playing hunters, feel something more for pets then that. And as far as space goes, that's not really a valid argument since only they know how much their servers can take and how much they can fit. Unless they say it's a space issue I don't see the use of speculating in it, and no use for the common player to claim to know wether or not that would be an issue.

We don't need a lot of things in this game. We could get by with one gryphon, one horse, one companion pet, 3 hunter pets and 1 look of armor if we wanted to save Blizzard space...but seriously, where would the fun be in that?

I won't excuse myself for making you feel sick either, because it's so easy to NOT get so worked up over these things. If they did add 10 more slots or even infinite storage for hunter pets, you'd be free not to use it wouldn't you? I also fail to see how stable slots can be retarded....but I'm noticing that's a favourite word of WoW players these days. It's so offensive to just throw it around really.

I'd like at least 10 more slots, even 5 would be great, for future rare additions.

Moderation note re: 'retarded' - Yup, which is why we don't use it here (and why it gets moderated when we do).

and was disgusted by and made comment on making alts and promptly stopped reading
Lilako wrote:Making me feel sick I just lol'ed c:
I don't get worked up I'm like most are getting pritty damn sick of seeing topics like this go make them in one place >.>
And yeah I care about my pets I kept my 5 from back in Wrath I never ditched em I kept em I use them, I still use them I spoil them I make healers CR them ... But I so don't care lawl.
I agree on 5 since 25 seems like a odd number so you could have 5 active and 25 stabled but people asking for loads more when they could easy enough make a alt ... No offence I collect pets to but guess what! I have alts for that! Lilako is pure pvp so why not collect rare pvp pets on her so I did. I have a pure pve hunter and again she has useful pve pets for raids etc. I honestly find 25 to much as it is since when it boils down to it I can collect a certain 'type' and still have room ... I have one alt hunter who has all the spiders and still had room left over for other pets I might later pick up.

Also playing BM yeah my pets ARE my DPS! Also one is my RP pet and another is my PvP pet and I even have 5 for random afking depanding on my city ... Geez I have a sporebat just as I find them cute ... Same with my fox.

and after reading the 1st few, i didn't wanna continue reading because i see this kinda thing while playing... i don't like seeing it while looking for help outside the game (as all i get in game are sarcastic comments). if it had been discussed before, why not link to the other posts that had been discussed (mods could have done that)? like re direct and i don't understand how mods could leave it there... true they edit it but really... does it look anybetter? and it just so happened it was the 1st one i opened up so to new commers, it makes the forum look like trash when the 1st thing you read is that... (i open in new tabs all the threads that may be of interest and it was the 1st i clicked on at the top)
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

I think you misunderstand me, AzureWolf. I meant all the posts in this particular thread, not all the different threads that have been made on this topic. If you ever Do bother to actually read the entirety of this thread, you will see that other than some of Lilako's posts, whose combative manner many other posters openly disagreed with, the rest of the comments have had a reasonable tone. If one negative person causes you to overlook everyone else who was positive, then maybe multi-player games aren't the best match for you.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by AzureWolf »

i HAVE read them and like i said... it was the 1st one i got to and i made the mistake of not reading on because i thought it was a wow away from wow. i mean after something like that, who would want to read on...

i am so close to quitting because of all the negitivity, greed, rudeness and all the people who think they are 'IT' when they are not. raids and bg and HC have turned from been fun to been too serious and stressful and the ONLY reason i still play is for the pets (which is what brought me to this thread).... which now i have run out of room for...

i was told this was a good, friendly place to come so i did... the fact is, unfriendly posts like that still remain there when other forums i've been on (non wow related) would have removed in in a blink (due to the nature, not just the words that was used) instead of just 'edit' so any new people will be able to view and make wrong jumps like i did...

i made a mistake and i'm sorry but usually when it starts that bad... it doesn't get any better (been lookin on wow forums for a while)...

back on topic, i'm in big favour of more stable slots... something like the way mounts are done would be good (yes i know it's a big ask but if mount collectors can have so many, why can't hunters right?)... endless supply
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Worba »

Rorcanna wrote:And as far as space goes, that's not really a valid argument since only they know how much their servers can take and how much they can fit. Unless they say it's a space issue I don't see the use of speculating in it, and no use for the common player to claim to know wether or not that would be an issue.
Actually space is a valid argument - blues already came out and said the keyrings were removed partly due to disk space shortage (with that being given as the first reason - freeing up the 0.2 inches on the player GUI being the second). :mrgreen:

And 25 is plenty imo - we got by on 5 for years, and had fever dreams of getting as much as 10. We rolled alts because we wanted more. I don't agree with the idea that every hunter should be able to store every (unique) rare.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Mychelle »

I personally think with the whole system coming out with the Void Storage deal thats basically promoting players to save up all their old junk, using the argument of "space is an issue" with Hunter stable pet slots is almost null and void because of such. Edit - Thats just my new opinion on it.

Want moar slots plz an thnku. =P

( that was almost painful to type...and twice as long to type normally. How in the world do people get used to that... )
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Ijomi »

If space were not an issue, we would all have infinite bags, infinite stacks, infinite everything. For myself, I'd rather they devote resources to goodies all classes can enjoy. We went from five slots to twenty-five in one expansion, I think it's on the players to prioritize which pets they like best. They have given us more than enough for the actual needs of the class....and we are just one class. It's unfair to compare it to Void Storage, because that benefits everyone.

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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Worba »

Mychelle wrote:I personally think with the whole system coming out with the Void Storage deal thats basically promoting players to save up all their old junk, using the argument of "space is an issue" with Hunter stable pet slots is almost null and void because of such.
Except when they removed keyrings they said it was to use the space for new features... and here it is - space re-routed for void storage! :)

Not the same as saying space is no longer an issue.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Void storage is for every class not just one. Stable slots are just for one class and we allready have enough slots allready we don't need anymore.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Mychelle »

Ijomi wrote:If space were not an issue, we would all have infinite bags, infinite stacks, infinite everything. For myself, I'd rather they devote resources to goodies all classes can enjoy. We went from five slots to twenty-five in one expansion, I think it's on the players to prioritize which pets they like best. They have given us more than enough for the actual needs of the class....and we are just one class. It's unfair to compare it to Void Storage, because that benefits everyone.
Well like I said, thats just my personal opinion on it. And I just cant really bring myself to feeling too bad about other classes not getting "toys to play with" as well when nearly every single class was designed around each one having their own special abilities to play with. Hunter pets just happen to be ours? At least our class didnt abuse (and yes I will say abuse when it comes to this mentioned time period) our abilities to spend nearly three weeks atually selling portals at 50g+ a pop JUST to get out of Dalaran. Everyone in their own unique class has things that no other class can do, or do as effectively. And I just support the one class I love getting more because I love it. Just like anyone else loving their favorite class would do. ( and not saying that those who disagree with having more stable slots dont love their class, but giving the benefit of the doubt of those of us wanting more stable slots because we equally love our class. Just a difference in opinions.) But again its all just based on personal opinion.

As far as key-rings go....Im not saying removing them DIDNT help with space. Im sure it did...some. I just cant bring myself to sit here and think "Well, one of the "MAIN" reasons we are having this new storage is because of key rings being removed." I still think they just removed it to remove it, because it wasnt actually benefitting the game anymore, thats all.
Last edited by Mychelle on Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Mychelle »

"This change could also potentially allow us to play around with the amount of default storage space you’re allotted down the road." - Which led me to believe that even if it did indeed help, I dont think the change was completely game-changing either. =P
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Worba »

Like the man said, removing keyrings is what created the potential for "exciting new features" that use the space for better purposes, e.g. which potential was realized as void storage. No keyrings = no potential, in his own words.

Also it should be stated that void storage is not game changing - remember it comes with all kinds of restrictions you don't have with bank tabs (e.g. being able to frequently / easily withdraw and deposit which the void vault gold charges are designed to drastically reduce, being able to preserve item buffs which void storage wipes etc). Void vaults are like mag tapes.
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Re: More stable slots? Please? Pwetty pwease?

Unread post by Mychelle »

Worba wrote:Like the man said, removing keyrings is what created the potential for "exciting new features" that use the space for better purposes, e.g. which potential was realized as void storage. No keyrings = no potential, in his own words.

Also it should be stated that void storage is not game changing - remember it comes with all kinds of restrictions you don't have with bank tabs (e.g. being able to frequently / easily withdraw and deposit which the void vault gold charges are designed to drastically reduce, being able to preserve item buffs which void storage wipes etc). Void vaults are like mag tapes.
Well when I used the reference of "game changing" I was comparing more to what the void storage system is in and of itself compared to the old keyrings. Basically that VS just is alot "MORE" then what keyrings I think were taking up space as. But really, to each their own.

Though in a completely different opinion, I think the thread itself here was based on people who actually wanted more stable slots...makes it unfun to comment and speculate in here with people coming in to state "No. And this why you cant have fun." When its something that wouldnt even change anyone elses game-play that -doesnt-want it. No, you cant have your parade, because its going to rain that day. Which is why Im going to quit responding to this thread since it really isnt that enjoyable to me personally.