Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

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Re: Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

Unread post by aed71689 »

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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Re: Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

Unread post by Rarako »

Oh! Oh! if you have the black skinned tiger name it Tav! That was the name of mine when I first tamed it way long back in the day, or Shale ( Shail) always thought that name sounded feline like. Just through letters together until you find something that sounds good to you, that's what I do at least (Meza, Harun, Zear, Baruka, Lalayin, etc.).


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Re: Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

Unread post by aed71689 »

I tamed it, and I'll name it Tav, in honor of you. Oh, and I just tamed the Clutchmother, whom I'll name Shale. ^_^

With that being said, I want to thank everyone who has posted in this thread. To be honest, Wowhead has some jerks, and some people don't really give a lot of feedback; that's why I decided to post my questions here, because after reading some threads, it seems like this community enjoys helping others (Wowhead is great, but there's a few jerks lurking around).

Until next time, friends! :D
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Re: Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

Unread post by Foru21dr »

I also like the thrill of going for the rares. My heart starts going when I hear NPC scan go off. Granted no one else knows you got that rare unless it's skin is unique, but just knowing you have it along with the thrill of the tame makes up for it.

I do though keep the names of the rares that I get. To me since they already have a name, my character thinks they should keep it.
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Re: Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

Unread post by Sasrei »

Hmm I think I enjoy looking for rares because of the thrill of the hunt, and unique skins are always nice just because it's well unique lol.
Also tamed some hard to tame ones like King Mosh and King Dred just because.. I was bored :lol:
In my stables all my pets are unique skins and rares, mostly cause I liked their skin and that is the best reason why to have a pet :)
I actually had this thing where I wanted to tame all the rares in Wow.. got to 30 and then stopped because I really.. dislike the spiders (they scare me for some reason :lol: Terror spinner made me cringe, he is so big! omg!) but I am glad you found two you like. Test them out and see if they work out for you, blizzard isnt making cata come soon enough so unfortunately 5 slots is all we have right now. But I actually really like the White Tigers, ghost saber, and Rakshiri. My favourite cat skin would be Araga though, come Cata she'll be back home where she belongs :)


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Re: Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

Unread post by deadman »

Somewhat on topic question for everyone ^^;;

Does anyone here happen to have a ghost worm? I'm planning on dropping my Gondria for one before Cataclysm is released just in case the "bug" that is required to tame one is "fixed".

Before anyone asks "WTF is a ghost worm?", there is a way to obtain a transparent jormungar in the Storm Peaks.
The model is http://www.wowhead.com/npc=30423. It's the same as the most common Northrend worm skin but transparent like the Ghost Saber cat model.

It's a little tricky to get one, as you need to have decent Sons of Hodir rep and access to the quest "Feeding Arngrim" http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13046

The quest has you use a quest item on the Roaming Jormungar in the area, which changes them into "Disembodied Jormungar". The "bug" is that if you use the item on one, then tame it, the tamed pet retains the ghosty appearance of the "Disembodied Jormungar"! TBH, I had one for a while, but had to drop it to make room for a wasp for raiding (O_o I know, non-wolf for raids!?! lol I actually succeeded in convincing my guild leader that it was in fact a raid dps increase for me to bring a wasp when we didn't have a druid to keep up FF, which happened a lot due to a lack of druid mains ^^;;)

I would be willing to bet that throughout the entire WoW system, the ghost worm would have to be the rarest unique skin of a tamed pet. ^_^ My dilemma is whether to drop my Gondria (which I just happened to grab while doing dailies) to make room to make sure I don't lose the chance to have one if they patch it so it doesn't work anymore. Is it worth it in your opinions?

edit: I should mention that this thing looks AMAZING while swimming, and that is one of the selling points for me given how much known content for Cataclysm will be underwater. ^^
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Re: Rare Pets: Your Thoughts

Unread post by Saturo »

The ghostsaber hasn't been patched. Unless you just want a ghostworm for it's looks or something, they are VERY unlikely to latch this.

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