How are you doing - Corona Thread

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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

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Perhaps you could record a message the nurses could play back to him so he can hear your voice?
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by Ana »

I dont think that would help..hubby would just worry about me m. I know him.. but good suggestion!' Just ly hubbys a little weird just like me.
I miss vil terribly. In almost 24 years this is the longest ive been without him...and hes "only " been gone since sunday evening... heh


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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

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Governor issued a stay at home order unless going to work (essential) or on an essential task (like getting groceries). I work in an essential business, so I'm still out in it basically.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

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*creeps out from wherever she's been existing for the past...year...I dunno. Kinda went poof for a bit, still not fully back anywhere atm*

Being an essential worker in these times is...straining/draining. Far to many people are still coming in to shop for their daily food/snack cravings/etc...non essential food shopping and its so very hard not to just yell at them for how stupid and irresponsible that is.
I am struggling to stay strong, to keep smiling and keep spirits keep this "mask" of the happy cashier. This isn't going to go away until people get it through their heads that this whole "Stay home unless absolutely necessary" applies to them as well.
I am stressed and trying to get through this on the front is taking some precautions, but I don't feel like it's near enough...but I really don't know how to make it better. I've had a hand in getting the ball rolling on several key areas to improve safety and sanitation, so that feels good seeing such things being taken seriously.

Thankfully my Hubby is only working 2 days a week, and is able to be there for the kids all week, and I am home the two days he's at work.

WoW is my escape from the stress, and I am glad my Dad is still playing and we can meet up in game and chat, and I have the piece of mind knowing he's doing ok through this as well. Aside from that, I am still pretty active on deviantart, with my pixel pets there.

so there's my peaking out of the nethers rambling.


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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

I got a small hazard pay bonus from my boss this pay period. She didn't have to do it, and she's a small business so it's not like she's rolling in money. I really appreciate that she knows we're working in dangerous circumstances and cares enough to give us what extra she can.

That said, cases in my area are climbing. It's getting scarier and scarier.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by Ana »

Se got tested for corona today because we have had flue symptoms for over a week


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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

We don't even have enough supplies in the USA to get tests for priority people, much less the random testing that should be going on as well. I'm trying not to get too worked up about officials making decisions based on politics rather than sound public health policy.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

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I am really getting worked up about our politics in the US getting in the way of the public health. I can only watch the news for a few minutes or I get too stressed out. I'm worried it'll interfere with voting in November. Even with my health problems if I can't get an absentee one I think I'll still go. My grandpop fought the nazis, saw the aftermath of what they did to London and ended up getting shot down and luckily rescued by a submarine. I really have no right to sit at home while there's one in the white house.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by Ana »

We tested negativ for corona which is good. Just have to shake this flu


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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

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Good news on not being positive. Get well soon.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by Noguchi »

The wife and i have been dealing with it as best as we can. We are both essential workers and have to work during all this but we are taking it serious and being cautious, etc. She is currently out on a ship right now for work and should be back in a couple of weeks and luckily i only work like 3 days a week so the rest of the time im at home just listening to new music and doing my weekly podcasts.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by Ana »

Hubbys foot is healing nicely but still slow.
Denmark have opened up a lot now. Still restrictions on how many you can be but its expected that they will raise the number soon


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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

It was easier to take quarantine when we could still go on (physically distanced) walks every day. Now we have heat advisories with the heat index over 40 celsius. One of our major purchases the last few years was a treadmill, so I can still get the miles in, but it's not the same.

An older relative of mine was hospitalized with liver failure today. Can't go and see her of course.

Our morgues here are filling up because of idiot politicians.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

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I wish I had a treadmill. I enjoy running. The high heat and humidity make it impossible, however.

We have customers at work who refuse to wear a mask, which is fine if they agree to do curbside service. We have some though, that come in despite being told specifically not to.
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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

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Denmark is very open now but husband and I are still very cautious. Husband foot is doing better and maybe he be able to start rehab after his heart surgnext month.
He should have started right after the surgery but due to the wounds he has not been able to. His heart is still pumping under 35 % even after a 4 double bypass. But we hope it go up after rehab.
We still stay home because we are both in the high risk group.


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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by Lupis »

Sighs... Michigan is up in cases, and my city is now considered high risk. I remember when I thought things might be okay again by April- it's looking like I won't be able to go see friends or go shopping for anything but groceries for the rest of the year.

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Re: How are you doing - Corona Thread

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

It feels so crazy here in the Houston area, that we're probably not even going to go in the grocery store for a while--order online and have them bring it out to the car.
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